Asstr Truth Or Dare

Asstr Truth Or Dare


Asstr Truth Or Dare

Author's Note: Stories on this site may contain fiction of an adult nature. They may contain themes involving Incest, under age sex, rape, bestiality, drugs or alcohol abuse. If these subjects make you uncomfortable please exit now. The stories are meant for the entertainment of adults as defined by your local government or society, if you are below this age please exit now. The author does not condone or encourage anyone to act in real life the way the characters depicted in this story act.

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First Published: 26 February 2017

Already seen Truth or Dare!, click here to read part 2

Story Code: M/f, M+/F, MM/f, F/f, F/F, Exhibitionism, Voyeurism

My mother's forty-first birthday was fast approaching, there's nothing special about a forty-first party really, it isn't classed as one of the 'Special' birthdays but mum's best friend Angela Pickering, or Aunty Angela to me, had pointed out that my mother's first ever 'Adult free' birthday party had been her fourteenth birthday and Angela suggested that my mother should theme her forty-first party to be the same as her fourteenth, Invite all the same people that she had invited to her fourteenth and do all the same things. I was there when the conversation happened, Aunty Angela had actually whispered, "...and all the same people!"

My mother blushed as she looked over at me to see if I'd heard what Angela had said, I wasn't paying much attention but I knew whenever Aunty Angela whispered something it was usually to do with sex, not that sex was high on a fourteen year old girl's radar, not in our sleepy little backwater anyway..

We lived in a very rural village, not a dormitory village full of city folk. Most of the people in our village were born there, they married another villager, lived all of their lives there, died there and were buried in the village churchyard and because of that, everyone that was at my mother's fourteenth birthday party still lived in the village.

There was only one fly in the ointment, my mother's fourteen year old! I hadn't been invited to my mother's fourteenth birthday party and so I wasn't expected to attend her forty-first. I refused point blank to stay overnight at my grandparent's house. My mother was bleating that if I were there the party wouldn't be exactly the same as her fourteenth, "Mum, I don't care! It won't be the same anyway, you had your fourteenth birthday party at Glebe Farm and Grandpa and grandma were both away for the weekend. They don't own the farm anymore, so if you can make one change, you can make two changes!"

I butted in to stop her, "Not old enough! You were the same age as I am now when you had the party the first time around...think about it mum!"

On the days leading up to my mother's birthday there was an awful lot of whispered conversations, not just at home but all over the place, whispered conversations that I wasn't supposed to hear but I was quite bat-like, I had outstanding hearing and didn't miss much.

Right, here is a little local history lesson, from what I'd gleaned while listening in on conversations:

There were other people at that first party but I didn't hear anything salacious about them in the gossip.

On the day of my mother's birthday party I wore the party frock that my mother had worn on that special day for her, even though it hadn't fitted her for many years she had never even thought to get rid of it! Mum had taken the dress to a friend of hers who was a professional seamstress and she had an exact copy of her favourite dress made in a size suitable for herself so we looked a little like twins at her party. I'd been allowed a little makeup and my hair was freshly cut and styled. People began to arrive and I was totally surprised to see that Paul Maitland arrived at our house with my Aunty Angela, his arm over her shoulder and hers around his waist, her hand resting on his hip. Angela's husband Colin arrived a few minutes later with Paula Smith.

Between eight o'clock and nine everyone arrived and just mingled around the house and garden catching up on what had happened during the past twenty-six years. At nine o'clock the last guest arrived, a slightly older man who I guessed was Gary Finch. Gary had a spinner from a board game, it had sixteen white labels around the edge, Gary wrote everyone's names down on the labels around the wheel. There were seven couples, Gary was alone because his girlfriend from nineteen seventy-six had passed away and me, I had a boyfriend but wasn't allowed to invite him and I didn't push the issue because I knew that I was only there on sufferance. So there was exactly the same number of people, the same mixture of sexes.

