Azeri Pragnant

Azeri Pragnant


Azeri Pragnant

WHO official calls on pregnant women to get vaccinated

The vaccination of pregnant women and those from special risk groups is of utmost importance, the representative of the World Health Organization (WHO) in Azerbaijan, Hande Harmanci , has said.
Report quotes her as saying an increase in Omicron cases is observed.
"All the same, 47% of the Azerbaijani population received both doses of the vaccine, which surpasses the 40% target set by the WHO," Harmanci noted.
Harmanci: WHO always ready to support Azerbaijan
Indonesia to buy 42 Rafale jets from France
The European Union (EU) is pressuring the US and Iran to restore the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action on Iran's nuclear program, Report informs via TASS.
Europe made its last proposal regarding the nuclear deal a few days ago.
"If an agreement is not reached this week, I am afraid that the negotiations will be postponed until the elections in the United States in November," said the head of EU diplomacy, Josep Borrell.
Iran demands a guarantee that the United States will not abandon the agreement. Europe, taking into account Iran's oil potential, is interested in reaching a deal as soon as possible.
Sri Lanka's largest Sapugaskanda refinery (owned by Ceylon Petroleum Corporation, CPC) plans to resume operations this week, said Minister of Energy of the country Kanchana Wijesekera, Report informs referring to foreign media.
The refinery was closed for several months due to a lack of oil.
The minister promised that the plant would be launched when 100,000 tons of oil were supplied to it. Another tanker with 120,000 tons of raw materials should arrive on the island from August 23 to 29.
The capacity of the Sapugaskanda refinery is about 2 million tons per year.
In August, supplies of liquefied natural gas (LNG) to the European gas transmission network fell by 10% compared to July, which was the lowest level of average daily imports for six months, Report informs.
In half-yearly terms, the percentage of capacity utilization of EU receiving terminals decreased to 58%.
According to data from Gas Infrastructure Europe, European LNG terminals operate at a reduced capacity of 62% in August (compared to 69% in July). The main reason for the decline in productivity is the suspension of the large Italian terminal Adriatic LNG due to maintenance.
Earlier it became known that Gazprom is considering limiting LNG supplies from Russia to the European market by imposing export duties or reorienting supplies.
Against the backdrop of the termination of cooperation with the Russian Federation, Europe's largest port of Rotterdam reported a sharp increase in LNG imports and an increase in the cost of energy in the European market.
Azerbaijan increases imports of fruits, vegetables from Turkiye
Cochin Shipyard assures delivery of India’s first indigenous Hydrogen-fuelled electric vessel by next year
Azerbaijan identifies measures to organize return of residents to Lachin, Zabukh, Sus
Powerful explosion rocks Yerevan, leaving one dead, many trapped under rubble
Azerbaijan imports furniture, forest products for $79M from Turkiye
Over 13.83M COVID vaccine jabs administered in Azerbaijan
Kazakhstan’s energy ministry comments on BTC oil transportation issue
Another act of barbarism by Armenians leaving Lachin – they burn houses
Copyright © 2008-2020 All rights reserved.

ÇAT спорт: Fdghjk *** Ayxan: Salamlar necesiz *** Emil: Salam necəsiz qizlar xalalar ureylerim mənim *** Para ve swlara qul: Para ve cutluk varasa yazsin mene *** Romatik: Salam 25 yasim.var ayleli olub ayrilmis.bir cirkin xanim.axdaram 706200248 *** Romatik: 26 yasim.var bir xanmla tanis olmaq isdeyrem 30 yasa qeder olsun *** Namiq: Salam ozmun 26 yasim 30 35 yasa qeder ayleli olub ayrilmis birni axdaram *** Huseyn: Fidan tanimaq isterdim seni *** Blackseks: Salam sikilmek seksden deyerince hezz almaq isteyen qız ve gelin yazsın *** Gizli istifadəçi: Rral pulla goruwen varsa yazsin *** Namik: Görüşməy üçün xanim axtarıram *** Emil: Axşamınız xeyir yaşlı xala varsa tek qalan yazsın ciddi *** Seks manyakı: Salam 0553395969 kayf yaşamağa isteyenqadınlar yazsın *** Anonim : Salam *** Anonim : Salam *** Anar234: Salam. yalamaq ucun giz xanim axtariram. burda tapmaq olar? pul da verirem *** All: Salam. burda yalatdirmaq isteyen xanim tapmaq olar? pul verirem. *** Gizli istifadəçi: Salam yalatmaq isdeyen xalallar yazsin *** Pesi: Anami isteyen mesaj yazsin mene *** Pesi: Anami kim sike biler 42 yasi var *** SMS

Bu sayt ( tamamı ilə 18+ kontent təqdim edir. Bu kontentlərə və video, şəkillərdə olan şəxslərin şəxsi həyatına görə sayt rəhbərliyi məsuliyət daşımır.
Xahiş olunur əgər yaşınız 18-dən azdırsa lütfən saytı tərk edin. Əks halda davam et düyməsinə basaraq bu addımı keçmiş və saytın şərtləri ilə tanış olduğunuzu təsdiq etmiş olursunuz.

