Babysitter Asstr

Babysitter Asstr


Babysitter Asstr
When your next door neighbor needs you to look after her little girl during an emergency, you help the neighbor...

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Standard Disclaimer: This story contains sexually graphic and explicit
material and as such it is not suitable for minors. If you are a minor, please
leave now as it is illegal for you to be here. If it is illegal for you to read
or view sexually explicit material in the community you view such material,
please leave now. This story and characters are purely fictional and any
resemblance to events or persons (living or dead) is purely coincidental. If you
are offended by sexually explicit stories, please read no further. If you are
offended by stories featuring group sex, bisexual situations, incest, sex
between minors and adults, or any other situation, please check the story code
before reading the text. These stories are just that, stories, and do not
promote or condone the activities described herein, especially when it comes to
unsafe sexual practices or sex between adults and minors.

I had just gotten out the shower after cutting my grass when
the doorbell rang. Grabbing a pair of
lose fitting gym shorts, I slipped them on and answered the door. It was my next door neighbor, Staci Higgman and her little girl, Lisa. Staci was definitely distraught and began
frantically rambling.
"Slow down, slow down... What's the matter?"
Turns out she'd just gotten a call from the hospital. Her husband, Mike, was in the hospital and
undergoing surgery after being in an automobile accident on the freeway. Bottom
line was that she needed to get to the hospital ASAP and could I please look
after little Lisa for her. Of course I
would, after all, I have several grandchildren, all a little older, so I knew
something about little kids. Besides, how much trouble could a single four year
old girl be?
I looked down at the little four year old angel who was
halfway hidden behind her mother's leg, peeking out at me. Kneeling down I greeted, "Hi, Lisa. Are you going to stay with me
today?" She just batted her big
blue eyes at me and retreated further behind her mother's leg. 
"Lisa, say hello to Mr. Bill," her mother
Her mother extracted the little darling from behind her and
told her. "Now, you be a good girl for
Mr. Bill while Mommy's gone." First thing I noticed was that Lisa's hair
was wet. The second thing I noticed was the cute little sundress she was
wearing, light blue with pink flowers, and the fact that she was barefoot.
Looking up at me Staci explained, "I was giving her a
bath when I got the call. If you will,
just comb out her hair and it will be fine. I really appreciate this, Mr.
"Just Bill, Staci. 
It's no problem. I didn't have
any plans for the rest of the day." This was true, other than reading yet
another book. Other than that... zilch,
the bane of the recently retired. 
"Now, you go on. We'll be
fine." With that Staci kissed Lisa
goodbye and ran back home.
I took Lisa's hand and led her inside. Hmmm, first things first, I needed to do
something with the child's long curly hair. 
I took her to my bathroom and searched around for some detangler . 
Fortunately I had some left over from when my youngest son and his
family had stayed the last time. Picking her up, I sat her on the granite
countertop, found a big-toothed comb, then proceeded to spray the detangler and comb out her hair. I was surprised by how cooperative she was,
but then again I made sure I didn't yank on her hair as I combed it out. Then I took out my late wife's hair dyer and
ten minutes later... What a cutie!
With the hair at least presentable, I sat her back on the
floor and took her to one of the spare bedrooms where I had a stash of old
toys. All considered, it was a pitiful
stash, as it was all boys toys, what few I still had. I pulled down a box of Matchbox Cars and a
box with some Transformers. We then went
back to my den, where I sat the two boxes on the floor and let her have at it. 
So, she's sitting playing with the toy cars while I sat in
my Lazy-Boy watching her happily at play. 
All was fine and hunky dory until she put two cars between her legs
facing me. Suddenly she lies on her
back, flying the little cars in the air over her head and there staring right
at me from under her dress was her smooth four-year-old bare pussy. My eyebrows went up, needless to say. Then I concluded that her mother, in her rush
to get to her husband's side in his hour of need, had forgotten to put panties
on her little girl. 
I felt guilty for gawking at the little angel, but... 
Just as suddenly as she had exposed herself to my gaze, she
sat up cutting off the view. Next thing
I know, she's on her hands and knees pushing the cars around. I'm not sure if at that moment I was relieved
to see her dress covering her again, or disappointed. Whichever it was, I
watched her more attentively while she played. 
