Attraction Féminine

Attraction Féminine


Attraction Féminine

Is She Interested In You? Top Signs of Attraction From A Woman

Once he realized attraction was something he could learn, Brian spent way too much of his free time studying and practicing everything he could find on the subject. He stumbled across The Art of Charm podcast and eventually signed up for an AoC bootcamp. Excited by the progress he's made in his own life since the program, he decided to start writing for AoC to help other guys do the same. By writing about interpersonal dynamics, he’s finally able to put that psychology degree to good use.

Once he realized attraction was something he could learn, Brian spent way too much of his free time studying and practicing everything he could find on the subject. He stumbled across The Art of Charm podcast and eventually signed up for an AoC bootcamp. Excited by the progress he's made in his own life since the program, he decided to start writing for AoC to help other guys do the same. By writing about interpersonal dynamics, he’s finally able to put that psychology degree to good use.

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Attraction comes in a lot of subtle forms. As a man, it’s your job to recognize these attraction signs so that you enjoy them for their own sake, but also so you can celebrate and escalate. Men who miss out on attraction signs will miss a lot of opportunities to connect with women they’re interested in.
It sounds silly, but I see guys missing attraction signs all the time when we take them out on field nights. They spend lots of time and energy getting a girl interested, then miss every sign that she’s interested back. He walks away frustrated because he doesn’t know she’s been hanging on his every word, even though the signs are really obvious to me and the other coaches.
Stop missing opportunities with women because you’re not noticing these top signs of female attraction.
How female perception of flirtation influences how they flirt
If you walked up to a woman, started talking to her by raising your pitch, batting your eyelashes and twirling your hair, she might think you were a little strange, to say the least. And while there’s absolutely nothing threatening about a woman touching you, you touching her the wrong way can get you slapped or worse. That’s because men and women each have distinct ways they flirt. What works for women doesn’t work for men and vice versa.
A study in the journal Evolutionary Psychology postulates a reason for the difference between how men and women flirt. Basically, you’ve evolved to be hyper-perceptive of sexual interest so you don’t miss any opportunities. Women, however, have evolved to be less perceptive of sexual interest because hopping on every caveman they run across means they end up stuck with less than ideal mates and more offspring than they can take care of.
Because women are less perceptive, they tend to have more subtle ways of flirting. Men will “hit on” a woman, going out of their way to express and cultivate interest at the same time. In contrast, women don’t want to make it super obvious that they’re flirting. This means you have to pay more attention to catch those signs at first. But once you learn how to recognize them, you’ll start having a lot more fun when you go out.
Preening is basically any of the “fixing herself” stuff that women do when they’re around a guy they’re interested in. Part of it is nerves. Part of it is that she actually wants to look better for you. Part of it is that there’s just something kind of hot about a woman putting herself together and women subconsciously know this.
“ Nonverbal Courtship Patterns In Women ,” a study by Monica M. Moore, a Ph.D. in the psychology department at the University of Missouri found that preening, primping, and pouting are all things women do when they’re attracted to men. In fact, the study found that these behaviors aren’t just something women do when they’re vaguely physically interested. Preening behaviors are what women do when they’re zeroing in on their man. She’s no longer checking you out. She’s screaming to you, in her own way, that she’s attractive.
All told, Moore compiled 52 different body language signals that could be reliably called signs of attraction . The one I would advise you to look out for most is if a woman laughs at your jokes. While it’s true that women like a man who can make them laugh , it’s worth noting that she might not be laughing because you’re the funniest guy at the bar. She might be laughing just because she likes you. Gilbert Gottfried isn’t a scientist, but he is a man who knows humor. He penned an excellent piece for Playboy about how women don’t necessarily like funny guys. They just think guys they like are funny. It’s a subtle difference but an important one.
Still, for your purposes, it doesn’t much matter. She either really thinks you’re funny, which is good, or she wants you to think she thinks you’re funny, which might even be better. Pay attention to laughter from women. It’s a dead giveaway that she’s enjoying your company, whether she actually thinks you’re funny or not.
Eye contact isn’t necessarily a sign that a woman is attracted to you. After all, good eye contact is just good social behavior. But a November 2007 study with the riveting title “Women’s Pupillary Responses to Sexual Significant Others During the Hormonal Cycle” found that prolonged eye contact from a woman — anything beyond what’s normal and conversational — was a sign of attraction.
Think about it. When you’re out at a bar, if a girl is trying to get away from you, one of the easiest ways to do that is to start flitting her eyes around the room, looking for absolutely anything else she can be doing but talking to you. On the other hand, the eyes aren’t just windows of the soul. They’re kind of tractor beams of the soul. When she gazes back at you, she’s trying to pull you in further and prolong the interaction. Don’t the simple act of eye contact as a sign of attraction.
Keep your eyes on her. Not only will it help you to build attraction, but it will also help you to recognize the attraction she’s throwing at you. Particularly with shy or reserved girls, this might be the only attraction sign you’re going to get. So be on the lookout.
Personal questions are a common sign of attraction many men miss. I’m talking about questions that go beyond the simple “getting to know you” types of formalities people feel like they have to go through when meeting someone new. Look for questions that you only really ask someone for when you’re trying to get a sense of who they really are. Alternately, she might be asking you questions of a more emotional bent to establish more of a bond and rapport with you.
Remember what I said above about eye contact. Looking you in the eye? That’s just polite. “Gazing” at you? That’s something else entirely. And so it is with personal questions. Going through the “where are you from, what do you do, where did you go to school” rigamarole isn’t a sign of attraction. Asking questions specifically tailored to who you are, the conversation the two of you are having that help her to get at who you really are deep down, that’s a sign of attraction.
When she’s asking you a lot of questions, she’s probably not just looking for information. She’s trying to keep you talking to her. Don’t write off her interest in you as “just being polite.”
I’m always amazed at how many guys overlook touch when it comes to attraction. Women don’t touch guys they’re not interested in. That includes a lot of “accidental” touching. For a variety of complex evolutionary reasons, men tend to initiate while women tend to put on the brakes. What this means is that while you might initiate an overt touch, she probably won’t. What she’ll do instead is “accidentally” touch you.
Don’t read every accidental touch as a sign of attraction. What you’re looking for isn’t one isolated example. What you’re looking for is a repeated pattern. If she keeps banging her elbow against yours in a totally empty room, she’s attracted to you. If she brushes her arm up against yours once in a room full of people, she might very well be into you, but she’s not signaling anything other than being in a crowded room.
When she’s touching you, think about why she’s doing it. If there’s no real reason other than attraction, escalate that touch. Start with something small like touching her hands, arms or upper back and see where it goes from there.
When evaluating signs of female attraction, you need to pay attention not just to what she’s doing, but also the context in which she does it. Her signs of attraction aren’t a statement or even a paragraph. They’re a whole story and you have to look at everything before making your final determination.
Eye contact by itself might not mean much, but eye contact and a torrent of personal questions probably do. Fixing herself might just mean she’s self-conscious, but preening while laughing at everything that you say is a dead giveaway. Standing close to you might mean the room is crowded, but standing on top of you while gazing up is another sure sign of attraction.
Next time you go out, try and pay more attention to female body language attraction. What is she doing to signal her attraction to you? Nothing? Something? A lot of something? Knowing how to see physical signs a woman is attracted to you can do a lot to boost your confidence when it comes to talking to a woman. Once you know the signs of attraction from a woman , you won’t ever have to guess again.
…women who find you irresistible, who wanna hang out with you and are planning dates for you.
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How to Make a Woman Feel INTENSE Attraction For You
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I’m Good Looking, But Can’t Get a Girlfriend

