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Audrina Patridge Nude Photos: Released and Very Real

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By Author Free Britney at
Mar 19, 2008 • Category Audrina Patridge
The hot rumor on The Hills was always that Lauren Conrad had a sex tape – but who knew that it was Audrina Patridge who was the naughty one?
The photo below, obtained by Splash News and TMZ, shows the beautiful Audrina Patridge nude and looking every bit the dirty schoolgirl. Ooooga!
This was taken before The Hills and just after Audrina graduated from high school. She’d done some bikini modeling prior to this, but decided to have a go at Playboy .
Because she needed the money, right? Ha. Anyways… yowza.
Check out this sexy Audrina Patridge nude picture …
In case you’re wondering if that’s actually her, it is . Through her rep, Audrina has owned up to the sexy naked / topless pics, telling TMZ in a statement :”I took these photos years ago when I was just out of high school and beginning to model. I was young and very trusting of others and I didn’t know to protect myself. It is a lesson learned, for myself, and hopefully for young girls who look up to me.”
Check out WWTDD for some seriously hot (and very naked) Audrina Patridge photos that are not safe for work, school, or anywhere public.
Lauren Conrad, David Letterman Talk About The Hills
Kristin Davis Sex Tape? No. Nude Photos? Possibly.

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More Audrina Patridge Topless Photos Surface

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By Author Free Britney at
Mar 31, 2008 • Category Audrina Patridge
In fact, the celebrity gossip on the street in recent days is that Audrina Patridge was none too happy with the way she looked in the first set of nude pictures that were mysteriously leaked this month, so she released a new set .
Yes, we’re serious. After she expressed regret, yet sort of defended the nude photos that leaked online, The Hills star has posed for more than a dozen hot new pics for the celebrity photo agency Splash News (which also owns the originals).
The photo agency had no comment. Check out the HOT pics here .
Some celebrity observers and skeptics believe that Audrina Patridge was perfectly happy about the release of the nude photos – and may have even leaked them herself. After all, nothing produces buzz like naked photo scandals .
Was the leaking of Audrina Patridge nude pics really accidental?
Reports say Audrina had been getting less screen time because of Lauren Conrad’s friendship with Lauren Bosworth (Lo). Lo is LC’s roommate, while Audrina lives in the guest house behind Conrad’s recently-purchased Hollywood villa.
“Audrina has been feeling left out,” says an insider.
“[ Lauren Conrad ] is always with Lo, and they’re decorating their house together, so Audrina has been feeling like she’s been replaced.”
But not on the celebrity gossip meter .
Thanks to the topless photos she is much more highly sought after. Even Playboy wants to talk to her, possibly about a nude pictorial in the near future (heck, if she’s already appeared with the Pussycat Dolls , Playboy can’t be far off).
The nude Audrina pics were good enough to get the men’s mag’s attention, which is ironic, as they were shot and submitted to Playboy back in the day, only to be rejected. Now that Patridge has major notoriety, however, it’s a new ballgame.
Somebody Put Amy Winehouse on Suicide Watch

Grown Up Gossip & Internet Villainy
March 24th, 2009 By Stuart Heritage
Stop the press and hold the phone – a set of naked Audrina Patridge pictures has hit the internet in a big way.
You know, Audrina Patridge. Come on, you must know who Audrina Patridge is. Audrina Patridge from The Hills. The Hills . Audrina Patridge from the MTV reality TV show The Hills . It's a spin-off from Laguna Beach. Laguna Beach . Anyone? 
Look, alright, we don't know who Audrina Patridge is either, and we get the feeling that we'd rather hurl ourselves down a well than actually ever watch an episode of The Hills . But, hey, naked Audrina Patridge pictures! Let's go!
More than anything, the internet has helped to revolutionise the way that we can see what famous people's boobs look like. And everyone's catered for – fans of ginger actresses , socialites, Croatian Eurovision entrants, pointless rehab-addicted idiots with Marilyn Monroe complexes , former American Idol contestants and wholesome teen stars call now all see their objects of affection naked without having to sleep outside their bathroom window for a week first.
And now this celebrity nudity craze has just got even better, because now you can look at naked pictures of people who you're told are famous even though you don't recognise their names or faces or have even vaguely heard of once.
That's right – just days after the alleged naked Kristin Davis pictures were leaked, there are some naked Audrina Patridge pictures on the internet. Those prayers that we never had about people who we never knew existed have finally been answered! Hallelujah!
For those of you who don't know – so basically us – Audrina Patridge is a star on the MTV reality show The Hills , all about a group of essentially unlikeable rah-rah brats who routinely get up to the kind of lazy faux-aspirational shenanigans that'd usually have us writhing about the floor in anger if it weren't for the fact that Audrina Patridge is now naked all over the internet.
Some have claimed that the naked Audrina Patridge pictures were set to be published in Playboy , but Audrina Patridge has been quick to point out that actually the naked photos weren't meant for anything as respectable as Playboy . E! Online reports:
"I took these photos years ago when I was just out of high school and beginning to model," the now 22-year-old Patridge said in a statement. "I was young and very trusting of others and I didn't know to protect myself. It is a lesson learned, for myself, and hopefully for the young girls who look up to me." 
How very foolish of Audrina Patridge to pose for these naked pictures in the first place. Not only is it a sad indictment of the modern-day need for approval and recognition that sees so may young girls debase themselves for a fleeting moment of fame, but these naked Audrina Patridge photos have probably naused up her reality TV show dreams as well.
There's no way that MTV will be able to keep Audrina Patridge as a part of The Hills now that everyone has seen naked pictures of her. MTV has a responsibility as a moral guardian to maintain its high code of conduct, and letting a one-time naked model stay on the network is just unacceptable.
Now, if Audrina Patridge had wanked off a bloke on a video on the internet, MTV would welcome her with open arms . The silly girl should have had a bit more foresight. Copyright © 2022 · · Terms · Privacy · DMCA · Contact

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