Asstr Stranger

Asstr Stranger


Asstr Stranger

stories accessible from this page copyright
© 2005-2007 by The Familiar Stranger, all rights reserved.

This site copyright © 2000-2009, all rights
reserved. Distribution of the stories contained on this
site is subject to the copyright restrictions contained in each
individual story. All material is used with the permission of the author, who retains

This is a complete work of fiction it contains graphic sexual
descriptions and language. If you are a minor or if this is
illegal in your area you must leave this page immediately.
Pursuant to the Berne Convention, this work is copyright with
all rights reserved by its author unless explicitly indicated.
I was really fed up with Mark. I mean, I am no sex
starved female, but I was pretty tired of leading him
around all the time. Seemed like the only time we ever
have sex is if I initiated it. Like tonight..I had been
so hot and ready..even drawing his hand from the bucket
of popcorn, and sliding it down to my wet, waiting pussy.
And he just let it lay there..limp, while his eyes stayed
glued to the screen! Shit! I need a real man who will
take what he wants. Mark sure isn't that. Damn it, He
is more interested in that fucking movie than me!, I
fume, as I storm off to the ladies room. I can feel
my pussy so! I slam open the door to
the powder room and glance in the large mirror at my
reflection. My hands slide up to cup my full
nipples pressing almost painfully against the material.
A soft, frustrated groan comes from my lips as I pinch
my nipples through the dress. Well, I think..They always
say if you want something done right, you have to do
it yourself! Scowling into the mirror one last time,
I look into the room of stalls. It is empty..seems everyone
else thinks the movie is good too. I push open one of
the stall doors angrily, letting it slam behind me.
sitting on the toilet seat, I quickly hike my dress
up until it is all bunched around my pussy
clenching as the cooler air flows over it.I close my
eyes and slide my hand slowly down my stomach..taking
my time.. my fingers twirl around the silky hairs that
sparsely cover my pussy..tugging slightly. My finger
slides further down..oh god..I need to cum so bad! With
a low throaty moan, I slip my fingers between my lips
and press hard against my throbbing clit. AHH!! GOD!
Oh that feels so good! Faster and faster I rub my clit..small
cries and gasps filling the empty room. I reach up with
my soaking wet fingers and rub my juices over my taut
nipples..then pinch them hard AHHHHH!! GOD..I am going
to cum!! My hips start pumping back and forth as my
hand once again slips to my pussy...I am so close! All
of a sudden I hear a soft click in the room outside
and open my eyes to complete blackness. What the fuck??!!
I hate the dark..where are the lights? I start to rise
from the seat when I hear the outer door open, and heavy
footfalls start walking into the room. I hold my breath,
too scared to move. Maybe if I am very quiet, whoever
it is will go away. SLAM!!!!! The door to the stall
I am in is shoved open, and I am blinded by a bright
beam from a flashlight shining directly into my eyes.

