Asstr Tattoo

Asstr Tattoo


Asstr Tattoo

It was quickly becoming one of those friday nights. luckily for me it was almost closing time at S&S custom Body Art. I had my normal crowd of looky looes and one nice looking young lady. The sweet young thing got a nice belly piercing. I tried my best to sell her on a Heart or Butterfly for her breast just so I could see those tender young breasts, but it was a no go. " DING DING DING"
Ahh my last customers today I am sure.
"May I help you?" I ask as I survey the couple that enters the Salon. Hmmm , a nice enough looking guy. medium build, slightly paunchy, dark hair and glasses. not really the tattoo type but a pleasant smile. The lady, a different story, Redhead clear blue eyes but she always keeps them downcast, a sure sign of a submissive personality. Slightly pear shaped but not Bad. Sporting a nice pair of tits under the thin tight tank he made her wear. A skirt way to short to be of her own choosing. she looks very uncomfortable and in the same tone her nipples are hard and prominent showing me that she is not immune to the inherent sexual turn-on of being forced to display one's self.
"Yes possibly. My name is Ben and you are?" Replied the gentleman, with a smile on his face.
" My name is Sunnie, Ben, and your lady friend does she have a name?" I quipped not even trying to hide my blatant stares at the Redhead.
" Her name is Rita and we are here to find out if you can repair an old Tattoo." answered Ben. His eyes starting to glisten as his woman blushed and turned her head.
"Well a good repair depends on many things such as time and skin condition. To give you a good answer I will have to inspect the old work Ben" I replied, never letting my eyes stray to far from Rita's sweet nips.
" Yeah sure I understand." he answered. "Rita show her your Tattoo."
" Here ! Now??" she stammered almost unable to speak and barely able to look him in the eye.
I have seen this several times in my career as a tattoo artist. A man exerting Dominance over a woman by getting her Marked. Many in my trade would refuse to play the game shaping up before me. For me it wasn't a question of if I would play but how far I could push the couple and when would Sweet Rita hit her limit. It was obvious that Ben here was willing to let me play my hand out to the last trick if Rita didn't bolt.
"No not here over there by the window where we have decent light." I said pushing the limit hard and fast.
She looked at ben and asked " Do I really have to dear?"
He replied to her by grasping her arm firmly and commanding her attention and saying " Rita you know it needs to be fixed. It is very amateurish. If you wont do it now when will you?"
I could see her resign herself to her task at that moment. Steeling up her courage she looked at me for the first time as she walked to the window. Although it was twilight the natural light really was best for inspections.
I approached her and patted her on the shoulder and asked "So where is this Tattoo that needs to be cleaned up?"
She looked up into my eyes and patted her right hip pretty close to her pussy. I realized at that moment that she had resigned herself to let me do to her what ever I desired.
I brushed her hair back from her face and said to her in a calm but condescending voice, " You will have to remove your skirt sweetheart. "
Rita looked at me, then to Ben, who I had completely ignored and slowly removed her tight jersey Skirt. When it hit the floor she picked it up and handed it to me, folding it carefully. she stood there in the golden glow of the lowering sun in nothing but a black lace thong and high heels with a thin cotton tank top stretched taut over her breasts. Ben and she were completely aware that she was on display in my store front window. Plainly visible to anyone who happened by. I bent down into a crouch to get a better look at her Tattoo it was as they had said somewhat amateurish but it would be simple to repair.
" Well Ben this will take some time can you stay after closing?" I asked, as I reached inside her panty leg opening and pushed it further out of my way.
" Yyes" he stammered being caught by surprise.
I pulled her panties even tighter pulling the leg opening into the folds of her pussy. she gasped ever so quietly and her knees Quacked just a hint. I got up from where I had been kneeling, with my face inches from her pussy and began closing down the shop. Over my shoulder I said" Ben take her over to my table I will be there in a minute" I finished locking up and setting the phone and walked to my table. Ben had found a comfortable chair for himself. I could tell his intent was to watch and wait to see what developed. I sat Rita down in my work chair and got my tools out of the autoclave. I turned to look at her and put on my latex gloves. she looked so meek sitting there with her hands folded in her lap. before I approached her I decided to push the line again, so I removed the leather halter top I had been wearing and turned to face Rita. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Ben stiffen in his chair and slide his hand to his crotch almost by reflex. He was seeing a nice profile of my breasts, with my nipple jewelry that I almost always wore. Both Ben and Rita were watching my Breasts as they very gently swayed as I walked over to Rita. The big difference was that at least Rita made an attempt not to openly stare. as I got to her I came up very close so my left nipple was only inches from her face. I put my arm around her shoulders and said
