BLUENOTE – The Energy Efficiency Protocol – The Leading Blockchain Solution to a Zero Emission World

BLUENOTE – The Energy Efficiency Protocol – The Leading Blockchain Solution to a Zero Emission World



Cryptocurrency is essentially digital money traded from one person to another through the use of pseudonyms. There are no intermediaries like banks, no governmental oversight or authority, and no fees. The “crypto” in cryptocurrency refers to the use of cryptography to ensure the security and privacy of every transaction.

New coins are created through a technique called mining. The process requires powerful computers that solve complex math problems. Each problem should take about 10 minutes to solve, and results in the creation of a predetermined number of coins. The total number of coins that can be created is fixed — there’s a limit of 21 million bitcoins that can be created. The number of coins rewarded for solving each problem dwindles as time goes on.

Bitcoin is believed to have been created in 2009 by Satoshi Nakamoto, an enigmatic figure who has so far proven all but impossible to definitively identify. By using cryptography to control the creation and tracking of a digital currency, Nakamoto took that power away from central authorities like governments.

Bitcoin was the first and most famous digital currency, but you can choose from more than 1,500, including ether, litecoin and even cryptokitties. For awhile, you saw these currencies only in the darkest corners of the internet, where people used them for all sorts of questionable, even illegal, activities. Drug dealers liked them because they made transactions all but invisible, and trolls at the Kremlin-backed Internet Research Agency used bitcoin to finance their campaign to influence the 2016 election.

That started to change in 2014, when Overstock became the first major US retailer to accept bitcoin. Companies like Expedia and Microsoft followed suit.

One of the biggest misconceptions about cryptocurrencies is that you need thousands of dollars to invest. It’s an easy assumption to make, especially in the case of bitcoin, which stayed under $1,000 from about 2010 to 2017. But then it took off, surpassing thousand-dollar milestones at a pace that seemed quicker than you could refresh your phone.

The staggering value is off-putting to many. But unlike most stocks, you can buy a fraction of a bitcoin so you don’t need thousands to get into the crypto game.

As more technological advancements are uncovered, Bluenote is launching the world’s first blockchain-based energy efficiency protocol. It creates a decentralized ecosystem which allows building operators around the world to learn from one another how to waste less energy through distributed data intelligence.


Bluenote is the leading blockchain solution to build a zero emission world. Bluenote is launching the world’s first blockchain-based energy efficiency protocol. It creates a decentralized ecosystem which allows building operators around the world to learn from one another how to waste less energy through distributed data intelligence.

In addition, the bluenote projects aims to fix global warming by bringing in new orders of magnitude regarding every building and utilities across the world, and the project will fulfill the hard task with the bluenote protocol.


Getting the right data to make the best decisions about energy efficiency in buildings is difficult. A building’s energy use, operational and asset value data is rarely available. If it is, it is typically siloed in vendor hardware software products, walled off from one another in expensive proprietary solutions. Without easy access to data, building owners and investors have had difficulty proving how specific investments in building technology impact energy use and the bottom line.


Bluenote will pull these data streams out of buildings and standardize it through a distributed blockchain solution called the Bluenote Protocol. The Bluenote Protocol is an open-access, confidential network that enables simple data sharing, data services, and building analysis in order to unlock new energy efficiency strategies in buildings. The software based Bluenote Protocol can be used both with new applications and with energy technologies already installed in buildings throughout the world.

The Bluenote Protocol will utilize this blockchain technology to not only provide energy data that is more reliable and safe for its users, it will also enable everyone to use this data to develop better energy solutions. the Bluenote protocol has the potential to unlock more than $650 billion in value globally.

About The BLUENOTE Protocol

The Bluenote Protocol is a decentralized network of building (homes, offices, utilities, schools) data, paired with a token-based system for data processing and decision making software services. The Bluenote Protocol does not act as a data gatekeeper or central hub, but rather as a collaboration enabler. The protocol is developed as a series of Nodes, packaged data services connected through the network and recorded on the common ledger. Each node allows data to be pulled in standard formats from buildings into separate data streams, each one accessible with permission by the broader network without jeopardizing confidentiality of the building.

