BETTER The Doctors: Whos Who: The Story Behind Every Face of the Iconic Time Lord by Craig Cabell mobile read online how to shop

BETTER The Doctors: Whos Who: The Story Behind Every Face of the Iconic Time Lord by Craig Cabell mobile read online how to shop

BETTER The Doctors: Whos Who: The Story Behind Every Face of the Iconic Time Lord by Craig Cabell mobile read online how to shop

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Book description

Book description
Detailed biographies of the 11 actors who have played the Time Lord, including the latest, Matt Smith Doctor Who is the worlds longest-running science fiction television series, and the role of the Time Lord has been a career landmark for all 11 actors who have played him. Few roles in television history are as iconic, demanding, or as anticipated by its legion of fans as that of the famous time traveler with two hearts. This compendium of facts about the men behind the role reveals to fans who was a bouncer for the Rolling Stones before taking control of the Tardis, who was nearly blown up in World War II aboard HMS Hood, who had a fondness for wooly hats and a grandson who would become Harry Potters nemesis, and who played a transvestite barmaid before becoming a Who heart-throb. All these bizarre facts are expained, and many more, as the lives and careers of each Doctor—including the youngest and most recent incarnation, Matt Smith—are put under the spotlight and given the credit they so richly deserve. Including interviews with many of the stars, this is a must-have for any fan.
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