Aunt Lauren's Secret Visit

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Lauren (aka Dr. Lauren Lewis) is a human scientist and physician. At the time the series begins she had been a ward of The Ash for five years as a pledged servant, and considered nothing more than his property by the Fae .

Dr. Lauren Lewis
Karen Beattie (real name)
Amber (false I.D.)

Light Fae (S1, S2, S3)
Dark Fae (S4) [deliberate]
Unclaimed/Unaligned (S5)

Chief Medical Officer for The Ash (formerly)
Chief of staff for Marquise Medical Clinic
Eco-terrorist (as a teenager)
Trained by a military organization
Waitress (while hiding from The Una Mens)

Lauren wears a necklace with a medallion that marks her as owned by The Ash. Despite being human, Lauren's position earns her the respect of the Light Fae . A scientist with specialization in genetics and cryptozoology, she has extensive knowledge of the different species of Fae and their abilities, and finds the sphere of human medical science mundane by comparison. She was seduced by Bo during their first meeting and thereafter fell in love with her.

Bo tests feed control with Lauren 1.06 "Food for Thought" (Click to animate)
In the first season, she helped Bo learn how to control her chi and sexual energy feeding.

It was revealed in Fae Gone Wild that Lauren's first encounter with the Fae occurred in the Congo (Africa) while she was performing humanitarian work and witnessed the results of a deadly virus. The epidemic, which only afflicted Fae, brought Lauren into contact with The Ash. When Lauren's medical and clinical research skills were successful in combating the disease, he revealed to her the existence of his secret world – but not before her girlfriend, Nadia , who had accompanied her, was mysteriously infected and fell into a coma. Lauren pledged herself to The Ash in return for access to the Light Fae's facility and scientific resources to find a cure for her condition.

Lauren's loyalty to The Ash and the Light Fae is unquestionable. After The Ash was critically wounded in a suicide bombing arranged by Aife against him and the Light Fae Elders , she stayed by his side almost nonstop. Her loyalty to The Ash causes Lauren to take her work very seriously and for this she is often considered uptight, especially by Kenzi . However, Lauren has shown to be relaxed and friendly in Bo's company and outside of work.

Despite Lauren's loyalty to The Ash, she has helped Bo on many occasions against The Ash's will and at the risk of punishment.

In Vexed , The Ash ordered Lauren to find a way to prevent Bo from finding out about Vex , the Dark Fae Mesmer , and confronting him, which would have resulted in her being punished and executed by The Morrigan . Lauren seduced Bo and they made love for the first time. The following morning, under questioning by Bo, Lauren admitted to being ordered by The Ash to distract her, and tried to explain that she had done it to protect her from harm; but Bo, feeling hurt, responded angrily and stormed away from Lauren. Their relationship was strained for some time afterwards, but their mutual attraction continued to exist and Bo eventually forgave her.

In the second season, after the first Ash was left in a comatose state, Lauren was passed on to the new Ash, Lachlan , as "chattel."

In Masks , Lachlan revealed to Lauren that Nadia had been deliberately put into a coma by a Dark Fae Shaman under orders from the previous Ash. The Ash had him curse Nadia to insure that Lauren would do everything in her power to find an antidote to the virus that was killing Fae, and used Nadia's condition to pull her into the fold of the Light clan.

In Caged Fae , Bo asked Lauren to join her in a committed relationship. Although her succubus feeding needs eventually made sexual monogamy difficult for Bo to maintain, it was the first time she had willingly tried to be in an exclusive relationship. Through events that transpired, Lauren became increasingly discouraged, driving her to examine the relationship they had together. Lauren told Bo that she thought she would always be asking from her more than she could give in return, and revealed her unhappiness. After years with the Fae, what had happened to Nadia, and the battle against The Garuda , she felt that she was losing herself, and thought they needed a break. Apprehensive and heartbroken, Bo agreed to give Lauren some space ( Delinquents ).

Karen Beattie wanted poster 4.04 "Turn to Stone"
Lauren revealed that she studied at Yale University and had served in Afghanistan, and knows how to make a bomb ( ConFaegion ). Her past was uncovered after Dr. Isaac Taft had his lawyers dig into her background and they discovered why she had been "off the map" for five years, in the Amazon jungle and Afghanistan. ( Adventures in Fae-bysitting ).

Lauren's real name is Karen Beattie and a fugitive wanted by the International Criminal Offences and Criminal Intelligence Bureau for her involvement in a bombing that killed 11 people in 1998. In Turn to Stone , while being held prisoner with Crystal , Lauren revealed to her (and for the first time to anyone) that she had a brother and with him had become an eco-terrorist. She had made bombs to blow up a pipeline with and her brother planted them, but no one was supposed to have been in the area at the time.

After she leaves the Light Fae and protection by The Ash, Lauren is wrongly accused by The Morrigan of being a terrorist and enemy of the Fae when an empty vial that had contained a toxin to drug and kidnap Dyson with is found, and has the name "Dr. Lauren Lewis" on its label ( Hail, Hale ).

When she discovered that Dr. Taft deceived her, had been conducting cruel experiments on Fae, and kidnapped Dyson to extract his DNA cells so as to transfer them into himself and transform into a powerful Fae, she feigned collaboration and agreed to perform the operation. However, Lauren outsmarted Dr. Taft by sabotaging the procedure and turned him into a Human- Cabbit hybrid, rendering him an easy prey for Dyson to chase down and kill.

