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Switzerland Gig - My review and Experience
Comment deleted by user Β· 6 yr. ago
Comment deleted by user Β· 6 yr. ago
Once you've heard it, you'll never unhear it. BABYMETAL is a band that you'll either love or hate.

Amuse producer Key Kobayashi delved into the unknown and fused Idol (J-Pop) and Metal, creating a sub-group of Sakura Gakuin: BABYMETAL!

Having blossomed in Japan, they exploded into the Western world after their first album release in February 2014. Going on to tour the world within just four years of their creation, they really have taken the metal scene by storm.
Hello fellow kitsunes \v/ I'm back home from the show in Pratteln and boy was it amazing!! So I thought I'd share my thoughts and experiences with you guys who couldn't be there. I've done a couple of these last year for the euro shows too
Anyway, on with the review. The whole trip nearly didn't happen thanks to Ryan Air deciding to cancel our flights the day before we were meant to fly out. Luckily after 45 minutes of stress and panic we booked ourselves some new, all be it expensive, flights. Roll on Thursday and /u/kullrad , aka Brummie Bones, turned up and mine and we got a lift over to the airport where enjoyed some early morning sushi and a couple of beers.
Once boarding the flight I found myself seated next to two fellow kitsunes who were also on their way to the show. We had a chat about past shows we been too, the most recent being Wembley, and our thoughts on the new album ect ect. The journey flew by (excuse the pun) and soon we had landed at Basel airport, from there it was onto the French border where we were staying in a nice little apartment . There we relaxed for a bit after we missed our train to the venue and had to wait an hour for the next one but we eventually made it to the venue just before 5pm.
There were about 30 people there already which was a lot less than I was expecting by that time. As usual organisation was pretty poor by the venue, most people had to pick up their tickets from the box office but there was no word on when this would happen. So to pass the time there was a lot of catching up with old friends as well as making some new ones, a few beers and some much needed food was also consumed while waiting.
Eventually a lady (I presume from the BM team, although I did not recognise her) came around and handed out the VIP tickets and the gifts that came with them . The laminates are a lot better this year as previous ones got destroyed during the shows where as this one has stayed intact. The other item is some kind of silk cloth, not really sure what its purpose is, cleaning snooker balls maybe?
Soon after this people started gathering around the entrance, I think the majority of people who got their really early got their spots at the front of the queue which is good. I know /u/aka-oni-san slept outside the venue in a box to get his sport at the front of the queue. Meanwhile Brummie Bones was suited and booted ready for the show. Also a shout out to the drunk Italian guy who managed to loose his ticket in his drunken state, it did eventually turn up after searching all of his pockets multiple times. You provided some great entertainment while waiting to be let in haha.
Eventually we were let into the venue and after quickly grabbing a couple of beers I made my way to the centre barrier . I've never been at the centre for one their shows before so thought I'd give it a go this time. There was Koba's usual metal mix during the wait and after chatting with people around me and a couple of selfies later the show was ready to start.
Now I was hoping that now they have many songs to pick from they would start to mix set lists up but I thought they would just stick with same set lists as the US shows, I was pleasantly surprised!! Straight into the usual opening of BABYMETAL death . Right from the start of the show there was a real energy around the whole venue. Su was bossing it as usual and Ohmura was straight in their throwing me kitsunes everytime I threw some at him.
Then it was into iine! which really got everybody moving, I always love this song being played at the beginning of shows. It really gets the crowd interaction going which everyone loves and the heavy breakdown gets everyone moshing. Next was awadama fever, again another more poppy number but you can do the dance moves to the chorus along with girls which is always fun =)
Now its time for Su to take centre stage with Amore. I can't actually remember much of this song, probably because I was so transfixed with watching her own the stage . I do recall her nailing the vocals though and BOH's bass solo was on point, I think we started chanting his name while he played it.
Time for the Kami Band to have the lights on them with the intro to CMIYC. These were new solos as far as I'm aware, albeit very similar to their usual ones. This is one of, maybe even my favourite song. 1 the song itself rocks. 2 you get the Kami solos. 3 the choreography is great and now 4 the awesome crowd interaction. Su not being satisfied with the size of the circle pit and the addition of the English 'I found you' which was super cute!! I did attempt to record this whole song but later found out I must have forgotten to press record on my phone, this is what is now known as 'brumming it up' (sorry inside joke). If you do want to see it though /u/Xanthon has made a thread compiling fan cams from the show, so go check that out if you want to see it.