5 Ways to Make a Woman Want to Have Sex With You
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In this post, I’m going to teach you how to make a woman feel intense attraction for you.
I’m not talking about a mild attraction where she “kind of” likes you; I’m talking about INTENSE attraction where she has to have you. She wants to be with you and only you. It feels good to be with you. It feels right to be with you and it really turns her on.
This powerful way of attraction that I’m going to teach you applies whether you are:
The same fundamental principles of attraction apply no matter what stage of the pick up or relationship process you are at with a woman. You either know how to make her feel attracted in this way or you don’t.
What I’m about to teach you is most-likely going to blow your mind. You are never going to look at attraction the same way EVER again.
So, make sure that you read this entire post because I’m about to ask you some questions that you will most-likely answer differently when you finish reading.
Have a think about that and now let’s get into…

The secret to making a woman feel intense attraction for you is to actively turn her on by the way that you interact with her.
Although a woman can feel attracted to a man’s physical appearance, the most intense types of attraction that a woman can feel are based on what you say and do when interacting with her.
This rule of attraction applies when you first meet a woman, are getting to know her and when in a relationship with her.
Generally speaking, you are in complete control of how much or little attraction you want to make a woman feel for you. You can make a woman feel attracted to you in more than 100 different ways during an interaction.
The more ways that you can make a woman feel attracted to you and how you’re making her feel, the more intense her attraction will be.
We men are not limited to making a woman feel attracted to us because of our looks and I’m going to show you a lot of proof of that throughout this post.