In Let the Dark Times Roll , Lauren and Bo are reunited thanks to The Morrigan. Lauren is shocked to learn that Bo is now Dark Fae, but Bo, in turn, is shocked when Lauren reveals that she was staying with the Dark by choice. She told Bo that when The Una Mens started killing humans and she ran for her life, the Light Fae did not bother to come looking for her, but the Dark had sought her out and offered her protection. With the Dark, Lauren could come and go as she pleased, on her own terms, without a binding agreement or a "dog collar", and felt free for the first time. Bo told Lauren that if she claimed her, she could be free and protected, but Lauren turned Bo down because being claimed by Bo meant being owned by her and said to Bo, "You're Fae. I'm human. So I'll always be a prisoner. The least I can do is choose my own cage."

"I stayed with the Dark for you. I isolated myself for you. This was all for you. Everything that I do is for you." 4.12 "Origin"
In Origin , while secretly searching through the Dark archives, Lauren found a section in a volume predicting the release of Rainer , the betrayal of the Fae, and subsequent calamity upon their universe. She overhead The Morrigan, Bo's mortal enemy, tell Trick that everything would be easier for all of them if "the succubus was dead."

Fearing for Bo's life, Lauren hurried away to warn Bo about what she had discovered regarding Rainer; however, Bo refused to believe what Lauren found in the Dark's history book and heed her warning. When Bo accused Lauren of trying to get back at her, Lauren shot back: "I stayed with the Dark for you. I isolated myself for you. This was all for you. Everything that I do is for you." But Bo, still stinging from their fallout, reminded Lauren that she had chosen her and Lauren had broken her heart. Lauren, who in Of All the Gin Joints had covertly procured a sample of The Morrigan's DNA to create a serum that would neutralize her by altering her physiology, tricked the Dark Fae leader with seduction in order to administer it, transformed her into a human, and made her unable to harm and kill Bo with Fae powers.

In Dark Horse , Lauren had been taken captive and handcuffed by a deranged Massimo . Bo came to save her and while he was distracted with Bo, Lauren freed herself from her handcuffs, seized the Twig of Zamora out of his pocket and destroyed it. In so doing, its protection was eliminated and Bo was able to kill Massimo. The relationship between Lauren and Bo was made whole again, and Lauren stayed behind to care for The Morrigan (who had confronted Massimo, her human son, in an attempt to stop him from pursuing his mad quest to become all-powerful), while Bo left to battle against her father and stop him from emerging out of Hel .

After turning The Morrigan human and the deaths of The Una Mens ended the fear of them within the Fae universe, Evony Fleurette Marquise (The Morrigan) made Lauren the chief medical officer of Marquise Medical Clinic , giving her access to conduct medical research so that Lauren could create a serum to restore her Faeness to the former Dark Fae leader.

Tamsin gave Lauren a diary that she had hidden inside Bo's Chesterfield sofa. Lauren used the lock of Tamsin's Valkyrie hair that she found in Massimo's Druid stash to hold while reciting an incantation that revealed the gate to Valhalla . When she entered through the gate together with Dyson, she was possessed by Valkyries that spoke through her and informed them they had taken a human soul back to her body (i.e. Kenzi) ( Like Hell Pt.1 ). Together with Dyson, she dug up Kenzi's grave and saved her from her tomb ( Like Hell Pt.2 ).

Lauren and Bo continued to cooperate in Fae matters, but had not been intimate again. They were in the Marquise facility when a cataclysmic storm created by the Ancients caused a blackout and, when alone, Lauren revealed to Bo the real reason why she was "working" for Evony. They seized the moment and made love for the first time since their separation ( Here Comes the Night ). After their coupling, Bo considered what she truly desired and told Lauren that she wanted to be together with her. Lauren, who had not presumed that their connecting had been more than a momentary opportunity, was caught off-guard and hesitated; however, afterwards, she accepted being in a relationship again ( End of Faes ).

However, Lauren felt that in order to be with Bo she needed to extend her own lifespan and conducted experiments on herself that resulted in being able to channel the powers of any Fae she came in contact with. Although worried about what Lauren had done, Bo accepted her determination. Unfortunately, Lauren began to feel as if she was losing her own self, experiencing memory loss in the process. She took an antidote and reverted herself to human species ( Judgement Fae ). Lauren then confessed to Bo that she had been willing to give up who she was because her mortality was the only thing that was holding them back, and although she knew Bo would always love her until her last dying breath, she did not want to put Bo through that. Lauren told Bo that she (Lauren) was supposed to be a healer and Bo a protector; and she had risked all of it. Bo pleaded against their breaking up again, but Lauren replied, "People need you, people need me." With deep sorrow, she broke up with Bo.

In Rise , during the final battle against Hades , Dyson told Lauren that he was glad they were on the same team. He confessed to Lauren that he used to worry about Bo, but after she found Lauren and the two of them were together he did not worry so much. He knew that she thought she couldn't be with Bo and told Lauren she was wrong; and although it was messy and complicated, it was worth it. Lauren responded that she used to worry about Bo and what would happen to her when she (Lauren) died, but realized she didn't have to because she would have hi
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