

As progressive as it sounds, Blockchain really is a system to convey everybody to the most noteworthy level of responsibility. Not any more missed exchanges, human or machine blunders, or even a trade that was not finished with the assent of the gatherings included. Above whatever else, the most basic territory where Blockchain causes is to ensure the legitimacy of an exchange by recording it on a principle enroll as well as an associated dispersed arrangement of registers, which are all associated through a safe approval component.

The blockchain is a morally sound computerized record of monetary exchanges that can be customized to record not simply money related exchanges but rather for all intents and purposes everything of esteem. Blockchain innovation resembles the web in that it has a worked in power. By putting away squares of data that are indistinguishable over its system, the blockchain can’t be controlled by any single substance and has no single purpose of disappointment. The web itself has turned out to be tough for just about 30 years. It’s a reputation that looks good for blockchain innovation as it keeps on being produced.


Bluenote is the main blockchain answer to assemble a zero discharge world. Bluenote is propelling the world's first blockchain-based vitality productivity convention. It makes a decentralized biological system which enables building administrators around the globe to gain from each other how to squander less vitality through dispersed information knowledge. 

Likewise, the bluenote ventures means to fix a worldwide temperature alteration by getting new requests of extent in regards to each building and utilities over the world, and the undertaking will satisfy the hard assignment with the bluenote convention. P


Motivating the correct information to settle on the best choices about vitality proficiency in structures is troublesome. A building's vitality use, operational and resource esteem information is once in a while accessible. In the event that it will be, it is ordinarily siloed in merchant equipment programming items, walled off from each other in costly restrictive arrangements. Without simple access to information, building proprietors and speculators have experienced issues demonstrating how explicit interests in building innovation affect vitality use and the main concern. 


Bluenote will haul these information streams out of structures and institutionalize it through a disseminated blockchain arrangement called the Bluenote Protocol. The Bluenote Protocol is an open-get to, secret system that empowers basic information sharing, information administrations, and building examination so as to open new vitality productivity techniques in structures. The product based Bluenote Protocol can be utilized both with new applications and with vitality advancements previously introduced in structures all through the world. 

The Bluenote Protocol will use this blockchain innovation to not just give vitality information that is increasingly dependable and alright for its clients, it will likewise empower everybody to utilize this information to grow better vitality arrangements. the Bluenote convention can possibly open more than $650 billion in esteem all inclusive. 

About The BLUENOTE Protocol 

The Bluenote Protocol is a decentralized system of building (homes, workplaces, utilities, schools) information, matched with a token-based framework for information handling and basic leadership programming administrations. The Bluenote Protocol does not go about as an information watchman or focal center, but instead as a cooperation empowering agent. The convention is produced as a progression of Nodes, bundled information administrations associated through the system and recorded on the normal record. Every hub enables information to be pulled in standard configurations from structures into isolated information streams, every one open with consent by the more extensive system without imperiling secrecy of the building. 

The Bluenote Protocol gives an option in contrast to keeping information secured merchant storehouses, and takes into consideration the simple sharing of the knowledge uncovered by information over a decentralized system, opening up new open doors for vitality proficiency that are not generally conceivable. 

The Bluenote Protocol is based on five center standards: 

•Open Access 

Any venture can get to the Bluenote Protocol and its biological system. 


The Bluenote Protocol is definitely not a solitary social database or brought together server. 


Every single shared datum streams associated with the convention are open to all applications to be utilized, alongside any exchanges or employments of that information. 


To look after classification, all information streams are distinguished by a one of a kind key ensured and imparted just to the stage clients. 

•Information has value

Members can be remunerated with bluenotes token as remuneration just to transfer valuable information to the convention, anyway the prizes relies upon the nature of the substance to the stage. 

The Protocol 

Reward Structure 

A Reward Pool will be set up to seed the Bluenote Protocol with quality building information and to encourage information age, transfers, and application arrangement by outsiders, as a kickstart to the Bluenote token economy. 

Network Data Sharing 

Information proprietors may wish to choose to impart a portion of their information to the Bluenote people group in general in an anonymized or secured configuration through the Bluenote Protocol. 

Completely Decentralized Data Collection 

The Bluenote Protocol takes into consideration information proprietors to build up their own secured hub, instead of imparting their information to a "stage" or "cloud." 

The Token 

The Bluenote Protocol encourages a business opportunity for programming and information get to dependent on an ERC20 token. The token use conveyed trade foundation and answers for serve convention clients or token merchants wherever they are. 


It produces a colossal immediate and ceaseless cost sparing by decreasing the vitality expenses of the building. 

It permits cost funds which thusly make structures increasingly beneficial and in this way considerably progressively profitable. 

The non money related, however supportability advantage, is that the expanded vitality effectiveness enormously brings down carbon outflows.

About The BNOW Token

The Bluenote token is an ERC20-compliant cryptocurrency, utilizing smart contracts. which will be tradable under the ticker BNOW. Buildings and devices that integrate the Bluenote Protocol and share data are rewarded in Bluenote tokens. Buildings can then buy and use Bluenote tokens to purchase energy efficiency analytics, from application developers who use the Bluenote Protocol.

Token Details

Token Symbol : BNOW

Total Supply : 12,500,000,000 Tokens

Tokens for Sale : 6,250,000,000 (50%)

Platform : Ethereum Token Issue : Immediately

starts after IEO Start / TBA

KYC : Document KYC IEO Token

IEO Token Price 1 BNOW = CHF 0.01

Public Sale Cap CHF 10,000,000

Public Sale Cap : CHF 10,000,000

Total Fundraising Goal : CHF 20,000,000

Accepted Currencies : BTC


December 2015 – Launch

Blue City Solutions (“Blue”), the global coalition that helps improve people’s lives by testing, sharing and implementing the best smart city solutions, officially launches at COP21 in Paris.

May 2016 – Discuss

Blue hosts an open innovation debate for stakeholders from the international energy world at the Blue Horizon event in Amsterdam, where commercial real estate is discussed as the largest singular source of carbon emissions in cities.

September 2016 – Focus

Blue initiates a project to develop a protocol that enables the global real estate market to track energy efficiency live: the Bluenote project.

February 2017 – Open

The Bluenote project team is formed with the goal to develop a protocol that powers an independent, decentralized economy that helps to optimize energy efficiency for commercial real estate around the world.

Fall 2018 – Share a token generation event

Everyone who passes the KYC process can participate in the Bluenote token investment pool and in the economics of Bluenote token performance. Bluenote tokens are based on the Ethereum blockchain ERC20 Token Standard.

2018 – Build realtime energy reporting

Bluenote will launch the world’s first open-data, real-time building performance protocol to benchmark and verify each building’s energy, emissions and financial data.


#blockchain #Bluenote #climatechange #crowdfunding #energyefficiency

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Author TheJohnMatch


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