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Caribbean Therapeutic Massage, Луисвилл: отзывы
Экономьте свои деньги! Мы ищем самые низкие цены на отели более чем на 200 сайтах.
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3415 Bardstown Rd Ste 300, Луисвилл, KY 40218-4605
115Других достопримечательностейна расстоянии 10 км
Lindsey P написал(а) отзыв дек. 2015 г.
Я был в городе для отдыха и планирую последний предродовой массаж с Мерседес. Индивидуальный подход и заботу, и они были для меня, был восхитительным. У меня было много массажа, и этот определенно потребовалось место наверху. Я настоятельно рекомендую!!
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Louisville Acupuncture Clinic – Are You Ready for a Change?
You’re likely here right now because you’re ready to experience greater physical or emotional health. Maybe you struggle with chronic aches and pains, you’re finding it difficult to turn your mind off and deeply relax in your life, or your metabolism just isn’t what it used to be. Maybe you could use more energy, joy, and balance in your daily life.
If you’re like many of our patients, you’re seeking an alternative or complement to conventional medicine. You want to get to the root cause of your health problems– not just put a temporary bandage on them. Perhaps Western medicine hasn’t been the answer for you.
Our acupuncture practice has helped many people just like you.
We understand that health is so much more than the absence of disease. Your health is the most precious asset you have. There is nothing more important than getting proactive about your health, investing in your well-being, and choosing a lifestyle that fosters longevity and vitality.
Our mission at Common Ground Wellness and Louisville Acupuncture Clinic is to provide compassionate and effective holistic healthcare. We offer customized treatments as well as patient education and empowerment backed by years of experience in complementary and alternative medicine modalities.
Are you ready to feel better and take your health to the next level? Great! We are here to help.
Conditions Treated
with Acupuncture
What does acupuncture treat?
What to Expect
What happens during an acupuncture treatment?
Benefits of Acupuncture
 How does acupuncture work?

Chinese Medicine
What are moxibustion, cupping, and herbal formulas?
I would like to think that we all know “the struggle is real” at times, and it can deplete us or our energy, hope, and all the light around us. My husband and I were on a wild fertility journey with no concrete reason for why things weren’t working out in our favor. Long story short, Shelby with Common Ground Wellness not only rekindled my joy but she brought years of experience, knowledge and comfort into each one of my appointments with her. Since my journey was not something I was ready to share with my family and friends at the time, I was beyond grateful to find out that her services went well beyond traditional acupuncture and supplements. Yes, she checked those boxes but she was also an additional support system both emotionally and logistically during that trying time. Fertility in my experience can be a fickle thing and the value and comfort that Shelby provided was incomparable to anything else. If you have an open mind and are interested in an alternative method or are seeking to complement conventional medicine (like I did) with your fertility journey I encourage you to reach out to Common Ground Wellness.
There is no better time than now
to feel better!
7410 New LaGrange Rd. #207
Louisville, KY 40222
By appointment only:
Monday: 9:30a-6:30p
Tuesday: 9:30a-6:30p
Wednesday: 11a-7:30p
Thursday: 9:30a-5:30p
Friday: 11:30a-6:30p
Saturday: 10a-4:30p
Sunday: 10a-4:30p
Copyright 2017 - Common Ground Wellness - Louisville Acupuncture Clinic | All Rights Reserved
We hope you are all staying safe and well.
In support of physical distancing and social connection, Common Ground Wellness is offering Telehealth services.
Working with you via Telehealth allows us to work with new and current patients in their health goals.
If you wish to receive Chinese Medicine services for your fertility, digestion, anxiety, sleep, hormonal balance, pain, immunity, stress management and much more… we are still here to serve you!
Our fabulous Acupuncturists are offering all sessions via Telehealth at this time.
We recognize this may be new to you and you will have questions. Please know we are here for you and ready to assist you during this time of great need.
There is much to do in this in between time as we prepare to return to our new normal. Much can be achieved to help you reach your goals with Telehealth!
If you have questions, please call or email the clinic. You are also encouraged to book your Telehealth appointment online.

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