Babel Spread

Babel Spread


Babel Spread
babel-plugin-transform-object-rest-spread 6.26.0 • Public • Published 5 years ago
let { x , y , ... z } = { x : 1 , y : 2 , a : 3 , b : 4 } ;
console . log ( z ) ; // { a: 3, b: 4 }
let n = { x , y , ... z } ;
console . log ( n ) ; // { x: 1, y: 2, a: 3, b: 4 }
npm install --save-dev babel-plugin-transform-object-rest-spread
  " plugins " : [ " transform-object-rest-spread " ]
babel --plugins transform-object-rest-spread script.js
require ( " babel-core " ) . transform ( " code " , {
  plugins : [ " transform-object-rest-spread " ]
    [ " transform-object-rest-spread " , { " useBuiltIns " : true } ]
z = Object . assign ( { x } , y ) ;
This plugin allows Babel to transform rest properties for object destructuring assignment and spread properties for object literals.
By default, this plugin uses Babel's extends helper which polyfills Object.assign . Enabling this option will use Object.assign directly.
npm i babel-plugin-transform-object-rest-spread

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Zipmex has halted withdrawals due to difficulties at partners
Has $48 million exposure with Babel, $5 million with Celsius
July 21, 2022, 5:18 AM UTC Updated on July 21, 2022, 10:41 AM UTC
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Zipmex, a cryptocurrency exchange that operates in markets like Singapore and Thailand, halted withdrawals as the fallout from a series of defaults spreads further throughout the digital-assets industry. 
The Asian platform is the latest to encounter financial difficulties stemming from dealings with troubled crypto lenders Babel Finance and Celsius Network Ltd. Zipmex has $48 million of exposure to Babel and $5 million with Celsius, it said on its Facebook page on Thursday.

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I have the following code, simplified from a real-world example.
The problem is that this fails, and produces an empty arr2 on Google Chrome which has a native Set implementation, but a polyfilled Array.from. Amusingly, it works properly on IE11, which has a polyfilled Array.from AND Set.
Babel converts the spread Set to this
and _toConsumableArray returns Array.from . I've set a breakpoint inside of _toConsumableArray and I can see it producing an empty Array through the call to Array.from .
My question is, is this a bug in the Array.from polyfill, in that it doesn't properly process a native (not polyfilled) Set, or is the problem with the Babel code, in that Array.from(x) is not a perfect equivalent for ...x (when x is not an array).
I can see it producing an empty Array through the call to Array.from . Is this a bug in MDN's Array.from polyfill?
Not really a bug, but actually properly documented :
In addition, since true iterables can not be polyfilled, this implementation does not support generic iterables as defined in the 6th edition of ECMA-262.
I assume that refers to the lack of Symbol.iterator in ES5.
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When I try to run my webpack bundle, I get this console error:
So the spread operator syntax is not understood. However, I have installed the babel-stage-2 preset which I have included in my loaders in webpack.config.js , as follows:
I also tried installing babel-plugin-transform-object-rest-spread and adding to .babelrc :
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I have a similar issue with a Vue project.
in .babelrc and tried many things, but nothing seems to work.
As mentioned in preset-env plugin in caveats section, you should have at least v6.19.0, mine is v6.23.0 and it still doesn't work.
Call {} instead of todos={}
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