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The Life & Times of Hollywood

More stories to check out before you go
“You get tough in this business, until you get big enough to hire people to get tough for you. Then you can sit back and be a lady.” ~ Natalie 
Kirk Douglas passed away yesterday at 103. While his film career is being remembered, TLATOH will not celebrate his life as a hero, as he was NOT. We did not wait until his death to report this. We posted these stories, while he was alive for years. Douglas was likely a sexual predator. A rapist. We have verified the stories. His life should be studied not celebrated
He more than likely raped Natalie Wood. TLATOH has verified this with several sources. The story is reposted here along with his other conquests.
His story is fascinating and he should be studied – not celebrated. He is NOT a hero. He was nothing like his screen image. Don’t confuse the man on the screen with the real Kirk Douglas.
As you will read below, even Robert Downey Jr. in Gawker brought up these same accusations 
Natalie Wood was a child star who went on to have a very successful adult career. Unfortunately the beautiful actress was also the victim of a horrific sexual assault. 
When she was fifteen years old Natalie was raped by an older actor. Although she never went to the police she told several friends that her rapist was actor Kirk Douglas. 
Natalie was born Natalia Nikolaevna Zakharenko on July 20, 1938, in San Francisco, California. Her Russian mother moved them to Hollywood determined to make Natalie famous. At age nine she was cast as a cynical little girl in Miracle On 34th Street . It was a hit and she became a popular child actress. She costarred with Bette Davis in The Star and with in Joan Blondell in The Blue Veil. Then in the Spring of 1954 Kirk Douglas invited Natalie to his room at theChateau Marmont for an audition.
  Her mother drove her to the hotel and waited in the car. When she got to the room Kirk gave Natalie a drink and told her he liked “young girls”. Then he threw her down on the bed and brutally raped her. The attack lasted for several hours. 
When it was over he told her “If you tell anyone it will be the last thing you do.”. The rape was so violent that Natalie started bleeding and had to go the hospital. Her mother discouraged her from filing a complaint because she worried it would hurt her movie career. 
At the time Kirk Douglas was one of the most powerful stars in Hollywood. He later admitted that he had been a womanizer and an alcoholic but he’s never confessed to rape. Natalie was traumatized by the assault and spent years in therapy. Friends said she would “shudder” every time she heard Douglas’s name.
From Natalie Wood’s sister Lana Wood – Natalie was raped by a powerful Hollywood figure during an “interview” that went on “for hours” inside the famed Chateau Marmont Hotel, the tragic actress’ sister claims in a shocking new interview.
in Touch- In a world exclusive, Natalie’s sister Lana breaks her long-held silence on what she recalled occurred on that terrible day when her beloved sibling was only 16 years old
.“We drove her up to the Chateau Marmont and my mother and I sat in the cars for hours, to the point where I went to sleep, and that was the interview where Natalie was raped,” Lana told a team of investigative journalists lead by the podcast series’ host, Dylan Howard.
“I was asleep in the backseat and I just remembered it was not a happy ride home. I thought I heard Natalie and my mom talking heatedly in undertones.”
This was the common practice in 1950s and Natalie was taught to play the game.
“Alfred Hitchcock said in an interview once that it’s very hard for the romance on screen not to carry over into the private lives of the actors,” Cavett said coyly. “Have you found this true?”
Douglas thumped in anger, “An actor is supposed to immerse himself in the role!”
At the time, Douglas — who turns 100 years old on Friday — was the biggest star on the planet, with a range that blew away audiences, whether he was wielding a sword against the Romans as “Spartacus” or crying in anguish as Vincent van Gogh in “Lust for Life.”
He didn’t have to answer to Cavett — or anyone, for that matter.
It would be another two decades before the man who still commands a standing ovation when he enters a room would finally admit to his infidelities.
In a titillating autobiography written when he was 71, Douglas admitted that he’d not only cheated on his first wife, Diana Dill — with whom he had two sons, including mega-star Michael Douglas — but he also messed around on his current wife, Anne Bydens , who gave him another two sons.
Before the marriages, and in between, the man born Issur Danielovitch to a poor Jewish family in Amsterdam, NY, was unquenchable.
“I’m a sonofabitch, plain and simple,” he admitted in his 1988 autobiography, “ The Ragman’s Son .”
Douglas opened his little black book and ticked off some of the greatest names to grace the silver screen.
