Azur Lane Passionate

Azur Lane Passionate


Azur Lane Passionate
For the event, see Passionate Polaris .
I'm surprised how good these things are. To eat. Starting from the head, working my way down, ahahaha…
Ootori_Shikikan I'm surprised how good these things are. To eat. Starting from the head, working my way down, ahahaha…
GascogneT8 Assessment: Manjuu are inedible. Photograph depicts a stylized confectionery, likely a bun.
R-Guitarist Hang on, you can EAT those?!
ShiningS I've come up with a new recipe: Commander buns. If anyone wants to make some later, do let me know.
Ootori_Shikikan Commander buns? I'm all in… Give me the ingredients and I'll have 500 ready by tomorrow~
R-Guitarist No, we're not baking! Stop messing around!
Ootori_Shikikan Would you like one, my dear Commander? Open your mouth and I'll feed you~
Commander Don't eat the poor things!
Ootori_Shikikan Would you like one, my dear Commander? Open your mouth and I'll feed you~
Orders received from Master: "do whatever you want." Attention: unable to deduce meaning of said phrase.
GascogneT8 Orders received from Master: "do whatever you want." Attention: unable to deduce meaning of said phrase.
Cleveland☆Knight We have the day off, just play around and have some fun. :D
GascogneT8 Requesting examples of activities classified as "playing around and having fun."
Cleveland☆Knight Examples? Umm, surfing or sunbathing, I guess? Maybe building a sandcastle? I think you'd like that
GascogneT8 "Build a sandcastle." Interest piqued…
R-Guitarist Are you SERIOUSLY chilling on the beach? We've got stuff to do.
Cleveland☆Knight Cmon, don't be the no-fun police! It's our day off, let loose a little! > <
R-Guitarist Let loose?! Are you implying I'm all wound up?!
Commander Building a sandcastle sounds like a good idea!
GascogneT8 Orders received, directive updated. Commencing sandcastle construction.
GascogneT8 Sandcastle construction complete.
GascogneT8 Emotion experienced during construction process identified as "enjoyment."
Cleveland☆Knight Haha! Sounds like you had fun!
R-Guitarist Okay, I'll admit, it looks cool. But it's not AMAZING or anything.
ShiningS I saw you tried to make a sandcastle, too, but couldn't event manage to build a small tower. You have my sympathies.
R-Guitarist Who asked for YOUR sympathy? I sure didn't!
GascogneT8 Assistance with sandcastle construction is available, Hipper.
R-Guitarist Keep it! I don't need your help!
GascogneT8 Conditions for experiencing the emotion known as "fun" have been met.
#lunch #burgers Bought lunch for everyone! This stuff was HEAVY!
Cleveland☆Knight #lunch #burgers Bought lunch for everyone! This stuff was HEAVY!
Cleve-FC.3 You carried that food like a boss, sis!
Cleve-FC.1 I would've gone with you if you had told me…!
Cleve-FC.2 Way to go, Cleve! We'll buy for you next time!
R-Guitarist Aww, what a sweet big sister.
Commander Heavy? As in, on the arteries?
Cleveland☆Knight Lol, kinda. One burger every now and then has never killed anyone tho :D
#Night_battle Fly me to the moon, and let me play among the stars.
ShiningS #Night_battle Fly me to the moon, and let me play among the stars.
GascogneT8 Starting simulation to calculate amount of energy required to travel to and play among celestial bodies…
Ootori_Shikikan Let me see what spring is like on Jupiter and Mars… Such romantic lyrics.
Commander Want me to ask Akashi how much it'd cost to go to space?
ShiningS It is painfully evident that you have no sense of romance, Master.
#hobbyhour #guitar I'm feeling it! My guitar and I are in perfect sync today!
R-Guitarist #hobbyhour #guitar I'm feeling it! My guitar and I are in perfect sync today!
Cleveland☆Knight Wow! Your guitar looks AWESOME! :D
R-Guitarist Uh, sure… But I'm not fishing for compliments here! I'm so NOT happy you think it looks cool!
ShiningS What was it Eugen said about tradition? Blonde, flat as a board, has attitude problems?
R-Guitarist EXCUSE ME?! Are you saying I'm an ARCHETYPE?! Oh, you're gonna get it…
GascogneT8 Proposal: repaint guitars with colors associated with the Vichya Dominion.
Ootori_Shikikan Your guitar is such a gorgeous shade of red…
R-Guitarist Huh? What's this all of a sudden?
It's late and I'm in the practice room, but I just can't get fired up without the Commander by my side…
Ootori_Shikikan It's late and I'm in the practice room, but I just can't get fired up without the Commander by my side…
ShiningS Please practice without the Master in attendance. We *all* need to rehearse.
R-Guitarist If you say you're gonna do something, do it right! Don't make excuses!
ShiningS My, you seem very serious about this. Pardon me if I'm mistaken, but didn't a certain somebody say, "It's not like this is worth getting worked up over or anything"
R-Guitarist Excuse me?! When did I ever say something like that?! You're TOTALLY wrong AND misremembering!
