Asstr Tickle

Asstr Tickle


Asstr Tickle

Nonhuman captors - fantastic settings - skittish targets - snug restraints

Episodes by others ( last updated 04jun2007 )
Episodes by Cor (including those that premiered on dA)
      Suggested "paths" through Cor's episodes... and the STORY CODES can always use donations (I've kicked in a few times).

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05oct2019   (   e-mail
 Captores no humano - escenarios fantásticos - presas temerosas - ataduras ajustadas

Copyright 2022 by SuperEvil, all rights reserved
Emily challenges her boyfriend to a tickle contest on a whim. Erick one
ups her by making the consequences for the loser of the contest face
stripping naked. Story
I want to preface this by saying, I love my girlfriend. I really do.
I’ve probably loved Emily since the first time we met. It’s just that,
honestly, she is just so damn shy and reserved! For the two years we’d
been together, we had hardly done a thing! I felt like everyone was out
there having tons of fun but us! I guess it goes back to that
adage of every guy wanting his girl to be a slut, but only a slut for
him, and him alone. Her reserved nature was what had initially
attracted me to her in the first place. It was just so damn frustrating
now! Did you know I hadn’t even seen her in a swimsuit!? She’s that
damn shy! But, I still love her. We have so much in common,
and get along so well. I guess I can wait for her, for when she is
ready. I know she is worth the wait. And it’s not like we haven’t done
anything together. She’s allowed me to feel her up, even underneath her
clothes. She’s jerked me off a few times, although it’s always been
underneath a blanket, so she hasn’t seen me either. It’s just none of
this has been in the fashion I would have preferred. She has a
thing about nudity, I guess. Maybe a phobia? Every time we’ve been
making out, and I’ve tried to even just pull her top up a little,
she’ll always do this thing where she slaps my hand away. It’s always
kind of playful, and not really in a mean way. She just giggles and
blushes at me, and says, “Erick, I’m not ready…” So I do my best to
respect her boundaries. Friday night had become our night
together, whether it was as a date night, or just hanging out at one of
our houses. This night was no exception. We met up at her house, since
her parents were going to be gone for the night, and put on a movie and
ordered some food. It didn’t take long for us to stop paying attention
to the movie. One thing Emily absolutely loved was making out. We were
going at it like fiends before the first act of the film had even ended!
I had a really good feeling about tonight. Emily had made a big deal to
me about her parents being gone, and how she was very much looking
forward to our time together. She had even implied that maybe I should
spend the night at her place too. So you can’t blame me for at least
trying one more time. Again I got, “Erick, I’m not ready…”
I’ll admit it was frustrating. I had just spent the last number of
minutes with one of my hands up her shirt, even underneath her bra for
a bit! I had felt her nipple go hard, and heard all of her purrs and
sighs as I massaged her. Why was she being so infuriating! I
tried to be patient though, while still letting her know of my
disappointment. “Emily, honey, what’s the matter? Why is it any time I
try to take anything off of you, you always stop me? Is it me?”
“What? No, Erick, sweetie, it’s not you. You’re so handsome and
honestly, really sexy.” She said, giving me a cute blushing smile that
I loved so much. “Well, then, what is it? Are you super religious, and you want to wait until you are married?” “No, you know I don’t believe in that stuff, really…”
“Is it that you have some kind of scar or something you’re afraid to
show me? Because, honestly, honey, that’s not going to change the way I
feel about you. You know I would love you no matter what.” She really smiled big at that one. “No, I don’t have any scars, or anything like that.” “Well, then what is it?”
“It's…” She looked away from me for a moment, I think trying to build
up her courage to tell me. “I’ve just never been naked in front of
anyone before.” She looked back at me. “I mean, when I was still young,
sure, but by the time I was potty trained I was taking care of myself
for the most part.” “So you’re self-conscious about your body?” I asked.
“No. It’s not that. I honestly really like my body, and how it looks. I
just can’t stand the thought of anyone else seeing it…” She explained.
