Babysitting And Babymaking

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by curiosity | Jan 28, 2015 | Blog , Family | 5 comments
My son, Craig, and his husband, Matt will soon be parents! It’s an incredibly exciting time for these two men, both of whom knew they wanted children but didn’t know if the dream could ever happen for them. They’re not the first gay couple to have children – thousands have blazed this trail before them (hurray!) – but their circumstances are a little unusual: Matt’s sister, Laura, is their gestational* surrogate. Laura and her husband, Tim, live in South Carolina with their three young children: Hadley (4), Locklyn (3) and Thatcher (18 months). On top of raising three active toddlers, Laura is an elementary school teacher. The surrogacy is her fourth pregnancy.
Naturally, many people are curious about the process and the pregnancy, and they ask lots of questions of Craig, Matt and Laura. All three answer as honestly as they can, and are happy to share the parts that are comfortable for them. As most of us haven’t been – and most likely won’t go – down the surrogacy road, they’ve opened up about their joint decision to have a child and all the choices they’ve made along the way.
Here’s the first of a two-part article on the path to parenthood. Part 1 – Laura weighs in. Part 2 – an interview with the dads-to-be.
What was your motivation for deciding to be a surrogate for your brother and his husband? 
To give Matt and Craig a family and for them to experience the love and joys (and chaos) of parenthood.
Did you offer or did the guys ask you? Can you describe how the arrangement was decided?
I think I offered after my first or second pregnancy (must have been the postpartum – haha!), but we all had a serious discussion via Skype when I was pregnant with my third.
Did you have any concerns, fears or second thoughts going into this?
Yes, yes, and yes, just like with any pregnancy. Matt and Craig have been very thorough with laying out the plan – Matt is a lawyer after all – and making sure that all parties involved know what to expect.
What’s been the best part of the experience so far?
Best part 1: Seeing the excitement in Matt and Craig and having the opportunity to be such a close and involved part of it. And they’ve come for more visits, which is awesome! Best part 2: Seeing how involved Tim is in the process. He has come to all the major ultrasounds to support me and help Skype in Matt and Craig.
Have there been any surprises – with the process, the pregnancy, how you’re feeling about it all?
It was surprising to be pregnant, yet have nothing to do as far as preparing for a newborn; it is surreal, but very nice. Also, I was surprised with the whole fertility process and all that is involved. I learned a lot about the struggles families face when dealing with infertility and what some women have to do in order to get pregnant.
What questions do you get asked most often about your pregnancy? And how do you respond? 
The most common question is, “Are you going to feel sad about giving up the baby?” My usual response is something like this, “I’ve never viewed this as my baby, but an extended babysitting service for my brother and his husband. The baby just happens to be very, very young and need constant supervision!” So I don’t think I will feel sad about giving the baby up, because it was not mine to begin with.
A babysitter is actually excited when her “shift” is over. And if there are issues of feeling sad that can come with any pregnancy, Matt and Craig will help me deal with it and I will seek professional help. Sorry that was a bit long-winded, but it is a very loaded question. Also, Tim and I are just excited not to have another newborn: we’ve had three kids since Hadley’s birth in December 2010, and we just want to enjoy them!
The second question I get asked a lot is, “Oh, so your brother’s wife can’t have children?” And I usually respond with, “ Well, my brother’s husband can’t have children on his own, so I’m their oven.”
How is this pregnancy different from your previous three? 
Besides the obvious – no preparation for a newborn needed – the only other difference is giving updates to Matt and Craig. Also, maybe it’s the fourth pregnancy, my aging body, or the household of three toddlers, but I am constantly tired!
Also, a major difference has been Tim’s health. He recently has had a lot of back problems. He is usually Superman around the house, and it’s been a struggle for him to take it easy, but very necessary. We’ve had to call in the grandparents to help us out.
How have you explained the pregnancy to your three young children? Have they been curious? 
We started the discussion with Hadley and Locklyn right when the whole process started before I was actually pregnant. We just started talking about all the loving couples that we know who have babies and children, and just asked them, “shouldn’t Matt and Craig have a baby?” They of course responded with “ yes!” Then when I became pregnant and started to show, Tim and I told them that this was not our baby in mommy’s belly for our home, but a baby for Matt and Craig’s home. The baby would be another cousin for them to love and play with like their other three cousins.
They started calling the baby,“ cousin baby.” Hadley kisses my belly when she comes home and when she goes to sleep says “night, night cousin baby,” and sometimes Locklyn follows suit. Locklyn will sometimes put a small toy or block under my shirt and say it’s for the baby. Tim and I keep an open dialogue with them and are constantly asking them questions to make sure they know what will be happening when “the baby is big enough to come out of mommy’s belly.” Thatcher just likes to roll all over my belly when he’s trying to fall asleep. He’s too young to really understand yet.