"Who is that? Get that light out of my fucking eyes!",
I say..trying to sound unafraid..but trembling inside.
The light moves slightly down..and I realize that my dripping
pussy is completely fingers obviously wet with
my juices. In a deep sinister whisper, the huge shadow in
front of me says, "What have we here? A slut-whore playing
with her nasty wet pussy?"
I shiver with fear and try to cover my nakedness by pulling
down my dress, but a strong hand reaches out and grabs my
wrist. "Oh no you don't bitch...." The stranger
quickly grabs both my hands, pulling them over my head..then
the flashlight plays across my breasts. "Nice titties,
bitch.", he whispers. I hear the sound of a belt being
undone, and I start to shake with fear.
"Please! Don't hurt me.. I am not a slut! I am not a
....A hand slaps lightly at my right breast..not really hurting..but
cutting my pleading short as I gasp!
"Shut up slut! I know what you are..and before I am
done with you, you will be begging me to fuck you..You make
anymore noise, and you WILL regret it!"
I grit my teeth together, too scared to call for help. In
the silence, I can hear the rasping of the stranger's breath....and
the sound of a zipper being opened. I start to struggle..but
his grip on my wrists is too strong. I feel something slip
across my arms, and realize it is his belt, as he uses it
to fasten my wrists tightly together. He pulls it through
the towel bar behind me, tightening it until my arms are stretched
back behind my head, making my chest thrust out. I pull against
the retraint wildly..trying in vain to free myself. I cry
out in shock as he slaps his open hand across my left breast..
harder this time.
My nipples are rock feels like they are going to
burst.. He grabs my head with both hands, holding it still
easily..I can feel the strength in his muscled arms. Then
I feel something hot and smooth slide across my lips..smearing
a trail of wetness in it's path. Oh god! Oh please..god..I
scream inside my head as he rubs his cock over my mouth and
face, a low menacing chuckle coming from him. "You will
beg me to let you suck my cock, slut, before i am through
with you..I am going to fuck the shit out of you..and you
will do what I want, WHEN i want! Understand?"
I keep my lips tightly closed..frozen in terror.
"You want another slap, slut?", he growls. I open
my mouth quickly to say no..but as soon as my lips part, he
thrusts the full length of his cock into my mouth..hitting
the back of my throat and making me gag. I let out a muffled
scream, but his hands hold my head immobile as he pushes his
cock in even further. It is so thick, my lips are stretched
almost painfully around it.
Before i can even draw a breath, he draws out and then slams
it back into my mouth..and pulls on my head..driving his throbbing
pole down into my throat..I feel like it will never stop..I
can't breath..still deeper! As he finally manages to push
his whole shaft into my swollen mouth and throat, he grinds
his pelvis against my face..his balls slapping against my
chin..public hair scratching my sensitive skin. I can't breath!!
I am struggling weakly.. desperately..he is going to smother
me with his cock!
My head starts to spin as the lack of air pushes me to the
brink of the black starts to close around
me, he draws his massive organ back..leaving just the head
inside my mouth..and i desperately gasp for air.
"MMmmmmmm..You love that..dont you, slut-bitch? You
love to suck on my cock.. mmmmm..But it's not yet time for
that..soon...but first..."
With a wet sound, he draws his cock out of my swollen and
stretched lips, and I groan as I finally can draw in ragged
breaths. His hands are suddenly on my breasts..tugging and
pinching my nipples..they are so hard ..he pinches them a
little harder and I gasp as an unexpected shaft of incredible
pain/pleasure rockets through me.
"Ahh...nice titties, my little like
that, eh?"
His fingers keep teasing and pulling on my nipples..then
he lowers himself down, squatting in front of me..and I feel
his breath hot against my skin. His fingers pinch my nipples
one last time, causing me to cry out. Suddenly, his mouth
covers my right nipple, his teeth scraping against it, sucking
it into his mouth. I can't stop a small groan from escaping
as his mouth causes such intense jolts of pure raw pleasure
to rocket through my sweat slicked body. I feel like I am
about to explode..he sucks so hard..nipping me, driving me
higher and higher. I moan as his mouth leaves my breast..but
his finger replaces it, as he draws my other nipple into his it the same attention. I suddenly realize that
my hips are rocking back and forth as my body responds to
the stranger's touch.
With a final sharp nip, he moves his mouth from my breast
and I feel his strong arms slide under my legs, pulling them
up and out...pushing them against my chest. His hands lock
tightly around my ankles, and without warning, his head drives
in between my legs, his tongue spearing into my wet, gaping
pussy. A cry of pure lust is wrenched from me, and my legs
jerk apart even wider.
"MmmmMM! sweet pussy juice from my little slut! You
taste so good..I am going to make you beg me to fuck you whore.."

