Azov Small Dank Nude Naturist

Azov Small Dank Nude Naturist


Azov Small Dank Nude Naturist

Body and Freedom Festival
Naked Performing In Urban Space, Zürich Rathausbrücke * Donnerstag/Thursday – Samstag/Sat 23.-25. August 2018 * Zentrum Karl der Grosse, Abendprogramm ab Mittwoch/Wedn 22. August 20h

Gesamtleitung – Curator Festival: Thomas Zollinger (Künstler)
Abend-/Eveningprogram mit/with Naked Talks: Beatrice Schumacher (Historikerin)
Projektassistenz – Assistants: Elias Kirsche , Sascha Dikov
Fotografie: Reto Cortesi
Video: Christoph Burkhard , Elisabeth Schär

Mit Unterstützung von vielen privaten Gönnern – Avec le soutien de nombreux donateurs privés
Unterstützungen zwecks Defizitminderung – Contribution fi nancière au déficit: PC-Konto 25-3247-9, Ritual Theater Thomas Zollinger. Vielen Dank! – Merci !

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Theme: Ubud von Elmastudio .

Auf dieser Seite siehst du die Video-Kurzversionen von den beiden BODY AND FREEDOM FESTIVAL (2018 und 2015), im Originalton, ohne Titel, ohne Kommentar, ohne Musik.
Die komplette Videodokumentation findest du hier (Zürich 2018) und hier (Biel 2015) auf vimeo on demand.
Das Defizit des Festivals 2018 in Zürich beträgt 30 000 CHF. Deine Unterstützung ist sehr willkommen und hilft, ein drittes Festival zu ermöglichen: IBAN CH22 0900 0000 2500 3247 9, Swift-Bic-Code: POFICHBE, Thomas Zollinger.
Support BODY AND FREEDOM FESTIVAL! Best way is here (Zurich 2018) or here (Biel 2015) on vimeo.
Das Defizit des BODY AND FREEDOM FESTIVAL 2015 beträgt trotz Unterstützung durch die Stadt Biel, den Kanton Bern und privaten Gönnern 25’000 CHF. Es konnte dank den Bezahlvideos auf vimeo (vimeo on demand) um etwa 3000 CHF verkleinert werden.
Willst du vom BODY AND FREEDOM FESTIVAL 2015 alle Dokumentationen sehen, so zahle 36 CHF auf IBAN CH22 0900 0000 2500 3247 9, Swift-Bic-Code: POFICHBE, Thomas Zollinger und sende ein e-Mail an Du erhältst die Links zu 21 Original-Dokumentationen der Festival-Performances, total über 6 Stunden Videofilm.
You can watch the full documentation of BODY AND FREEDOM FESTIVAL 2015 if you pay 36 CHF on IBAN CH22 0900 0000 2500 3247 9, Swift-Bic-Code: POFICHBE, Thomas Zollinger and by sending an e-mail with your name to You receive links and passwords to 21 original video-documentations of the festival 2015, with totally more than 6hr videofilm.
Thomas Zollinger
unterer Quai 102
CH-2502 Biel/Bienne
Tel: +41 (0) 76 457 80 80


