Asylum Bdsm

Asylum Bdsm


Asylum Bdsm
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Considering a Stay Chris considers checking into the Bondage Asylum.
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You hand in the stack of forms to the young secretary behind the desk. It took 10 minutes to fill out the information sheets on the top. They sure wanted to know a lot about me , you think. You spent a few minutes glancing over the many pages of dense legal language and hastily writing your signature on the bottom right of each page. Probably just a formality to maintain their official status as an asylum .
This place once housed the insane and mentally unwell of society. Originally built in the early 1910s, but was torn down and rebuilt after it transferred ownership just a decade ago, after the remaining patients had been transferred to other facilities.
The modern asylum has turned into a bondage fetishist haven. Enthusiasts would admit themselves for a short period of inpatient care. They would be bound according to their wishes, whether it be straitjackets or medical restraints. They would be gagged or blindfolded if they chose. Many thrill seekers delegated the decisions of their treatment up to the supervising nurses, who always accepted the role. You planned to do the same.
The secretary checks the bottom of each page for your signature. You hope you filled everything out correctly, you didn't want to embarrass yourself in front of the attractive secretary.
"Looks like you missed a couple of signatures in the middle section of the last page."
You apologize as she hands you a pen and the page in question. You spot each line to write your name and do so quickly, without reading the prompts. More legalese , you dismissively think to yourself.
She places the signed papers in a file folder labeled with your name. She rises from her chair. "Now, I just need to drop this off with my colleagues in the records department downstairs."
She quickly disappears in the hallway behind the reception area. You look around an empty waiting room. A few pictures of nurses in questionable attire, photos of what appears to be patients in their medical bondage. The secretary returns.
"Thanks!" She says, with a charming smile. "Now that we have the paperwork out of the way, I'll show you to the incoming patients room. Follow me, please." She walks around the desk towards the closed door on the right side of the room.
The secretary presses her name tag against a small black box next to the door. There is an audible click, then the door opens slightly. She pushes the door the rest of the way open and beckons you to enter behind her, into the hallway. As the door closes, you hear it come to rest in its frame, and then another audible click. Looking at the door you notice there is no push or pull handle, but there is a high security magnetic lock on the top of the door frame.
The secretary gets your attention again. "It is the second room on the left." You follow her down the hallway to the specified room. She stands aside and gestures for you to enter. You walk into a bright room with a nurse facing you. Her uniform looks nothing like any nurse you have ever seen before. The door closes behind you, and you hear another click, indicating it is locked.
The nurse is wearing a short dress that appears to be made of some type of PVC or latex. White stockings, made of a similar material, cover her legs up to her thighs. On the top of the stockings there are small emblems of a pink heart with a white cross in the center. You notice a similar emblem over her heart with inverted colors. White heart with a pink cross.
"Welcome! Please stand by the exam table." While you move to the table, she pulls two light blue nitrile gloves out of a glove box mounted on the wall. She dons the two gloves, and pulls open a drawer next to her. Looking back at you, she says "Please remove your clothes." From the drawer she pulls a thick black trash bag off of a roll in box.
You do as she commands, and pull your shirt over your head to take it off. As you are pulling the shirt off, you hear her shake the bag to catch the air, opening it. "Please place your clothes in here, so they can be safely stored." You drop your shirt into the black bag, then begin unbuttoning your pants. Before lowering them, however, you remove your wallet and phone from your pockets and place them on the table.
Pulling your pants down, you blush slightly. To be standing in just your underwear in front of such a hot nurse makes you a little nervous. You remove the pants and drop them into the black bag, as she holds it in front of you.
"Underwear too, please!" She says, with a slight smile, looking you in the eyes. You blush a bit more. "Really?" You ask. She replies quickly, "Of course! It's what you committed yourself for, isn't it?" Still with a smile. It is , you think to yourself, you just didn't expect it so soon, or in this environment.
You obey and begin removing your underwear. You feel her eyes on your body as you show your semi erect penis. You step out of your underwear and drop it in the black bag as she extends it towards you.
"Now a box for your phone and wallet!" She bends down to open a cabinet under the counter, to reveal a small clear plastic box with a closing lid. She returns to the drawer she got the black trash bag from, and picks out two small ziplock bags. One for the phone, one for the wallet. She places each item in their respective bag, then lowers them into the plastic box and seals it closed with the lid.
