Backpage Bremen Georgia

Backpage Bremen Georgia


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Location in Haralson County and the state of Georgia
Bre­men (/ˈbriːmən/ BREE-mən)[5] is a city in Har­al­son and Car­roll coun­ties, Geor­gia, United States. As of the 2010 cen­sus, the city had a pop­u­la­tion of 6,227,[6] up from 4,579 at the 2000 cen­sus. Most of the city is in Har­al­son County, with a small por­tion in Car­roll County.
Fulltime Families: Bremen, GA Jellystone Park Recap
NS New York Central Heritage SD70ACe #1066 leads #703 at Bremen, Georgia - 7/22/12
Rocky Branch Railroad and Old West Ghost Town Bremen Georgia
Rolling thru Bremen, Georgia on Amtrak's Crescent
Bre­men is lo­cated in south­ern Har­al­son County and north­ern Car­roll County at 33°42′57″N 85°8′50″W / 33.71583°N 85.14722°W (33.715933, -85.147213).[7] U.S. Route 78 passes through the cen­ter of the city, lead­ing east 6 miles (10 km) to Tem­ple and west 9 miles (14 km) to Tal­lapoosa. U.S. Route 27 passes through the west­ern part of the city, lead­ing north 45 miles (72 km) to Rome and south 53 miles (85 km) to La­Grange. In­ter­state 20 passes through the south­ern part of the city, lead­ing east 46 miles (74 km) to At­lanta and west 100 miles (160 km) to Birm­ing­ham, Al­abama.
Ac­cord­ing to the United States Cen­sus Bu­reau, Bre­men has a total area of 10.5 square miles (27.3 km2), of which 0.027 square miles (0.07 km2), or 0.27%, is water.[8]
This re­gion ex­pe­ri­ences hot and wet sum­mers with rainy days. Ac­cord­ing to the Köppen Cli­mate Clas­si­fi­ca­tion sys­tem, Bre­men has a humid sub­trop­i­cal cli­mate (Köppen Cfa).
There are cool win­ters dur­ing which in­tense rain­fall oc­curs.
Snow in Bre­men is pos­si­ble in win­ter months due to the higher lat­i­tude.
At the 2000 cen­sus,[3] there were 4,579 peo­ple, 1,824 house­holds and 1,245 fam­i­lies re­sid­ing in the city. The pop­u­la­tion den­sity was 515.7 per square mile (199.1/km2). There were 1,978 hous­ing units at an av­er­age den­sity of 222.8 per square mile (86.0/km2). The racial makeup of the city was 88.53% White, 9.54% African Amer­i­can, 0.22% Na­tive Amer­i­can, 0.74% Asian, 0.24% from other races, and 0.72% from two or more races. His­panic or Latino peo­ple of any race were 0.87% of the pop­u­la­tion.
There were 1,824 house­holds, of which 32.6% had chil­dren under the age of 18 liv­ing with them, 51.0% were mar­ried cou­ples liv­ing to­gether, 13.7% had a fe­male house­holder with no hus­band pre­sent, and 31.7% were non-fam­i­lies. 28.6% of all house­holds were made up of in­di­vid­u­als, and 13.8% had some­one liv­ing alone who was 65 years of age or older. The av­er­age house­hold size was 2.43 and the av­er­age fam­ily size was 2.98.
Age dis­tri­b­u­tion was 25.5% under the age of 18, 8.0% from 18 to 24, 28.5% from 25 to 44, 20.0% from 45 to 64, and 18.1% who were 65 years of age or older. The me­dian age was 37 years. For every 100 fe­males, there were 85.5 males. For every 100 fe­males age 18 and over, there were 81.4 males.
The me­dian house­hold in­come $29,354, and the me­dian fam­ily in­come was $39,674. Males had a me­dian in­come of $32,500 ver­sus $20,823 for fe­males. The per capita in­come for the city was $16,833. About 6.2% of fam­i­lies and 10.3% of the pop­u­la­tion were below the poverty line, in­clud­ing 7.8% of those under age 18 and 12.8% of those age 65 or over.