Ootori_Shikikan *Sigh*… If only the Commander was here for me…
GascogneT8 Assessment: "practice" seems entertaining.
Cleveland☆Knight I know you're doing your best in there, Akagi! Keep it up! ^.^
Commander Sorry I can't be there in person.
Ootori_Shikikan It's okay, Commander! The moment I'm finished, I'll go straight to your office so we can be together!
Commander Give it your all out there.
#growingbonsai I heard if you play music to plants they'll grow faster. Maybe it likes rock?
Cleveland☆Knight #growingbonsai I heard if you play music to plants they'll grow faster. Maybe it likes rock?
R-Guitarist Huh? Maybe a beanstalk from some fairytale would.
GascogneT8 Scientific consensus on the practice of using sound to stimulate organic growth: unproven.
Cleveland☆Knight Well, maybe it'll work anyway…
Ootori_Shikikan Perhaps the bond between us will grow faster if I sing to the Commander every day…
ShiningS With you caring for it, it will surely grow into a wonderful bonsai whether you play music for it or not.
Cleveland☆Knight True! I take good care of my little plants.
Cleveland☆Knight You really think so? :o
#practice I am practicing my part. It is not quite satisfactory yet.
ShiningS #practice I am practicing my part. It is not quite satisfactory yet.
Cleveland☆Knight What? You're plenty good already, Sheffy!
ShiningS Music, much like cleaning, are skills that can always be improved. I am far from perfect.
R-Guitarist Sure. At least get good enough to not drag everyone else down!
ShiningS Certainly. But perhaps you should take your own advice, Hipper.
R-Guitarist Excuse me? I AM practicing! Geez!
Commander I'd love to hear your singing, live.
ShiningS That can be arranged, Master. Would you mind if I sing a song that also places a curse on you? …I am joking, of course.
#coffeebreak #getsmegoing A nice cup of coffee after work really hits the spot.
R-Guitarist #coffeebreak #getsmegoing A nice cup of coffee after work really hits the spot.
ShiningS I'm more of a tea person myself.
R-Guitarist Okay? Coffee boosts your alertness way more than tea does.
Ootori_Shikikan I'm baffled by how some people unironically drink enjoy drinking something that tastes like burnt dishwater.
R-Guitarist YOU baffle ME! EVERYONE drinks coffee! You just have no idea how to brew it!
Cleveland☆Knight I guess you could say it's not her cup of tea… How about an ice-cold Oxy-cola to help cool down?
#Training Gascogne is self-evaluating ability to sing with emotion.
GascogneT8 #Training Gascogne is self-evaluating ability to sing with emotion.
Ootori_Shikikan What you need is love. Yes, love. LOVE makes everything possible!
GascogneT8 Topic: "love" identified. Attention: database lacking in records on this emotion.
Cleveland☆Knight Just follow your heart and do what feels right! No regrets or second guessing!
R-Guitarist Cleve's right. I'd take her words to heart if I were you.
Commander You're a great singer, Gascogne.
GascogneT8 Assessment: interpreting praise of singing ability as equal to praise of emotional capacity may cause disruptions in analytic systems…
My fortune slip says my luck will be excellent~! What fortuitous things could happen today? A liaison with the Commander, perhaps~?
Ootori_Shikikan My fortune slip says my luck will be excellent~! What fortuitous things could happen today? A liaison with the Commander, perhaps~?
Ran_mew You should refrain from making blog posts like this, dear sister…
Ootori_Shikikan And why should I refrain from expressing my love for the Commander, Kaga?
Ran_mew Please, let us stick to using our usernames…
Cleveland☆Knight Business as usual for Akagi I guess xD
Ran_mew You too. Usernames, got it?
R-Guitarist Maybe I'll buy a fortune slip sometime later too. Not that I'm curious in any way.
Ootori_Shikikan Why don't you buy one as well, Commander? Then we can move to the next step: tying the knot~
#out-of-season-oktoberfest Nothing goes together like beer and bratwurst!
R-Guitarist #out-of-season-oktoberfest Nothing goes together like beer and bratwurst!
P.Eugen Not nagging for 5 seconds and actually enjoying yourself? Who are you and what have you done to Hipper?
R-Guitarist Excuse me? Who said I'm enjoying myself? And don't you have something better to do?
P.Eugen There, that's more like it! I was starting to worry that you'd deviated from your archetype.
GRAFSPEE Normally, I feel awkward at parties… but being with my Iron Blood friends makes it easier.
SPEE_FIGHT It's nice to have a celebration every once in a while… Plus it offers Spee many opportunities to socialize and have fun! Ahahahah!
R-Guitarist Uh, yeah, prost. It's a shame you're not here to enjoy it, isn't it? Who know, maybe SOMEONE will let you join us!
Commander Those sausages look yummy.
R-Guitarist It sounds like you really wish you were here, am I right? Maybe we'll let you join us at some point!
#gardening #flowers Wow this is starting to look really good now!
