Astrocartography - WanderingCosmicMuse

Astrocartography - WanderingCosmicMuse

There are plenty of articles on the web that speak about AstroCartoGraphy Strains, each one manifesting a general effect. astrocartography reading is opportunity, luck, philosophical thought, and so forth. Mars is aggression, conflict, battling life, and so forth. Venus is love, abundance, joy, ease, magnificence, and many others. You get the final idea. The problem with that is that it is only half the picture. I have traveled throughout the US and halfway by Europe with my partner, crossing over a number of strains. We have deliberately stayed on AstroCartoGraphy Lines to see how they worked. Here is what my companion and i experienced on each Line-

Mars Line- Mentally/Emotionally= burdened, defensive, fearful, constant battlemode, unsafe, should fight to really feel assured/ self worth. Externally= rude, confrontational people, constant challenges, an absence of ease in the general.

North Node Line- Mentally/Emotionally= Feeling at ease, feeling a way of purpose. Externally= circumstances that time to path of development/ destiny, opportunities to stroll a specific recurring path.

Pluto Line- Mentally/Emotionally= Depression, apathy, problem selecting, a deep drive to seek out which means within the face of demise. Externally= loss of cash, rudeness in folks, lack of kindness, unexpected adjustments in plans that pushed us to new paths.

Saturn Line- Mentally/Emotionally= Heaviness, a feeling of issue, not sure how to maneuver forward, feeling as though there may be impassable wall blocking the path. Externally= plans fell via suddenly, had to sleep in a prepare station, lack of alternatives appearing, resistance shifting in direction of goals.

Solar Line- Mentally/Emotionally= More rooted in self, feeling extra confident, expansive. Externally= people are extra keen to assist, individuals attracted like planets orbiting the solar, authenticity is responded to much better then the rest.

Uranus Line- Mentally/Emotionally= A rooting into individual self, detachment from others, much less caring about others, extra airy mentally, sudden insights into character and the way it have to be transformed, a feeling that what I would like could be had here and is simple/ regular. Externally= Situations to precise the insights gained internally, conditions that spur development in individuation.

Moon Line- Mentally/Emotionally= vulnerability, energies focusing inward, less exterior presence, deep work with unconscious tendencies, confused, unhappy. Externally= lack of beloved ones, emotional abuse, parental abuse, opportunities are sometimes tough and difficult while typically ease stuffed. Nice emotional development spurred on by events.

Up to now these are the one strains I and my partner have experienced. I lived on a Moon Line for many of my life and whenever I go back to it, it always starts the same course of. A few of these themes fit the overall explanations of the Lines, some do not. Why? I've a idea.

I think the AstroCartoGraphy Lines manifest in two ways, one is the final operate and the other is the natal function. You'll experience a mixture of the final perform ( Jupiter=luck) combined with the precise method that archetype/ function is expressed in you (Jupiter 2ndH= self value/safety luck). This provides a unique complexity to this artwork and makes selecting a place to live not so cookie cutter. Is Venus at all times an excellent line to stay on? Maybe. What if it is in the 12th House in your Natal Chart? Perhaps it wont be so ease stuffed and abundant then, as it's hidden within the twelfth Home. In case you have Mars in the first House and you reside on a Mars line, your will to dwell and be who you're could also be challenged. Your very identity may feel underneath hearth. Very completely different from a person with a Natal 6th House Mars.

Some final thoughts as I end this text. Our expertise has shown us that the effects are felt mentally and/or emotionally inside the first 24 hours. Exterior events can occur immediately, in your method to the area or after a few days. When you look on the traces in your AstroCartoGraphy Map, remember to mix the final themes with the themes of your Natal Chart. In any other case you may be shocked by the supposed beneficial place not being so beneficial!

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