Our circular dining table had eight seats around it, one seat for each of the original couples, there was room for a ninth seat if we had one but as each seat had to have two people sitting at it, what little extra space there was would be needed to accommodate the women's knees. The men sat on the seats and after much discussion and a few people swapping seats the guys were sitting in exactly the same positions as they were twenty-six years earlier.

My mother took me to one side and whispered, "I've had a word with Robin's mother, she said that you can go over to her house and chill with Robin if you'd like too. 'Well, colour me surprised ... for a whole year my mother had been telling me that she and my father didn't approve of me having a serious boyfriend at my age and all of a sudden, she was pushing the two of us together so that I wouldn't embarrass her by being at her party" I turned down her offer, I was looking forward to seeing and hearing all about how my 'Perfect' parents behaved when they were my age.

The women started to sit across the laps of the men that had been their boyfriends on my mother's fourteenth birthday, they were all sitting in the same direction so it would have made quite a picture but it did take up all of the room. Gary and I being the odd ones out, I was standing at the side of my mother and on the opposite side of the table Gary was sitting alone.

My mother looked at me slightly awkwardly, "If you are stopping here tonight, you'd better go and sit on Gary's knee!"

As I walked around the table with everyone looking at me I was suddenly aware of just how short my mother's old party frock was, I'd never worn a dress so short in my life before without thick tights, leggings or trousers under it. There wasn't really enough room for me to sit across Gary's knee like the other women so Gary dragged me up onto his lap with my back against his chest and my knees either side of Gary's. I was glad that the round table was made of wood and not glass or the people opposite me would have seen my knickers because of the shortness of the dress and how wide my legs were apart because of Gary's legs between my knees.

Gary added my name into the last space on his spinner and it was passed over to my mother to make the first spin. The game that we were about to play was the same game played by my mother and her friends when they were fourteen years old, give or take a few years was 'Truth, dare, snog or forefit'.

My mother took the first spin of the wheel because she was 'Birthday girl'. The pointer had to make at least one full revolution or it would have to be turned again. the pointer stopped on Angela, My mother thought for a moment and said, "How many partners have you had sex with?"

Angela giggled and said, "Point of clarification in your question, what counts as sex in your question?"

My mother blushed and looked in my direction and then she seemed to shake her head, "When a boy puts his ... erm ... penis in one of your holes!"

Angela grinned and looked over at Colin, "Well if that's the definition you want me to use, I'd have to say thirty-nine or forty!"

My mother spun the pointer again and it stopped on Paul King's label so it was his turn next, he took the spinner but before he flicked the pointer to send it spinning I felt Gary shift his weight from one bum cheek to the other, it kind of rocked him under my bum and as he moved from side to side I felt something move under my buttocks, Gary was growing under my bum, then he put his hand on my stomach and pulled me tighter against his belly, there was almost a flick under me and suddenly Gary's erection moved from under my buttocks to between them, this subtle movement wasn't missed by Paul King but fortunately everyone else was looking at Paul so they missed my discomfort.

I saw Paul grin at me as he flicked the pointer sending it into a wild spin. The pointer stopped on his own name so he had to spin again, the second time wasn't so hard and the pointer stopped on Paula Smith's name. Paul looked at me again, grinned and said, "I dare Paula to kiss Sarah on the lips for a full five minutes, including tongues!"

I looked around the table, I was working through each woman's name in my head as my eyes fell on them, no, I couldn't remember any of them being called Sarah ... and why was everyone looking at me ... could they tell how uncomfortable I was sitting on the lump between Gary's legs? Paula was slinking around the table like a cat on heat, her hand was trailing across every man's shoulders on her way around the table towards ... SHIT! I was the only Sarah at the party and Paula was heading in my direction.

Paula sat across my lap, pushing me down harder onto Gary's lump, Paula used her left hand to hook the back of my neck and pull my face into her kiss, lips against lips, the fingertips of her right hand brushing against my cheek and neck and onto my shoulder inside the neck of my dress. I'd never kissed with tongues before so I was reluctant to allow Paula to crowbar my mouth open with her tongue as we kissed.