I wish I could tell you something else happened that night, but it
didn’t. We just snuggled together underneath one of her blankets and
watched the rest of the movie. One thing I love about Emily is
just how ticklish her little body is. Her cute tummy, especially on the
sides, was my favorite part of her to tickle. But sometimes she would
also leave her dainty feet bare, and I would relentlessly tickle her
soles. It just so happened to be a few weeks later, that we were having
a bit of tickling fun in her bedroom after a long day at school.
“No! Erick! Please!” She was squealing and squirming, trying to get
away from me. I was a lot bigger and stronger than she was, so it was
pretty easy for me to keep her pinned in place on her bed while I had
my fun with her. I always loved to take her past that point where she
was begging me to stop. She was still giggling uncontrollably as she
begged, “Please, I’ll do anything to make you stop! Please, Erick!”
I couldn’t refuse an offer like that, so slowed my dancing fingers to a
crawl, and then a stop, but left them in place under her sweater so she
would know I could start up again with the tickling any time I wanted.
“How ‘bout you take off your top?” I grinned at her. I was honestly
expecting nothing, but I figured it was worth a shot. “Erick!”
Her face turned beet red. Then I saw her get a determined look in her
eyes. “Fine, I’ll agree to take off my sweater, if you can make me
laugh within 30 seconds. If not, I get to take off your pants.” She
smiled up at me, challenging me to accept her offer. How can I refuse an offer like that? “It’s a deal, but I get to tickle you anywhere I want.”
“Anywhere you can reach.” She countered, and I agreed with a nod. She
leaned over, and set a timer on her phone, leaving it on the nightstand
next to her bed. Then she looked back at me with a smirk, and said,
“Go!” I was immediately digging into her sides with a fury I
had never used before. Her little body was squirming and writhing
around like her life depended on it, but she was determined not to
crack! I did everything I could to get to her, but she was resolute. 30
seconds turned out to not be a long time, and I was disappointed when
her phone began making that beeping noise! I could hear her let out a
deep sigh of relief after I stopped my manipulation on her tummy. “Come on! Get up!” She said, giving me a satisfied smirk. I could see she wanted to revel in this.
I had lost fair and square though, so I didn’t give her much of a
fight. “I know. I know. I have to take my pants off…” I said, getting
up from her bed. She sat up, swinging her legs off the side,
shaking her head. “Nope! You don’t get to take them off. I do!” She
reached over and popped the top button of my jeans. “Emily!” I
laughed. She’d never been this forceful before, and it was really
surprising to me. I grabbed her hands though, before she could get to
unzipping my fly. “I’ll let you do it, only if you agree to continue
playing.” I offered. “Huh?” She looked up at me with her questioning eyes.
“It’ll be your turn to tickle me next. If I laugh you get to take
something else off of me. If I don’t, I get to take whatever I want off
of you.” I smirked down at her, enjoying the contemplating look she was
giving me. “We’ll play until one of us is naked. But if you laugh while
being tickled you lose your turn.” I explained. “Ohhh…! I
hardly ever get to tickle you! You’re on!” She stuck her hand out like
she wanted me to shake it, but when I took my hand off of her other
one, she used the opportunity to slip my jeans down to my knees,
giggling uncontrollably. I was honestly a bit embarrassed to
have been caught out like that by her, but I knew soon I would be
getting my revenge on her. I slipped my jeans the rest of the way off,
letting her laughter be a distraction so she wouldn’t see me do it. By
the time she was done giggling, I was just standing there in my t-shirt
and boxers, and my socks down below. She eyed me up and down,
and then patted the bed a few times with her hands, inviting me to come
sit. “I get to tickle you anywhere I can reach, remember.” She said to
me, with just the wickedest of grins. Maybe I was a little too
cocky, but she had yet to get me to crack anytime she had tickled me in
the past. I knew I had this in the bag. She set up a new timer, and
then she was on top of me in a flash. Her soft fingers immediately went
to my thighs. Obviously she was going to try and use the fact that I
had lost my pants against me. I just shrugged at her and shook my head.