Every so often, I caught a glimpse of her pussy or her smooth little
butt cheeks, and with each glimpse, I found myself waiting, wanting
and watching for more.
She was playing with the toys one moment, then I noticed
that she was sitting facing away from me, rocking back and forth. It was kind of odd, but I really didn't think
much of it. After several minutes she
went back to playing with the toys.
She soon grew tired of the toys I had and coming up to me as
I sat, asked if she could have a cookie. 
"Cookies?" I replied while thinking, 'Why didn't you buy some
damned cookies?' " Hmmmm , let's go see what we
can find. Okay?"
She followed me into
the kitchen where I looked and looked, and was rewarded for my diligence with a
forgotten box of Animal Crackers. Hoping they weren't stale, I handed the box
to Lisa whose eyes lit up along with a huge smile. I, of course, had to open the box for her. She
held up an animal of some sort for me to see, and in a moment of grandfatherly
playfulness, I bent down quickly and bit off the head. 
Instantly, I regretted doing that as she looked at me,
frozen in place, with a very peculiar expression. 'Oh, lord, she's gonna cry,' I thought to myself. But she burst into a fit of giggles
instead. Saved! Of course she wanted to do it again, and
again and I put on quite a show, and in the process determined that the cookies
were thankfully still fresh. I sat her
down at the table on a stack of books, and gave her a half a glass of
milk. Good thing I had the sense to put
a hand towel around her neck, secured with a clothes pin, for she immediately
spilled the milk down her front.
Whereas before she was mostly silent and hardly looked at
me, she was now a chatter box and was very interested in showing me all the
things she could do, ABCs, name of all the planets, count to twenty, etc.. I was truly impressed.
With snack time over, we returned to my den. I had hardly sat down when she says,
"Watch me, Mr. Bill!"
She then proceeded to do a somersault, her loose dress
flying up over her head and totally exposing her. Of course one somersault wasn't enough and
she did it again and again, hysterically laughing each time she found her head
covered by her little dress. I guess I
should have put a stop to it, but... She'd put her head between her legs and
roll, ending up flat on her back with her dress covering her face and naked
from the neck down. 
After a dozen or so of those, she changed to doing a head
stand. She'd put her head down and
spread out her hands and try to rise, but only managed to expose herself
briefly before crashing over. 
"What do you want me to do?" I asked.
So I stood and held her legs, looking down at her nakedness
while her dress covered her head. Out from under the dress I heard, "Now,
let go." I let go and stepped back
while she balanced herself briefly before toppling over. 
On the third attempt I playfully lifted her off the floor by
the ankles, my view of her nakedness unhindered. Howls of delighted laughter
came from somewhere under the inverted dress. I set her back down partially and
then lifted her back up with her wiggling about and giggling
uncontrollably. In a moment of insanity
on my part, I lifted Lisa high enough to put a loud raspberry on her very
exposed tummy. The giggling and wiggling
increased three fold. I lowered her
briefly. lifted her high and blew another wet raspberry on her tummy. She was positively shrieking by then and as
she trashed about inverted in my grip, the sun dress that was hanging on by a
tread, came off completely and dropped to the floor.
I put her down and releasing her ankles, she crumpled into a
naked pile of flesh at my feet. She
wiggled onto her back, lifted up her legs and implored, "Do it again! Do it again!"
So, with her now totally nude, I lifted her
by her ankles once again, only this time it wasn't her bare tummy facing me,
but her bare rump. Now, I've always been
an ass-man. I love a good shapely butt
on a woman or a girl, and her plump well rounded ass was inches from my face. Casting caution to the wind, I blew a
raspberry on one delectable cheek, then blew one on the other cheek, all to her
howls of delight. I lowered her enough
that she could touch the floor.
it again!" she managed through her merriment. Immediately I raised her
again, slightly spreading he legs apart to improve the view and this time blew
one right between the cheeks. Predictably she howled in delight as she wiggled
like a fish on a hook upside down with
me blowing raspberry after raspberry on her butt. 
I sat her back down and carefully released her. Once again
she was a naked pile of flesh at my feet.
