Aware Mommy

Aware Mommy


Aware Mommy

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Jessie's father is murdered and Lena, her sister, is collateral damage (it is thought to be an accidental gas leak). Jessie and her mother Anna move near Kylie and her mother Tanya. Anna wan... Read all Jessie's father is murdered and Lena, her sister, is collateral damage (it is thought to be an accidental gas leak). Jessie and her mother Anna move near Kylie and her mother Tanya. Anna wants Kylie as a replacement. Jessie's father is murdered and Lena, her sister, is collateral damage (it is thought to be an accidental gas leak). Jessie and her mother Anna move near Kylie and her mother Tanya. Anna wants Kylie as a replacement.
The motel where the final scene takes place has "Bloch" in its name. This may be a reference to Robert Bloch, author of the book "Psycho" on which Alfred Hitchcock based his famous film, in which a psychopathic killer murders people in a motel.
When Anna takes off at night with the two girls in the vehicle, the license plate is 6TRW789. The next morning when she pulls into the motel, it looks like the same vehicle but the plate is 7XLJ100. Was it a change of plates to throw them off, but when Tanya pulls up with her Volvo, her plate is 6TRW789. Nobody noticed.
Anna, a psycho mother, is the starring role here played by the talented Crystal Allen but the plot is strange and rather far-fetched. What mother is going to let the neighbor's mother get close to her daughter? Skip it!
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Through the Conscious Mommy process, parents master how to deeply accept their children & themselves. Parents learn to honor their children for who they are , not who they expect them to be. And this is freedom in every sense of the word.

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Heal yourself and free your children. Your baggage does not need to become their baggage. Consciously unlearning our past is the hardest - and most worthwhile - part of parenting.
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1:1 coaching sessions are personalized to meet your parenting goals. In these sessions, you will discover the meaning behind your triggers and your child’s emotions. You will expand your awareness by connecting the dots from your past experiences and your current parenting issues. You will become more curious, more open, more honest, and more reflective through this process. Parents who have participated in coaching sessions report feeling less anxious, less controlling, more present, and more connected to their children!
Conscious Mommy workshops are 90-minute topic-driven discussions that support you in building more reflection and conscious awareness into your daily life. In these workshops, you will learn how to be less controlling, better manage your triggers, address your past hurts, and hold better boundaries for yourself and others. Parents who have participated in Conscious Mommy workshops tell us they feel more confident in their parenting, more alive in their relationships, and more trusting of the parenting process.
I help parents build deeper trust and more meaningful connection with their children without anxiously over-controlling the process.
Feel like you’re over-controlling your kids and wish you could stop
Feel hurt, lonely, or ashamed due to your childhood experiences
Feel triggered by your child’s emotions
Feel driven to please others & to be perfect in your parenting
Bryana is a phenomenal teacher and guide, and I look forward to learning what she has to teach every week. She has an enormous wealth of knowledge and experience from so many angles, whether it's your own mental health as well being as a mother, your endless questions about your child’s development, or just being a huge support in building your tribe. I always feel safe, supported and encouraged by Bryana, and I always trust that she can help in any way I present.
Bryana is a WEALTH of information. I have learned SO much from her. She will NEVER judge you. I feel 100% comfortable in the space she created for my family. Bryana attracts a community of women who are strong, intelligent, and progressive, and she helps us break through personal barriers and outdated beliefs that no longer serve us. She has build a community of mothers with diverse backgrounds, because motherhood is what connects us all.
Bryana is truly amazing with her work and the guidance she gives moms to raise strong beautiful children. I truly feel at home in her presence and have built a strong mothering community. I always take something away that I can practice with my little. There is a learning opportunity in everything, and she helps facilitate those conversions. My daughter and I have bonded and learned amazing things together! Can't thank her enough!
You were more regulated, present, and confident about your parenting?
It all starts with unlearning the limiting stories you’ve been taught about yourself, and relearning the freedom stories that await your exploration.
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