Your husband Tim’s support through this is obviously so important. How has he coped with everything? 
Tim has been very supportive, coming to the ultrasounds and when the process first started, helping with administering the medicines/drugs. I’m sure he will appreciate having all of his wife back when this process is done, and not having to share me with his new nephew/niece.
What would you imagine to be the best relationship you can have with this child – your nephew or niece?
I want the baby growing up to know his/her “southern state side” family very well. And I would like to know the baby very well, too. I hope for many visits both ways and regular Skype sessions.
What would you say to other women considering being a gestational surrogate? 
Recently someone said, “oh, I was thinking about doing that” when talking about being a gestational carrier, and my first thought was “oh if you only knew!” But really it’s only several months of my life that I’m helping out, which seems so minimal to the lifetime of happiness it will bring to Matt and Craig and all family members involved. It’s a family legacy we are all involved in and helping create for generations to come! It’s so much bigger than just me!
*Gestational surrogate: a pregnancy resulting from the transfer of an embryo created by in vitro fertilization (IVF). The resulting child is genetically unrelated to the surrogate. 
Part two next week: Matt and Craig talk about making parenthood a reality.
I love this article! How wonderful they must all feel. Good luck to you all; that baby will be the happiest kid alive, having so many people that love him or her.
I am very happy for Matthew & Craig & I think Laura & Tim are an awesome couple.
I agree with Gail.How wonderful of Laura and Tim.
Such an awesome gift
I am truly happy and excited for Matt and Craig.
xo Wendy
Thanks,Wendy! How does “Great Aunt” sound to you? xo
Love your post Tracy. I think it is fantastic that a sisters love has extended to far.
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Written & Illustrated by Matthew Taylor
If you're starting out babysitting, then the following printable resources will be super-useful.
Simply download, and print them whenever you need! You don't need to fill in any forms. Everything is free.
Jump down to the printables you're looking for:
Plus, check out our guide on how to create a babysitting binder to hold spare copies of everything.
These forms make it super easy to capture important information from the families you work for.
When arriving at a babysitting job, ask the parents to fill out their details in this handy form so all their contact information, plus important details about the children, is in one place.
Put it on the fridge or kitchen table so you know exactly where it is in an emergency. After the job, keep it in your babysitting binder for future jobs with the family.
Free Download (parent-details-form-v2.pdf 36kb)
When babysitting children with special needs use our custom form to capture useful information from parents.
Learn more by reading our guide: How to babysit autistic children .
Free Download (special-needs-child-details-form.pdf 49kb)
Never forget anything important again by following our various checklists specifically designed for babysitters.
If you're attending babysitting job interviews then make sure you follow our handy checklist so you don't forget to bring anything important.
Free Download (babysitting-interview-checklist.pdf 24kb)
It's important when attending a babysitting interview to ask parents the right questions that show you are experienced and that you are interested in the job.
Download this checklist of our top 20 questions to ask parents and take it with you to your interview.
Read our article: What should babysitters ask parents for more details.
Free Download (questions-babysitters-should-ask-parents.pdf 49kb)
Use our babysitting checklist and never forget to take essential items on your babysitting jobs.
Read the full article for even more details.
Free Download (what-to-bring-on-a-babysitting-job-checklist.pdf 32kb)
We've created a handy bath time checklist that you can print and keep a copy in your babysitting binder . It includes:
Free Download (babysitting-bath-time-checklist-v3.pdf 58kb)
Print out our handy beach babysitting checklist to keep in your babysitting binder so you always have this information at your finger tips.
Free Download (babysitting-babysitting-checklist.pdf 57kb)
Follow the important steps when babysitting children with autism to make sure your job funs as smoothly as possible.
Free Download (babysitting-autistic-children-checklist.pdf 104kb)
These guides step you through some of the most common babysitting tasks that you will come across on the job.
Download our printable guide to changing diapers and keep a copy in your babysitting binder , so you always have it with you while you're on the job.
Free Download (how-to-change-a-diaper.pdf 251kb)
Download our printable guide to making, and storing, baby formula and keep a copy in your babysitting binder , so you can refer to it while you're on the job.
Free Download (baby-formula-guide.pdf 69kb)
Download and print out this guide to take with you when posting babysitting flyers around your neighborhood.
Create your own custom posters with our free babysitting flyer maker .
Download Checklist (babysitting-flyers-checklist.pdf 14kb)
Just in case a child you're babysitting becomes sick, print off this checklist so you know exactly what to do.
Free Download (babysitting-sick-kids-checklist.pdf 37kb)
We have several other downloadable documents to help you with babysitting.
Download our printable contact list of emergency numbers and keep a copy in your babysitting binder so you have it with you whenever you're on the job.