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She was the smallest chicken in the flock but boy could she lay a good egg! Well maybe not, maybe what she's really saying is when is he going to stop putting me back in his spot and let me get out of the barn! Then again, she should have stayed in the barn or at least the chicken coop area. You see, Pidge had a habit of jumping over the fence to roam freely in the yard. Eventually a roaming fox came by and that was that for Pidge.
She was good layer but her eggs were small, sub-peewee small. The USDA recognizes six weight classes for chicken eggs: peewee, small, medium, large, extra-large, and jumbo. For peewee, the standard weight per dozen eggs is 15 oz., Pidge's eggs come up to a whopping 13.5 oz./dozen, sub-peewee class! She was a love of a chicken and is missed! Last year I posted the B&W version for the SoS theme so it only seems fitting to post the color version this year, I do hope she makes you smile!
BTW: I got the Ostrich Egg from the Rooster Cogburn Ostrich Ranch off I-10 between Tucson and Phoenix years ago when the place was not too modernized. It was me with a cup of corn against giant vicious attack birds who would almost stampede to get a morsel of corn, the only thing separating me from them was a low fence! When you see one up close, you'll believe they came from dinosaurs!
Answering the age old question of what to do with an Ostrich egg shell besides watching it sit on a shelf!
Smile on Saturday, Eggs From Chickens & Co
My bestfriend (the one in this picture) gave birth to a cutie baby boy.. and I have a new puppy on my own.. basically full of love for the last few weeks on my end.. and busy scooping poops and wiping pees 😄.. i hope everyone is safe and healthy.. i cant promise to catch up here but i will try..
(2cd capture from this Fog series, longer shutter speed for more light)
***For those who may be wondering on my Toby's condition...
He's home now with us and is heavily medicated. No real change in his health yet and is still urinating blood. However his appetite is relentless, which is a good thing. But he hasn't been to the bathroom (cell wise) for a couple days. So we are keeping an eye on him for that too.
Not much of a change with his crystals forming and so far... he still has pain when he tries to pee. However it's only been two days that he's been back home. So we need to wait at least a week or two to see if there's any improvement.
My poor boy knows we are worried and is purring up a storm when we pay him any attention (Which is ALL the time as you can imagine) He's affectionate and so schmoozy with us.
He's trying to fight his way through this, you can see that. But he's fustrated and tired and still peeing so much blood. We have to hope the medications will do their job soon? I'll keep you posted....
But I want to deeply THANK everyone who sent us well wishes, prayers and good vibes for our Big Boy Toby. You will never know how touched and humbled I am for all the support you have giving myself and my Toby. I truly appreciate all the wonderful comments of love and concern for him.
From the bottom of my heart... Thank you SO MUCH!! Big hugs to everyone xx :-)
… sind zu meiner Geburtstagparty gekommen !
Ganz links sitzt Bogart am Schoß von Jago, unsere Freunde aus Melbourne.
Ebenfalls aus Melbourne gekommen, sitzt Cousin Paddington mit seinem roten Hut.
Daneben hat Jimmy aus Atlanta Platz genommen.
Rechts daneben sitzen Olga und Fynn, die aus München angereist sind.
Die Zwillinge Candy und Brandy kamen mit Jimmy aus Atlanta und sie spielten früher schon in der Band bei uns mit den Twinnis !
Scout, der sich gleich zu Bärbel gekuschelt hat, und Paddy kamen genau wie Freddy der Fuchs, der bei mir sitzt, aus Melbourne.
Dazwischen sitzen noch unsere neuen Bärenfreunde aus München, Charly und Charlotte.
Mein Bärenfreund Bruno freut sich schon mir sein Geburtstagsgeschenk zu überreichen – ich bin schon neugierig was da drinnen ist !
Unser Pezi hat sich neben meinem Geburtstagssack gesetzt, ich glaube, er war auch schon sehr gespannt auf den Inhalt ! Aber wo war eigentlich Tandoori, vielleicht musste der mal … ?
Für den kleinen Bären Malachi haben wir ein eigenes Sofa, Tisch und Porzellangeschirr, was er sehr angemessen fand.
Oma hat eine Himbeer-Sachertorte gebacken, außerdem gab es Salzburger Nockerln, Eismarillenknödel und jede Menge Honig für die Bären !
Die Hunde Ashala, Merlin und Miss Morgan kamen erst ein wenig später dazu …
PS: Wundert Euch nicht über meine gute Rechtschreibung, Oma hat alle Fehler ausgebessert !
Vielen Dank Jesse , Katharina , Jutta und Jeanne für Eure Fotos !!
... have come to my Birthday party !
On the far left Bogart is sitting on the lap of Jago, our friends from Melbourne.
Also from Melbourne, sits Cousin Paddington with his red hat.
To the right are Olga and Fynn, who have come from Munich.
The twins Candy and Brandy came with Jimmy from Atlanta and they used to play in the band with us with the Twinnis !
Scout, who immediately snuggled up to Bärbel, and Paddy came from Melbourne, just like Freddy the fox, who is sitting with me.
In between are our new bear friends from Munich, Charly and Charlotte.
My bear friend Bruno is looking forward to handing me his birthday present - I'm curious to see what's inside !
Our Pezi sat down next to my birthday sack, I think he was very excited to see what was inside too ! But where was Tandoori, maybe he had to pee ... ?