" I think I should do a test Tattoo on you to find your pain tolerance. what would you like on her Ben? Butterfly? rose? serpent? Dragon?"
" Well where would you suggest you put it?" he replied after a moment of thought." you are very pretty by the way" he added.
"Thank you" I returned." I seldom wear a top when I work after closing. I find it to confining. I hope you don't think of me as too forward."
" Not at all if you wish to remove more I won't mind a bit." he replied with a smirk on his face.
I looked him straight in the eye and answered." If I find any of my other cloths to confining for what I have in mind for Rita I will be sure to get them out of my way. Just remember to stay in your chair unless I tell you different do you understand?"
Ben nodded his head and settled back to watch. "Well this one is in the front right." I said running my hand over Rita's tattoo. " I think we should Balance it with a dragon or serpent on her left shoulder blade."
Ben said " go for it what ever you feel is best."
I knew that She would be my toy for at least the short time she was here and I wanted to decorate my toy as much as Ben wanted to prove his dominance. I looked at Rita as she sat there passively absorbing the minor power play over her control and ran My fingers lovingly through her hair. " Sweety I need you to remove your top for me" I said to her with a smile.
Rita lifted her top over her head and placed it on the table near her neatly folded skirt. Her breasts were perfect. small and slightly plump with a wonderful color and smooth complexion. I marveled at her perfect little nipples and found my hand sliding down from her shoulder to cup her breast and flick her taut nipple with my fingernail. I heard a soft gasp from Rita that brought me back to what I was supposed to be doing. and I helped her turn to face Ben over the side of my table. I had her lower her head and lay her cheek on the work table and put her arms up and over her head but not high enough to distort her shoulder blade. I slid my stool up behind her and worked rubbing alcohol into her shoulder and back. I like the way she shivered as I blew on the wet area. Using her back as a rest stand I leaned over her and put my stencil on her shoulder. as I pulled it back off she flinched. I knew she would. the pain of the tape release can be quite painful if applied to an area freshly cleaned by Alcohol. " Hmmm this won't work at all. " I said as I stood up. " I will have to restrain you or you will ruin the tattoo." I took out my bag of leather restraints and walked around her. I dropped them right in front of her face so she could see the menacing black leather and silver buckles. I strapped her elbows down and then her wrists without a single complaint. I glanced up at Ben, it was very plain that he was turned on by his woman being touched and bound by another woman. his hand was openly resting in his crotch. I rolled my chair close behind her resting my upper body on her nude back. I reached over and brushed aside her beautiful Auburn red hair. With the heel of my hand on her shoulder blade I started my Tattoo pen and fell into my work. As the Tattoo emerged from her virgin skin I slowly brushed my pierced nipples over her cool smooth back and with out Ben's knowledge slowly caressed her tummy with my free hand. Very carefully and lightly I brushed her abdomen and lower rib cage until I felt her body shake ever so slightly with Desire. Looking in the mirror I could see her half closed eyes fixed on Ben's hand as it slowly rubbed the front of his slacks. My caresses got Bolder as the tattoo progressed, my hand venturing down between her parted legs. the crotch of her panties were soaked in pungent juices as I slowly dipped my finger past her elastic panty top. I gently parted her nether lips and slowly worked her clit between two fingers. The sight I was presenting to Ben and the mirror was very erotic. His beautiful Redhead bound to a table with nothing on but a tiny thong her knees splayed as far as she could manage, with me holding her shoulder down as I ravaged her pussy with my fingers. My own nipples were in flames from the touch of her cool skin and I could feel my own panties begin to moisten. The Tattoo was all but finished and Rita was approaching a thunderous orgasm, but I was not yet ready for her to receive that much from me so I removed my hand from her panties and reached for her hair. I snapped her head back and let her see her man
openly stroke his cock as he watched me use her. She grunted in surprise and I knew she wished I would finish her, but that would have to wait until later. I patted her fresh new Tattoo with gauze and covered it with a bandage.
"OK Rita It is time to stand up. " I stated as I unbuckled her arms.
Her only reply was a half whispered " OK."
I stood her up helping her steady herself, I guided her to the top of my table. after I settled her back I looked deep into her eyes and said to her "Are you ready for what comes next?"
Knowing exactly what I was implying to took a second and then she looked me in the eye and replied " I am ready for whatever you will do to me."