Holly Springs Primitive Baptist church is known for biannual all-day Sacred Harp singings.
Bre­men is the home of Hugh Mc­Graw, a noted scholar of Amer­i­can hymnody and the fore­most ex­pert in and pro­moter of the Sa­cred Harp tra­di­tion of shape note singing. The Sa­cred Harp Pub­lish­ing Com­pany, which Mc­Graw led from 1958–2002, is lo­cated in nearby Car­roll­ton.[11] Holly Springs Prim­i­tive Bap­tist Church, which holds an an­nual two-day Sa­cred Harp singing con­ven­tion in June and an-all day singing in No­vem­ber, is lo­cated in Bremen.[12] The Church at Chapel­hill meets at Mill Town Music Hall on Sun­day at 11am.[13]
Prior to the early 18th cen­tury, Bre­men and most of Geor­gia were home to Amer­i­can In­di­ans be­long­ing to a south­east­ern al­liance known as the Creek Con­fed­er­acy. The pre­sent day Creek Na­tion, also known as the Musko­gee, were the major tribe in that al­liance. Ac­cord­ing to Creek tra­di­tions, the Creek Con­fed­er­acy mi­grated to the south­east­ern United States from the South­west. The con­fed­er­acy was prob­a­bly formed as a de­fense against other large groups to the north. The name "Creek" came from the short­en­ing of "Ocheese Creek" In­di­ans, a name given by the Eng­lish to the na­tive peo­ple liv­ing along the Ocheese Creek (or Oc­mul­gee River). In time, the name was ap­plied to all groups of the Creek Con­fed­er­acy.
Railroad tracks along Tallapoosa Street in downtown Bremen
The town of Kramer was in­cor­po­rated on Sep­tem­ber 5, 1883, and given the name Bre­men. It was orig­i­nally named for a Ger­man im­mi­grant who owned a local vine­yard but the name was changed at Kramer's re­quest to honor the city of Bre­men, Ger­many.
Bre­men's econ­omy was given a sig­nif­i­cant boost when the Chat­tanooga, Rome and Colum­bus Rail­road was built, in­ter­sect­ing the Geor­gia Pa­cific at Bre­men. This and other cir­cum­stances have helped Bre­men to grow from a sim­ple rail­road junc­tion set­tled by Ger­man im­mi­grants to the largest town in Har­al­son County.
The Bre­men City School Dis­trict pro­vides ed­u­ca­tion for pre-school to grade twelve, con­sist­ing of three el­e­men­tary schools, a mid­dle school and a high school.[14] The dis­trict has 96 full-time teach­ers and over 1,575 students.[15]
Hig­gins Gen­eral Hos­pi­tal be­came af­fil­i­ated with Tan­ner Health Sys­tem in 1998. The 25-bed crit­i­cal ac­cess hos­pi­tal re­cently un­der­went an ex­ten­sive $7.5 mil­lion ren­o­va­tion and ex­pan­sion and of­fers its com­mu­nity in­pa­tient as well as out­pa­tient med­ical ser­vices in­clud­ing a 24-hour Emer­gency De­part­ment, same-day surgery, lithotripsy, and a wide range of out­pa­tient ser­vices.
It was orig­i­nally named Bre­men Gen­eral Hos­pi­tal when it opened on Jan­u­ary 3, 1955.[16] The name was changed to Hig­gins Gen­eral Hos­pi­tal on May 1, 1973 in recog­ni­tion of the work and ded­i­ca­tion of its chair­man, S.O. (Samuel) Hig­gins, Sr.
The De­cem­ber 2009 cost of liv­ing index in Bre­men was 81.9 (low, com­pared with the U.S. av­er­age of 100).
The Bre­men Towne Fes­ti­val is an an­nual event held on the third Sat­ur­day in Oc­to­ber each year and is spon­sored by the GFWC Geor­gia Bre­men Ju­nior Woman's Club.
All ball fields are avail­able for rent by in­di­vid­u­als, groups or or­ga­ni­za­tions. Fields are also avail­able to rent for pri­vate tour­na­ments. This com­plex pro­vides park­ing space, play­grounds, bat­ting cages, full con­ces­sions and re­strooms. The Com­mu­nity Cen­ter is also lo­cated within the con­fines of this com­plex.
