БЕСПЛАТНЫЙ КУРС в Израиле для представителей агробизнеса!

БЕСПЛАТНЫЙ КУРС в Израиле для представителей агробизнеса!


MASHAV (Израильское Агентство по международному сотрудничеству в целях развития при Министерстве иностранных дел) при содействии UNIDO (Организация Объединённых Наций по промышленному развитию) приглашает на БЕСПЛАТНЫЙ МЕЖДУНАРОДНЫЙ КУРС для представителей агробизнеса:

«Агробизнес для инклюзивного и устойчивого развития».

Дата проведения: 8-20 декабря 2019 года.

Дэдлайн регистрации: 15 сентября 2019 года.

Подробная информация о программе ниже:

MASHAV - Israel’s Agency for International Development Cooperation In partnership with UNIDO – United Nations Industrial Development Organization invite professionals to participate in the International Course:


Date: 8 - 20 December 2019

About the Course


Addressing inclusive and sustainable development as well as increasing attention to economic and social development strategies within rural areas, are globally recognized as critical aspects in achieving overall prosperity.

The agricultural sector and food production have been among the main pillars of the Israeli economy since Israel's declaration of independence, with the investment of substantial funds for continuous research and development. Israel’s success branches from the resolve and creativity of farmers and scientists that have dedicated their lives to develop agriculture in a mostly desert country, demonstrating that the real value of the land lies on how it is used. However, over the last few years, the number of active farmers in Israel has been drastically reduced.

There is a continuous exit of small farmers from business, due to the limitation of land and water and an ever increasing trend away from farming to other professions. Today's farmers need to adapt to this challenge by making the required transition from being simple producers to becoming managers of an agricultural enterprise, armed with the latest technologies and know-how, as well as an understanding of the market.

Agricultural diversification, coupled with intensive Research and Development and effective up-to-date extension services for rural farms, will prevent the transformation of additional farming lands for non-agricultural use and keep farmers and rural professions in business. As technology and intensive agricultural methods change the conditions of agricultural production, farmers need to explore other alternatives in order to remain in the rural areas.

Taking into account current trends, Israel is ready to share its rich experience in agribusiness for long term sustainability.


The proposed training program aims at contributing to inclusive economic empowerment by exploring agricultural entrepreneurship comprising all segments of society and stakeholders considering the adaptability of methods and technologies, to meet local conditions in each participant's country. The participants will be exposed to the various aspects of planning, development, and management of small businesses in agro-industries, so that by the end of the course they are able to:

  • Adopt advance technologies to generate greater share of value added
  • Exchange know-how on different tools for fostering women’s entrepreneurial potential
  • Initiate, organize, and manage small agribusiness projects
  • Widen their knowledge of support systems for small-scale entrepreneurs as a tool for regional andlocal development

Program Topics

  • Marketing and Branding for Agribusiness
  • Achieving Women’s Empowerment Through Agribusiness
  • Support systems in Israel and best practices in promoting agro-entrepreneurship
  • Tools for Community Development and Farming Organizations
  • New trends in modern agriculture (technological advancements, nutritional concerns, water/energy management)
  • How agribusiness can find solutions to economic, social, and environmental problems
  • Sustainable agriculture and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)


Application Requirements

This course is geared towards advanced and influential professionals, practitioners and policymakers involved in agriculture and rural development, as well as experienced representatives of the agriculture private sector. Candidates should hold a senior position, an academic degree in related disciplines and have at least five years of professional work experience in related fields. Age requirements 25 to 55 years old.

Participants will be selected by UNIDO from UNIDO’s projects worldwide. A full command of English is required.

Application forms

Application forms including the health declaration may be obtained at the nearest Israeli mission’s websitehttp: http://embassies.gov.il/astana/Departments/mashav/Pages/mashav.aspx

Completed application forms with all required documents should be sent to the relevant Israeli mission in the respective country by the 15/09/2019.

General Information

Arrival and Departure

  • Arrival date: 8/12/2019
  • Opening date: 9/12/2019
  • Closing date: 19/12/2019
  • Departure date: 20/12/2019

Participants must arrive at the Hotel on the arrival date, and leave on the departure date. Early arrivals/late departures if required, must be arranged by the participants themselves, directly with the Hotel and must be paid for by the participant him/herself.

Location and Accommodation

The scholarship covers the cost of the training program including lectures and field visits, full board accommodation in double rooms (two participants per room), health insurance (see below) and transfers to and from the airport. Daily allowance is not included in the scholarship. The scholarship and flights will be covered by UNIDO.

The course will be held at the Dan Carmel Hotel located at HaNassi Blvd 85-87, Haifa. Participants will be accommodated in double rooms (two participants per room)

Health Services

Medical insurance covers medical services and hospitalization in case of emergency. It does not cover the treatment of chronic or serious diseases, specific medications taken by the participant on a regular basis, dental care and eyeglasses. Health authorities recommend that visitors to Israel make sure they have been inoculated against tetanus in the last ten years. Subject to the full binding policy conditions. Participants are responsible for all other expenses.

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