She frowned at me, getting frustrated, but I knew she wouldn’t give up
that easily. She reached in between my legs, trying the insides of my
thighs next, and while it felt highly enjoyable, it wasn’t going to
make me laugh. I just smirked at her effort. She tried the
backs of my calves next, but that got her nowhere. She tried the bottom
of my feet, and I was ever so thankful I was wearing socks. I knew for
a fact I would have lost in an instant if I hadn’t still been wearing
them. I checked the time left on her phone, and there were just over 10
seconds left. Then she found my only exposed weakness. The back of my
knees! She knew she had hit on something, since my eyes had opened a
little wider. It took everything inside of me not to make any noise,
and I clutched the edge of her mattress as tightly as I could,
determined not to lose it. I had just made it! The timer went
off, and then I cracked. “No, Emily, it’s over!” I giggled, grabbing
her wrists to get her sweet little fingers away from me. “Ok, now I get
to take something off of you.” I was back to smirking, enjoying the way
she was blushing at me. She held her arms above her head. I
guess she expected me to take off her sweater since that is what I had
said I would take off to begin with. She was sorely mistaken though, I
was way smarter than that. “Nope, not your sweater.” “What? That’s what you said you were going to take.” She looked at me in confusion.
“No, I said I get to take anything of yours off that I want.” I
corrected her. “Give me your leg.” She was still looking at me with
that confused little brow of hers, as I pulled her pant leg up just a
bit. Then it dawned on her what I was doing, as I slowly slipped her
sock down her ankle, and off of her foot and her charming little toes.
I could see the worry written all over her face. “Do we count socks
separately, or together?” I asked. Now I was the one reveling in her
embarrassment. “You only get to take one thing!” She
complained to me. We both knew it wouldn’t matter anyway. I had just
exposed her biggest weakness. The soles of her feet were the most
sensitive part of her body for tickling, she had admitted that fact to
me all on her own. She knew she had lost, it was just a matter of
formality now. “Set the timer then.” I said, cool as a
cucumber. Her apprehension was palpable as she turned to do just that.
I let her lie down on the bed and get comfortable, saying, “Just relax,
honey. You and I both know there’s no rush. You’ve already lost.” I
knew I was being brash, but I couldn’t help taking pleasure in her
unease. I toyed with her a little, letting the timer tick its way down,
just smirking at her. At the 15 second mark, I reached over, and just
lightly ran my fingernail over her arch. Immediately she squealed with
laughter! “Your other foot, please.” I held my hand out expectantly,
and stripped her of her other sock. “Don’t I get a turn now?” She looked at me wistfully, holding out hope for a chance she could still win. “Nope. You laughed. That means it’s my turn again.” I explained, and she just pouted.
Another timer set, and another squeal from my girlfriend when I flicked
my fingers over her sole! There was nothing she could do now. The game
was already lost for her. I had her sit up, so that I could remove her
sweater, finally getting the prize I had tried to get from her at the
beginning. This game, though, was going to give me the ultimate prize!
“Do you think you even need to set the timer?” I asked, checking her
out. She still had a shirt on, a spaghetti strapped shirt I had never
seen her in before. In fact, this might have been the first time I had
seen any bit of cleavage from her. I’ll tell you, she looked fricken
cute already, and there were still so many things to take off of her!
“Maybe you can be fair to me, and let me have another turn at you?” She
requested, but I wasn’t going to let her get the chance. She should
have listened to the rules of the game a little better if she wanted
something different. “Can I at least set the timer a little lower? 20
seconds?” She pleaded. Not that it would do her any bit of
good, but I relented. I guess I still had a heart for her. “Ok, 20
seconds, but that’s the only thing you're getting… Well, you’re getting
naked too!” I teased, and her face turned that deep shade of red once
again. Even with 20 seconds, she still couldn’t hold her
laughter in. This time she tried. She really did. I could see her
cheeks puffing up, and her face turning almost purple. I think she was
trying to hold her breath in, in order to try not to laugh. But her
feet were just too damn ticklish for her! And I had both to target now.