OH GOD!! AHHHHHHH!! His tongue flickers madly against my
clit..then his teeth nip it..AHHHOOOHHHH!!!! I feel myself
on the very edge..I cry out over and over as his tongue spears
deep into my hot clinging pussy. As he licks and slurps the
juices running from me, he pinches my throbbing clit between
his thumb and forefinger..pulling on it.. With a loud scream,
i feel my insides explode, every inch of me on juices
gushing into his hungry, sucking mouth.
I am shaking uncontrollably in the aftermath of the most
intense orgasm I have ever experienced, my mind drifting ..aftershocks
pulsing through me. I barely register the fact that his hands
no longer hold my ankles captive. He rises up ..looming over
me. His hands reach out, tangling into my hair.
" little slut liked that, didn't she? Your hot
little slut pussy can't get enough..can it? I bet your mouth
wants to suck on my cock real bad..Yea..sluts like you love
to suck cock. Open your fucking mouth and suck me, bitch!"
My mind is having a hard time registering everything..and
I don't answer fast enough. His hands tighten in my hair,
yanking on it..pulling my head back. I feel the after affects
of my orgasm start to be replaced once again with fear..his
cock is too big.. There is no way I am going to be able to
take all of him in my mouth, and still be able to breath.
My mind whirls chaotically.. I cry out as once again he pulls
at my hair.
He punctuates each word by shaking my head sharply. I whimper,
I am completely helpless and he knows it. He presses his swollen
cock hard against my mouth..It is already rock hard and so
thick and long. He shakes my head again.
"OPEN YOUR SLUT MOUTH NOW!", he orders angrily.
I squeeze my eyes closed..and open my mouth slightly..every
muscle in my body tense. My body goes limp with relief as
he slowly, almost gently, pushes just the head of his cock
past my lips. He groans deeply, and his cock throbs...swelling
even more.
In a throaty voice he orders, "Lick the head...suck
on it nice, you sweet little slut. Show me how much you want
me to shoot my cum into your mouth..down your
hot little bitch! Ohh..yes..suck me.... suck my cock!"
I am so relieved that he didn't push farther in......maybe
I can make him cum if I suck him hard and I use my tongue
to press against the underside of his shaft. I start licking
and sucking him for all I am worth. His cock keeps swelling
more and mouth is clamped so tightly around it that
I doubt he can get it any further into me even if he wants
to. With a feral groan, he tightens his grip on either side
of my head, and proves to me just how wrong I am.
With a powerful thrust of his hips, he drives his fucking
pole past my tongue..past the back of my mouth..into my
throat is stretched as his monster cock relentlessly plows
deeper and deeper. He lets out a sound that is more animal
than human, and with a shudder, somehow manages to push the
last few inches into my throat, watching with glazed lust
filled eyes as his cock disappears all the way into my mouth..and
watches my throat expand..the outline of his cock clear as
it pushes further and further in.
A shudder runs through him, and he grips my head even tighter
as I try to back away from him..panicking as my air supply
is cut off. As he begins to slowly withdraw, my throat muscles
contract around his cock, dragging a deep moan from him. As
dizziness starts to wash over me, he seems to somehow sense
my need and he draws his cock all the way out, letting me
drag in a deep lungful of air before once again thrusting
his hips forward..his cock again pounding deep into my throat.
" sweet know you love this..sweet
little slut. Mmmmmm..yes..ahh god..your throat is so tight..uhhnnnnn...uhnnnnn!"
The muscles of my cock-filled throat constrict, trying to
drive this invader out, and he groans even more loudly, his
hips beginning to move back and forth faster and faster. His
hands start to pull my head hard up against him as he thrusts
in, then pulls back as he withdraws. He is fucking my mouth
and throat, and I am totally helpless to do anything about
it. Impossibly, his cock starts to swell even more..his gasping
shallow breathing and the wet sound of his plunging cock the
only sounds that fill my universe..There is no other reality
for me except his engorged member fucking my throat.
I grab what air I can as his pace increases to a feverish
intensity. With a gut wrenching moan, he PLOWS his cock into
my throat, grinding against my face as I feel the first load
of his cum shoot deep inside my throat..burning a trail to
my stomach..and another..another..his grunts filling the air
as he shoots load after load down me. It seems like he will
never stop.. With a shudder, he grinds against me one last
time more cum flowing down my throat, then he slowly withdraws
his softening cock.
I drag in lungful after lungful of face smeared with
his cum. I can hear his labored breathing, and feel his hands
reach up to undo the belt from my hands. I let them drop heavily
to my sides. The stranger lifts his pants, and I hear the
sound of his zipper closing. He stands silently in front of
me, not moving..not saying a word. A long moment passes while
his breathing gets more under control. He leans towards me..his
face just a shadowed oval, and I feel his lips graze softly
over mine. I am amazed at this sudden gentleness from him,
and he must have guessed.
"My pretty sexy slut..I am pleased with you.",
he says in that soft whisper. "Next time I will teach
you other ways to please me and you WILL learn, won't you,
my little slut?"
NEXT TIME?? That softly whispered phrase jolts through my
head over and over, but I had learned already that he did
not like to wait to be answered, so I nod my head and whisper
back, "Yes..Your slut will learn more ways to please
He again lowers his lips to my mouth...and his tongue probing
deeply, giving me a long, passionate kiss, his hands caressing
the side of my face gently. Then, without another word, he
is gone..swallowed up by the deeper darkness of the room beyond.
I hear the outer door close quietly..he is gone....for now.

I sit there for at least ten or fifteen minutes..gathering
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