Automated Regression Testing: What I Like About It

Automated Regression Testing: What I Like About It


What is Automated Regression Testing:

Automated regression testing is a software development process used to ensure that new code changes do not break existing code. It is an important part of the test-driven development (TDD) process and is also known as baseline testing or performance testing.

Automated regression testing is performed on every build before it is released to QA for manual testing. Regression testing ensures that new code changes have not broken any existing functionality or functionality added in previous versions of the software.

Automated Regression Testing

Regression tests are written by a developer before adding new code; they verify that the old functionality still works after making changes. In addition, automated regression tests can be created to ensure there are no negative impacts on performance and load.

Why Do We Need Regression Testing?

Testing is a great way to ensure your website is performing the way it should. A website's functionality lies in its code, and if any part of the code does not work properly, it could break the entire site. Regression testing is a process that helps ensure that no changes have corrupted any previous parts of the site.

Regression Testing Can Also Help Your Business in Many Ways:

It exposes errors and fixes them before they become a problem for users It reduces time to market for new features It helps identify root causes of issues rather than just symptoms It protects your brand by helping to make sure your product is working as intended

Regression testing involves taking previously tested software and making sure it still performs as expected after new features or changes are added to it. This type of testing ensures that when you make changes to your software, they do not break existing features or functionality. Making changes without first performing regression testing increases the risk that something unexpected will happen.

Regression Testing: Why Automate It?

Regression Testing is essential for you to test your code or that of a 3rd-party. Regression testing refers to the process of executing a series of tests on previously tested code and using that information to gain confidence in new or updated code.

Tests can be automated via a variety of methods (unit testing, functional testing, black-box testing) but they should all be repeatable and verifiable in some manner, with automation facilitating the entire process.

Regression testing is not just automated testing by another name. Automation provides the repeatability that is paramount in regression testing. Without it, regression tests would have to be performed manually after every build or revision.

This would slow down development and provide less assurance about the stability of new releases. With automation, you can test many more scenarios than you could ever test manually and discover problems at a much earlier stage.

Automated Regression Testing: How to Put It Into Practice

Once we've finished defining concepts, it's time to get some practical suggestions on how to apply regression testing. It's a good thing. If you've written any automated tests in your application--e.g. unit tests, you're performing regression testing without even being aware of it.

Regression testing isn't a "new" type that is automated testing. It's not a substitute for integration tests or unit tests. In fact, your automated tests such as integration tests, unit tests, and so on -- that were written since the start of the project may be used as tests for regression. Following each modification to the codebase simply run all the tests relevant to your suite to verify that the tests aren't failing.

Automated Regression Testing Best Practices

Furthermore, there are best practices to follow when you are implementing regression testing, regardless of the particulars of your application:

Use the Test Management Software It is essential for any project that is bigger than a one-developer project. There will be many more test instances than you'd be in a position to manage on your own. For your convenience, there are a lot of tools for managing tests that you can use.

Create a Testing Schedule Maintain an exact testing schedule for your entire work. This will ensure that the final product is thoroughly checked. In addition, the plan will help the team change to a regular testing schedule.

Create a new failing test for each new bug discovered Imagine that your code is prone to unambiguous, reproducible bugs. But all your tests pass. This means either your current tests are not working or the test suite you are using is missing tests. If you're in this position, create an entirely new test that fails to report the issue.

Sort All Your Tests: divide your test collection into smaller groups. The test management software will likely give you the capability to classify your tests. So your team members will be able to easily recognize the various types of tests.

Automated Regression Testing: Put It to Work for Your Team ASAP

Software development is a creative process unlike any other, however, the road to reaping the rewards is not without risk. One of the risks when writing code is that you can break existing functions when adding new features. 

When we fix bugs, it is possible to alter older functionality that we thought were dead come back to existence. Every small, seemingly small change could lead to the danger of a disastrous regression.

If you're trying to end regressions, and you should, trust me when I say that a series of regression tests are the solution you're looking for. Read more blogs like test automation best practices at bqurious.

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