AstroMining Coins

AstroMining Coins

Sirawit Nipunphattarut

AstroMining - a cryptocurrency focused solely on mining our asteroids in space for their rare materials like gold, silver and platinum

#Crypto #Blockchain #BNB #ASMN #Ethereum #AstroMining

AstroMining has been collaborating with a local space station on unveiling the science behind Asteroid Mining, but most of all, how to bring an asteroid into earths orbit so we can mine them SAFELY. This is a huge advancement, I and my team have worked closely with the designers/scientists at the JSC (Johnson space station) to create for you, a video showing how the process of bringing the asteroid into earth’s orbit would be done.

Another wonderful update is that since SpaceX’s successful launch of Falcon X, they have proved it is possible to successfully bring back a space shuttle which is another great advancement for us all in the mining of Asteroids! Two major key steps in our mission have already been put beside us in the race to mine asteroids and to one day share the wealth that comes with it!

As you can see in this video, NASA believes it will take till 2024 till they will be to capture this potentially detrimental asteroid that is on its way to our Orbit.

We believe, as well as the researchers we have spoken to, that with the right funding, ANYTHING is possible and they all believe and agree that this is possible by 2021. We hope we have you along for the ride

There’s Big Money to Be Made in Asteroid Mining

See the full version of the infographic.

If humans were ever able to get their hands on just one asteroid, it would be a game-changer.

That’s because the value of many asteroids are measured in the quintillions of dollars, which makes the market for Earth’s annual production of raw metals – about $660 billion per year – look paltry in comparison.

The reality is that the Earth’s crust is saddled with uneconomic materials, while certain types of asteroids are almost pure metal. X-type asteroids, for example, are thought to be the remnants of large asteroids that were pulverized in collisions in which their dense, metallic cores got separated from the mantle.

There is one such X-type asteroid near earth that is believed to hold more platinum than ever mined in human history.

Near-Earth Mining Targets

Asteroid mining companies such as Planetary Resources and Deep Space Industries are the first-movers in the sector, and they’ve already started to identify prospective targets to boldly mine where no man has mined before.

Both companies are looking specifically at near-Earth asteroids in the near-term, which are the easiest ones to get to. So far, roughly 15,000 such objects have been discovered, and their orbits all come in close proximity to Earth.

Planetary Resources has identified eight of these as potential targets and has listed them publicly, while Deep Space Industries has claimed to have “half a dozen very, very attractive targets”.

While these will be important for verifying the feasibility of asteroid mining, the reality is that near-Earth asteroids are just tiny minnows in an ocean of big fish. Their main advantage is that they are relatively easy to access, but most targets identified so far are less than 1,000 ft (300 m) in diameter – meaning the potential economic payoff of a mission is still unclear.

Where the Money is Made

The exciting part of asteroid mining is the asteroid belt itself, which lies between Mars and Jupiter. It is there that over 1 million asteroids exist, including about 200 that are over 60 miles (100 km) in diameter.

NASA estimates this belt to hold $700 quintillion of bounty. That’s about $100 billion for each person on Earth.

There are obviously many technical challenges that must be overcome to make mining these possible. As it stands, NASA aims to bring back a grab sample from the surface of asteroid Bennu that is 2 and 70 ounces (about 60 to 2,000 grams) in size. The cost of the mission? Approximately $1 billion.

To do anything like that on a large scale will require robots, spacecraft, and other technologies that simply do not exist yet. Further, missions like this could cost trillions of dollars – a huge risk and burden in the case that a mission is unsuccessful.

Until then, the near-Earth asteroids are the fertile testing ground for aspirational asteroid miners – and we look forward to seeing what is possible in the future.

Executive Summary

Our company, Asteroid Mining Inc., is a space-based mining company that aims to extract valuable resources from near-Earth asteroids and other space rocks. We believe that the vast wealth of minerals and other resources that can be found in the asteroid belt represents a largely untapped market that offers tremendous potential for profit.

Business Overview:

Asteroid Mining Inc. will be headquartered in Los Angeles, California, but our operations will take place in space. We will develop and operate a fleet of specialized spacecraft that are capable of locating, surveying, and mining asteroids. Our initial focus will be on extracting water and other volatiles from asteroids, which can be used for space travel and other purposes. We will also target asteroids that are rich in precious metals, such as platinum and gold, which can be sold for profit.

Market Analysis:

The market for space-based mining is still in its infancy, but it is rapidly growing. As space travel and exploration become more common, the demand for resources like water and precious metals is expected to increase. Additionally, the development of space-based industries, such as satellite manufacturing and space tourism, will create new demand for the resources that we extract from asteroids.

Operational Plan:

Our operational plan will consist of three main stages:

Exploration: In this stage, we will use our fleet of spacecraft to locate and survey potential asteroid targets. We will use a combination of sensors and other technologies to identify asteroids that are rich in valuable resources.

Extraction: In this stage, we will use specialized mining equipment to extract water and other volatiles from asteroids. We will also use techniques like strip mining and drilling to extract precious metals from asteroids.

Transportation: In this stage, we will use our spacecraft to transport the extracted resources back to Earth or to other locations in space. We will develop specialized containers and other packaging materials to ensure that the extracted resources remain safe and secure during transportation.

Management Team:

Our management team will consist of experienced professionals with expertise in fields like space engineering, mining, and logistics. We will also work with partners and consultants who have expertise in areas like space law and regulatory compliance.

Financial Plan:

Our financial plan will consist of two main sources of funding:

Venture capital: We will seek funding from venture capital firms that specialize in space-based technology and other high-risk, high-reward industries.

Government grants: We will also seek funding from government agencies that are interested in supporting the development of space-based industries.


Asteroid Mining Inc. is well-positioned to capitalize on the growing market for space-based mining. With our experienced management team and cutting-edge technology, we are confident that we can extract valuable resources from asteroids and create significant value for our shareholders.


#Proof of Authentication

Bitcointalk Username: Sirawit Nipunphattarut

Bitcointalk Profile link:;u=3206521

Telegram username: @sirawitnipunphattarut17

ERC-20 wallet address: 0xB6DA3bE11F4Ccee82873a3243C1e3C43046e6eFb

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