I was painfully aware of the silence around the room as all eyes were on me, especially Gary who was so close that I could feel his breath on my cheek as he peered around to look closely at what Paula was doing to me. After a full minute of resisting Paula's kiss I eventually opened my mouth to allow Paula to push her tongue into my mouth. Paula began exploring my mouth with the tip of her tongue and after a thorough inspection that would have made a dentist proud Paula began to tease my tongue into her mouth, I finally relaxed and allowed Paula to draw my tongue into her mouth where she played with it, nipping at it playfully with her teeth.

I'm sure that Paula and I were kissing for much longer than five minutes but eventually Paul called time and spun the pointer again. "Sandra Appleton!"

Paula's lips were still locked against mine even though she was told that her time was up, I heard the spinner being pushed over to Sandra and Sandra spun the pointer, "And my victim is ... The birthday girl herself, Victoria Clarke!"

Paula finally broke our kiss, she only moved her face an inch and she stopped, looked for a long moment into my eyes and smiled before giving me a quick peck of a kiss on my lips and she whispered, "Thank you!" before slipping off of my knee and slinking back to Colin Pickering's lap and when she settled on Colin's lap she gave him a quick kiss too.

Sandra was still mulling over her options for what to torture my mother with, "Victoria, not counting your birthday parties, how many men have you had sex with in your life and by sex, I'm only counting vaginal intercourse!"

Mum blushed a little and kissed my father on his lips, "Just this one!"

The room burst out into jeering and derision from the other players ... apart from me, I was still very shocked and confused by Paula's kiss and how it made me feel deep inside. As people were deriding my mother Gary pressed his lips against my ear and whispered, "Kissing Paula really excited you, didn't it?"

I looked around the table, once again no one was looking in my direction, everyone but Gary and me were looking at my mother, I really didn't know why I responded to Gary at all but I shook my head, "Liar, I can feel your wet little pussy soaking my cock through our clothes!"

I gasped at Gary's comment and looked around the table once again to see if anyone else was looking at me. Actually, my mother was the only one looking in my direction as she tried to silence her deriders ... "Look, Sandra only said vaginal intercourse and apart from a few birthday parties I've never had vaginal sex with any other man but Johnny!"

Well, was I having my eyes opened about my parents, or at least my mother, no wonder I'd never been allowed to attend any of my mother's birthday parties before, it seemed that they were just an excuse for some kind of orgy. Gary's hand slipped onto my thigh, I looked down, Paula had managed to push the hem of my already overly short dress up when she slipped off of my knee. Gary's fingertips were right at the hem of my dress and just millimetres away from my knickers. I looked around the table again, David Brown was sitting next to me, his partner, Amanda Dixon, had her back to me but as David kissed Amanda's ear, he was looking down at Gary's hand on my upper thigh.

I should have pushed Gary's hand away before pulling my hem back into place but I was so flustered that all I did was pull my dress down as far as it would go with Gary's hand hidden underneath. I felt Gary's fingertips brushing over my knickers, almost as softly as a butterfly wing might feel if it fluttered too close. Gary kissed my ear again and whispered.

"See I told you that Paula had turned you on, your knickers are soaking right up to here"

Sandra turned the spinner and called out, "David Brown! Your turn to spin David."

The spinner was slid past me and on to David, he looked into my eyes, grinned and took his spin quickly. I'm not sure if he was cheating or not but the spinner stopped on my name, "I think I'll dare Sarah to take her panties off and go commando for the rest of the evening!"

I saw my mother's body jerk, "It's a little early for dares like that David...don't you think?"

"I didn't say in front of us, she can go into the cupboard under the stairs and take her knickers off, we won't see anything under her dress will we? All we have to see is her knickers."

Mum calmed down a little and took a deep breath, "You don't have to take the dare darling, but if you don't you'll have to take a forfeit ... or ... or, you could resign and go over to Robin's house and watch TV with him and his mother!"

I looked around the table, I really didn't like the way that the men around the table were looking at me, they looked like eight starving men looking at a bucket of KFC chicken!"