For women, it’s very easy for them to initially attract men for sex or a relationship because men are mostly attracted to a woman’s physical appearance.
That is why porn exploded on the internet and continues to grow.
It’s also the reason why in the past, when porn was only ever in magazines and video tapes, it was all direct towards men because men feel an intense attraction to a woman’s physical appearance.
This doesn’t mean that a woman can’t feel attracted to a man’s physical appearance, but for a woman, the most important thing to her is how you make her feel when you interact with her.
Does your conversation style make her feel turned on it does it make her feel turned off?
Does interacting with you make her feel excited, attracted, in love, feel lustful and all sorts of desirable emotions, or does it make her feel turned off? Does it make her feel awkward? Does it make her feel bored?
As a man, what you need to do to make a woman feel intense attraction for you is to actively make her feel attracted to you, in many different ways while you interact with her.

An example of one of the MANY ways to attract a woman during an interaction is to make her laugh.
You might have heard that women love a guy who can make them laugh. That is one of the ways to make a woman feel attracted to who you are; attracted to being around you, attracted to being with you.
If you look up the dictionary definition of attraction, it is:
Attraction (noun) : A quality or feature of someone that evokes interest, liking or desire.
The dictionary definition doesn’t say that attraction is about physical appearance. It’s about qualities and features that evoke feelings of interest, liking and desire.
Making her laugh is just ONE of the ways that you can make a woman feel attracted to you. At The Modern Man, I teach guys how to make women feel attracted to them in more than 100 different ways.
Most guys are going through life not even knowing how much POWER and CONTROL they have over how much attraction women feel for them. Most guys are going through life thinking, “Am I good looking enough? Do I need to lose weight? Do I need to put on weight? Do I need to build more muscle?”
Many of these guys are completely focused on their looks as if it is the answer to success with women.
The thing is, a woman can feel attracted to a man’s appearance, but if it was the most important thing to women, the porn industry would have grown and exploded because of women wanting to look at naked men. Women would have been buying magazines with naked men and then masturbating to that.
…but, that’s just not how it works.
What’s most important to a woman is how you make her feel when you interact with her.
There ARE women out there who will ONLY ever accept a very good looking guy who has millions or billions of dollars (or euros, pounds, etc) and has a perfect gym body. Those women do exist; that is true, but the majority of women have what I call an Open Type.
An Open Type means that a woman is willing to be with all different types of guys (e.g. from different races, different shapes and sizes, different facial features, etc) as long as the guy can make her feel a lot of attraction when he interacts with her.

A lot of guys end up feeling very insecure about their looks and I used to think the same way before I actually worked out how to attract women.
Like I used to do, a lot of guys go through life and hope to get a “Wow!” reaction from women based on how they look. They might get a few looks from women (e.g. a woman looks at him, looks away, looks back again and then looks away, etc), but nothing other than “looking at him” happens.
The guy may think, “Okay, that girl is looking at me…she might like me, but nothing is happening here. She’s not giving me any clear signal that she wants me to approach her. Maybe I’m not good looking enough.”
He goes through life not getting the “Wow!” reaction that he has in response to a woman’s physical appearance.
A woman can simply be walking along the street and men can be having an intense feeling of attraction for her, simply based on her looks.
They don’t even care what her personality is like. Simply based on her appearance, most men will feel more that enough attraction for her to want to be with her.
“Ohh, look at her. I’d love to be with her. I’d love to be with her. Marriage material. I’d definitely have sex with her. I’d definitely want to at least be her boyfriend.”
…and that intense feeling of attraction is just based on her appearance.
Guys walk through the world, don’t get that “Wow!” reaction from women and then start thinking, “Well, I guess I’m not good looking enough.”
Yet, what those guys don’t realize is that to make a woman feel intense attraction, you have to ACTIVELY attract her when you interact with her.
When you make a woman feel attracted to you in many different ways (e.g. make her laugh, turn her on by being confident, make her feel girly in your presence, etc) while you interact with her, something really weird happens…
She starts to look at what might have otherwise been a negative about you (e.g. big nose, short, bald, overweight, etc) in a positive light.
Those things that you might have thought were unattractive actually become likeable, cute, adorable and sexy to her, even though they aren’t considered to be male model features.
She’s feeling attracted to how you are making her feel while interacting with her and she actually begins to like the way that you look because it is a part of you.
She feels attracted to you and therefore, begins to look at you in a more positive light.
This is one of the reasons why you will see guys who aren’t good looking, with a beautiful girlfriend or wife. You will also hear women referring to their boyfriend or husband as sexy or handsome, even though he doesn’t have a good looking face or a perfect body shape.
She likes his physical appearance because it is him and he makes her feel attracted in more important, longer-lasting ways than just mere looks. He might not have a good looking face or a great body shape, but she still finds him to be incredibly attractive, appealing, desirable and loveable.
Instead of looking at his “imperfect” physical features in a negative light, she will see them as being attractive and appealing to her because they are a part of him.
She will actually really like the way that he looks. In fact, she can even love it and come to prefer his type of appearance over what she thought she used to like or want.
It doesn’t make much sense for guys who don’t understand attraction.
A lot of guys think that they have to look like a perfect male mo
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