Cleveland☆Knight #gardening #flowers Wow this is starting to look really good now!
ShiningS You have an interest in not just growing bonsai, but gardening in general?
Cleveland☆Knight Yup! Gardening and bonsai growing are sorta similar!
GascogneT8 Detecting floral lifeforms in bloom.
Ootori_Shikikan How about trying your hand at a more beautiful flower?! If so, may I suggest… the red spider lily?
R-Guitarist Seriously? That's way too advanced for a beginner. A gerbera, cosmos, or viola would be more her level.
Cleveland☆Knight Wow, I didn't know you knew so much about gardening! Are you into it too?
R-Guitarist Not really? That's just common knowledge.
Commander Cleveland, the green-fingered light cruiser!
Cleveland☆Knight LOL I'm just a beginner! This is nothing special ^^'
#Microphone #disassembly I was interested to see how a microphone looks on the inside. This is what I found.
ShiningS #Microphone #disassembly I was interested to see how a microphone looks on the inside. This is what I found.
R-Guitarist STOP! You're gonna break it if you go any further!
Cleveland☆Knight Somehow not surprised to see Sheffy picking stuff apart. Dunno why O_o
Ootori_Shikikan Ah, the thrill of breaking things. I share Sheffield's sentiment~
Commander Your disassembly looks really professional.
ShiningS Ah, do you enjoy breaking down things into their basic components as well, Master?
Commander Stop! Think of the poor mic!
#plushie #manjuu Look at this cute little thing!
R-Guitarist #plushie #manjuu Look at this cute little thing!
ShiningS Everyone like cute plushies. Even Hipper, it seems.
Cleveland☆Knight Wait, you like cute things Hipper? I didn't know that :o
R-Guitarist Uh, no?! Someone just took my phone and used it to make this post, that's all!
ShiningS You're following your archetype quite well today.
Commander You're right, it IS cute!
Commander You should buy one for yourself.
#rehearsal #justidolstuff Phew! I love working up a sweat on stage, cause it means I give it my all!
Cleveland☆Knight #rehearsal #justidolstuff Phew! I love working up a sweat on stage, cause it means I give it my all!
Cleve-FC.1 You were amazing, Cleve! I wish I'd brought a camera to record it!
Cleveland☆Knight Thanks, but I wouldn't say amazing ^^'
Cleve-FC.2 You're the EMBODIMENT of amazing! You're awesomely amazing!
Cleveland☆Knight I appreciate it, but people are gonna start calling you a shill lol
Cleve-FC.3 I've gotta jump in on this convo! You're the awesomest amazingest cutest ever, sis!
R-Guitarist Must be nice having such supportive sisters.
Commander I get you. Nothing beats a good drumming session!
Cleveland☆Knight Heck yeah! I knew you'd understand, Commander!
Cleveland☆Knight Even YOU'RE doing it Commander?! C'mon, stop, I mean it!
Unable to assess degree of necessity for depicted items.
GascogneT8 Unable to assess degree of necessity for depicted items.
Ootori_Shikikan High! Isn't it for granted that we as girls, not just idols, would want to make ourselves beautiful?
R-Guitarist Straight to the point, I see.
ShiningS I'm certainly not an expert at applying makeup, but I could gladly help you with it.
Cleveland☆Knight Uuh… Sry, but I know nothing about makeup. I'll ask Helena about it next time, ok?
Commander You'll always be you, no matter what, Gascogne.
GascogneT8 Detecting disruptions within emotion capacitor.
Commander You're amazing just the way you are.
GascogneT8 Match with song lyrics detected. Requesting clarification on intent.
Ootori_Shikikan Baked with love by yours truly ♥
KADEKURU Oh my, I didn't know you had a girlish side, senpai~ Hopefully you didn't mistake the salt for the sugar again~
Zuikaku Sis, please… Stop trying to troll her…
Ootori_Shikikan Oh, I'm not angry, I can take a jab or two from my friends. Vixens who dare whisper lies about me to the Commander, on the other hand…
Cleveland☆Knight You made these, Akagi? Wow, sweet baking skills :O
Ootori_Shikikan Thank you. With my love for the Commander, I can make anything amazing.
Cleveland☆Knight Maybe I should pick up a recipe book and bake something too… You know, just try something girly for once I guess ^^
Ootori_Shikikan Please stay right there and I'll go deliver them to you, Commander!
#BehindTheScenes #Backstage I would like to thank everyone working behind the scenes. They help make our performances truly special.
ShiningS #BehindTheScenes #Backstage I would like to thank everyone working behind the scenes. They help make our performances truly special.
Cleveland☆Knight Yeah, props to them! Keep up the great work!
R-Guitarist A lot of their work goes unnoticed, but they deserve a huge thanks.
Belfast_inService As the head maid, I am honoured to be of your assistance. We hope to provide our services to you again in the future.
ShiningS Certainly, Belfast… I will try my best as well.
Commander Rock the stage, Sheffield!
ShiningS I am already rocking the stage, Master. You need not order me to.

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