Download the right one for your country:
The US (emergency-numbers-us-v2.pdf 32kb)
Canada (emergency-numbers-canada-v2.pdf 64kb)
The UK (emergency-numbers-uk.pdf 27kb)
Australia (emergency-numbers-australia.pdf 32kb)
New Zealand (emergency-numbers-new-zealand.pdf 32kb)
Learn about the other emergency numbers you need to know so you can collect them too.
Make your own custom babysitting flyers with our free poster creation tool.
Multiple templates and 45+ images to choose from.
Make your own custom babysitting business cards with our free tool.
We have four templates, multiple color backgrounds, and 45+ exciting images to choose from.
It only takes a couple of minutes to do!
We have a selection of beautiful Kidsit babysitting coupons that are free to download and print out whenever you need them, they come in full color, light coloring, and black & white.
Simply fill one out when needed and give it to a family as a superb gift! Learn more about the benefits of babysitting for free .
Download Free Coupons (babysitting-coupons.pdf 78kb)
Download these free kids activity sheets to entertain children that you're babysitting. You can print as many copies as you like.
My daughter, Sylvie, invented this game and it's so fun to play. Simply download the PDF, print out the three pages, and cut out the cards to setup the game. Setup is a fun DIY activity in itself.
The aim of the game is to be the first person to spell 'daloodoo' or 'win' to win the game! It's perfect for 2 to 6 players and you can play in teams too. Instructions are included. Have fun!! :)
Oh, if you play the game and have any feedback please contact me and I'll pass the details on to Sylvie, she'll love to hear your thoughts!
This book is like nothing you have ever seen before! Every coloring page is a kid's drawing so this book has been made by kids for kids . There are over 30 pages to choose from with a wide variety of subjects such as rockets, food, ninjas, animals, boats, monsters, and more. There is definitely something for every taste.
I want to thank my three kids; Sylvie, Arlo, and Summer for their beautiful drawings, they did an amazing job and they deserve all the credit for this amazing book! Happy coloring, everyone!
Download Coloring Book (kids-colouring-book.pdf 1.1MB)
Download the Kidsit Find-a-word activity book and bring print-outs to your babysitting jobs to help entertain the children in your care. You can print as many copies as you like for free!
Each page has a different fun theme such as, wild animals, magic, sports, space, games, and more!
Free Download (find-a-word.pdf 540kb)
This handy printable document contains our full playdough recipe, advanced recipe ideas, storage instructions, and answers to the most commonly asked questions about playdough.
See our complete guide to playdough for even more fun!
Free Download (playdough-recipe-book.pdf 291kb)
This document contains all of our fun playdough games in a single download along with setup instructions, gameplay rules, tips, and any tools to try. If you're playing with playdough then you need this guide!
Free Download (playdough-games.pdf 392kb)
Download the Kidsit colouring book and print out copies to take to your babysitting jobs along with a small set of coloured pencils.
Drawing and colouring-in is a great activity for children of all ages.
Download Coloring Book (kidsit-colouring-book.pdf 48kb)
Start your babysitting business today! My book, Babysitting Business Secrets , is out now as an inexpensive ebook or full-color paperback . If you're serious about becoming the best babysitter you can be, or if you want to make as much money as possible, then this book is perfect for you. I reveal all my tricks and tips for first-time babysitters or experienced sitters who just want to up their game. Get your copy today ! Or, learn more about the book .
I'm a father of three beautiful kids from Sydney, Australia and I’m the author of Babysitting Business Secrets , a book designed to help anyone to create their own successful and profitable babysitting service. I founded Kidsit in 2018 to bring together babysitters, parents, childcare workers, teachers, and medical professionals to help create the most trustworthy babysitting resource on the internet.
As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
Matthew Taylor is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to

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Finding Grace-Filled Confidence in the Chaos
This was the feeling I had after reading articles or book chapters on keeping the spark alive in your marriage, especially during the “childbearing years”.
“Hiring a babysitter” means spending money we don’t have.
“Scheduling a regular date night” is like organizing blades of grass on a windy day. They’re difficult to pin down and don’t stay where they’re supposed to. Spending “alone time” together after the kids go to bed amounts to doing the dishes or other chores and then hurrying to bed when you suddenly realize it’s almost midnight.
I LOVE having my children, don’t get me wrong! But sadly the romance in our marriage and meaningful time spent together greatly decreased as we added one, two and then three kids to our family. Satan began stealing the joy and intimacy {emotional and otherwise} from our marriage .
We allowed the busyness of the day to day tasks, church activities, upkeep of the house and the kids’ schedules to get in the way of the most important thing in life outside of our relationships with God.
So how did it change? By the grace of God, both my husband and I are more easily recognizing now when this is happening but is is taking much work and much time!
In Scripture, God cal
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