The actor kissed and told on Crawford, Linda Darnell, Marlene Dietrich, Rita Hayworth, Evelyn Keyes, Marilyn Maxwell, Patricia Neal, Ann Sothern and Gene Tierney.
“As I look back, I realize that somehow I was attracted to women who were neurotic,” he said.
It began with his English teacher, a Mrs. Livingston, who seduced him when he was 14, he said.
A few years later as he struggled to become an actor, he enrolled at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts and his eyes fell on a sultry blond woman named Betty Bacall.
Douglas said Bacall, who would later change her first name to Lauren, teased the impoverished student about the shabby, oversize overcoat he wore — so she got him a new one.
“I was always touched by that act,” wrote Douglas. “And how did I repay her? One warm spring evening on a rooftop in Greenwich Village I tried to seduce her. Unsuccessfully. As far as I’m concerned, Lauren Bacall can do no wrong.’’
The thrice-Oscar-nominated actor was no gentleman, however, when he tucked into a tale about the night he spent with “Mildred Pierce” actress Joan Crawford, who would also later be trashed by her adopted daughter, Christina Crawford, in her book, “Mommie Dearest.”
He went out with Crawford just once, he said — and never called her again.
Crawford played an innocent flirt throughout their dinner, he said. But the instant the front door of her Hollywood mansion closed behind them, she tore off her dress, flung it aside and grappled Douglas to the foyer floor.
Douglas said Crawford’s move was too aggressive to be exciting, and when they were doing the deed, he noticed her bad breath.
Afterward, Crawford, a famous dirt-a-phobe, took him on a tour of the multi-level home, where Douglas noticed how immaculate it was.
Kirk Douglas and his wife Anne in 2000Getty Images
“She took me upstairs and proudly showed me the two children — how they were strapped so tightly to their beds, how she diapered them so efficiently. It was so professional, clinical, lacking in warmth, like the sex we had just had.”
Another one of Douglas’ conquests was gorgeous redhead Rita Hayworth. Douglas said he found the star “beautiful, but very simple, unsophisticated.’’
She would tell him, “Men go to bed with ‘Gilda’ [her famous 1946 title role], but they wake up with me.’’ Douglas wrote, “I felt something deep within her that I couldn’t help — loneliness, sadness — something that would pull me down; I had to get away.’’
To him, Hayworth was a fantasy created by Hollywood, like Marilyn Monroe. On the screen, Douglas said, Monroe was “the sexiest woman in the world. In real life she was blah. And always late.’’
One of his favorite conquests was Gene Tierney, known for her icy, Oscar-nominated sociopath performance in “Leave Her to Heaven.”
Douglas dished about some of Tierney’s odd habits — including insisting that he visit her by climbing into the window of her Hollywood home and mount her when she wasn’t expecting it.
“Maybe it was an aphrodisiac,’’ Douglas wrote. “I didn’t question it. Mine was not to question why; mine was just to get through that window.’’
Then there was the affair with Patricia Neal.
In her own memoir, the Oscar-winning actress wrote of the love affair she had with married leading man Gary Cooper.
When it came to sex, Douglas admits he looked at it as if he were on a big game safari in Africa.
But Douglas rounded out the picture: Neal was having an affair with him at the same time.
Douglas said Neal was in love with Cooper and would “cry” during their trysts because she was being unfaithful to the “High Noon” actor.
Sexy brunette Ava Gardner’s beauty took his breath away.
Douglas remembered staying at a hotel one night when he was awakened by a knocking. He opened the door to find the distraught actress.
Although Douglas had dated her a few times and found her “a wonderful country girl who was cursed by being too beautiful,’’ now she scared him because she was dating the tumultuous Frank Sinatra.
“They must have had one of their usual explosions and she rushed out,’’ wrote Douglas. “It was about 2 o’clock in the morning.
Douglas in “The Last Sunset” in 1961Courtesy Everett Collection
“She didn’t know where to go and ended up at my door. . . . She was quite upset and we chatted for about 10 minutes. She calmed down. She sighed, and got up. I walked her to the door, kissed her on the cheek and she left. No mention was ever made of her nocturnal visit.’’
When it came to sex, Douglas admits he looked at it as if he were on a big game safari in Africa.
