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Аттестаты вебмани по возрастанию

Аттестаты вебмани по возрастанию

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Андрей Россия 46.146.38.* (12 августа 2018 | 23:11)

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Влад Россия 46.42.42.* (12 августа 2018 | 10:18)

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Андрей Россия 176.195.75.* (8 августа 2018 | 11:21)

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Леха Россия 93.81.174.* (6 августа 2018 | 11:19)

Все супер как и всегда

Electronic payment system WebMoney is one of the few examples where anonymity is not a positive factor. In her case, the higher the level of trust between the site and the client, the more opportunities. In the beginning there was complete privacy, which led to a lack of understanding between users. They were afraid to translate each other money for a particular service or product, taking into account the probability of fraud is too high. As a result, the number of transactions declined, and the site was forced to reconsider its policy of anonymity for protection of human settlements and to reassure customers. The solution is certification, in which customers provide online personal information. A certificate is an electronic document, the results of which depend on the quantity and quality of trusted client. All questions related to obtaining the electronic certificate is repaid in the center of certification WebMoney, which is located at https: The presence of the certificate, and its level is a reliable barrier in the way of fraud and deception. Exposing the activities of blagonamerenny shall entail its cancellation, then the user is deprived of the possibility to conduct any transactions in the system WebMoney. Passport data is locked, preventing re-registration of the attacker. If necessary, all the data of the intruder are sent to the investigators, and then the court. Personal information provided at the time of account creation, allows you to quickly prevent misunderstandings and financial violations, and to bring fraudsters to justice. By submitting personal data to the passport data, the client shows the payment system in its loyalty and can count on reciprocal trust. At its disposal advanced functionality and rights. If the user activity will be limited to the exchange, the exchange and alerts service to receive a high school diploma is not necessary. However, for any monetary transactions, the certificate is a prerequisite. The higher the level, the more money the client receives in their hands. The advantage of the certificate as an electronic ID, but if user wants, he can get his hands on the paper version. Today on the website WebMoney more than thousand users who have provided personal information online. In the end, the number of anonymous clients is not less than any similar service. The mechanism is analogues certification in the world that allows the resource to display the financial security of the clients to a new level. Types Of Certificates WebMoney. In General, the service provides customers with 12 varieties of certificates, each of which is equivalent to those or other possibilities. It all starts with the pseudonym certificate. The user receives at the time of registration automatically and free of charge. Include your full name, home address, telephone number, email address. The information is not verified, the passport number is not required. Alias passport allows you to Fund your account using the WM-cards and make cash. The daily limit in this case is 2 thousand dollars. Followed by a Formal certificate, which establishes the procedure for customer identification. Get it requires no money, and as a condition for the provision of personal data in the form of numbers and series of the passport. By filling in the form, the user receives a certificate that verifies the submitted information is not maintained. Owners with a formal certificate the following operations are available:. All the ways of replenishment of the purse; Card purchases cards. Initial certificate of inspection, specialists system the information provided by customer, provide an even greater level of confidence in the client, although it cannot be considered as sufficient. The test is performed by service representatives to indicate that it uses the term Agent. Their experience cannot be considered sufficient, which leaves loopholes for unscrupulous customers who provide incorrect and often completely false information. However, the owners of the initial passport have increased limits input and output of funds and may participate in capitaller. The greatest distribution in the system received a personal certificate. The holder has the extensive opportunities associated with doing including commercial activities. To receive the certificate upon presentation of the documents. This is true in business, allowing paymer checks, carry out filing of claims with the arbitration system, to quickly restore WMID, after the unfounded denials. Client WebMoney that has passed the registration procedure in the framework of MegaStock, received a certificate of the seller. Registration is accompanied by certain conditions in the field of marketing. Thereafter, the certificate holder may include automatic payments. A legal entity that provides information about the system the name of the company and can get a certificate of the accounting tool. We are talking about levels such as a developer certificate and a certificate of.. In the first case, access to the system. Their number