I re fastened her wrists and elbows and gently caressed her face. I leaned over and kissed her deeply, probing her tender mouth with my insistent tongue. as I pulled away I let my thumb brush over her lips. I gently fondled her breasts cupping them then rolling her nipples between my fingers. her nipples were bursting with color and heat. I reached in to my wonderful bag of tricks and picked up a nipple leash of shiny silver. I could see her strain to see me as I placed the little noose around her nipple and gently tugged it tight. as I placed the other nipple in a noose she arched her back and moaned. I tugged on my leash and watched as tiny tears of pain/pleasure rolled out of the corner of her eyes. I slid my hand down her abdomen and pushed her leg over the side of the table. I fastened her ankle to the side and walked around the table, slowly trailing my hand down one thigh and up the other. I fastened the other ankle to the table as well. I turned and looked at Ben still sitting there in his chair. I could tell by the look on his face that he was very aroused. I reached for my buttons and flipped open my stylishly ripped 501 levis. I let them drop to the floor never taking my eyes off of poor Ben. I slowly sauntered up to him and shoved his knees apart, stepping between them.
"Ben?" I asked. " What do you think I should do with this horrible tattoo on poor Rita's thigh?"
I watched intently as he searched for words while I slowly slid my hand to his fly.
" Well hmm mmm " he said trying to clear his throat. " Maybe you could make it into a matching Dragon of the type you put on her shoulder."
I reached in the open fly to free Ben's pride and joy from its confining prison of cotton, still not letting my eyes leave his.
" Sure Ben I can do that. " I replied. " If you can handle this for me until I need it." I took Ben's hand and wrapped it around his hard cock and started to pull and the push ever so slowly.
I very carefully reached down and removed my thong panties and with them in my left hand I put my arm around his neck and kissed him. I stepped back and reached up and popped my panties into his mouth. " Now don't waste anything Rita might need later you naughty boy" I scolded him as I turned to walk to Rita. With my back to ben I bent over Rita and got my Tattoo Needle ready.
I watched him in the mirror study my tight ass and shaved pussy lips as I leaned forward.
" Not so fast." I chided with a devilish smile as his hand picked up speed. I began my work on Rita's thigh and as I did I slowly pulled her panties into a tight bundle between her pussy lips. I allowed my forearm to rest on her breast bone between her tits and every time I moved it tugged on the delicious little nipple leash. My wrist was applying pressure to her pubic bone just at the top of her panties and with my free hand I looped a thumb through her leg holes to keep her panties wedged tightly into her pussy. as the Tattoo progressed I started to slowly caress her clit that stood out prominently through her soaked panties. by the time I was putting the finishing touches on her Tattoo her cute little tummy was starting to flutter, and her breath was getting ragged. the sound of moans escaping her lips was evident to not to just me but also to Ben as he slowly pumped his cock.
The Tattoo repair finished I pushed aside Rita's panties and lowered my mouth to her sweet pussy.
I lifted my leg over her head and presented her my cleanly shaven mound. I pulled her lips back until her clit and its cute little hood stood out like a tiny rock on a slippery oyster. I began nibbling very carefully. as I lowered my pussy to her face she was almost lost in passion but she still managed to stick her tongue deep into my dripping sex. I looked over at Ben a he sat there so obediently pumping his dick. His fist was almost a blur and his cock head was bright purple from the strain of his approaching orgasm.
"Well Ben don't waste that nice piece of meat get over here and fuck me." I said.
He didn't reply. he didn't think about it. He just jumped out of his chair and ran to me his Big Dick slapping from side to side. I was still bumping my clit over Rita's nose when he impaled my pussy to the hilt. "Ahhhh yes" escaped my lips as he started to ram me just inches from Rita's face. I could feel the Volcano begin deep in my bowels and spread through me with sudden jolts. With every stroke he pushed me closer to the edge. His hands held me firmly by the hips and as his hips rocked in and out. My pussy slid over Rita's ever probing tongue and sharp firm nose. I was alternating between sucking Rita's clit and stuffing three fingers into her clenching pussy. I knew that Rita was as close to the brink of total pleasure as I was and Ben was picking up speed and grunting almost unintelligible dirty words at us. The fire works started for me as I heard hi pitched squeals escaping from Rita's mouth and my spasms of pleasure triggered Ben who shot cum deep into my pussy and all over Rita's face. I laid there a minute resting and soothing Rita's pussy as it still twitched from one of the biggest Orgasms I have had the pleasure to share. Ben dismounted first and I moved off of my little toy. I threw Ben a towel and slipped on my pants leaving Rita firmly strapped to my table. I looked at Ben and said " should we let her up or get you up."
" Hey if you get me up I will climb up there and fuck her myself." he replied, reaching out and tweaking one of my pierced nipples.
" Whats in it for me Lover?" I asked fondling a full sack of balls.
" Rita and I will strap you down to this nice table next." he replied with a deep lustful look on his face.
What did I do? I dropped to my knees of course and let him wrap his hand in my hair. but hey

