BITWIN - The Next Level Blockchain iGaming Innovation

BITWIN - The Next Level Blockchain iGaming Innovation



Bitwin is a sheltered and legitimate online gambling club that utilizes the Ethereum organize and enables every client to confirm stage honesty. As of late, individuals' trust in betting has dropped altogether. The designer will almost certainly take care of this issue totally with the assistance of the Ethereum shrewd contract. Everybody can be sure beyond a shadow of a doubt that a shrewd contract will guarantee the trustworthiness of an irregular number generator. All outcomes created by an irregular number generator can be checked in the Ethereum arrange. Blockchain will enable individuals to check not just diversions where they are the main members, yet additionally other client's recreations.

One of the principle highlights of this stage is its own open source Bitwin arrange. Utilizing your very own system enables you to make exchanges in a single second. The stage will likewise be portrayed by low commissions and no number of fixed exchanges. To expand the speed of exchanges, the blockchain Ethereum will just record the final product of the player. Players will likewise have the capacity to draw even little successes.

Brief History

Bitwin was established by a gathering of club and sportsbook experts with long periods of tremendous experience starting from the betting business who collaborated to make a particular and novel stage in the effectively swarmed iGaming space. Realizing that so as to turn into the stage everybody admires, it needs to stay focused at each phase of the test and in the meantime offer the most alluring gaming conditions and condition.

The first and early Bitwin 1.0 stage, made preceding 2.0 form, was worked in light of the best gauges. Driven by clear and reachable vision, Bitwin committed every one of the current assets to structure an outwardly exciting space that can't be tested by some other betting stage.


The objective of the Bitwin group is to make a legitimate and secure online gambling club that deals with clients and permits completely everybody to ensure the genuineness of the amusement.

The Impending Challenges

Absence of straightforwardness, which does not permit to check the rule of the gambling club and its trustworthiness;

High Commission for getting the won assets - up to 9 percent;

The long procedure of exchanging rewards to the player's record, which can take as long as 48 hours.

The Solution Offered

The answer for these issues could be the utilization of Blockchain innovation, yet even It doesn't give a 100% assurance of genuineness, since the proprietor of an online gambling club can enlist the amusement code so that the rewards in every individual wager are sent to a few wallets introduced by him.

The Bitwin stage, which utilizes the Ethereum system and its savvy contracts to work, will be the answer for all the above issues.

How It Works

These brilliant understandings will guarantee the most genuine arbitrary number generator, the outcomes and code of which can be checked in the dispersed vault of the Ethereum organize whenever. It is vital to take note of that using savvy contracts of this system, clients will probably check the outcomes not just in recreations where they are the main member, yet additionally in numerous client amusements, for example, roulette and blackjack.

Another unmistakable element of the Bitwin stage will be its own Bitwin Network dependent on the open source code of the Raiden Network.

This system gives players various focal points, including:

Money related exchange affirmation time-under 1 second;

The low dimension of expenses;

Bidirectional channels of installment;

The nonattendance of a fixed measure of the exchange.

It is significant that just the last consequence of the player is recorded in the Ethereum Blockchain, because of which the stage figures out how to lessen the dimension of exchange costs, which enables players to pull back even little sums.


One of the fundamental issues that reason inconvenience for industry iGaming is the cost viability of exchanges, you can experience long exchange periods or a huge expense to pull back cash. In any case, running exchanges inside the stage won't recognize our stage from some other online gambling clubs. That is the reason we have thought of another answer for fix that issue and make Bitwin Network.Bitwin Network depends on the Raiden Network's open source venture, giving versatile security arrangements past the chain.

The most critical highlights are:

Affirmation time under seconds

Low expense

Two-way installment channel

No fixed exchange on each second farthest point

Installment steering

This enables us to make installment frameworks among players and club, steadily expanding and diminishing relying upon the player base. Just the last aftereffect of the player's wagers is exchanged to the Ethereum square, permitting Bitwin to lessen exchange expenses to irrelevant sum, even with the most minimal wager sum.

About The Bitwin Token

Bitwin Token is a decentralized, blockchain-based payment method that will be introduced to the existing Bitwin online casino platform. BWT tokens are designed to meet the most sophisticated demands of iGaming vertically and eliminate most of the pain points that interfere with the existing online gambling market.

The Ticker for Bitwin tokens is BWT and is an Ethereum-based standard type ERC20 token. The total supply of tokens is 450,000,000 BWT.

Token Details

Token: BWT

Platform: Ethereum

Type: ERC20

Price: 1 BWT = 0.098 USD

MVP / Prototype: Available

Platform: Ethereum

Accepting: BTC, ETH, LTC

Minimum investment: 20 USD

Soft cap: 1,320,000 USD

Hard cap: 18,500,000 USD

Country: Malta


Phase 1: 0 - 40 000 000 BWT - 20% discount

Phase 2: 40 000 001 - 100 000 000 BWT - 15% discount

Phase 3: 100 000 001 - 202 500 000 BWT - 10% discount

Tokens for sale: 247,500,000

Token Distribution

Public Sale: 45%

Bitwin Vault: 33%

Private Sale: 10%

Advisors and Partners: 10%

Bounty: 2%

Fund Distribution

Development: 50%

Marketing: 25%

Operational: 10%

Lega: 6%

Team Bonus: 4%

The Incredible Partners


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Authors Profile:

Bitcointalk Username: AbrahamHenry

BitcoinTalk profile link:;u=2089880

ETH Address: 0x1E4C331d8dC510622f997b55520d877349741256

Telegram Username: @abrahambabs

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