My stomach was bubbling, there was a film of cold sweat forming on my forehead. I could resign and run for my boyfriend's house, I could take a forfeit but I'd already heard some forfeits from other years, one I'd heard whispered was that a forfeit was to give two of the boys or rather men, nine minutes of heaven, at the same time, in the junk cupboard under the stairs. Now I might have dismissed that whisper as bluff and bluster if I hadn't seen my father cleaning every item of junk out of that cupboard two days earlier and my mother had hovered and dusted every flat surface in the cupboard. I sucked it up, slipped off of Gary's lap and, his hand trailing from my knee as I did, I walked over toward the stairs and the small room beneath.

I'd never actually been in the cupboard before, there was usually too much junk to do more than just reach in blindly feeling for whatever we were looking for. I knew that it would be big inside the cupboard because Robin's family had installed a toilet in that same room in their house.

I took my knickers off and returned to the living room and the round table. All eyes were on me as I spread my knickers out on the table in front of Gary, there was absolutely no doubt in anyone's mind that the crotch of my panties were almost dripping wet when they splashed down on the tabletop.

As I retook my seat on Gary's knee he surreptitiously flicked the back of my dress out of the way so that my bare bottom was against his jogging trousers. Gary quickly wriggled me around again so that the lump in his trousers was between my legs or rather more like, pressing against my, so far, unused pussy hole.

I made sure that my dress was pulled down at the front at least but I could see that David was looking at the small area of outer thigh or buttock that was exposed because Gary had pulled the back of my dress out of the way. At least Gary waited for David to look away before his hand slid under my dress again, this time, his fingertips rubbing over hair, rather than soft pink cotton.

The game started again but I wasn't taking a lot of notice as I was fighting to keep my breathing under control while Gary was working hard to get me off without anyone seeing what he was doing. Someone asked Paula Smith how old she was when she sucked her first cock. Her reply was that she was eight years old, that certainly got through the fog of pleasure that Gary was giving me, "Who was it with?"

My mother jumped in again, "You can't ask a supplementary question, you have to wait until it's your turn again, or someone else can ask her on their turn!"

The next spinner to get Paula was certain to ask her who the boy was when it was their turn.

My father's wristwatch alarm sounded and my mother called a halt to the first part of the game, I was really glad because Gary had been driving me mad with pleasure from his fingers for thirty minutes and I needed a chance to get my breath back. Food was carried out onto the table and my mother took my knickers off of it as my father laid out the food platters. Food and drink were the order of the next thirty to forty minutes, I was given two drinks with Vodka in them, my mother and father saw me being given the drinks but said nothing as I drank them both down greedily.

David Brown kind of herded me out of the living room, through the kitchen and into the back garden. Gary Finch had been watching David's work and he had followed us out into the garden, he just stood on the doorstep as David stole a kiss from me, I resisted him until Gary stepped in behind me and whispered into my ear, "Let David have a little fun, the game turns a lot more sexual in the second half." Gary's hands slipped onto my hips and then started slipping and sliding until he was lifting the weight of both of my breasts while standing behind me and kissing my neck. I relaxed into David's kiss and for the second time in my life I had a tongue wriggling around in my mouth.

Gary let go of my left breast, his mouth slipped from my neck, he pulled the neck hole of my dress to the left and kissed as far as he could onto the top of my left shoulder, he first kissed and then gently bit my shoulder as his hand slid down my left arm to my wrist, he pushed my hand towards David and with David's help Gary pushed my hand down the front of David's trousers. I curled my fingers around David's cock and rubbed him gently inside his trousers, his wasn't the first cock I'd rubbed, Robin and I had very recently moved to the stage in our relationship where I was happy to rub his cock for him but wouldn't allow him to put his hand inside my knickers. I'd even managed to get Robin off once with my hand, usually I would rub him for a little while and when we ran out of time, he would take over for himself while I watched him cum!

David sucked my tongue into his mouth as his hand slipped up the front of my dress, he went in fast and hard, two fi
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