I've had to look back at the setlist now because I completely forgot what came next. Ofcourse it was META TARO which on first hearing on the album I wasn't a massive fan off but it has really grown on me after seeing it live a couple of times. It's fun to shout all the META's at the girls and go along with the saluting choreography.
Now it was time for the big surprise... Sis. Anger!!! We kind of got a feeling they might be playing this when Yui and Moa were on stage and everything went silent. Then the beginning readings came over the PA and everyone went mental! I managed to record the whole thing. Unfortunately the red lighting is not favourable towards recording and also you can barely hear the girls. I'm not sure why as I don't remember that being a problem at the gig but the sound is never that great when you're right at the front. At least you can make out the choreography, which after re-watching a few times I think is really cool. I've also noted that Moa's dancing seems to have really improved! She nailed the head flicks during the KIRAI DA KIRAI DA KIRAI DA KIRAI DA part. Hopefully this is a sign that we will start to see other songs which have yet to be performed live at other concerts although I expect they will be saving a few for Tokyo Dome. I'd also like to add how good the Kami band were for this, especially Hideki. Not an easy song by any means to play live but we should have learnt not to doubt these Gods by now.
After the madness of seeing that we were given a bit of time to recover with the opening message of IDZ. I had a quick look behind me and saw the pit opening up for the WOD. This is of course a fan favourite song and always guarantees the girls, band and audience to step it up a notch with a few crowdsurfers starting to make an appearance.
Next was Karate which is so great live, great song to headbang to. I really got into this one and barely watched any of the stage because I was flailing my head around like a madman. I love the new crowd interaction with Su's little solo and asking how everyone is feeling. I was actually so transfixed with this that I got a tap on my shoulder and turned round to see most of the venue sitting down and me still standing there like a wally. I quickly got down in time for the 'everybody jump' part which was so much fun!!
I needed a breather after that and thought I would during the extended intro of Megistune. Alas the crush which had been fine up to that point started to get pretty bad, but I'm a relatively fit young guy so I got into my sumo stance and stood strong. Once the girls came on everyone was jumping along to the 'sores'. Bodies were crashing into each other and it was generally awesome. Then came another sitting down, this time initiated by the girls. I was personally quite thankful for the chance to have a breather and muster up the energy to jump and headbang as hard as I could for the remainder of the song.
Gimme Choko now and I love the new intro they've been doing since the Yokohama shows, I think it first came from when they went on stage with Skrillex though maybe ? Anyway, I digress. This song was mental as always, just a lot of jumping and screaming a long at the top of your voice. I was knackered by the end of this and was thinking about moving out from the front but decided to stick with. I didn't realise that it was nearly the end of the set, the songs had gone by so quickly!!
Last song of the set, The One. Not such a heavy song, the moshing turned more into a sway in unison which I guess is what this song is all about. I wasn't so sure on them having a song in English to begin with but I think I might actually prefer the English version over the Japanese one. It also means I don't utterly butcher the Japanese language when singing along with this one hehe. Not much more to say about this one, just that seeing it live is amazing. It really pulls on your heart strings and does give a big sense of unison between everyone, the kamis and the girls included. You get the feeling they feel this too, lots of eye contact and smiles from the girls during the song, its really just an amazing uplifting song which you can't help but close your eyes, smile and immerse yourself in the song.
After a short break with girls off stage and the chants of 'BABY METAL' and 'WE WANT MORE' never dying down they reappeared with flags for RoR. I remember turning around to check out the pit for the wall of death and it looked huge. The opening started from about 3 rows back and went right out. I haven't seen any footage of this yet but it looked like it was awesome!! Kind of like the one this song has a real sense of unity between the audience and the girls interlaced with crazy moshing to speed metal.
Well that was it, the end of the show. 13 songs crammed in to a short space of time. There was still time for the usual 'WE ARE?' 'BABYMETAL!!' call and response and then the three girls saying a word before they go off. There was a really cute moment while Moa was waiting to say her words at the end. She kept opening her mouth to speak but the crowd was so loud cheering she didn't start speaking for fear of not being able to be heard. This happened a few times with her giggling in between each one before eventually going for it. I think they said their goodbyes in German? If it was in English I didn't catch what they said, even still after each of them had said their words there was a massive cheer.
And that was that. There was no time to hang around for a drink and chat afterwards as our last train back from Basel was at 10:40. We got to Basel in time only to find that the French strikes meant it was cancelled. This resulted in us wandering around for a bit before hopping on a bus back to Basel airport and then getting a taxi back to our apartment. A bit costly but at least we made it back at a reasonable time.