today is 5. In the second case, the certificate receive state machine. Persons responsible for issuing personal certificates become owners of the certificate Registrar. This is the highest level in the system, which allows to perform the functions of a notary. However, in order to prevent abuse of high status and high position for personal profit, for its owners is subject to restrictions. In particular, they do not have access to credit and issue unsecured service marks. Among the privileges of the owners of the Registrar include the ability to withdraw money with the lowest Commission and high limits for deposits and withdrawals. While respecting and decent behavior, the owner certificate Registrar may updаte the arbitrator of the Arbitration service. So, the key of trust to the user-the certificate level, the improvement of which entails expanding the existing capabilities of the client, including a reduced Commission for withdrawal and growth limits of NL. Certificate of high level is an advantage in arbitration disputes. The structure of the certification scheme. Despite the large number of gifts under the certificate system, the real availability are the only grades: Access to all of them part of the test, and subsequently increases the level in a hierarchy, from alias above. The appointment of a Personal certificate needs registrars. Registrars with relevant certificates; Agents. Owners of personal certificates and registrars who have made a Deposit in the amount of wmz entitled to the issuance of the original certificate; Attestator. Users who issue certificates; The appraisee. Users of the system who issued the certificate. To obtain it you only need to check when the client provides their name, date of birth, address, telephone and email. Language of any information speaks Russian or English, otherwise high likelihood of further and irreparable problems with monetary transactions. Behind him in the queue should be a Formal certificate. It is obtained by filling the questionnaire with the introduction of passport data. After is issued an Initial Certificate. On the WebMoney Passport to complete the form, and the data confirmed by the Agent, or by a more simple mechanism. In the first case, you need to find any Agent on the website WebMoney, to provide him with a sum of money whose size is rarely less than 1 WMZ and access your profile. Then there is a personal meeting with an Agent to receive a copy of the Passport and the application for the Certificate. Passport in hand do not convey, but to show its necessary. Some of the experts in grey provides a mail receiving documents. Send them a letter with a pre-notarized. The need to provide a passport and other documents due to the requirement of the system when the Agent is obliged to check them for compliance, for which he is responsible. Wrong information in the form of a mandatory correction entails and only after it you can get a license. Sending money is accompanied by the transfer of data from mail service in system WebMoney, then it performs automatic checking of information. Following this, the selected specialist checks the questionnaire. As in the previous cases, the statement and copy of passports are submitted in person, and the Registrar, designated site for grey accepts documents by mail. The Registrar and the Agent have access to the list of client applications for a Personal Certificate. In the process, the Registrar verifies the information, noting the boxes that interest his field. First of all, the sections with passport data, a residence permit and, if necessary, INN and the immediate address. The package of documents provided at the discretion of the Registrar, the more he puts green ticks, the greater the functionality of the Certificate. The most common questions from clients is the possibility of obtaining a Personal Certificate, bypassing the Initial one. No obstacle exists, it is enough to have a Formal Certificate. In the end, it makes sense to skip one of the steps, and even with the additional charge, but to access advanced functionality. All payments for services in the framework of the Certification is accepted in WMZ and other e-currencies here of course do not have. The system works with Russian and English interface. Entries in the records can be made just for them. In other cases you need to make a notarized translation and submit it to the Registrar or the Agent together with the completed form and statement. Guarantee the absence of irregularities in issuing of Certificates is a re-inspection when the Registrar sends documents to the user. Sending produces the Agent, and the datalogger in turn controlled by the verification Centre. The document passed multilevel verification has the appropriate stamp. Here is the form of issue, be it a personal encounter or the mail. The success of the second phase of verification facilitates the obtaining of Personal passport, although the distinct advantages it does not. Often in the process of information transfer from the Agent to the Registrar delays. The workaround is to appeal to an independent Registrar. It is passed the necessary documents and the application for re-checking. Means the client certificate go to the transit account of the center of certification and upon further review come to Attestator. If you wish to cease operations as such, the user gets the money back by returning all granted him for obtaining the Initial Passport documents. Special Certificates for legal persons in WebMoney payment system does not issue, but if you want a salesman from Ukraine and