BIPX1000 - attracting the attention of foreign users to the Minter platform

BIPX1000 - attracting the attention of foreign users to the Minter platform

Mikhail Korytov - 

The project is dedicated to the marketing of the Minter project in crypto communities in Asia, the USA, Europe, and India using social media channels.

What for?

Objective 1: The Minter project promotion and attracting users to the platform.

Objective 2: Profit of BIP holders, other Minter coins holders (as a result of the first goal).

Main areas of work

1) Social Media Marketing

BitcoinTalkForum, Wechat, Reddit, Twitter, LinkedIn, Discord, Steemit, Quora, Telegram

  • Work with influencers
  • User support
  • Local community building

2) Marketing in crypto-media

  • Writing content for Medium blog with language localization. Promotion of "claps" for the greater audience coverage.
  • Articles, analytics for crypto-media. Paid brand mentioning, article featuring on online crypto-media websites.

3) Retargeting

Banner advertising for users interested in the Minter project.


1 month - recruiting a full-time project manager for BIP. Detailing strategy.

2-5 months - the formation of regional BIP-motivated teams of influencers from users with a positive reputation. Teams should have coordinators accountable to the project manager.

Objectives for the teams: informing users about the Minter project, sharing positive feedback, initiation of discussions, assistance, the formation of an independent community capable of autonomous life and self-advancement.

Networks for activities: BitcoinTalkForum, Wechat, Reddit, Twitter, LinkedIn, Discord, Steemit, Quora, Telegram

Content creation for Medium blog and other resources.

6 month - analysis of the work performed, adaptation, refinement, and improvement of the strategy.

7-12 months - work according to the improved strategy.

Year 2

With the project funding availability, we are planning to hire regional professional GrowthHacking teams to enhance the Minter project promotion. Continuation of the activities of the first year. Brand advertising project on various crypto resources.

Year 3

Analysis of the previous work, conclusions and making a new roadmap for brand promotion.


Ticker: BIPX1000

Initial emission: 1,000,000 Mt381ca263ba01b88c7a65588792c465f6c93792066ff994c04600d7a3ed377328

Reserve ratio: 25%

Initial Emission Delegation: 100%


Reviewed by the coin creator: after 3 years

Financing source of the BIPX1000 project: 80% of the award from the delegation and other donations

20% - the profit of the BIPx1000 project Founder from the delegation and other donations

How to help?

  • Buy BIPX1000 coins.
  • The more coins you buy, the more you will attract users to Minter. The BIPX1000 project is funded entirely from delegation rewards, where 80% of the awards will form its budget.
  • The more users Minter has, the greater its success will be.

BIP X 1000 - seems an unreal dream, but we will strive for it!

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BIPx1000, Copyright 2019

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