Somewhat exhausted, and coming to my senses, I said,
"You know, maybe you should put your dress back on."
"NO!" she shot back. I picked up the little sun
dress and held it up to her. You would have
thought I was teasing her with a live scorpion. 
"NO!" she shouted and then ran off.
Chasing after her, we played a kind of slow motion game of
tag, where I would lumber about like a demented goofus
and she would run away laughing. I
caught her, put her over my shoulder and rolled her over my back where she
would make good her escape only to be caught again and again until I had to say
enough and went back to my Lazy-Boy to recuperate.
The game over, she went back to playing with the toys, her dress
discarded on the floor. I suppose I
should have at least suggested that she put her dress back on, but...
After fifteen minutes or so of playing on the floor nude,
she was once again just sitting and rocking back and forth. This time she was sitting at an angle to me
and I could clearly see that she had her fist pressed up against her sex as she
rocked back and forth. She was
masturbating! I didn't know that little
girls did that sort of thing. Little
boys played with themselves all the time, but little girls?
Lisa stopped and sat perfectly still for few moments before
she spied a story book under a side table. 
Retrieving it, she came, crawled up onto my lap and asked me to read it
to her. Keep in mind that I still hadn't
put a shirt on. I held the book in one
hand and had her turn the pages, my other hand firmly supporting her naked butt
while she nestled into my bare breast. The skin to skin contact was, let's just
say, memorable. A naked little girl,
smooth skinned and flawless, safe and secure in the arms of a half nude man as
he read a story to her about a bunny... it was enough to give me a raging
hard-on, not that I wasn't hard earlier during the gymnastic exhibition.
By the time the story had ended, I wasn't just supporting
her naked butt with my hand, but my fingers were lightly stroking her, going
from cheek to cheek. I let the book fall away and she snuggled in and went to
sleep while I molested her cute little ass. 
After a bit, I began to feel a bit guilty and decided that maybe I
shouldn't be rubbing her like that, nor should she be naked in my arms. Careful not wake her, I stood, groaning under
the dead weight, then carried her to a spare bedroom where I laid her upon the
bed and covered her up. 
With my angel fast asleep, I was now able to tend to my own
needs. I made it to the hall bath,
dropped my shorts and proceeded to unload my balls. Relief was quick in
So, there I was with a handful of nut juice when I heard
behind me, "I got to tinkle." She then brushed past me and climbed up
onto the toilet. She sat tinkling away,
smiling at me while I frantically thought what I should do... first thing was
to wash my hand, second was to... She hopped off pot and came up to me holding
her hands up, her face eye level with my nasty old cock, wanting to wash her
"What's that?" she pointedly inquired about my
semi-flaccid organ.
"Oh, okay," she replied showing not the least
concern for either her own or my nudity. 

"I can't reach," she says still holding her hands
up, but looking right at my dick. I picked her up and held her so that she
could wash her hands. With her now bent
over the sink washing her hands, I was pressing up against her, or rather my
semi-flaccid cock was pressing up against her butt crack, the still wet tip
depositing my DNA laden goo in a place that would be impossible to explain
away. Setting her back down, she went
right to the towel to dry her hands.
"Okay, baby, go find another book and I'll be right
She wasn't having any of that and took my hand, dragging me
back to the den with my still wet dick swinging in the breeze. She found another book, something about a
lady bug, which gave me the chance to wipe my dick with the loose arm cover of
my Lazy-Boy. Moments later she was up in
my lap, only this time we were both totally naked. Once again I held the book with one hand and
she turned the pages, my other with a handful of bare little girl butt. Either the story wasn't all that interesting
or the funny thing between my legs was more interesting to her. I was praying that she wouldn't reach down
and grab it, knowing that I had already let things go much too far... I was too
old to go to prison. But... curiosity got the best of her and she reached down
and touched it. 
Coming to my senses, I bolted out of the chair and carried
her back to the spare bedroom. "I
think you need to take a nap," I told the naked cherub as I put her down.
I was expecting a fight, but she just flipped onto her
tummy, looked over at me and said, "Daddy rubs my back. Will you rub my back? Please?" 
I was ready to get the hell out of there and get some clothes on, but...