The Bluenote Protocol provides an alternative to keeping data locked in vendor silos, and allows for the easy sharing of the intelligence exposed by data across a decentralized network, opening up new opportunities for energy efficiency that are not otherwise possible.

The Bluenote Protocol is built on five core principles:

Open Access

Any project can access the Bluenote Protocol and its ecosystem.


The Bluenote Protocol is not a single relational database or centralized server.


All shared data streams connected to the protocol are accessible to all apps to be used, along with any transactions or uses of that data.


To maintain confidentiality, all data streams are identified by a unique key protected and shared only with the platform users.

Data has value

Participants can be rewarded with bluenotes token as reward simply for uploading useful data to the protocol, however the rewards depends on the quality of the content to the platform.

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The Protocol

Reward Structure

A Reward Pool will be established to seed the Bluenote Protocol with quality building data and to facilitate data generation, uploads, and application deployment by 3rd parties, as a kickstart to the Bluenote token economy.

Community Data Sharing

Data owners may wish to elect to share some of their data with the Bluenote community as a whole in an anonymized or protected format through the Bluenote Protocol.

Fully Decentralized Data Collection

The Bluenote Protocol allows for data owners to establish their own protected node, rather than having to share their data with a “platform” or “cloud.”

The Token

The Bluenote Protocol facilitates a market for software and data access based on an ERC20 token. The token leverages distributed exchange infrastructure and solutions to serve protocol users or token traders wherever they are.

The Benefits

It generates an enormous direct and continuous cost saving by reducing the energy costs of the building.

It allows cost savings which in turn make buildings more profitable and therefore substantially more valuable.

The non financial, but sustainability benefit, is that the increased energy efficiency greatly lowers carbon emissions.

About The BNOW Token

The Bluenote token is an ERC20-compliant cryptocurrency, utilizing smart contracts. which will be tradable under the ticker BNOW. Buildings and devices that integrate the Bluenote Protocol and share data are rewarded in Bluenote tokens. Buildings can then buy and use Bluenote tokens to purchase energy efficiency analytics, from application developers who use the Bluenote Protocol.


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Token Symbol : BNOW

Total Supply : 12,500,000,000 Tokens

Tokens for Sale : 6,250,000,000 (50%)

Platform : Ethereum Token Issue : Immediately

starts after IEO Start / TBA

KYC : Document KYC IEO Token

IEO Token Price 1 BNOW = CHF 0.01

Public Sale Cap CHF 10,000,000

Public Sale Cap : CHF 10,000,000

Total Fundraising Goal : CHF 20,000,000

Accepted Currencies : BTC

Token Allocation

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Fund Allocation

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December 2015 – Launch

Blue City Solutions (“Blue”), the global coalition that helps improve people’s lives by testing, sharing and implementing the best smart city solutions, officially launches at COP21 in Paris.

May 2016 – Discuss

Blue hosts an open innovation debate for stakeholders from the international energy world at the Blue Horizon event in Amsterdam, where commercial real estate is discussed as the largest singular source of carbon emissions in cities.

September 2016 – Focus

Blue initiates a project to develop a protocol that enables the global real estate market to track energy efficiency live: the Bluenote project.

February 2017 – Open

The Bluenote project team is formed with the goal to develop a protocol that powers an independent, decentralized economy that helps to optimize energy efficiency for commercial real estate around the world.

Fall 2018 – Share a token generation event

Everyone who passes the KYC process can participate in the Bluenote token investment pool and in the economics of Bluenote token performance. Bluenote tokens are based on the Ethereum blockchain ERC20 Token Standard.

2018 – Build realtime energy reporting

Bluenote will launch the world’s first open-data, real-time building performance protocol to benchmark and verify each building’s energy, emissions and financial data.


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NOTE: This article is just a guide to prospective clients, investors and every person scorching for a slice of this amazing project,

You can get more information about these project with huge potential by following the link below:



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