Babysitter Handjob Story

Babysitter Handjob Story


Babysitter Handjob Story
One night when I was around 11 years old my parents were going out for the night. They hired my usual babysitter, a beautiful high school girl who was tan, tall, and had always been very dominating. Her name was Meghan and she had been my babysitter for a year. This night she made my little brother go to bed and said I could stay up with her for a while if I was good to her. I said ok and sat with her while we watched a movie. She gave me a blanket to share and we curl up next to each other under the blanket. When the movie ended she started flipping through the channels and asked what you want to watch. As she reached the porn channels she said, oh I think I know what you want to watch ha-ha. I was so embarrassed, but was even more embarrassed when she actually put one on. She asked if I was into this stuff yet and I felt her hand on my knee.
I had been just getting into sex and had only recently started masturbating but I was still confused as to what was right and wrong. I had no idea how I should feel. I was so stiff it felt like it couldn’t be moved at all and I wanted to relieve myself, but I also felt embarrassed that she would tell my parents or think I was weird for being hard or a perve for wanting it so bad.
As we watched the screen, she slowly moved her hand up my leg towards my thigh, and then slowly, she moved her hand back down my leg. Up and down up and down. Very slowly. Getting a little higher each time. As a blowjob scene came on, she asked bet you wish that was you right now. Then she giggle, and grabbed my cock, slipping her hand under my shorts. She just held it for a while, and I kept all my concentration on not cumming. I still didn’t know if it was normal to ejaculate. She didn’t say anything, just giggled every time my rock hard dick twitched uncontrollably. After a while she let go, pulled the blanket off of me revealing my boner. I tried to cover up but she said no no in a sing song voice and I let go, succumbing to my needs. She pulled my hand to the side and took my cock and put it in her mouth and began to lick and suck my cock. It felt so amazing I just gave up instantly. She did this for about 10 seconds which felt like forever before she stopped, just as I was about to cum. She said, I have always wanted to take an innocent boys innocence and then she giggled. She grabbed my dick, pulled it forward, and then let it drop with a thud on my stomach. She giggled again then started tracing circles around my head and just under the head with her finger very delicately. My cock kept twitching and I kept feeling close to orgasm, especially when shed giggle, but she would stop so often I couldn’t cum. At this point I really just wanted release even if it wasn’t right. Finally she grabbed my cock and started jerking with thumb and pointer finger very fast and I couldn’t keep it in, I came everywhere while she giggled.
This entry was posted
on Wednesday, October 12th, 2011 at 10:37 pm and is filed under Childhood .
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I found that hot because you were so honest. Now as an adult you know it was okay to be aroused and let her suck you off. At the same time, for some reason you find it hot to feel guilty about it. Curious really, how our guilt is used to enhance our sexual pleasure as then when we do let go…it is a real letting to. Stop feeling guilty. You wanted it. She wanted it. You still find it hot. She still finds it hot. It was a fantasy for her that you fulfilled. Feel grateful it was you.
I had something similar, but I wasn’t ready for that kind of experience at 10, and it screwed me up.
My babysitter did similar stuff with me at age 12. She was 19. It lasted for 2 years till I was 14 and she was 21. The first year she would give me handjobs and blow me, if I promised to be good. Then when I turned 13 we started having sex, some nights when my parents wouldn’t be back till the next day or away for the weekend, we would sleep in the same bed and have sex 3-5 times during the night.. And again in the morning. It was incredible to me at the time that an older girl like her would be interested in a kid like me, but our secret relationship we had is some of the best memories of growing up. She really cared about me and my feelings, She was my first love, being with her I felt secure and loved and I trusted her. Such a shame it’s looked down upon due to the age thing, because it was truly beautiful when we were together. Our last night together we made love I cried in her arms so much I was shaking, she comforted me and told me she loved me more than anyone in the world. I just held her so tight wishing with all my heart we could stay like that forever. When she moved away I cried like a baby every night for 6 weeks But she still came back to visit me whenever she could. We never did do anything after that though.
wow,i get so horny reading these and stroking my cock until i am close to cumming, but ease off and read more until about an hour of jerking off and then i finish myself off, its always a powerful orgasm, i love this
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Home Masturbation Male-Female Bath Time With the Babysitter

Posted by: SoloTouchArchive
Age: 13 then Posted on: 28 Jul 2021
Category: Masturbation Male-Female
Tags: Hot for teacher

My parents were going out for the night and decided that I needed a babysitter, although I thought I was old enough to stay home alone. So they left and a few minutes later the babysitter came. She was a pretty 16 year old girl and I got immediatly attracted to her!

So we sat and watched tv and she made small talk with me. I was starting to get a boner looking at her, I couldn't help it, I was just a boy with raging hormones! So I tried to hide it but she saw it through my jeans and giggled saying 'It's ok, that happens to a lot of boys your age.' I felt a little calmer and we watched tv. Then she got behind me on the couch and started rubbing my shoulders and chest through my shirt. She said 'I just want to relax you a bit, you don't mind do you?'. And I just nodded yes and she kept on rubbing.

