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2301 J St, Ste 100 (8 771,10 km)
Сакраменто, Калифорния, Соединённые Штаты Америки 95816
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This hurts.
Under the orders of Governor, Gavin Newsom, we must temporarily close. Again.…
This hurts because it's the holidays, and we have already been forced to close completely 7 months this year.
We have canceled all appointments through December. Many people have reached out asking how they can help. It is touching how the community has supported us. Thank you. We appreciate you! It is not easy times, but we will get through this. When we can, will be here to do what we do best- Keeping you feeling young, relieving old aches, and preventing future injury..
Our goal is to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our clients and staff at Sacramento Massage Studio as well as our community at large.
Eases Inflammation – Deep tissue massage increases blood flow in the body which in turn reduces inflammation. Chronic muscle inflammation can damage muscle tissue over time. (Although short bursts of it such as after working out or receiving a deep tissue massage can be beneficial)…
📸 - Photo Cred: Gary Ashley

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