For little bear Malachi, we got his own sofa, table and china dishes, which he found very appropriate.
Granny baked a Raspberry-Sacher-Cake, and we had Salzburg dumplings, ice-cream dumplings and lots of honey for the bears !
The dogs Ashala, Merlin and Miss Morgan joined us a little later...
PS: Don't be surprised about my good orthography, Granny has corrected all the mistakes !
Thank you Jesse , Katharina , Jutta and Jeanne for your photos !!
I think my plan of just visiting Flambourgh head when I had any photography time during my family holiday rather than rushing about multiple locations defo worked last week... It felt a lot more relaxing that is for sure and less pressure... I got to know the place a bit by visiting for a walk first with the kids and no camera. That first visit gave me a clear idea of what id like to shoot. This viewpoint defo stuck out as it gave a nice balanced composition. I got 'nice' light that evening but it was difficult to find compositions in the direction of where the after sunset sky was really kicking off! About 90 deg to this shot!
Boy its hot out there today... so im chilling indoors as best I can... I don't enjoy this heat at all... must be the peely wally ginger Scotsman in me. Between chores im photo editing as have such a backlog and going to try and catch up on flickr.
This little guy was flirting like crazy with a little girl walking down the street. Walking right up to her, playing pees-a-boo, holding her hand and blowing kisses. (Of course, I couldn't shoot their adorable interaction because her paranoid mother had her on a short leash (literally!) and looked at me with eyes that said "I just know you are going to slash this nylon cord and snatch my daughter.) So you'll just have to settle for watching him work it. ;)
The Zinneke Pis which can be found at the corner of rue des Chartreux and rue du Vieux-Marché is a little bronze statue of a dog peeing. In Brussels dialect the word “Zinneke” would mean bastard dog. it’s the latest (1998) of the three peeing statues that you can find at a short distance from one another in the center of Brussels. The most famous is the Manneke pis little boy statue dating back from 1619 which attracts the brunt of the tourists followed by the little girl one Jeanneke Pis erected in 1987.
I had just turned 16 here, back in 1985. I idolized Madonna, Boy George, Annie Lenox, and Cyndi Lauper
I the body would be sharing certain events cached in its data files.
I shall remove the text if anybody feels hurt, offended or humiliated by its contents.
Did you ever see a laddie go this way and that? :
The child gradually grew disconcerted with his experiences at the 'nursery'. He was annoyed and often shocked by the world that unwrapped and what that he deciphered in the fourth year of his life.
Other than Sister Atlee, there's a teacher and a nursemaid in the nursery. Sister Atlee makes an occasional visit, and though she appears aloof and austere, the child liked her because he recognized that she is loving and harmless. So is Maggie, the nursemaid, who is probably a teenage orphan living in the convent. She wears floral frocks and has bobbed hair. Maggie serves the kids with the milk and cookies brought from their homes and cleaned the rooms. The teachers in the school have to be unmarried, and if they marry, they have to leave their job. In that case, the teacher in the nursery is a young lady.
The children are assigned 'homework', and every morning they are supposed to place the homework book, one on top of the other, on the teacher's table. Most kids didn't know the purpose of the ritual. As a routine, they often place the book on the table, even if they have not done their 'homework'. The teacher goes through each book, and the kids have to go and get their book when she calls their name. She called "Anuj", and the kid gleefully approached her. He was startled that unexpectedly she threw the book at his face and yelled, "Why you didn't do your homework?". The book came flying with its pages spread and hit him right at his face. It didn't scare him, but he walked back with a heavy heart as the brown paper covering of the book got unwrapped, and he remembered how attentively his dad encased it late at night. While he sat appalled and downhearted, he could hear her calling the names of other kids in the class. He soon saw her throw the book at the face of another boy and saw the poor child pee right where he stood.
The kid was puzzled why he is continually getting instilled with sad and obnoxious negative notions. He wondered what's funny if "Jack fell down and broke his head, and if Jill came tumbling after", and what's joyful about Humpty Dumpty's great fall. He felt sad for Little Red Riding Hood's poor grandma, who the wolf ate. He wondered why he's taught that Golliwog doesn't bathe or brush his teeth and is ugly; and portrayed as black, with big eyes, thick lips and curly hair.
The kid didn't understand why Vikraman while playing in the sandbox, hit the back of his right hand with the pail when he approached him with a smile. It hurt him badly, and he withdrew, perplexed by the unexplained motivation for such behaviour.
