Aware Yourself About the Signs and Symptoms of a Kidney Stone

Aware Yourself About the Signs and Symptoms of a Kidney Stone

by Manish Kumar

Aware Yourself About the Signs and Symptoms of a Kidney Stone

In medical terms, kidney stones, known as renal calculi, develop because of minerals and salts that form inside the kidneys. Improper diet, excess body weight, medical conditions, or certain medications are the most common causes of kidney stones. However, they can affect any part of the urinary tract- from the kidney to the bladder. Mainly, stones are formed when the urine is concentrated, which allows minerals to crystallize and stick together. Consult your doctor if you notice any signs of kidney stones and seek kidney stone treatment immediately. 


Unless the stone passes into the ureters, it will not cause any symptoms. If it does enter the ureters, it may affect the urine flow and cause the kidney to swell and the ureter to spasm. It can lead to a lot of pain, and at that point, you may experience a few symptoms like-

·    Acute pain below the ribs

·    Critical pain in the lower abdomen and groin

·    Sharp pain that usually comes in waves

·    Burning sensation while urinating 

·    Change in urine color

·    Urinating more often than usual 

·    Nausea 

·    Fever

If the stone shifts to a different location, the pain levels change.

If you have any of the signs mentioned above, immediately make an appointment with a good doctor. If you have a larger stone, then get kidney stone treatment done as soon as possible. 

Risk Associated with Kidney Stones 

Risk factors that increase the chances of developing kidney stones are-

Family background- If any of your family members have had kidney stones in the past, you’re more likely to develop them too.

Dehydration- Drinking specific amounts of water every day is crucial as dehydration can increase the risk of kidney stones. People who live in warm, dry climates are at a higher risk of developing them than others.

Diets- Eating a healthy balanced diet is essential for staying fit. A diet high in protein, sodium, and sugar can increase the risk of developing some kidney stones, specifically a high sodium diet.

Obese- Excess body weight and high body mass index(BMI) increase the chance of developing kidney stones in the past.

Digestive diseases- Several diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease or diarrhea can cause specific changes in the digestive process, which may accelerate stone formation. 

The best kidney stone treatment for home is drinking lots of water which can help them pass. But if you have a larger stone, then medical treatment may be required to break or remove them. 


Kidney stone treatment solely depends on the size of the stone. Kidney stones may be as small as a grain of rice or as large as a pearl. A very small kidney stone can pass through the urinary tract without any major treatment. But larger stones can be painful and require immediate medical assistance. 

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