WHO official calls on pregnant women to get vaccinated

The vaccination of pregnant women and those from special risk groups is of utmost importance, the representative of the World Health Organization (WHO) in Azerbaijan, Hande Harmanci , has said.
Report quotes her as saying an increase in Omicron cases is observed.
"All the same, 47% of the Azerbaijani population received both doses of the vaccine, which surpasses the 40% target set by the WHO," Harmanci noted.
Harmanci: WHO always ready to support Azerbaijan
Indonesia to buy 42 Rafale jets from France
The European Union (EU) is pressuring the US and Iran to restore the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action on Iran's nuclear program, Report informs via TASS.
Europe made its last proposal regarding the nuclear deal a few days ago.
"If an agreement is not reached this week, I am afraid that the negotiations will be postponed until the elections in the United States in November," said the head of EU diplomacy, Josep Borrell.
Iran demands a guarantee that the United States will not abandon the agreement. Europe, taking into account Iran's oil potential, is interested in reaching a deal as soon as possible.
Sri Lanka's largest Sapugaskanda refinery (owned by Ceylon Petroleum Corporation, CPC) plans to resume operations this week, said Minister of Energy of the country Kanchana Wijesekera, Report informs referring to foreign media.
The refinery was closed for several months due to a lack of oil.
The minister promised that the plant would be launched when 100,000 tons of oil were supplied to it. Another tanker with 120,000 tons of raw materials should arrive on the island from August 23 to 29.
The capacity of the Sapugaskanda refinery is about 2 million tons per year.
In August, supplies of liquefied natural gas (LNG) to the European gas transmission network fell by 10% compared to July, which was the lowest level of average daily imports for six months, Report informs.
In half-yearly terms, the percentage of capacity utilization of EU receiving terminals decreased to 58%.
According to data from Gas Infrastructure Europe, European LNG terminals operate at a reduced capacity of 62% in August (compared to 69% in July). The main reason for the decline in productivity is the suspension of the large Italian terminal Adriatic LNG due to maintenance.
Earlier it became known that Gazprom is considering limiting LNG supplies from Russia to the European market by imposing export duties or reorienting supplies.
Against the backdrop of the termination of cooperation with the Russian Federation, Europe's largest port of Rotterdam reported a sharp increase in LNG imports and an increase in the cost of energy in the European market.
Azerbaijan increases imports of fruits, vegetables from Turkiye
Cochin Shipyard assures delivery of India’s first indigenous Hydrogen-fuelled electric vessel by next year
Azerbaijan identifies measures to organize return of residents to Lachin, Zabukh, Sus
Powerful explosion rocks Yerevan, leaving one dead, many trapped under rubble
Azerbaijan imports furniture, forest products for $79M from Turkiye
Over 13.83M COVID vaccine jabs administered in Azerbaijan
Kazakhstan’s energy ministry comments on BTC oil transportation issue
Another act of barbarism by Armenians leaving Lachin – they burn houses
Copyright © 2008-2020 All rights reserved.