“I looked at something and BANG! I had total control. I enjoyed [killing]; the Masai gave me a shield and a spear and called me Killer Douglas.”
In fact, he said he once used sex to punish a woman he knew was an anti-Semite.
He said he took the woman to bed, keeping the fact he was Jewish a secret until the climatic moment, when he screamed:
“I am a Jew! You are being f— by a Jew!”
A 2012 Gawker article has been circulating of Robert Downey Jr. reviving the accusation that Douglas repeatedly raped Wood in a hotel room when she was an up and coming actress.
Unfortunately sexual harassment and rape have been a big part of Hollywood history. In 1954 sixteen year old Natalie Wood was raped by an older actor. Although she never went to the police she told several of her friends what happened. Natalie claimed she was raped in by actor Kirk Douglas. He had invited her to his hotel room for an audition. When she got there he gave her a drink and told her he liked “young girls”. Then he threw down on the bed and raped her. When it was over he told her “If you tell anyone it will be the last thing you do.” The attack was so violent that Natalie started bleeding and had to go the hospital. Her mother discouraged her from filing a complaint because she worried it would hurt Natalie’s career. At the time Kirk Douglas was one of the most powerful stars in Hollywood. He has admitted that in his past he was a womanizer and an alcoholic but he’s never confessed to rape. Natalie was traumatized by the rape and spent years in therapy. Friends said she would “shudder” every time she heard Douglas’s name. Tragically Natalie died in 1981 without ever getting justice for her rape. Kirk Douglas celebrated his 103rd birthday in 2019 and has never been charged with a crime.
A 2012 Gawker article has been circulating of Robert Downey Jr. reviving the accusation that Douglas repeatedly raped Wood in a hotel room when she was an up and coming actress.
Deep in the weeds of show business blogging, in the comments under a blind gossip item, the actor Robert Downey Jr. may have just laid a venomous bite on Kirk Douglas, accusing the legendary actor of raping actress Natalie Wood.
Either that or hundreds of people have just been conned by a massive fraud who wants us to believe famous screen stars obsess over anonymous blog comments (as, in fairness, some have been known to do ). The purported Downey commenter did provide the correct home phone number of Wood’s daughter as evidence of his own authenticity, for whatever that’s worth.
Here’s how things unfolded: Over on the Hollywood blog Crazy Days and Nights, mysterious longtime commenter “Himmmm” today posted repeatedly under a blind item about a longtime actor who slept with an underaged teenager , abused women, and pressured them into getting abortions. Himmmm, who online gossipers recently decided was Downey Jr, claimed actor Ryan O’Neal was the one who did those things, and went on to out another purported woman abusing scumbag, claiming Kirk Douglas repeatedly raped actress Natalie Wood in a hotel room decades ago, then laughed at and mocked her.
Rumors about Douglas raping Wood have been around for years , but Himmmm’s cred within the blog as a Hollywood insider , the level of detail in his story, and his insinuation that he is Downey Jr. all lent his claim a certain standing, at least on the site.
Himmmm started with O’Neal, lamenting “the HELL he’s caused me and so many other” (O’Neal and Downey Jr. co-starred in a 1989 movie ) and claiming O’Neal had managed “to piss off Steven Speilberg, Aaron Spelling, Tippi Hedren, Brian Depalma, Robert Evans, Charlie Bludhorn, Lew Wasserman, and about 90% of the then-powerful William Morris Agency.”
Himmmm’s initial comment was well received by other commenters. As his stuff usually is: Not only does Himmmm often seem to have inside details, he has insinuated in the past that his account is shared between a “movie star,” “rock star” and two “true creative geniuses.”
Today he was clearly in movie star mode. After lashing O’Neal, Himmmm promised “later on I’m going to share with all of you a story (or two) I promise will make your heads explode.”
He delivered, laying out three long postings in page three of the comments ( part 1 , part 2 , part 3 .) This was the purported Kirk Douglas-Natalie Wood story. It begins with an introduction describing how Wood, wanting edgier roles as a rebellious teenager, had a consensual affair with a married, older director to win a part. Other actors then thought she would sleep with anyone for a part. One such actor, Douglas, allegedly went well beyond trying to barter for sex:
[This story] concerns one of the biggest male stars ever, and one of the most beloved female stars to ever live…
One day she was invited to meet with this movie star about an upcoming major role. This man was a legend already, and was very powerful. … Thinking [s]he herself was powerful and savvy, she accepted the invite. In his hotel room. She never saw it coming.
