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Cleveland restaurants such as Red Barn, Kenny Kings, Manners Big Boy, Sno-White Donuts might be long gone, but they live on in the collective memory.
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Organ Grinder in late 70s-early 80s: For anyone wondering, Dennis Hedberg, owner of the Organ Grinder, collected rare sounds and sets of pipes for the Organ Grinder organ, which eventually
The Denver Drumstick restaurant. had a train that went all around the top of walls inside the seating area....great homemade fried chicken! fun place as a child...b♡
Famous for its Horrible Burgers, Kilted Tacos, Hollywood Cokes and Sloppy Malts, the Scotchman Motor Restaurant served the Denver area from 1949 to 1977.
Love looking back at some of your favorite places in SoCal that no longer exist? Then take a look at these 10 places and you'll start to feel nostalgic in no time.
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