The end for now.

Broken Arrow
A purveyor of perverse stories for sensual and sexy sweetness

Summary: Serena, that hot little brunette slut, has been with her beloved Master for two years. She has enjoyed serving his cock with her ass and mouth nearly every day, so he decides to reward his little Fuck Toy for her devotion.

He was reclining in a deep red chair, his legs spread to either side of Serena's body as she knelt in front of him. She had her lips wrapped tightly around his cock and was gently stroking his balls.

"I've been fucking your little ass for about two years now, haven't I, Serena?"

Serena paused from sucking his cock and looked up into his eyes. "Yes Master, you've been allowing Fuck Toy to have your cock in her ass almost every day."

He took her chin in his right hand and held her gaze. "Do you like that I fuck your ass?"

"I like anything that you do to me. I am a fuck toy for you, Master, and I always will be. Even though it hurts my tight little asshole terribly when Master fucks me hard, I love it. I love the pain, because I know that you're using me and that I'm making your- Master's cock feel good," she said before returning her lips to his cock.

"You're a good little fuck toy, Serena. A good girl," he said and stroked her long brown hair as her head bobbed up and down on his cock.

She moaned her joy around his cock, sending vibrations all along his rod, down to his balls. Though he was tempted to let her have the reward she was working so hard to get, he resisted the urge to cum for the moment.

"I've been talking to a friend of mine and she's willing to put some special tattoos on you. Would you like me to tell you about them.

Serena slid her lips down the length of his shaft until her nose was buried at the root of his cock, the head buried deep in her throat and then moaned yes while nodding slightly.

He grabbed hold of her hair near the roots, yanked her head free from his cock, spun her around, and pulled her back onto his cock, piercing her ass with only her own spit to ease the way. She cried out and gasped for air for a moment before starting to grind up and down his rigid cock.

"Thank you, Master. Thank you for letting this worthless little fuck toy have your big cock up her worthless little ass," she said between moans.

"You're welcum, pet. Now, let me tell you about the ink you'll be getting. First, there will be two arrows right here, swooping around towards your back," he said as he stroked his fingers across the bottom of her abdomen and her sides, "and in the middle it will say 'turn over' and then right here," he said as he put his hands on the small of her back and pushed her forward, "it will say 'tell me you want to fuck my ass' and then right here," he said as he pressed a thumb just above her stretched out asshole, "it will say 'spit first'."

"You don't like my idea, Fuck Toy?" he asked as he started to pull her off his cock.

She slammed back down and gripped her ass tightly around his rod then said, "Of course I like it! I love anything that Master wants to do to me. Please, please let this little fuck toy get the tattoos Master wants her to have!"

"First, tell me why you think each of the tattoos will exist. I want
My Niece Sucked My Dick
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