Without even discussing the film, this actor — drunk already — began making a pass at her. She politely declined, and excused herself. He wouldn’t have it. He literally threw her down, slapped the hell out of her, and ripped her clothes off. He shouted obscenities at her, continually punched and held her arms so tight he left scars and bruises.
He raped her repeatedly, spitting on her, and did permanent damage to her body. She was bleeding everywhere, with a battered face. She passed out. When she came to, the actor was still in the room gloating, and told her to come see him tomorrow night and he might give her the role. He laughed at her as she fell down, her legs so wobbly and weak. She gathered her torn clothes, and tried to walk out of the hotel and to her car – blood and semen running down her legs and bruises already forming on her face.
She could barely make it back home in her car. She wanted to kill herself, so ashamed of what happened. The damage to her psyche was permanent, and haunted her forever.
…Her mom said she must have made the actor mad and offended him. They called a doctor, who took her to the hospital secretly to have her treated… The studio knew, and did nothing. After all, the star actor was a money machine. … She grew into an amazing woman with a legendary career. But she never forgot, or forgave, and never got over what happened.
She never named the star actor publicly, but her friends and family knew the truth. Even after marriage and kids, if she saw this actor anywhere – she would almost convulse and cry. And worst of all, Hollywood and the world continued to honor him, pay him, and treat him like a king.
Himmmm went on to name the actor in question:
Today, he’s still alive and barely holding on. But those who know the truth are still hoping and praying he will rot in hell for eternity. That all his good deeds and donations will never mask the truth…
So when the time comes, and the now 95-year -ld Kirk Douglas, the superstar actor, finally dies, there will be tributes and honors about him. Just remember that he is a monster who never repented, apologized, nor showed any sorrow for destroying the lives of others. Especially the life of that young beloved actress named Natalie Wood.
Accuser claims to be Robert Downey Jr. (basically)
Our sister site Jezebel this week speculated and relayed the speculation of others that Himmmm might be Downey Jr. In these new postings, he seemed to confirm this, inasmuch as an anonymous blog commenter can confirm anything, giving clues that amount to an outright claim he is Downey Jr.. These included Wood’s daughter’s home phone number.
This is the money paragraph where Himmmm attempts to out himself as Downey Jr. (from part 2 ):
I worked with Natalie’s daughter on a film in the late 90s. Like her mother, Natasha is an amazing woman and amazing actress who is a great person in every way.
I know a lot of you have speculated that I’m some nobody nut-case pretending to be someone else. Pretending to be a movie star when in fact I’m not. I think that’s kind of hilarious. But if you want to call Natasha and ask her the name of the male actor she co-starred with in a movie with Heather Graham, then go for it. Call her at home if you want to but be polite. Her number is: ac 310 Four [last six digits redacted]. And remember, she’s NOT in on this so don’t blame or interrogate her.
The movie Himmmm mentions is almost certainly Two Girls and a Guy , the only 1990s film by Wood’s daughter Natsha Gregson Wagner in which the actress co-starred with Heather Graham. The film’s other co-star was Downey Jr. Recall how Himmmm claimed Wood’s “friends and family knew the truth” about the rape. So the idea is Wagner knew about the attack on her mom and grew close enough to Downey Jr. after working with him to vent about it.
The number Himmmm provided for Gregson Wagner does, in fact, belong to a person in Malibu matching her name and age, according to a public records database. (The person with Wagner’s name and age who owns that number and a related cell phone number did not return calls to both numbers seeking comment.)
Of course, the number also appears in a few stray internet white pages searches under the name “Natasha Wagner.”
Which is to say, this could all be some sort of elaborate hoax by someone with an axe to grind, a knack for sounding authoritative about Hollywood, and way too much time on his hands. Someone who wants us to believe, as Himmmm put it, that “you’d be surprised how many actors, filmmakers, and musicians read this blog. Some even comment .” And someone smart enough to pin his impulsive, reckless, obsessive comments on an impulsive, reckless, obsessive actor like Downey Jr.
Either way, the Crazy Days and Nights crowd is going bananas. Not only did we receive two different tips about this within one hour of Himmmm’s comment going up, the comments’ associated thread has grown to 827 postings, from around 600 when Hi
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