Atom X1, World's Smallest Arduino

Atom X1, World's Smallest Arduino

Arduino Developers
Atom X1

The Atom X1 from Nerdonic is a tiny 32-bit microcontroller compatible with arduino and breadboard development. It's not just small (14.9mm2 at 0.95 grams), it's powerful too running at 48MHz clock with 256KB ROM, 32KB RAM and 8 pins filled with functionality. The Atom X1 is fully compatible with Arduino IDE and comes with the Arduino Zero bootloader pre-flashed.


Microcontroller = Cortex M0+ SAMD21

Bootloader = Arduino Zero Bootloader

Input Voltage Power Pin 1 = 3.3-20v

Input Voltage Power Pin 2 = 3.3vMM

MicroUSB= 5v (Regulated to 3.3v)

Current Draw Atom X1 = ~10mA

Clock = 48MHz

Flash Memory (ROM) = 256KB


I/O Pin Limits = 3.3v, 7mA

Digital I/O Pins = 8

PWM Pins = 8

Analog (ADC) Pins = 6

Serial (RX/TX) Pins = 2 (1x RX / 1x TX)

I2C (SDA/SCL)Pins = 2 (1x SDA/1xSCL)

Reset Pins = 1

Atom X1 Pin Out Diagram

Other versions of the Atom are planned and the circuits have been designed, for example a slightly larger version featuring 20 I/O pins, a full and an even smaller version of the Atom X1 using mini pin headers (1.27mm pitch), although not standard breadboard compatible, it can be used in projects that space is critical.


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