Astro Odyssey

Astro Odyssey

Nemesis Team
Astro Odyssey


Android Versions:

Android Pie 9

Current version: 1.0

Android 10

Current version: 1.0

Android 11

Current version: 1.0

Stock ROM: Yes

Custom ROM: Yes

GSi A-Only: Yes

GSi A/B: Yes



- Download the Astro Odyssey zip.

- Reboot your device on recovery.

- Go to Mount and select "System", "System_ext", "Product" & "Vendor".

- Install Astro Odyssey zip (install in each update of your ROM).

- Reboot your system.

- Done!.

Download (set desktop mode before download)



Luis Fernando - 4163 - Moto G⁷ Power


Credits to:

Maintainers: Deivid_21



Comunity: @NemesisTeamCommunity

News: @NemesisTeamNews


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