I felt good and had a raging hard on. So then she said it was time for my bath so I thought good, now I could masturbate in the bath. But when it started she said she was going to wash and bathe me. I felt a little embarrassed being naked in front of a girl but I quickly got over it as she started washing me all over my body. This felt really good and I almost wanted to start wanking off right there!

Then she started washing my hair and just rubbed my head with the shampoo for a few minutes. After I was done getting washed I was about to get out when she said 'Wait. Would you like me to take care of your problem there?'. She meant my boner and I didn't say anything but then she grabbed my boner and said 'I don't mind doing it for you.' Then she started to jerk me off and it felt unbelievably good and I lost balance and fell down in the bath.

She got closer and jerked me off some more. She said 'It's ok, close your eyes and enjoy the feeling. Just relax'. I lay back in the tub and let her do it to me. Her voice was having an effect on me too, it was so soft and pretty, like she mesmerized me. I couldn't resist. I was in her power. She kept saying things like 'No boy can resist this' and 'Girls control boys with this'. I liked being controlled. After a few minutes, I ejaculated and had the most wonderful feeling ever! I then felt really sleepy and she cleaned me up and put me to bed. She gave me a short backrub while I was sitting in bed and it really felt good and I couldn't help but fall asleep.

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OMG! What memorized these stories have aroused. I remember one time when I was around 14. I was a little kid for my age and didn't start puberty until I was 15, but the hormones were flowing when I was 14 at the time this happened.
My parents were going away to a wedding and would be gone for two nights. I argued with my mom that I was big enough to stay home alone, but she said, "No way, little guy."
I got called, 'Little guy' by just about everybody - I didn't mind so much because I really was little compared to other kids my age; Maybe 74 pounds soaking wet.
So when the day came for my parents to leave, my aunt came over to stay with me. She was pretty cool - for a girl. She often came over to visit and we played around outside a lot - doing good stuff that I liked doing, like walking in the wood, climbing trees, baseball, and so on. We even wrestled a lot in the back yard. She was fun. So I was pretty glad to have her over.
My parents left, leaving a long list of rules. I took a glance at the list - just the usual stuff; No rough housing; bath before bed each night; to bed by 10; etc. My head did click though - I didn't take baths; I took showers. Baths were for little kids.
That afternoon we played around as we always did - had fun. Then dinner - don't remember what she made. Then some TV together. She let me watch what I wanted while she did knitting. She was always knitting something. She made me a sweater for every Christmas. Most of them I liked and actually wore.
At some point that first evening I noticed that she had gone up stairs, and after a bit I heard her call me up. I was curious, so I hopped up and went up the stairs to the bathroom where she was waiting for me. She had filled the tub with water for me. Hummmmmmmmmmm I thought. Since she had already filled the tub, I didn't want to get into an argument with her about my taking a bath instead of a shower, so I let it go, expecting her to leave and close the door.
But she didn't! She put her hands on my shoulders and guided me over to in front of the toilet - lid down. Then she reached down for the bottom of my t-shirt and before I knew what was happening she was pulling my shirt up and over my head.
At that point I said, "Aunt Mary, I can do all this myself - thank you."
"Oh I'm sure you can Ralphy, but since we're together, I thought we'd just go down your mom's list together so I know everything gets done the way she wants. She does have, 'Bath before bed,' on the list. So let's get you in the bath."
"Hummmm - Aunt Mary, i really can do this myself." I insisted.
"Oh don't be silly. Bath time is fun when your still little." She said with her charming smile, and I couldn't just yell out, "NO!"
In the blink of an eye, she had my jeans un buttoned and was pulling them down. I just stood there in semi-shock. Aunt Mary and I had never interacted like this before. And for sure, no one in my family has seen me naked since I was a toddler. I was very bashful about that, and I certainly took my own showers, with the door locked!!!!!!!
I wanted to say something but I was was either too scared or too shocked at what was happening. As I stepped out of my jeans and lifted one foot at a time so she could pull off my socks, the reality set in! All that's left is my underwear!!!!!!! OMG!
"There you go Ralphy, now for these and you're in the tub." She grasped the waist bans of my Fruit-of-the -Loom whity-tighties, and pulled them down - not too fast, and my little dick bounced out in front of her face. I was mortified, but she didn't even seem to be looking at 'it'. It felt very weird to be standing naked in front of a girl, naked, in my bathroom.
"Hop in Little guy." She said with the great smile.
I got into the almost hot water, as I liked it, and sat down; Now feeling a bit more comfortable with my privates under water.
She asked me to scook down into the water to get all of me we, including my head/hair so she could shampoo it. I did as she asked, realizing that my weiner stuck out as I slid all the way down.
She soaped up my head and the feeling of her soapy, slippery fingers gently massaging my head felt great. I think she sensed my feelings as she said, "There you go Ralphy, just sit back and enjoy it. It's no big deal. I used to give you baths all the time when you really were little. You probably don't remember."
"No, I don't." I said shakily. It was the first time I spoke since she pulled my t-shirt off me. I wasn't sure that this was the time to be talking.