"Now, I am going to take these to the back rooms for storage, please sit on the exam table until I return!" You take a seat on the padded table, and sit with your hands covering your privates. You can't help but look at her ass as she walks out of the room, hips swaying.
Right before she moves through the doorway, she glances back at you while you were still staring at her ass. You quickly look into her eyes then dart them to the other side of the room. Busted , you think. She just smiles and continues walking. That was embarrassing .
She returns two minutes later, rolling what looks like a gurney into the room. The bed of the gurney is covered by a white latex sheet. It is covered in belts and straps. Each is anchored to metal loops connected to the undercarriage. There is no way anyone could wrestle their way off of that thing , you think.
"Now we can get you nice and cozy in your new bed!" She says. You take a deep breath and walk to the rolling bed of straps. "Now just lie down and place your limbs over the corresponding points!" You hesitate for a moment before mustering your courage and climbing onto the bed.
You position yourself so that your legs are slightly spread, into the formation that the straps indicate. You lie down on your back and position your head at the top center, where there are a few more straps. Feeling the latex as you move, you let your arms come to rest by your sides. The nurse nods in approval.
The nurse reaches into an upper cabinet and retrieved two latex mitts. She says, "These will cover your hands so we won't have to worry about fidgeting with the straps." You lift your head up to look at them, and now you are getting nervous. "Are-are they really necessary?" You ask timidly. "Of course!" She responds slightly condescendingly, as if it were self-evident.
You let her cover your hands with the small latex mitts. They will leave your hand balled up in a fist while they are on. She quickly straps the first one on, locking it on your wrists. She picks your other arm up and completes the same process.
I am totally helpless right now . The thought arouses you and your penis grows firm. The nurse clearly notices. "Don't worry, it's completely natural." She says reassuringly. "Now lower your arms back into place, please!" You obey her request, and shift your body weight around until you are comfortable.
She begins with the straps on your wrists, tightening them as hard as she could, then lowering the prong into the nearest hole in the strap. When she does, it releases a small amount of tension, but not much. Just enough that it is not restricting blood flow.
She moves up your arm, tightening another belt over your left bicep. She moves around the bed to the other side, and repeats the process for the opposite wrist and upper arm. You can't help but be fully erect at this point, blushing more than you ever have before. This is going to be more intense than I thought .
She moves to the bottom of the bed, and fastens the straps around both your ankles. They have the same padded cuffs as the straps around your wrists. Another belt over each of your calves. Kind of overkill , you think. Much thicker straps are then fastened over each of your legs just above the knee.
The nurse moves up to your hips. One long leather belt runs from one side of the bed frame to the other. She tightens it as you would a belt on your pants, but without the slack that you find more comfortable. You test the bonds once she removes her hands, to find you can barely shift your hips to the side, and not at all vertically.
A strap identical to the ones used above your knees is then set across your stomach. As she tightens it, your belly is contoured to the path of the strap, achieving an effect akin to that of a corset. You take a deep breath as she sets a strap across your chest, you don't want that one to be too tight. She closes the belt buckle as tight as she can manage, then removes her hands.
You let out a deep breath, and the belt over your lungs has enough slack to allow you a full breath of air, and you can move your chest side to side a bit. These are pretty serious restraints , you think nervously.
The nurse pulls up a rolling chair, and moves it around the gurney so she is sitting at your head. She presses her bosom against the top of your head, giving you a calming feeling. She tightens a collar with your name and patient number around your neck. Her gloved hands brush your cheeks as she moves up to secure your forehead. The strap is anchored on both sides so that you cannot turn your head side to side, and due to the straps on the rest of your body, you cannot duck your head under the strap to get it off. I am completely stuck, the thought arousing you more.
"And now the gag!" She says happily. "You boys always think of something to get out of your treatments, and we don't want that! Do we?" You try to shake your head 'no' but the restraints prevent it.
She pulls an item covered in crisp plastic out of a cabinet. It is a blue ball gag. She carefully unwraps the gag, discarding the plastic into a nearby trash can. She returns to her seat behind your head and sits down, with her breasts again pushing into your head.
"Now open wide for me!" She says, with a wide smile on her face. You do as you are commanded, and open your mouth as you would at a dentist's office. She slowly lowers the ball gag into your mouth, using her gloved hands to move your tongue out of the way. She drags her finger across the circumference of the gag, making sure there are no points catching on teeth. She tightens the straps around the back of your upper neck and closes a buckle in the back, with a satisfying 'click'.
