Azula R34

Azula R34


Azula R34
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Azula NSFW fanart Rule34 R34 Published: Sep 6, 2021
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Azula is the crown Princess of the Fire Nation and the sister of Zuko. She is one of the most powerful firebenders in the world and a cunning sociopath.


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Uncle Iroh









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Princess Azula appears in 19 issues .

Nickelodeon Avatar: The Last Airbender - The Search
The Last Airbender Prequel: Zuko's Story
Nickelodeon Avatar: The Last Airbender - The Promise

Princess Azula last edited by

on 06/24/21

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Princess Azula was born to Prince Ozai and Princess Ursa about two years after her brother, Prince Zuko. She is named after her grandfather, Ozai's father, Fire Lord Azulon. Azula grew up in the riches, splendor, and privileges of being royalty in the Fire Nation. Her sharp wits and the fact that she is a Firebending prodigy gained great attention and acclaim and quickly made her Ozai's favorite child. Her father began raising her as his true heir early on, taking her into his confidence and grooming her in politics, while mostly ignoring Zuko. She attended the Royal Fire Academy for Girls, where she befriended Mai and Ty Lee.
Even when she was only nine years old, Azula displayed her natural talents, along with her tendency for malice and perfection. When Ty Lee succeeded in performing a cartwheel after Azula had fallen over attempting to do her own, Azula responded by shoving her friend to the ground and laughing gleefully. When she saw ten-year-old Mai attempting to hide her crush on her brother Zuko, Azula used her acting and cunning to convince her mother to make Zuko play with them. She then placed an apple on Mai's head and set it on fire, forcing Zuko to tackle her into a fountain.
A true megalomaniac, Azula desired power from a young age, suggesting that her father would make a better Fire Lord than the heir apparent, her Uncle Iroh. She is shown destroying a doll that Iroh had sent her as a gift from the Earth Kingdom. Not long after this, her cousin Lu Ten was killed, causing Iroh to abandoning his legendary 600-day siege at Ba Sing Se, which in turn prompted Azula to dub him "a quitter and a loser".
Shortly after receiving this news, Azula and the rest of her family went before Fire Lord Azulon, and she put on a spectacular display of her Firebending prowess. She then smugly watched Zuko try the same performance and fail. When Azulon sent everyone but Ozai out of the room, Azula took her brother and hid behind the curtains. From there, she watched her father request that he be made Fire Lord instead of Iroh. When Zuko fled in fear from the Fire Lord's anger, Azula stayed to watch with amusement. Azula then supposedly heard her grandfather sentence her brother to death--a fact that she wasted no time in gleefully reporting to the brother in question. She taunted him until her mother angrily pulled her away for a talk. What happens after this is unknown, but Azula was next seen playing with a knife that Zuko had received from Iroh, and coolly announcing that their grandfather had passed away and their mother had vanished. Soon after, she was watching her father's coronation with glee. No love developed between her and Zuko throughout the next few years, as Ozai apparently began to favor her more and more over her brother during this period.
Azula, alongside Iroh and Zhao, watched Zuko's Agni Kai with Ozai. When her father burns her brother's face, she is seen smiling in triumph. When Zuko was banished from the Fire Nation, Azula officially became Ozai's heir. For the next three years, she would continue her relentless training in Firebending, strategy, and combat, until she refined herself enough to serve her father. By this time her firebending advances to the level where her fire turns blue thus increasing her overall bending power and intensity.
Shortly after Zhao's failed attack on the Northern Water Tribe, Azula is summoned by her father to his throne room. Kneeling before Fire Lord Ozai, he comments that Zuko is a failure and Iroh is a traitor and charges her with a mission: to find and capture her uncle and brother.
When Fire Lord Ozai branded Iroh a traitor and her brother Zuko a failure, she willingly obeyed her father's command for her to go and capture them, as seen in the final seconds of the first season finale. While en-route, she worked at perfecting her ability to create lightning, with the aid of her advisors and masters Lo and Li. In " The Avatar State", Azula attempted to capture Zuko and Iroh, (now considered traitors to the Fire Nation) luring Zuko with the false promise of being accepted home with open arms. When Zuko learned of the deception, though, he attacked her. She easily evaded his attacks and struck back with taunts and brief attacks. However, she failed to finish her brother off, as Iroh redirected her lightning attack away from Zuko and into a nearby cliff, and then kicked her off the edge of the ship.
Counseled by her twin masters Lo and Li that the royal procession was not a wise choice to accompany her on her mission, she agreed and decided to abandon the unit, opting to find and recruit her two childhood friends in " Return to Omashu". Ty Lee required some "convincing" as she had already started a life at the circus, but Mai was only too willing to leave the boredom of the conquered city of Omashu in favor of going on an exciting hunt especially if it involved interacting with her childhood lover Zuko. While in the city, Azula renamed Omashu as the city of New Ozai in honor of her father.
During this episode, Azula first encountered the Avatar, Aang. She and her new allies were almost able to defeat Aang and his friends, but their overall unpreparedness, as well as a trump card delivered by a shrewd King Bumi, enabled the Team Avatar the time needed to escape the city. Soon after the battle, she named the Avatar as a personal target in addition to her brother and uncle.
Princess Azula and her two friends have not seen again until " The Chase", where they relentlessly pursued the Avatar's group, using a highly advanced Fire Nation tank train and three Mongoose Dragons as mounts to pursue them night and day. After wearing down the foursome, Azula decided they should split up, as Aang tried to lead Azula and her friends away from Sokka and Katara's trail. Azula noticed the deception, however, and sent Ty Lee and Mai to follow Sokka and Katara, while she continued chasing down the Avatar. Azula encountered the Avatar in an abandoned town and prepared to fight him; she was interrupted, though, by her brother Zuko, who had tracked them and had his own plans for capturing Aang. Azula fought the two boys, and despite the fact that both mostly concentrated on attacking her, she dominated the fight, easily landing a knockout blow on Zuko and later trapping Aang beneath some fallen rubble. The victory was denied to her, however, when Katara, Sokka, and Toph showed up to rescue Aang, while Iroh arrived to help Zuko. Cornered, she claimed to be willing to give in, saying that "a princess surrenders with honor", but to everyone's surprise and dismay, Azula took advantage of Iroh momentarily being off guard and seriously wounded him with a bolt of blue fire, then escaped as the four benders attacked with their respective elements.
Azula was not seen again until " The Drill", where she, along with her allies Mai and Ty Lee, were overseeing War Minister Qin's efforts to use a giant drill to break through the outer wall of Ba Sing Se. When the engineers reported an accident involving an ambushed engineer, stolen drill schematics, and further sabotage, Azula recognized that it was the work of the Avatar. Upon finding Aang, Katara, and Sokka attempting to break the engine's braces, Azula forced Aang and his gang to quickly flee. She sent Mai and Ty Lee after Katara and Sokka while Azula followed Aang, once again claiming personal ownership over the Avatar's capture. She caught Aang trying to bore a hole at the top of the drill, and they began a brutal match. Her firebending nearly overwhelmed the young Avatar, but he continued to fight as the drill bored its way through the wall. The fight ended in a rather undignified manner, with the drill's slurry water pipes bursting and Azula slipping into Aang; both of them almost fell off the drill. Azula tried to regain the advantage, but Aang was faster--by the time she had recovered, he was already on his way down the wall to destroy the drill. Azula g
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