With her mane of blond hair framing her pretty face, she had
the most peaceful smile as I sat and gently stroked her back, her bright eyes
looking trustingly into mine, while I rubbed her bare back. Initially I kept my
hand on her upper back, but gradually its orbit took in her lower back as well.
Her eyes drooped and gradually closed completely. I stopped rubbing and her
eyes opened. I resumed rubbing and her eyes closed once again. Pretty soon, without me being conscious about
it, my hand was gliding over her buttocks. I looked to see where my hand was
and confirming its position on her rump, I looked to see if she was
alarmed. Her eyes were open again and I
froze. For a moment, there was an impasse of sorts, she staring at me while my
hand remained on her naked butt. Then
the little nymph wiggled her butt, encouraging me to continue rubbing her where
I shouldn't be rubbing. Damn! So, I
continued feeling up her bare ass and eventually she went to sleep.
Easing off the bed, careful not to wake her, I went to my
room and put on some clothes. For the next hour or so while she napped, I
fretted about what had happened. How do
explain what had happen should she tell her mother? It's not like I stuck my
finger up her twat or up her butthole and it's not like I tried to get her to
play with my dong, but... how in the hell would I explain what had taken place?
I must have fallen asleep myself, as I was woken by her
crawling up into my lap. She was still naked and a quick glance confirmed the
little blue sundress with the pink flowers was still on the floor where it had
been earlier abandoned. She put her face just inches from mine and said,
"I love you, Mr. Bill," then kissed me on the lips. Not a tongue grubbing kiss, just a chaste
"I love you too," I replied with a warm
"Well, you already have two grandfathers, don't
"No, they died." 
I felt so bad for her. She then added in a matter-of-fact manner,
"They died a long time ago."
"Oh, I see. 
Well, if you want..."
"Yea! I have a granpa !" she erupted excitedly. "I have a granpa !"
She then kissed me again with a longer tight lipped smacker. 
"Tell you what, sweetie. Don't you think you should put your dress
back on?"
She blinked a few times, her nose practically touching my
nose while my hands held her by the bare butt once again. Then with a big grin she said,
"Kay!", hopped down and pulled the discarded dress over her
head. There was a 50-50 probability that
she'd get it right. She didn't. It was inside out. 
"Come here," I told her. She came to me and I pulled the dress back
over her head, turned it inside-inside and dropped it over her arms and head
again. It felt like a triumph to have
her back in clothes once again. She then
wanted to watch cartoons, so I turned the TV on and with her lying on my lap,
we watched a hour or so of mindless drivel. 
Is it my imagination, or nostalgia, that cartoons these day are so
piss-poor and stupid? What happened to
animators? I concluded that it was the
same thing that happened to Hollywood movies and TV, a total lack of
imagination and talent. 
After a while, the inane drivel didn't hold Lisa's attention
anymore than my son's old Transformers and MatchBox
cars had. She turned her head and looked up at me asking, "Can we go
outside and play?"
"Sure, baby girl." 
She slid off my lap and trotted off to the backdoor.  I opened the door and she flew outside with
me following behind.
It was early-afternoon by then and rather hot, but for the
next ten minutes or so, she ran around in circles, burning off energy at a fast
clip and getting red faced and sweaty at the same time. It occurred to me that with her fair skin
that she would burn to a crisp if I didn't get some sunscreen on her. She wasn't at all happy that I was dragging
her back inside so soon. 
"I wanna go play
outside!" she wailed and wailed.
Thankfully I had some sunscreen and quickly located it. It
was a few years out of date, but it would have to do.
"I don't want you to get a sunburn, sweetheart," I
told her as I unscrewed the bottle. 
"Now, I'm going to put this on you and then we can go back
outside. Okay?"
I did her face, her arms and whatever skin the little
sundress wasn't covering, including her lower legs and cute little feet.
"Okay, baby girl," I said, "that should do
it. Ready to go back outside?"
"Yea!" she shouted and took off for the back door.
Nice thing about my backyard, the landscaping was mature,
lush and low maintenance, with lots of
shade and a nice expanse of soft grass, but best of all was the eight foot
privacy fence; up until now the main benefit being that I didn't need to look
at my neighbors' ho
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