Auto Lemon Skunk Feminised

Auto Lemon Skunk Feminised

Auto Lemon Skunk Feminised

Auto Lemon Skunk Feminised

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Lowlife Seeds Feminised Auto Lemon Skunk was developed using a lemon phenotype of Skunk 1 that Lowlife Seeds have been keeping as a clone mother for almost 15 years and the original Lowryder. Although Skunk 1 is the building block for plenty of modern stable hybrids, many find it to be quite variable in its phenotypes and the discovery of a lemon scented phenotype was something to treasure. Having grown it every season since , the transition to creating an auto flowering version seemed obvious and so the initial F1 cross with Lowryder was made. Lowlife Seeds Feminised Auto Lemon Skunk is one of our shorter varieties, rarely exceeding 14 inches tall and usually forming one central cola with minimal branching. Plants are very symmetrical just look down from above and have a good but not extreme coating of resin. The high is a balance between the speedy high of a sativa and the couch lock of an indica, a true all-day smoke and of course the aroma is that of over ripe lemons. This entry was posted on July 28, at You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2. Autoflowering, Feminised and Regular Cannabis Seeds. Lowlife Seeds Feminised Auto Blueberry.

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