The kid didn't understand why and how could Deepti, who accosted him crying for help, romp away tittering with the same child who hurt her while the teacher was terrorizing her saviour for helping her. Sobbing, she approached him as her best friend and neighbour Pravin threw out her umbrella through the window. He consoled her and assured her that he would get it for her and instantly dashed back with the umbrella, flashing a victorious smile. As he gladly handed it over to her, the fuming teacher who appeared from nowhere asked, "You two went out?". Pointing at him, Deepti replied, "No, I didn't. It's him", and joyously left, giggling along with Pravin, holding his hand. While fiercely reprimanded by the teacher for venturing out, he could see her blissfully playing in the sandbox with her best friend.
The kid didn't understand why the cutely chubby Daffene was cruelly jeered at by most kids when she accidentally lost her bowel control and defecated in the class. While he sat beside her to console her, bewildered, he watched the dramatically cheerful commotion with the kids running around helter-skelter, covering their noses, bawling "Chakka thoori"(Jackfruit defecated). Chakka is Jackfruit, and plump people often get taunted with that term. Though poor Daffene put up a brave face, he knew she would burst out crying any moment.
He realized that traits are just inherent, and it has nothing to do with upbringing. He didn't believe that the parents of those kids taught them to behave that way. He felt that his world of ladybirds, butterflies, bugs and beetles is a far better place. He never felt hurt by an ant bite or a bee sting, but though he's known at his home and the whole neighbourhood as 'the child who never cries', all the incidents left scars in his heart.
Anyway, with all the bitter experiences, he slowly developed a dislike for the place. Finally, he told his mom that he no longer wish to go to that place. She informed dad, and they both came to his bed at night. Lifting the mosquito net, they both sat on the bed, and mindful of a child's apprehensions and worries, they asked," Is there anything that troubles you in the class?". The kid couldn't provide an immediate explanation, so he just repeated that he doesn't like the place. Desperate to solve the issue, they dissected and particularized the question. "Is someone troubling or misbehaving with you? ". The answer, "Yes", led to the questions, "Who?, How?". The kid couldn't find any immediate answer, so he lied, " The teacher called me a pig". "WHAT?! How dare she?!". Dad sprung up, fuming. He assured him he'll take care of the issue and asked the child not to worry before they tucked the net inside the mattress and left. The child remained sleepless for a while as the teacher never called him any such names, and he lied to his parents. His innocent intention was the simple expectation that his parents would stop sending him to such a nasty place.
The following day he was taken to the nursery, and Sister Atlee was ready to teach a new song. The girls held either side of the bottom edge of their half skirts and swayed their hips left and right to sing:
The boys held either side of the bottom edge of their shorts and, swaying the same way sang,
Abruptly, the swaying laddie felt a lightning bolt through his heart when he saw his dad at the door with a group of nuns and the teacher. After talking to him, the teacher came running towards the kids with an alarmed face. He wished he could go this way or that way as the teacher took him to his dad. On the verge of tears, she asked, "Anuj, did I call you a pig?". The kid replied, " Er, ahem, well ...No". "My child won't lie. Maybe someone else", said his dad. "Then, who? Is it Maggie?" asked the teacher. The kid looked around, and he didn't find Maggie anywhere nearby. His head bent downwards, he nodded and thought the issue is solved, and the matter would be closed. Oh no! There comes Maggie! Another face on the verge of tears, the same question and a lengthy " Yo, um, uh, er, ahem, well..No" as the answer. Thankfully, his dad thought of leaving it there, and he left after advising the teacher to be more careful with kids.
Though the kid regretted having lied, he was glad that the teacher became more amicable and mature than the kids after that incident.
Along with 'education' and experiences, though all kids slowly get acclimatized and move along with the flow, some kids merely grow up, some kids learn and remain immature, some kids mature but never learn, and the story goes on.
Did You Ever See a Laddie? : Did You Ever See a Laddie?
© 2020 Anuj Nair. All rights reserved.
© 2020 Anuj Nair. All rights reserved.
All images are the property of Anuj Nair. Using these images without permission is in violation of international copyright laws (633/41 DPR19/78-Disg 154/97-L.248/2000).All materials may not be copied, reproduced, distributed, republished, downloaded, displayed,posted or transmitted in any forms or by any means,including electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording without written permission of Anuj Nair. Every violation will be pursued penally.
It wasn't really unexpected as he was showing signs of aging for some time now and the last month he was sleeping most of the time only except short trips to his pee corner... I was away but my mom assured me he peacefully slept away... I miss him SO!!! :'''(
this is my friend stephie. i love her. we lived together twice. during the prime of our going out, having insane fun years. we have so many stories. good stories. pee in your pants laughing stories. i cannot effing believe i did that stories. we totally could have died that night stories. funny boy stories. funny cat stories. endless drunken stories. i hope i remember them all forever, so when I am old and gray, i
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