With a changed tone, she says "And since I caught you checking out my ass, I'm going to blindfold you, to keep your creeping gaze off of my colleagues."
Your eyes widen, and you try to voice a complaint but all that you can manage is a pitiful "Mmmph?"
She pulls a plastic covered black blindfold from the same cabinet as the gag, and discards the excess plastic in the same manner as before.
"All of you perverted boys are the same. You check yourself in for a little kinky fun and act like you own the place, until we get you nice and tied down and gagged. Then we get to spill the beans."
She presses a button on the underside of the gurney. Two nurses in matching uniforms enter from the door that the first nurse brought the gurney in from. One is carrying a copy of your papers.
One of the new nurses, the one without the papers, asks, "Well, what do we have here? A fully bound boy with a blue gag? That's rough for him!"
The second nurse who entered, holding a copy of your documents, says "Are you sure you want him to go blue? It's not too late to change it."
The nurse who bound you replies "No, he definitely deserves it, he was checking out my ass already! I've added the blindfold just for that infraction." She lowers the blindfold over your eyes. You try shaking your head but it is no use. The straps are holding your head straight. You hear the same 'click' as you did with the gag, and you are left in darkness.
You struggle with all your might to free yourself from your bondage, but you make no progress. What the fuck is going on?!?!? You think, terrified and excited.
The first nurse sits down with her breasts pressing into your hair again, and she lowers her mouth to your ear to whisper. "Sweetie, stop struggling. You know very well you aren't going anywhere, but you might hurt yourself. If you don't stop then we will have to sedate you to prevent injury." You stop struggling, but are breathing deeply, trying to calm yourself. "Good boy!" She says quietly.
Addressing the nurse with your papers, she says "Would you care to explain this situation to our new patient?" She replies cheerfully, "Certainly!"
She clears her throat and looks down at the papers. "Patient..." she walks over to you and checks your collar. "Patient 535, first I will explain the choice of ball gag. The blue gag represents your 'blue balls', as in, you have been admitted as a never-cummer. You will never be allowed to achieve orgasm, and any attempt otherwise will result in punishment."
She continues, "Your latex mitts covering your hands signify you will not be allowed to touch yourself or others, except in circumstances resulting from your treatments.
She turns the page. "Your heavy restraints signify that you are a high escape risk patient. You will be kept locked in a padded cell in addition to your current bondage. If you are found to have escaped your restraint system while inside your cell, we are authorized to release sedative gas through the ventilation system. You will then be bound more securely and punished accordingly!"
Fuck me, I'm never getting out of here!
She continues, "Any of the following infractions will result in corrective punishment. Escape or attempted escape. Struggling against your restraints. Speaking without being prompted by a proper authority. Unwarranted eye contact with any part of a staff member's body. Masturbation or attempted masturbation. Unauthorized ejaculation, whether intentional or otherwise. Should I go on, nurse?"
The first nurse replies, "That's enough for now. I think he understands the basics. Inform him of the punishments."
"Of course!" She flips the page. "Punishments can include, but are not limited to..." She looks further down the page. "Commitment extensions, up to and including indefinite detention. Nurse or machine administered CBT, also known as, Cock and Ball Torture. Nurse or machine administered orgasm edging. Nurse or machine administered post orgasm torture, although not in your case, because of the blue gag. Should I go on, nurse?"
The first nurse replies, "No, let him find out how creative we can be later. Let's skip to the infractions he has already committed. He talked to me without me prompting him. He looked at my ass without permission. He struggled in his restraints multiple times. Let's bump that up to attempted escape!"
The first nurse asks the nurse who entered without the papers, "What corrective punishments do you recommend, nurse?"
She replies, "Screw him! All of the above! I'm sure we can fit the punishments in somehow. Oh, and an indefinite extension!"
"Good idea!" The first nurse responds. "Now, nurses. Please wheel patient 535 to his new home. I'm sure he can't wait to get started!"
This can't be happening!!! Someone save me!!
Your tears stream down both sides of your face from under the blindfold, as the nurses wheel you to one of the many numbered cells.
This is an Amazing story!!!!! Please continue :-)
When will your next write be in this series?
This is an excellent ride. Thank you. I love the pace and his indefinite stay leaving that trepidation... This is a genius, exciting concept. Id appreciate a female inmate.
I would change the perspective from you to I. And a wrap story that makes clear that the person who narrates the story is free again. To make clear that it was scary but still consensual bdsm.
Very nice. I hope you write more, either this story or another one.
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