Austria and tourism - Иностранные языки и языкознание курсовая работа

Austria and tourism - Иностранные языки и языкознание курсовая работа

Modern Austria and its monarchy, the military and political weakness of the empire. The tourism industry as a major part of the Austrian economy: the organizational structure, economic significance, trends in tourism and the tourism labour market.

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Countries of Origin: Share in Bednights 2002
In terms of long-term development, the experts speak of a normalizing effect since 1973: the preceding period brought yearly touristic growth rates of 6 to 10%, with top rates at almost 15%-rates, which could not have been maintained for any length at time without a harmful impact on the environment. Since then, the growth rates have decreased and were even negative on a few occasions. Nevertheless, a modest increase was on average maintained and should continue in the foreseeable future.
Austria's official tourism policy goes under the motto "Quality before Quantity". This means, for example, that public financial subsidies to touristic enterprises are only granted if the planned investment promises to improve quality standards instead of enlargening the quantitative capacity.
Many efforts have been made in recent years to provide a wider range of tourism facilities in order to attract new target groups (i.e. groups in search of entertainment, amusement and leisure activities). Since the number of tourists seeking minimal activity during vacation is declining, Austria now offers 900 indoor swimming-pools, 22,000 kms of prepared alpine ski-slopes, 16,000 kms of cross-country ski trails, 60 wild-life parks - to mention only a few examples.
To sustain its success in a changing Europe, Austria must open up new markets for prospective tourists from overseas and from Eastern European countries.
The tendency towards "quality tourism", which increasingly demands highly qualified personnel, will continue.
total number of unemployed persons in the tourism sector
Professions in tourism are extraordinarily attractive for young adults: among the ten most popular apprenticeship trades with young females, four are to be found in the tourist sector (double apprenticeship "restaurant specialist - service/cook", and the single apprenticeships "restaurant specialist - service", "cook", "hotel and restaurant trade commercial assistant"). Among young males, the occupation of "cook" counts among the most popular qualifications - this is all the more significant as 80% of female and 55% of male apprentices decide for a total of only ten apprenticeship trades.
During and after apprenticeship training, there is a wide variety of vocational and further education and training opportunities open to them - technical schools, higher technical and vocational schools (BHS), special programmes, post-secondary courses, special academies, study courses at Fachhochschule (i.e. non-university institutions in 3rd level education), university study programmes and courses -, all of which fulfill the needs of modern, high quality tourism and, at the same time, make it possible for the participants in the training process to obtain almost any formal qualification and any conceivable position on the career ladder due to the high degree of transparency in the educational system.
Tourism as a relatively new phenomenon in the world, the structure of tourism industry, accommodations and catering service and transportation. Tourism in Spain: ideal times for a Spanish trip, eating and drinking. Classification of accommodation. контрольная работа [30,5 K], добавлен 18.07.2009
Canada and its neighboring countries. Canada as a country with developed tourism industry. Primary modes of transportation in Canada, hotel services, restaurants, main sectors within the catering industry, tourism industry and domestic tourism demand. курсовая работа [38,0 K], добавлен 18.07.2009
Tourism is defined as the act of travel with the intentions of recreational pleasure. There are different types of tourism that can be enjoyed. Description and development of extreme tourism, cultural tourism, educational tourism, ecological tourism. контрольная работа [21,2 K], добавлен 11.11.2010
Geographical position (nature, coasts, relief, climate), historic territory and counties of the United Kingdom. Promoting British tourism. Profit from tourist industry in the economy of country. Visitors are the lifeblood of Britain's tourism industry. контрольная работа [20,1 K], добавлен 18.07.2009
The World Tourism Organization, a specialized agency of the United Nations, is the leading international organization in the field of tourism. International tourism is the world's largest export earner in the balance of payments of most nations. реферат [15,3 K], добавлен 18.07.2009
College of Tourism and hotel management. Planning the research. Statement of objectives and hypothesis to be examined. The limitation of the hypothesis question, the history of Turkish tourism. The Ministry of Culture and Tourism strategy, word brands. реферат [1,2 M], добавлен 20.08.2009
Tourism is one of the world’s fastest growing industries as income is generated by the spending of goods and services required by tourists. Some of the most popular types of tourism worldwide where tourists are categorized by the purpose of their visit. реферат [12,8 K], добавлен 10.02.2014
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Austria and tourism курсовая работа. Иностранные языки и языкознание.
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