Avon Eve Duet Sensual Edp

Avon Eve Duet Sensual Edp


Avon Eve Duet Sensual Edp
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Avon "EVE DUET" EDP (50ml) Radiant & Sensual & Radiant & Sensual Body Lotion*BN

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Jean Paul Gaultier2, Stella in two, to quickly name a few ...not a new concept, if you've been around fragrance as long as I have:) But I really want to try it, I love Eva. Avon made a sophisticated ad, showing a strong confident woman that knows what she likes, and I like that!
I'll certainly try it if I get the chance! The plum scares me...it's getting into everything! I've only gotten along with plum a couple times. I expect "not good" and hope for "wonderful"!
I like how Eva is tenderly holding the BOX, while the bottle looks tossed out on the counter.
Although, come to think of it, I treasure my perfume boxes too and always save them in my closet.
I want to try Duet. I've been using my Daisy Fuentes Duos very often.
Looks cute and fun. Not gimmicky at all. If Tom Ford's new "F***ing" fragrance is cutting edge, this is unique (not a new concept, as pointed out previously), and definitely enormously more class.
Here's to hoping Avon kills it with this one (in the good way).
Daisy Fuentes also had Dianoche, Literally DayNight.
Avon Did This concept before in the Early 90s' with a Duo named EarthFire/WindSwept!...Although the bottles weren't attached but they were Boxed Together and they were shaped to nestle into each other, One was a Fresh Floral and the other a Spicy Oriental that were meant to be used on their own or Mixed together!
I don't know. For me personally it seems cheap with dual ended products. I think they could've used her face for something much more glamorous, even for Avon!
Also : Fantsay twist by Britney Spears.
We don't have Avon in France, but I would love to try these new perfumes and Eva Mendes is always a good choice :)
Have you ever encountered dual end anything that's ever good (not just perfume, I'm talking lip gloss, eye shadow, kid's markers...)? I haven't...
It's not an original idea.. Carolina Herrera 212 sexy...
This isn't an entirely brand new idea but funny to see that the market never really picked up on it that much. Looks great, love Eva and I hope this finds its way to Germany!
This is the face Chanel shoud have it for Gabrielle. Smart choice for Avon.
Kinda a cool idea ............. weird that AVON came up with it first.
Lalique Encre Noire by
Tiziana Terenzi Vele by
By Kilian Sacred Wood by
Mancera Fig Extasy by
Le Labo Another 13 by
Escada Show Me Love by
Soapy, herbal, coconut. Nothing more or less, it's as simple as that. The opening is a little harsh, but it becomes smoother upon drydown. I actually get good longevity out of this, 6+ hours. I'm a big coconut hater, but this doesn't bother me. The drydown is pleasant. Makes you...
This one is divisive. I have a feeling that those outside of the fragrance community wont get it and wonder why you paid actual money to smell like old dirty wood. In some ways they're right. Encre Noir probably won't get you any compliments like you would from a Bleu De Chanel,...
Very reminiscent of Angel Nova, slightly less juicy and with a softer, less nuclear woody drydown which spoiled Nova for me. More elegant I'd say for sure so for anyone thinking that Nova was too 'youthful' but liked the scent this may be for you. I didn't like the original...
The green and fruit blend is fantastic. As a guy i'll be rocking this in the summer for sure.
My Loooord, Sacred Wood is divine. FBW for me. I was looking for a sandalwood fragrance that didn't have the pencil shavings smell I get from Tam Dao. Pilgrimage is complete. Lots of compliments when I wore it through Southeast Asia.
Based on name Coco vanille. I expected coconut, vanilla, warm, creamy scent.. Nope, this is sunscreen vibe scent with heavy flowers in the beginning. It dries down in the end to coconut and vanilla but this last only 1 hr after it fades away completely. On me, the perfume last max 3 hrs. If you...
Lavender is an underused note in women's/unisex fragrances. This iteration is a light and fleeting, but transiently heady lavender. At first spritz, it's a piquant trifecta of tart citrus slices, cedar, and pungent lavender. Those facets quickly mute, and the palo santo, palmarosa, and...
I got this as a sample, it’s not the type of perfume I’d normally go for but I thought I’d give it a try. I actually really like it! Opening is a blast of fig with a slight touch of ginger. After about 30 mins the leather and incense really show through. To me the dry down is very smoky and...
Love at first sniff and continued love. I get monster performance. I also like it better than the extreme. I'll be getting a full bottle for sure.
I am so happy this didn’t turn out smelling as juvenile as I thought it would! It is much lighter than the Hello Kitty ZARA fragrance but still has the same fruity, floral, and fresh notes. I carry this one in my bag to reapply on the days I use the other Hello Kitty ZARA fragrance. Sillage and...
I want to like this. Everyone is mentioning the burnt coffee note, to me it smells like burnt hair, glad I only bought a sample,
I love Another 13 get a sense of it here, without some of the nuance. Nice modern wearing experience.
Despite the endless list of notes, current LouLou is a simple combination of unpleasant smoke combined with cloying heliotrope. It's revolting and lasts forever.
Wowzers. This is the yang to my yin. Love it. Must work with my skin chemistry because I can spray it in the morning and have people comment on how good I smell 16 hours later in a crowded nightclub. Ridiculous strength. Feels like I'm wearing a futuristic exo suit.
