Austin Armacost Porn

Austin Armacost Porn


Austin Armacost Porn

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Whoa! We’re heading into the home stretch of this week with some pep in our step thanks to a fully revealing new snap of buff, hunky reality star Austin Armacost .
OMG Blog first directed our attention to the new pic. He’s shown plenty of skin online before, but this the most revealing angle yet for the A-List and Celebrity Big Brother 16 alum.
You can follow Armacost on Instagram here , or check out his OnlyFans here . Here are some of our favorite posts by the Insta-Stud. 
For the uncensored new snap, head over to OMG Blog . 
HBO has come through for those of us who were disappointed to see Dr. Manhattan's naked blue body was all digital in the 2009 film adaptation of Alan Moore's Watchmen. Surely I wasn't the only one. Delicious New Orleans-born actor Yahya Abdul-Mateen II keeps going full-frontal, true to his character's appearance… Sharing some of our favorite Instagram posts this week starting with daddy realness DJ Dan DeLeon, who says he's always ready to perform. After a long day, this is how Taylor Tyler gets his [coco]nut: Ignacio Pérez Rey played lost and found in Costa Rica: Max Emerson…
Ending the weekend with some of our favorite Instagram posts from the week Beginning with Nyle DiMarco, who proved that Chicago is, indeed, hot: Sterling Walker celebrated his buddy Ken's 50th trip around the sun up in Park City: THAI chilled in a giraffe onesie: Randy Kaufman…
Yawn…..who cares.
This skanks 15 minutes of fame was over after minute 16….duh.
Huh, yeah looks good, during the A List they implied he was not very well endowed when he did his Playgirl shoot (the bitchy gay from Playgirl said it was small..). He is super cute, too bad about the tragic tattoos.
It was only a matter or time before he bared all money
And porn eventually. He is quite endowed.
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Austin Armacost: Why I’ve split from my husband

When did you last receive flowers from a romantic partner?
I’ve never had flowers from a romantic partner
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David Hudson is the Deputy Editor of Gay Star News,…
Model Austin Armacost has announced that he and his husband, Jake Lees are splitting up.
Armacost, originally from Indiana, featured in the 2015 series of Celebrity Big Brother on the UK’s Channel 5.
Besides his modeling work, he is also known for briefly dating the fashion designer Marc Jacobs when younger and appearing on the Logo reality TV show, The A-List .
Writing exclusively for GuysLikeU , Armacost says, ‘Unfortunately, it is with an extremely heavy heart I acknowledge that Jake and I are splitting up.
‘We first met when we were 20, now, almost a decade later we have just become two different people with two different ideas of what we want from life.
‘The hardest part for me is to know of the young gay couples who looked up to us and thought “if they can do it, I can do it.” I always wanted to be the example of unity, and solidarity and as we became the face of a movement, now that is melting away.
‘I fought so hard to be able to call him my husband here in America, and although I a so proud of all the work I have done, it feels a bit ‘all for nothing.’
‘They say that hindsight is 20/20, but I will never regret the work I did for the LGBT community and still encourage EVERYBODY in this community to live respectable, monogamous, long, happy lives and relationships.’
He says the split is ‘amicable’ and does not rule out the two getting back together if they are able to reconcile their differences.
He also praised his husband for helping him through some of the ‘darkest times’ of his life, including his mother being sent to prison for two and a half years and the death of his brother.
‘I wish Jake nothing but happiness in his life. I want him to smile, laugh, live and love! What does the future hold for me? Never know. I am in no rush at all to download any dating apps or meet anybody. If somethings comes along, let it be. I am not out searching.’
Lees, a personal trainer originally from Huddersfield, posted a tweet on his Twitter profile saying: ‘Thanks to everyone for the support. And give it a minute to all the gays who friend requested me.’
Thanks to everyone for the support. And give it a minute to all the gays who friend requested me
— Jake Lees (@Jakelees69) July 24, 2016

Austin Armacost: Why I’ve split from my husband

When did you last receive flowers from a romantic partner?
I’ve never had flowers from a romantic partner
More stories to check out before you go
David Hudson is the Deputy Editor of Gay Star News,…
Model Austin Armacost has announced that he and his husband, Jake Lees are splitting up.
Armacost, originally from Indiana, featured in the 2015 series of Celebrity Big Brother on the UK’s Channel 5.
Besides his modeling work, he is also known for briefly dating the fashion designer Marc Jacobs when younger and appearing on the Logo reality TV show, The A-List .
Writing exclusively for GuysLikeU , Armacost says, ‘Unfortunately, it is with an extremely heavy heart I acknowledge that Jake and I are splitting up.
‘We first met when we were 20, now, almost a decade later we have just become two different people with two different ideas of what we want from life.
‘The hardest part for me is to know of the young gay couples who looked up to us and thought “if they can do it, I can do it.” I always wanted to be the example of unity, and solidarity and as we became the face of a movement, now that is melting away.
‘I fought so hard to be able to call him my husband here in America, and although I a so proud of all the work I have done, it feels a bit ‘all for nothing.’
‘They say that hindsight is 20/20, but I will never regret the work I did for the LGBT community and still encourage EVERYBODY in this community to live respectable, monogamous, long, happy lives and relationships.’
He says the split is ‘amicable’ and does not rule out the two getting back together if they are able to reconcile their differences.
He also praised his husband for helping him through some of the ‘darkest times’ of his life, including his mother being sent to prison for two and a half years and the death of his brother.
‘I wish Jake nothing but happiness in his life. I want him to smile, laugh, live and love! What does the future hold for me? Never know. I am in no rush at all to download any dating apps or meet anybody. If somethings comes along, let it be. I am not out searching.’
Lees, a personal trainer originally from Huddersfield, posted a tweet on his Twitter profile saying: ‘Thanks to everyone for the support. And give it a minute to all the gays who friend requested me.’
Thanks to everyone for the support. And give it a minute to all the gays who friend requested me
— Jake Lees (@Jakelees69) July 24, 2016

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