Automated Regression Testing Changes Everything

Automated Regression Testing Changes Everything

Govind Sharma

What is Automated Regression Testing?

Automated regression testing is a type of software testing that aims to ensure that the existing functionality of an application works after a change or enhancement. It is typically performed after the introduction of new features or a change to existing features, such as a fix to an issue.

Regression testing is when the QA team tests to check if any previously tested and accepted feature/functionality has broken due to recent changes. For example, in an eCommerce website, if the developers have added some new features and fixed some bugs for a better user experience, then the QA team performs regression testing to ensure that all the previously implemented features are working correctly with no issues.

Automated Regression Testing

automation Regression tests verify the correctness of an application. They are very important since they help understand whether changes have been introduced into the system in an unexpected way. Regression tests help in verifying that modifications made by developers have not altered other functionalities in any negative way.

As regression testing requires the execution of test cases in each build, it can become expensive if performed manually as it requires huge resources and time. To overcome this problem, regression testing is automated.

Why is automated regression testing important?

Automated Regression Testing is important because it verifies that software that was previously developed and tested still performs the same way after it was changed or interfaced with other software.

The changes may be small or big, but one thing is for sure - changes are inevitable. That's why you do regression testing to make sure that you didn't break anything when working on a new feature or fixing a bug.

When you're building a software product with a long life cycle, the codebase changes frequently. Each change can potentially introduce new bugs in addition to fixing existing ones. Regression testing ensures that problems aren't introduced as new features are added or as existing features are modified and that the product functions as expected.

It also helps to ensure that features that were working properly continue to work properly after being modified or after the introduction of something new into the system. As we all know, any change to one part of a system can have unforeseen knock-on effects on other parts of the system - this is called regression error.

So what does regression testing entail? It entails re-running previously run tests (presumably tests that have previously passed) to ensure their function remains unchanged. It's not about finding new bugs but about ensuring old ones haven't resurfaced.

How to do Regression Testing:

Regression testing is a type of software testing which confirms that a recent program or code change has not adversely affected existing features. Software regression means re-running functional and non-functional tests to ensure that previously developed and tested software still performs after a change.

Regression testing is done when the software or product already exists and has been changed. The main reason for performing regression testing is to make sure that changes such as bug fixes, optimizations, or modifications do not harm other parts of the application.

In other words, it makes sure that all the new changes are working correctly without breaking any other parts of the application.

It can be compared with re-testing. Re-testing is performing the same test again to guarantee proper functioning even after a change in requirement or environment. Regression testing involves re-executing all or part of a previous test suite on an enhanced version of the software under test in order to discover any defects introduced by the enhancement.

Keys to an Effective Regression Testing Suite:

1. Prioritize your regression testing

The first thing to do when developing a regression testing program is to include critical or high-priority tests. High-priority tests evaluate the core functions and base workflows of an application. Back-end engines, APIs, and performance might be tested for critical functions. Important workflows may also contain UI-based functionality.

First, determine your priorities and define what they are. Next, go through all functional tests you have and give them a priority. Prioritize the tests you do not have. The critical tests should be developed first.

Next, move on to the next level. High-priority and critical tests are used to identify defects that require immediate fixes. If a defect occurs in high-priority or critical functions, it can prevent the application from working at all.

It can also cause significant workflow failures that cost customers time and money in lost work and rework. These functions can have a direct financial effect on the company and require additional resources to fix.

Codeless automation is code-based automated testing for critical functions. Applause Codeless Automation can automate a portion of your regression testing suite. This allows you to verify critical functionality without having to write a single line. You'll quickly find these issues if you run critical regression tests each time a build gets created.

2. Smokeproof your home

You should label the regression suite "smoke" when you have pulled your high-priority and critical tests into it. This suite can be used daily, bi-weekly, or with every build. To avoid any unnecessary shutdowns or loss of work time, execute the smoke tests before you start any other testing.

To save time, automate your smoke tests with ACA or scripted tests to reduce the time. It is easier to analyze failures if the tests are simple, such as with just one or two validation points. You don't need to test every function. Just cover the codebase at a minimal level. Why? What is the value of test automation?

Finding defects in workflows that are frequent and critical to your application's functionality. Make sure your smoke test suite contains only the essential information and is high-value.

These tests should be run frequently, before and after release. To verify that a change to the back-end doesn't have any direct impact on users, it might be a good idea to run some smoke tests in production. A smoke test regression suite is required if you want to add bug fixes or last-minute enhancements to a final release.

3. Do some manual labor

Next, create a set of tests to test the basic functionality throughout the application. These are often complex and integrated interactions that automated tools can't handle. These workflows are not essential to the application's functionality, but they are often used by end-users.

Manual regression tests may include exploratory tests that are not covered by automation. Manual regression tests can also be used to cover complex or long-running system workflows, which are not suitable for automation.

The basic functional regression test suites keep your code clean and encourage customers to respond positively to your application.

4. Check out the integrations

Perform a regression suite to test your API connections, backend messaging engines, and data feeds. Validate any integration process the application requires but the user does not see. Although it can be tedious to create a regression test suite of these functions, it is worth it.

It doesn't mean you have to cover all the bases. As in the previous groups, create tests that evaluate, or at the minimum touch, each process. QA testers are not usually allowed to see the back-end processes. These features must be tested, even though they may seem insignificant.

It's easy for users to see when back-end processes, APIs, or data connections stop working. These features can be accessed by QA testers. They can view the back-end and create functional tests. If you can prevent even one failure in these critical business-critical processing engines, it will be worthwhile to invest some developer time.

5. Performance is important!

Most development organizations will use the term performance testing four times. Why? Many people consider the application to be sufficient if it works. But is that enough?

A disconcerting experience for end-users is when the user interface changes in terms of performance. Worse, your customer may lose trust in your application if it becomes slower with each release of key workflow functions. This can lead to frustration as the user is unable to tell if the system has stopped working. Overly long waits can waste time and affect productivity.

No matter how complex your regression test suite is, it must include performance testing. If you don't address problems, performance will not improve by itself. Although speed is not a crucial feature for many, it can have a significant impact on the customer's perception of your application.

You can either create a performance regression suite using a performance testing tool or simply perform manual tests to identify problem areas.

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