Asstr Undercover

Asstr Undercover


Asstr Undercover

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2003. Please don't remove the author information
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Christina is an Undercover Police office, on her first
assignment. Mr. G is a Mafia King pin that she was assigned
to infiltrate the Mafia through. Reggie is the Body
Guard for Mr. G, and unknown to Christina and Mr. G,
and FBI agent also infiltrating the same Mafia operation.
Any comments can be e-mailed to
There were only a small number of guests in the room
for this dinner, Mr. G, herself, Reggie at a table off
to one side so he could watch all parts of the room,
and keep an eye on Mr. G as well, and three other Mafia
big shots Christina had n ever seen before, as they
were presented the menus for their ordering.
Two bottles of fine wine were brought to the table
and everyone ordered, as Christina again thought how
elegant this lifestyle was while she ordered things
she would never even dream of ordering in her real life.
Mr. G introduced her to the three big shots, and she
learned they were from out of town and could tell right
away that Mr. G was trying extra hard to impress these
men, and put her on display just a little more than
He had started by putting his arm around her shoulders
and squeezing her close for a kiss and pat on her bare
shoulder. She had not been asked or had time to consider
getting dressed in evening clothes, but still wore the
rather revealing type outfit she was ordered to wear
for her daily routine. Each of the men comments to Mr.
G how lovely his girlfriend was and he beamed his approval
as he continued to fondle Christina throughout the salad
By the time they were halfway finished with the main
course, Christina's worst fears of the undercover assignment
were beginning to happen. Mr. G had moved his hand down
to rest on her bare knee and was now rubbing inside
her thigh just at the knee. She made no show of her
discomfort and virtually everyone thought that she was
just the she toy of the big Mafia boss as he openly
fondled her in front of the three male guests. She knew
that two of the men had a clear view of what was happening
as well as Reggie from his seat across the room.
As the after dinner coffee was served, Christina knew
she would have to make a decision soon as she could
feel Mr. G's fingers move in circles up the inside of
her thigh. Soon she would be exposed completely to her
crotch and either let the evening run its course or
make some attempt to stop Mr. G without blowing her
cover and acting like the lady she really was rather
than the Prostitute Mr. G believed her to be.
That moment came very quickly as she raised her coffee
cup to her now quivering lips, Mr. G's hand moved quickly
up the inside of Christina's thigh and he brushed against
her thin panties with his pinkie finger.
"Ooh, sweetie, she whispered as she watched the
two men closest turn their eyes down to see here exposed
leg and thigh, can't you wait until we get home."
Closing her thigh together trapping Mr. G's hand and
making a mock protest for the two guests.
The Mafia boss just laughed as he continued to move
his pinkie finger across the delicate fabric of Christina's
lacy panties. She knew instantly that Mr. G was making
a point and showing off his trophy to these three thugs
for out of town, an d she thought briefly of Michael's
words about what to do if this happened. She squealed
slightly and smiled as she decided to play this alone
and hope it would end quickly.
The fondling continued as Mr. G spoke business with
the three men at the table and she began to feel the
familiar tingle as her body responded to the stimulation
her mind tried to block. A quick glance in Reggie's
direction seeking some moral support found Reggie's
eyes had focused on the sight under the table. He had
a clear view of where Mr. G 's hand was resting and
maybe even he could see the fingers probing he sex as
Mr. G worked her up the scale of arousal throughout
the entire cup of coffee.
Christina could smell her arousal drift up from her
now moist panties and knew that, at least the two closest
men knew exactly what was happening, and by the way
they were fidgeting around in their seat, she was positive
of it. That's when Reggie seemed to jump to the rescue.
Finishing his coffee at his table, Reggie stood up and
reminded Mr. G that his evening appointment (the fight)
time was rapidly approaching.
Mr. G acknowledged Reggie's comment, yet seemed to
be having more fun inflicting the discomfort on Christina
than he might watching some fight on the tube. Christina
knew his reputation for humiliation of his people and
just about everyone else, but until now had not been
subjected to it directly. Then she felt Mr. G's finger
slip under the hem of her lace panties and find her
swollen clit. She gasped quietly and shuddered as he
massaged the sensitive little bud and felt herself contract
into spasm as a small orgasm rocked her.
Then with as little notice that had given before he
touched her, Mr. G removed his hand from between her
legs and announced that was time to go. He said goodbye
to the visiting men, setting an appointment for the
office the next day and they were headed out to the
Christina was very uncomfortable on the ride back to
the compound, and too embarrassed to even look at Reggie.
She knew she needed to find a way to thank him for rescuing
her from her ordeal in the restaurant, but for now she
was just happy to be out of there.
As they arrived home, Mr. G instructed Christina to
bring some snacks and beer to the gym room as he planned
to watch fight in there. She acknowledged his instructions
and made her way to the kitchen exiting the limo. By
the time she had gotten to the gym, Mr. G was alone
on the big sofa and had set the television up for his
fight. Reggie was not in the room, which was a little
unusual. Before Christina could inquire about his whereabouts,
Reggie joined them. He had already changed into his
workout clothes and she could tell he planned a rigorous
workout while Mr. G watched his fight. Christina though
for a moment about joining in, but she had eaten a large
dinner and did not feel like one of Reggie's big workout
Reggie began his workout about the time Mr. G's fight
began. Christina tried to excuse herself and get out
of the room, but Mr. G insisted she stay. In fact he
motioned for her to join him on the sofa as he watched
the fight. This was more uncomfortable for Christina,
not only because she feared Mr. G might continue his
fondling, but because she was a little sticky and moist
from the assault on her womanhood back in the restaurant.
She wanted to get into the shower and wash away any
evident of the humiliating experience she had been required
to endure.
Having little interest in the fight she watched Reggie
work himself into a sweat and tone his already perfect
body even finer by exerting his muscles beyond were
they had been yesterday. She admired how the moistness
of his perspiration caused his physique to literally
shine in the glow of unusually dimmed the lights in
the exercise gym, and the reflection of the Television.
Christina drifted off into her own world as her mind
pondered the situation she was now in. She had never
planned to be so compromised, even though she and Michael
had discussed the entire spectrum of where such an undercover
operation could lead. They had even spoken of the possibility
of being killed on the job, both being law enforcement
officers it was an ever present part of life. But, now,
even after they had spoken about how far into her personal
privacy this assignment might drag her, she could hardly
believe what had happened, and she could only speculate
how far the nasty Mr. G would push her. She had hoped
that his inability to participate in the sex act, would
have kept her totally innocent during the planned six
months this undercover assignment was planned to take.
She had now been fondled, and in public no less, and
was now sure she would continue to be compromised and
not just by Mr. G, but she was never out of sight Mr.
G's ever present body guard. That meant that this dark
stranger would witness anything Mr. G forced upon her.
She liked Reggie, and they had become not only friendly,
but close. This did not mean, however that she wanted
to have him watch Mr. G fondle her private parts, or
even worse, see her naked and exposed.
Suddenly her thoughts were shattered as she heard Mr.
G snap at her, she blinked and responded as if he seemed
to be repeating a command for her to get him another
beer. With a forced smile, Christina rose from the couch
next to this monster and started across the room to
fetch another beer from the bar. She looked quickly
at the television to see the fight was still lumbering
along only in the third round, and another turn of her
head showed Reggie still deep in his exercise routine.

