Astrology and Alchemy

Astrology and Alchemy

Resurrection of the Hero, Chapter One, Miguel Serrano

My experience is the following one: Astrology and Alchemy speak of the same secret drama. A great mystery is revealed to us in symbols. Astrological Ages are but a day in an era of cycles. And each one of these Ages gives to us an Archetypical Dispensation. Taurus; the Solar Religion of the Bull. Aries; the Age of the Sheep. Of Rama (the Ram), Father of the Lamb. The Age of Pisces, the Fish of Kristos, the Solar Son. In the constellation of Taurus, the initial star is Venus, having entered the solar system like a comet and fixed itself among the stars. Its sheer brightness made two luminous horns visible so that it came to represent the Bull of the firmament. Venus, the Green Star of the Egyptians. Thus, the adoration of the Bull is the adoration of Venus. Plato has said the Kings of Atlantis sacrificed to the Bull in ritual clothing of the right colors and appropriate places given by the Gods. This tradition was succeeded in Aries, when the Aryan-Persians of Atlantis continued the Religion of Mithras, the sacrifice of the Bull. The sacrifice of the Lamb is taken over at the coming of the Age of Pisces. 

Mithras Slaying the Bull, Roman 2nd Century CE

Astrology and Alchemy represent the Planets which, in turn, represent a specific metal and the symbols of the process of transmutation and by means of both it brings to us a cognitive death and a long awaited resurrection into a God. Rather - the transmutation of a Hero into something more than a God. 

Even though we wish to explain these things with clarity and simple words, by its intrinsic nature, this is not possible. These are areas of the occult and it is very difficult to pursue with rational intelligence. 

The Astrological Cycles are absolutely not closed; the Gods die, but they resurrect in the next cycle with new clothing/faces/skins, they have been transmutated. The Bull, symbol of the Light in Taurus, dies in Aries; sacrificed by the Hero Mithras; the Transmutation of Opposites has happened, the symbol of darkness, of the blind forces of a corrupted nature; the Dragon, standing outside of time. Thus Mithras and Siegfried are one in the battle against the dark powers. Mithras slays the Bull, Siegfried slays the Dragon. They do it in honour of the Sun; of Helios, the Father. 

Siegfried Slays the Dragon

The elder generation who knew the antiquity of the history of mankind, among the present day "Scientific Historians" who present derisory and pitiful science, could see that mans history was not only of Man, but also of Gods. Man and the Gods. The Involution of Gods into men and men who transmutated into Gods. Animals that were Gods and Gods with animal heads. All of the Universe that can be seen lives by the power and force of the Constellations which are figures of Animal-Gods: Lion (Leo), Bull (Taurus), Sheep (Aries), et cetera. Inevitably, the Golden Age falls and corrupts until it reaches the Age of Iron. 

Invariably, everything that dies will return to begin again. And thus it happens, Ab Aeterno, in the Eternal Return. The end of the Twilight of the Gods will mark the beginning of the Resurrection of the Gods. The way of Astrology, the Cycle of Astrology. The Demon of the Eternal Return is the same in the Great and the Small. The false Kingdom of the Demiurge (Jahwe/Jehova) and the illusion of the Archetypes. The Empire of Maya, of Illusion. 

Source: Resurrection of the Hero, Chapter One, Miguel Serrano

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