After a pretty poor nights sleep as I was still buzzing for most of the night it was back off to the airport for the flight home. This thankfully all went according to plan and allowed us to have some breakfast and a cheeky beer at the airport. After landing we had to get a bus back to where we were being picked up. Low and behold, what bay did we have to catch the the bus from? It was meant to be haha!
Anyway, I have rambled on for far longer than I intended too and taken in a few beers while typing this so I'm sure the quality has deteriorated as I've gone on. But to summarise this may well be the best Babymetal gig I've been to, but I think I say this after everyone I go to haha. It was the first time I've been at the centre so a first chance to really experience the presence of Su. She really is quite a performer, she looks over the crowd with a great presence and aura and when she catches your eye its really quite something which I can't find the words to explain. You'll just have to experience it for yourself!! (Or find someone else who is better at articulating their thoughts).
Moa and Yui were great, I didn't spend that much time watching Yui to be honest but I do recall her being super cute when asking everyone to sit down during Megistune. Moa (my favourite if you can't tell) was especially good. As mentioned earlier I think she's really worked hard on her dancing as not only now can you tell she's always giving it the full beans but her dancing skill is comparable to that of Yui's. If not better, especially in Sis. Anger!
The Kami band, what can I say. They do their job, you can almost sometimes forget they're there because they just have the songs nailed down to a tee giving you a chance to fully focus on the girls. There are never any moments when you think 'oooo that didn't sound right' or 'oh the band fucked that bit up'. They're water tight so I always try and show them as much appreciation as I can during the show which they are always happy to respond too. I'm still yet to catch a stick from Hideki, one day hopefully!!
Right that's all I've got and it all starts again on Monday with the two shows in Germany and Download festival. It's going to be a fun week!!! I hope to see many of you there!!!
TLDR! Another great show from the band. The French love to strike and make things difficult for travellers.
Awesome pic - so majestic. Thanks for the detailed write-up, really appreciate it. Moa better than the Angel of Dance? Yeah I think you may have had one too many mate LOL but no doubt she did a great job in SIs Anger (thank you so much for this upload, I've racked up so many views!)
Yui is more precise, but there's something about the way Moa dances. So full of soul and passion.
After a short break with girls off stage and the chants of 'BABY METAL' and 'WE WANT MORE' never dying down
I clearly remember that some people were chanting "NOCH EIN BIER" (one more beer), LOL
Haha that's great! Did you catch what each of the girls said at the end?
Well of course! It is a metal concert! :)
But those two tiny girls who twirled batons and and sang in Twinklestars are now dancing and singing face-melting speed metal Sis Anger. In Europe. And in September the Tokyo Dome. Two nights in a row. When you think about it your head explodes.
very nice review! You totally nailed it. I was in the third row till CMIYC and moved back to the pit during the kami band solo. The pit was mostly filled up with first time BM concert goes but by the time i got there everybody had a great time that circle pit during CMIYC got really big for such a small venue. After seeing the Karate videos of the US tour i thought it would be great to sit down before "everybody jump!" so i sit down when Su started her solo and i was so happy when i noticed that everybody started to join me on that one although most of them probably did not know what would happen.
Wow you started the sitting down, GJ! Hopefully this is something that will carry over to the shows in Germany too!!
That's quite alright. I can't help but share Babymetal with the world!!
Appreciate you taking the time to write this, it was a fun read.
I appreciate you taking the time to read it =) I had fun writing it!
Somehow ended up reading all of this haha! I just hope Fortarock will be half as awesome as you made this show sound and I'll be a very very happy man!
Haha, congrats on making it to the end! Yeah you'll have a great time, they have a long set there so should get a good 7 or 8 songs. Their festival shows are always great, I love seeing people who don't know who they are reactions to them.
Great pics too! The view doesn't get any better than that, eh?
No it doesn't get much better at all!! I wasn't too pleased with the pictures to be honest. I didn't take many though as I was having too much fun. I'm sure there will be some much better pictures emerging in the next day or so from people more skilled with a camera than me.
Yeah I would probably prefer Yava over Awadama but hey I'm not guna complain.
Glad you had a great time mate. Thanks for the review.
Not a problem. See you at download?
Told myself I'd only read a little bit, but I ended up reading the whole thing. Sounds like you had an awesome time which is good to hear!
Haha thanks! I told myself I would only write a bit and look what happened =P needs to review the security of your connection before

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