She finished my hair and asked me to scook down into the water again to rinse out the shampoo - I did as she wanted and sat back up. I was feeling OK - sort of - as long as my genitals stayed under water.
She started soaping my shoulders and arms. underarms and back. Then she said, "OK Little Guy, stand up and the rest will be so much easier."
"What!" I explained in a somewhat soft voice.
"Here, I'll help you." And she put her hand under my armpit and pulled me up and out of the water. There I stood. OMG! Nothing like this had ever, ever happened to me before. And like I said, I was paranoid about anyone seeing me naked. I had my two hands cupped around my privates in a minor panic.
"Oh relax Ralphy this is no big deal. I know all about boys your age - I do a lot of babysitting and take care of some boys older than you. There's nothing to be embarrassed about. Just close your eyes if you like and relax.
For some reason I did what she suggested - I closed my eyes that is - I didn't relax - at all.
She turned me around and soaped my back and sides - again. Her soapy hands slipping over my skin felt fantastib! I was getting a boner. I was sure I was going to die.
With my back still mostly toward her, she worked down my two legs, not getting into my groin thankfully. Then she turned me toward her and soaped my tummy, my hands still clamped on my genitals. She tried to push my hands away, but I resisted. My boner was almost fully erect.
"You a little shy Ralphy? She said. "No need to be. Just relax - there's nothing to be embarrassed about - really. And she tried to move my hands away again - I resisted.
"Well, OK, here's the soap, you can wash down here yourself." She said holding the soap out for me to take.
I left one hand covering my boner, and took the soap with my other hand, and started to soap down there between my egs, and I dropped the soap.
Aunt Mary reached down and got it and immediately slipped her soapy hands into my crotch saying, "Oh just let me do it for you and we'll get done."
With my hans already soapy from my attempts, she was able to slip my hands out of the way and her soft fingers were washing my little boner. It felt fantastic, and I just stood there letting her do it. My hands still outstretched ready to cover myself as soon as she was done. But the feeling was like no other feeling I had ever experienced, and my arms relaxed and I positioned my self ever so slightly to give her better access. I may have actually pushed into her hands - she was using both hands - slipping all over my erection, balls and butt hole.
Now, I may have been a little kid, and pre-puberty, but I wasn't a 10 year old. IMO, I had a decent sized penis for my age, and maybe a couple of thin blond hairs down there. I hadn't yet had an actual ejaculation, but dry orgasims almost every night. I was about to have one right there with her hands soaping my dick.
I think she spent a bit more time washing me down there than she needed to, but I didn't care. I really was enjoying this now.
"OK Ralphy, you're done. You can sit down and rinse off. That wasn't so bad now was it?"
I didn't want this to end - but it looked like it was the end. But I said, "Are you sure? Mom always said that it's important to do a good job dow there."
"I think you're done, but I'll give you one more quick one to be sure." Then she grabbed the soap again and went right to my dick and slipped her hands all over it again. I was sure I was going to have an orgasm, but I guess she knew just how close I was, and she stopped.
"OK - sit down and rinse off you little monster you."
That made me smile for the first time; actually, it made me giggle. She often called me a Little monster while we played.
As I giggled, she said, "There's my little Ralphy - see, it was all fine wasn't it?"
"Yea - I said sort of sheepishly. I didn't want to sound too happy about it all, although I was looking forward to tomorrow night's bath. Maybe she was too.
I got out of the tub with my boned pointing to the ceiling hard as a rock. No hands covering it - I guess I liked having her see it. I felt great. I stool tall and proud of myself stark naked with a super hard erection sticking out for her. She dried me off gently, being sure to get my genitals gently dried. We started talking about stuff - development stuff. She said that I was completely normal down there, and soon I'd be changing a lot.
I knew what she meant, but I had to question, "Like how?"
Then she explained how hair would grow, and my 'wee wee' would get bigger. Yea, she called it a wee wee. LOL!

My babysitter did a lot of things with my wiener, she was striking kitchen Matches to light candles and I watched her as she struck them hard making them POP hard on the Match box she lit each candle with a new match it was sexy watching her and the sulfur smell made my wiener tickle and get really hard she saw my hard throbbing weiner sticking out of my shorts and asked me if she could help me with it! I said sure she said you got really excited when I struck the matches so I am going to strike more matches she struck them hard making them POP hard under my wiener and balls the heat made it tickle a lot and she kept striking them harder and faster then blown out towards my nose she struck about 30_40 matches then made me cum hard by touching my wiener against the Match box she said you better cum or I might have to strike the Matches and burn your cock OMG it made it tickle so much that I came all over her hand

Sounds like fun. I bet it wasn't an entirely altruistic act on her part either.

Wow, I loved this. Wished it was me, even got a hardon now. I always wonder how many penis babysitters get to see, ans what they do about it. But this is probably cuz I all horny now, lol

love it- my aunt did this to me...after one of the other regular sessions we had starting at 15, i worked in her yard and then took a bath - she washed me and jacked me off

later made me lick her...

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