Belarus in the status of a Guarantor may include in a Personal identity number, the name of the company. In Russia for legal entities are the services of the system processing. When replacing a passport and change your name you must log in your personal account and using the interface to make the necessary changes to the form. Then, in a day period is the issuance of a new Certificate, which requires certain fees. Change of address and actual place of residence no action in the account do not provide. Posting your resource in the system MegaStock, the owner of the Personal certificate may obtain a certificate of the Seller. To it is attached the employee for maintenance. The company enters into an agreement with a Guarantor. Then WMID separated from the certificate of the employee, and the owner acquires the right accounting tool. Issue of the certificate of the Registrar is solely in the office of the Certification Center with the personal presence of the recipient. The office is located in Moscow, and among the requirements for obtaining the Certificate is the Certification level not lower than Personal, not less than 1-year period from the date of registration in the WebMoney system. The age of the owner must be 25 years of age, and will need a Deposit of WMZ. Stringent conditions and collateral reduce the number of Registrars, but in the case of mistakes, even those who have access to the functions can lose their Status. User actions within the framework of Certificates. Already a Formal level, allows you to hide fields via the management interface. The user decides what information to put on universal access and which to leave in private mode, displaying a checkmark in the appropriate sections. A heightened level of privacy has no effect on the trust system. Each user can provide another user to view the certificate. Most often this is done through obtaining WM of the loan, for the tranquility of the lender. Is using the management interface, where WMID is added creditor or other trusted person. Received a Certificate of Formal level and above, the owner gets the opportunity to fill out and certify such fields as telephone, e-mail, Jabber and ICQ. This is done in the control Panel of the passport. Your mailing address will be checked very simply — You come to a letter you must click the link in it. Verification of the declared site is done by inserting html code on the home page. Holders of certificates from Elementary and above can verify several websites, Formal passport owners only 1 address. Bank cards and wallets in other systems. In control panel you can store contact information regarding the wallets in other electronic systems, as well as to bind the Bank card. Following the guide, the user loads a scanned image of some passport pages, and Bank card. All papers examining the employee service WebMoney. Attached wallets other systems as well and credit cards enable you to add and withdraw funds without further authorization of the system WebMoney. Binding to the Certificate. One Certificate gives you the opportunity to bind several WMID 10 pieces , one of them which issued the document, is the base. The procedure is preceded by the authorization on WebMoney Passport, where in the administration interface, sеlect the appropriate option, and the user then acts on the instructions. The freedom of owning more than one WMID is a stark contrast with the inability to have multiple Certificates. It needs to be only one, and if there are duplicate or multiple Identities, all accounts and purses are shut down. Subsequently, they must be bound to a single Formal Certificate. In General to create an ID and join the system, there are no obstacles, whereas the procedure for its detachment from the Certificate service is not provided. Exchanger operates in the mode of the day! The operator works under the free schedule! All applications that require operator intervention are performed approximately once every 2 hours. Types of passports in WebMoney system and their purpose Electronic payment system WebMoney is one of the few examples where anonymity is not a positive factor. Types Of Certificates WebMoney In General, the service provides customers with 12 varieties of certificates, each of which is equivalent to those or other possibilities. Owners with a formal certificate the following operations are available: The system provides a exclusive identity. The structure of the certification scheme Despite the large number of gifts under the certificate system, the real availability are the only grades: In the end, all resource users are divided into 4 groups: The procedure for issuing certificate Alias passport. A favorable result of verification entails the loading of scanned images of passports. After verification the Certificate is issued free of charge and automatically. The successful test follows the issuance of the card. Discovered inaccuracies in the obligatory order are adjusted. User actions within the framework of Certificates Already a Formal level, allows you to hide fields via the management interface. Bank cards and wallets in other systems In control panel you can store contact information regarding the wallets in other electronic systems, as well as to bind the Bank card. Binding to the Certificate One Certificate gives you the opportunity to bind several WMID 10 pieces , one of them which issued the document, is the base. Обмен совершен быстро, очень довольна. Как всё технологично, порадовало, что по номеру договора обмен, а не по банк-карте….

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