Crystal Armstrong

Zucrow labs purdue university (Queens) these holes were easy enough to dig because I've built this area up over the last ten years little by little it used to sloped straight down to the street so right about here is where the line stops and the caliche starts and this hole I ran into some caliche so I'm working on digging this out you this is a job for my pickaxe in my caliche bar caliche hate it well long as I keep slamming this par into the ground it'll break up okay I'm going to mix up some dirt to plant the trees back on soil Caroline keep us and some soil gypsum and I'll mix in a little bit of this Sam okay I think I have it there doubt enough I dug it back at this angle and dug the caliche out where it's got some nice down there so hopefully the roots will grow that way only when they have to go Canisius College.

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