She burst out laughing at the 12 second mark. I now had the
privilege of removing another piece of clothing from her cute little
body. I guess I was starting to feel a little frisky, since I went for
the top button of her jeans. She looked up at me from the bed with wide
eyed wonder as I straddled her, and slowly slid the jeans down her
smooth, and soon to be very bare, legs. It was time for more
tickling! Another few seconds, and another part of her outfit lost. I
knew I could have gone right to the good stuff now. It was my choice
what to remove from her, but I wanted to draw this out. I wanted her to
feel the excitement I was feeling, like I was slowly unwrapping a
present at Christmas time. I'm sure I gave her the most elated
look as I did away with her shirt. Now all she had left were her
matching set of undies. A light pink bra, with a floral pattern sewn
into it, and the panties that went with it. I swear I could almost make
out the shape of her privates now, as the underwear hugged quite
tightly to her body. She blushed up at me, and then her eyes
seemed to almost bug out of their sockets. "Erick! Your…! Your…!" She
didn't say it, and just pointed. I guess I was getting pretty
turned on. I looked down at myself, only to find my cock peeking out of
the hole in my boxers! I had just unintentionally flashed my girlfriend
with my most private bit! The smirk she got on her lips gave
me some relief though. And I couldn’t help feeling a little proud. She
was the one meant to be naked, though, not me, so I quickly fixed
myself. “Only two items left, and then you’ll be totally,
fully, completely, bare, butt spankin' NAKED!” I taunted her, making
her face turn that rosy red hue I was learning I love so much! “Tell
you what, I’ll drop the timer down to 10 seconds if you agree to stay
naked and do whatever I say for 10 full minutes when I win.” I
could see the gears turning in her head. She had been able to last a
full 12 seconds by holding her breath, and I’m sure she thought she
could do it again. This would give her a real fighting chance, at least
I hoped that’s what she was thinking. “Ok, but only if you agree to
stay naked for 60 minutes, or one full hour, if I can last the whole
time.” She countered. “Sudden death huh? Alright, but then I
win both your bra, and your panties.” I decided if she was going to up
the ante, so was I. She nodded her agreement, getting that determined
look in her eyes again. Setting the timer on her phone, it came down to this. Me naked for a full hour, or her naked and at my mercy for 10 minutes.
The timer started, and instantly I attacked. Maybe it was a cheap move,
but I don’t care. Her arms were still above her head to reach for her
phone, so I used that to my advantage. My hands squirmed deep into the
pits of her arms, and I could see the surprised look on her face as the
sensation rocked her whole little body. She couldn’t move away from me
now though, even if she had tried. I had to lay on top of her to reach
her in this position. Suddenly, all the air burst from her
lungs! And a delightful giggling sound emanated from deep within her
throat! I had won! There was no question. 3… 2… 1… and the timer went
off. I could see her staring up at me with her baby blue eyes,
realizing she knew what it meant that she had lost. I couldn't help
grinning down at her. I was still sort of hovering above her, resting
on my elbows, as she lay beneath me. We stared into each other's eyes
for what felt like forever, and then our lips finally met. I
had won, and I was going to make sure she lived up to every part of the
bargain. As much as I loved kissing her, I think I could wait until
later. I got up from the bed, probably giving her the biggest smile of
my life. “Alright, Emily, time to pay up.” She looked up at me with
those big blue eyes, and I could see the nervousness inside of her as
she accepted my hand to get to her feet as well. Her long,
light brown hair had been up in a bun before all the tickling and
kissing had knocked her hair tie loose, but now it messily came down
over one of her shoulders. “No, don’t put it back up.” I told her, as
she attempted to fix it. “I like it better this way.” I went
to stand behind her, looking her body up and down in her tight, sexy
little underwear. I’m not exactly sure, but I think the style of undies
she was wearing was called bikini cut. I do know it left part of her
cheeks showing in the back. I couldn’t wait to see what her cute little
butt would look like bare! The first thing that needed to go
was her bra. This was going to be a first for me, as I had never had
the chance to undo one before. At least I had the advantage of seeing
it, since I had gone behind her. I had it figured out quickly though,
just pull it together, and let the clasps go. Now it was just hanging
from her shoulders loosely. I came back around to her front,
and she quickly made sure her arms kept the garment in place. I had
dreamt and desired to see that perky l
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