I am so happy this didn’t turn out smelling as juvenile as I thought it would! It’s perfectly fruity, floral and fresh. Plus the bottle is adorable. This is a perfume I wear to lounge around or run errands. I also purchased the EDT version of this by ZARA so that I can travel with it in my bag...
Wood Mystique and Sensuous Nude!!!!
This was a very nice read John, I enjoyed it. Especially, "...into the churning sea of dark and beautiful rose chaos..." which I would agree with, as I am somewhat familiar with the perfume and it's creator. I look forward to hearing from you about the next two that stand directly...
September is here, I'm all itching with impatience!!! :)
My favorite tuberose by far is Champs Lunaires by Rogue Perfumery, which never gets the attention it deserves. it is absolutely intoxicating.
there's a fourth type of chocolate named ruby chocolate (alongside with dark, milk and white chocolate) which is made by special process - maybe that's it?
I love Escada's sugary, twee, fruity-sweet fragrances - Cherry in the Air was one of my first 'big girl' perfumes and I loved that chewable, delicious juice, so I always take the time to take a look at their new releases, even though I don't own any currently. The blueberry...
Agreed re Nagel negativity. I've had mixed thoughts, admittedly but she's also done some AMAZING scents like Gallop, Rhubarbe and H24
I agree the scent of laundry detergent and cleaning products is very important. I won't use laundry products w/ strong smells. Many of them are just downright obnoxious. I prefer all-natural lavender and w/ cleaning products I like Mrs. Meyers the best. They have fantastic scents that are so...
It is pleasant to look at it through the eyes of a foreign tourist - I love this line. For this is what fragrance (and especially vintage fragrance) testing has always been for me! I have had such few childhood memories of scent that almost anything I encounter from the past is strange and...
If I see one more fragrance ad with the "ingredients" of the scent in the background.. The market has become so derivative I'm stuck in a chronic deja vu. Starting to believe the Matrix is real.
I am a huge fan of Nobile 1942 and Carthusia. Can't wait to get my hands on those two.
I have the tiny miniature bottle, and cherish it a lot. Wonderful scent.
I read this article after returning home from a trip to the mall, where I had visited a Lush store. And Vanillary was the only fragrance on offer that I didn't test! I'm so disappointed in myself now. Cafe Chantant also sounds so intriguing. Lovely writing, Elena, thank you so much. Peace.
This comment is unrelated to the perfume itself, but the first time I can remember hearing the words "halcyon days" was in the 1981 Masterpiece Theatre series "Brideshead Revisited". Charles Ryder (played by Jeremy Irons) narrates the words in a flashback showing him and...
Thank you Elena for this wonderful article about my favorite perfume of all time. Among all my beloved chypres (all of your mothers' favorites included), Ellipse stands above them all. For me, it is the most beautiful green, bitter, coniferous chypre of all. And if I were asked which perfume...
Wow a perfume inspired by my hometown ❤️
Hi all in this amazing world of fragrances. Just wanted to find out if perhaps anyone knows if this amazing fragrance has been discontinued by azzaro? Really an amazing boozy amber that to me is better than Bentley intense at least on my skin. God bless from South Africa.
@teebear We live in the world where regardles of who does what, everyone asks for money to be donated here and there. Brand is just starting and they most likely taken a credit to start new brand and came up with new idea. Instead of celebrating start of something new, something thats different...
These scents sound lovely and by their look & fragrance descriptions seem to be like Eau De/Body Splashes. Aren't these usually brought out in spring, & meant for use in summertime & high heat as refreshers? I'm just surprised that these are released now, in time for...
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Avon presents its new feminine fragrance Eve Duet in September 2017 as a perfume with an interesting 2-in-1 twist. Eve Duet is announced as dual-ended, mixable fragrance from Avon made from two scents combined in one package that can be used separately or together. Avon Eve Duet contains Radiant at one end and Sensual at the other.
Eve Duet Radiant focuses on the feeling of tenderness and freshness and is made to be a daily variant. Its floral and fruity composition offers notes of clementine, apple blossom, water lily, jasmine, light woody notes and amber.
Eve Duet Sensual reportedly emphasizes passionate moments and is an evening option. The composition is floral-woody, made from plum accords, pink pepper, water lily, night jasmine and patchouli.
As the face of the perfume, Avon chose actress Eva Mendez who said: "I love being creative and experimenting with fashion and make-up, so being able to also express myself freely and celebrate my individuality through a perfume is fun. Scents play a big role in my life and I love experimenting with different combinations of Sensual and Radiant allure to reflect my different moods."
Avon Eve Duet is available as a 50 ml Eau de Parfum (together) with separate body lotions for both perfumes.
Sanja Pekic is a Fragrantica editor from Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. She has joined the team in 2008 to update and maintain encyclopedia information, as well as work on perfume news. Sanja is passionate about fashion and martial arts.
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About this item 2 x 150ml body lotions Radiant and Sensual - mix or use individually. Your Radiant side a sparkling, fr
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