Shaking her pleated skirt down, Christina moved quickly
to the bar, and returned with a cold beer for her Mafia
Boss. Handing him the beer, she turned and looked at
the fight on the big screen as she began to lower herself
back to the couch. Suddenly she stopped her decent as
she felt the cold rough hand of her nasty boss, move
up under her skirt and caress the inside of her left
thigh. Reversing her direction of motion, Christina
straightened back up startled at the aggressive move
of Mr. G, and also trying to raise the junction of her
legs upward and further from the roaming hand.
The move was to no avail as she felt his hand move
directly upward to her panty clad womanhood, and then
over the round rise of her ass. Standing bolt still
Christina's thoughts moved back to the questions she
was pondering only a moment ago as she glanced over
to confirm that Reggie was in fact a witness to her
situation. She thought of her options and again questioned
if a refusal would cause her cover as a prostitute to
become suspect, or even useless. If so, she may never
see the sun rise again, and she again resolved to complete
her undercover assignment, and see to it this monster
would spend the rest of his day behind bars.
Gritting her teeth, Christina stood there and responded
as she though a real prostitute might in this situation,
letting the hand roam freely over her panty cover ass.
She wished the fight would somehow become interesting
, or at least become a distraction for Mr. G. Why, she
thought, should this one fight be such a bore when she
so desperately needed it to be otherwise. She stood
there unable to even consider where this new attack
might take her letting the hand roam freely. She felt
his wandering hand move lower and then his fingers slip
gently between her legs as Mr. G began to fondle her
sex again, just like he had done in the restaurant earlier.
His fingers worked between her legs with his thumb moving
up around her ass, his index finger parting the tender
lips of her sex, and the remaining digits caressing
the flesh of her upper thigh.
Christina stood silent as her body, despite her revulsion,
began to respond to the gentle massage and produce the
lubricating fluids in preparation for the penetration
it expected. Her mind knew Mr. G was not capable of
taking such an event to conclusion, but her body did
not, and responded as flesh lusting for the entire process
it felt was soon approaching. Her panties soaked through
quickly and she began to sway gently as the soothing
sensation of pleasure swept over her now trembling flesh.
She closed her eyes, as much to block out what was happening
as to enjoy the sensation that her body would not ignore.
Perhaps, she thought, if she closed her eyes and did
not look in Reggie's direction, he would not see what
was happening to her.
Slowly as her body responded with more and more lubricating
juices, she felt Mr. G move his index finger under the
elastic of her panties and begin to massage her now
soaked pussy with more intensity. He knew he was working
her up into some sort of sexual frenzy and he knew if
he kept it up, she would soon orgasm standing right
there. Minute by minute she felt her body respond and
move with his manipulations. She trembled as he worked
her up the scale toward explosion, then suddenly stopped
as she felt hi second hand move under the pleated skirt,
and her panties were soon down around her knees.
Christina stepped out of the discarded garment, took
a deep breath as she felt the hand rise to her sex again,
and glanced over to the workout station to confirm that
Reggie was, in fact, aware of the action over at the
couch. Without hesitation, the massaging fingers moved
back to her now naked pussy lips, parted them with the
first gentle movements, and then Mr. G slipped his index
finger upward inside of Christina causing her to gasp
in shock at the invasion. She was so wet that his finger
slid easily into her warm womanhood and Christina shuddered
slightly as she was unable to stop her reaction to the
pleasure racing throughout her responding body. A second
digit moved to gently massage her swollen clit sending
Christina into a small but undeniable orgasm.
She shook silently fighting to stop her body from it's
betrayal of her mind, and she felt the left hand of
her assailant reach out and unzip her skirt, then without
a pause it gripped
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