The Sports Com­plex con­tains the fol­low­ing fields:
Bre­men Fire Res­cue is lo­cated at 516B Tal­lapoosa Street East in Bre­men. It op­er­ates one 1500 GPM en­gine, one 1250 GPM re­serve en­gine, one 75’ lad­der truck, and one staff car. BFR op­er­ates with three fire­fight­ers per shift on a 24-hour ro­ta­tion, 365 days a year. Bre­men Fire Res­cue cur­rently em­ploys ten full-time ca­reer fire­fight­ers and two part-time per­son­nel. The de­part­ment re­ceives mu­tual aid from Har­al­son County Fire De­part­ment and Car­roll County Fire Res­cue. Bre­men is lo­cated within both coun­ties. Bre­men also re­ceives mu­tual aid from the City of Car­roll­ton Fire De­part­ment Lad­der 21. BFR is a mem­ber of the West Geor­gia Haz-Mat Team, which is sta­tioned at Car­roll­ton Fire De­part­ment, sta­tion num­ber 21.
BFR pro­vides many non-emer­gency ser­vices to the pub­lic, in­clud­ing fire ex­tin­guisher train­ing, pub­lic ed­u­ca­tion classes, sta­tion tours, blood pres­sure checks, fire in­spec­tions, and smoke de­tec­tor checks and in­stal­la­tion. Bre­men Fire Res­cue also op­er­ates a vol­un­teer unit (C.E.R.T. TEAM) ti­tled B.E.R.T. (Bre­men Emer­gency Re­sponse Team).
Bre­men Fire Res­cue re­sponds to a wide array of calls, in­clud­ing all fire calls, emer­gency med­ical calls, ve­hi­cle ac­ci­dents, en­trap­ments, haz­ardous ma­te­ri­als in­ci­dents, gas leaks, nat­ural dis­as­ters, alarms at res­i­den­tial, com­mer­cial, and in­dus­trial build­ings, and car­bon monox­ide alarms.
^ "2019 U.S. Gazetteer Files". United States Census Bureau. Retrieved July 9, 2020.
^ a b "Population and Housing Unit Estimates". United States Census Bureau. May 24, 2020. Retrieved May 27, 2020.
^ a b "U.S. Census website". United States Census Bureau. Retrieved 2008-01-31.
^ "US Board on Geographic Names". United States Geological Survey. 2007-10-25. Retrieved 2008-01-31.
^ Krakow, Kenneth (August 1994). Georgia Place Names (2nd ed.). Macon, Georgia: Winship Press. p. 25. ISBN 0-915430-00-2.
^ Bureau, U. S. Census. "American FactFinder - Results". Archived from the original on 2020-02-12. Retrieved 2019-06-10.
^ "US Gazetteer files: 2010, 2000, and 1990". United States Census Bureau. 2011-02-12. Retrieved 2011-04-23.
^ "Geographic Identifiers: 2010 Demographic Profile Data (G001): Bremen city, Georgia". U.S. Census Bureau, American Factfinder. Archived from the original on February 12, 2020. Retrieved July 18, 2014.
^ "Bremen,OR". December 2020. Retrieved 25 December 2020.
^ "Census of Population and Housing". Retrieved June 4, 2015.
^ "About the Company," Sacred Harp Publishing Company, accessed April 29, 2014,
^ "Annual Sacred Harp Singings: 2014 Directory," ed. Annie Grieshop, accessed April 29, 2014,
^ "Chapelhill Church".
^ Georgia Board of Education[permanent dead link], Retrieved May 31, 2010.
^ School Stats, Retrieved May 31, 2010.
^ Bremen Bi-centennial History Committee (1976). The History of Bremen, Georgia 1883-1976. City of Bremen.
^ 1938 United States gubernatorial elections
Municipalities and communities of Haralson County, Georgia, United States
‡This populated place also has portions in an adjacent county or counties
Municipalities and communities of Carroll County, Georgia, United States
‡This populated place also has portions in an adjacent county or counties
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