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Azerbaijan *Please note that full-length country guides are available on request. Get in touch with one of our experts to get full access to the exhaustive country guide.
Currency: Azerbaijani Manat (₼, AZN)
Population: 10.32 million (2022 est.)
Eid al-Fitr (Ramazan Bayram Holiday)
Day of National Salvation of the Azerbaijan People
Eid al-Adha (Gurban Bayram Holiday)
Employers who are fully or partially responsible for unfortunate incidents or work-related illnesses must pay complete compensation for the employee’s losses, poor health, and medical bills. They also have to pay social security organizations the cost of their employees’ pensions and stipends. During the notice period, the employee should be given at least one day a week off with pay to enable them to find appropriate work. An employment contract that does not include a probationary period is considered to have been entered into without one.
Richard-Ermisch-Str. 7, 10247 Berlin, Germany WorkMotion Software GmbH registered with the commercial register in Germany under HRB 219211 B.
Azerbaijan, officially the Republic of Azerbaijan, is a transcontinental country bordering Eastern Europe and Western Asia. It is part of the South Caucasus region and is bounded to the east by the Caspian Sea, to the north by Russia, to the northwest by Georgia, to the west by Armenia and Turkey, and to the south by Iran. The country has a total land area of 82,658 square kilometers.
*Please note that the official currency is the currency of remuneration when employed through WorkMotion in Azerbaijan.
The holidays mentioned below are valid for the year 2022.
The approximate time for sharing the contract with an employee in Azerbaijan is 14 business days assuming no special requests or changes to our standard employment contract. Any such requests or changes would need to undergo internal and external review, directly leading to a time delay.
NOTE : This number is subject to change and is only an estimation of the Contract Sharing Time. The estimated Contract Sharing Time begins from the moment that WorkMotion has received all required information from both the client and the employee.
Daily working hours may not exceed eight hours. Normal weekly working hours corresponding to normal daily working hours may not exceed 40 hours.
In general, an employee should have a five-day work week with two days off. 
Depending on the nature of the industry, service, and terms of employment, an employer or the relevant authority may establish a six-day week with one day off within weekly working hours. In a six-day work week, daily working hours may not exceed seven hours for a weekly quota of 40 hours, six hours for a weekly quota of 36 hours, and four hours for a weekly quota of 24 hours.
Overtime must not exceed two hours per day (per shift) in areas where working conditions are challenging and the workplace hazardous. If the pay is time-based, the hourly rate must be calculated at 200% of the regular wage.
An employment contract may be executed for a probationary period to examine an employee’s professional qualifications and ability to perform a particular job. The probationary period should be established with the consent of the parties and may not exceed three months.
An employment contract that does not include a probationary period is considered to have been entered into without one.
An employee may terminate an employment contract by notifying the employer in writing one calendar month in advance.
If an individual employment contract is terminated due to a reduction in employees or staff, the employee should be officially notified by the employer two months in advance.
Before the end of the probationary period, one of the parties may terminate an individual employment contract by notifying the other party in writing with three days’ notice.
At least 21 calendar days of paid base vacation must be granted to employees.
The employees listed below are eligible for 30 calendar days of paid base vacation per year:
Depending on employees’ seniority, eligible employees are entitled to the following amounts of additional vacation time:
Doctors have the right to issue a sick leave of not more than three days each time, and generally not more than six days for that illness or disability. The benefit for temporary loss of working capacity is paid by the employer for the first 14 days, and then for the remaining days by the state social insurance system. The temporary loss of working capacity allowance is paid to the insured until the period of loss of working capacity is restored.
Regardless of the amount of base and additional vacation time, working women with two children under the age of 14 are eligible for two additional calendar days of vacation time. While women with three or more children of this age or with a disabled child under the age of 16 should be eligible for five additional calendar days of vacation time. Fathers raising their children as single parents and adoptive parents are also eligible for the additional vacation time, as stated above.
A single parent or another family who is directly caring for a child until they are three years old should be eligible for partially-paid social leave. An employee caring for a child may use partially paid social leave completely or in part at their discretion.
Women should be granted pregnancy and maternity leave of 126 days, starting from 70 calendar days prior to childbirth and ending 56 calendar days after childbirth. In the event of abnormal or multiple births, women should be granted 70 days of leave after childbirth.
The right to pregnancy and maternity benefits applies to persons with a minimum of six months of the social insurance period. In both cases, the monthly maximum allowance cannot exceed 25 times the minimum wage. The State Social Protection Fund pays the benefit under the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Men whose wives are on maternity leave are entitled to up to 14 calendar days of unpaid leave.
Women who adopt or raise a child under the age of two months are entitled to 56 days of postpartum social leave.
Persons who have been wounded in the struggle for the freedom, sovereignty, and territorial integrity of the Republic of Azerbaijan, including National Heroes of Azerbaijan, Heroes of the Soviet Union, and winners of the Order of Independence, should be granted a base vacation of at least 46 days.
Employees who are pursuing their education while continuing to work should be eligible for the following paid leaves:
Unpaid leaves of the following duration should be granted at the employee’s request and with the employer’s consent in the following cases:
The social security system in the Republic of Azerbaijan consists of Unemployment Insurance and Public Pension. Public Pension also includes pensions for disability and survivors. The state is in charge of social protection schemes, which focus on prevention and meeting basic social needs. These programs are universal in the sense that they apply to all citizens and residents of the country.
The employer contributes 22.5% and the employee contributes 3.5%. The Social Security deductions are detailed as follows:
The employer contributes 22%, while the employee contributes 3% to the public pension, which covers the health insurance.
In Azerbaijan, medical insurance is required. Azerbaijanis are all covered by a national health insurance plan and have access to free medical care. Primary, inpatient, and outpatient services, as well as emergency care, vaccinations, and lab services, are all covered under the national health insurance system.
The employer bears the full cost, and contribution rates vary depending on the industry risk. Insurance companies administer the program.
Employers who are fully or partially responsible for unfortunate incidents or work-related illness must pay full compensation for the employee’s losses or poor health, as well as their medical bills, and the costs of social security organizations that paid the employee’s pension and stipends.
The employee who has suffered health problems as a result of production accidents or work illnesses that are the employer’s fault, or family members and other dependents of an employee who has died because of the same reasons are to be paid a lump sum amount by the employer, monthly payments, and other extra fees related to the unfortunate incident.
Both the employer and employee contribute 0.5% each to unemployment insurance.
Insured persons in case of termination of employment relationships with the abolition of the state body or legal entity or the reduction of the number of employees registered as unemployed in the employment centers are entitled to an unemployment insurance payment.
The employer contributes 22% to the public pension, while the employee contributes 3%.
People who have reached the retirement age and accrued pension capital that is not less than the minimum pension amount or reached 25 years of insurance contributions are entitled to an old-age pension. The age limit for old-age pension for men is 65 and for women is minimum of 63 years old. 
Women who have more than fiv
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