Asstr Stepdaughter

Asstr Stepdaughter


Asstr Stepdaughter

Chastity - the most unnatural of all the sexual perversions. -- Aldous Huxley
I looked around the office. Every computer had winked out and the screens were now black. The lights were out, the radios off, and the AC had sighed away into silence. Heads started popping up out of the cubicles like a bunch of prairie dogs at mealtime. Then the heads turned my way with plaintive looks. What are we supposed to do? I don't know why they think a manager has any more idea what to do when the power goes off than they do. But people do.
I went out to the work floor and looked like I was thinking. What I was really doing was saying, Crap! "Looks like the power is out." I said. Brilliant observation. "Everybody hang loose for a few minutes and let me find out what's going on."
Back in my office I tried the phones. The in-house phones were dead. I headed out to the main offices on the next floor. People were gathering around the window between my office and the work floor because I also had the outside windows. At least there was light. The men were already dissecting the Monday Night football game tonight. The Rams were favored by 6. The women were dissecting the new secretary whose very attractive figure had obviously been medically enhanced, to the tune of several cup sizes. No way did those massive tits belong on that little frame. But she sure turned heads.
In the executive offices, the admin people were phoning on the outside lines. After twenty minutes Betty, the admin supervisor, announced to all of us gathered, "The city utilities department says that work crews cut the main power cable. It will be seven tonight before power is restored. They apologized most sincerely."
We all groaned aloud as Jerry, the president of the branch said, "Okay people. Look at your area and decide what your people can do without power. Try to get as much done as you can. Hate to lose a half of a workday. But don't make people sit around just to have bodies in chairs. That'll just piss them off. See you all tomorrow." Good guy.
I went back to my area thinking, what the hell can we do without computers? Nothing. Everybody gathered around as I walked up. "Okay. No cheering but the power's out till seven tonight. Turn off everything so that it's off when power is restored and I'll see you tomorrow." Several people stifled cheers as they rushed to their cubicles. Luckily, no one was hurt in the stampede as my department cleared out in record time.
I cleared a bunch of leftover junk from my inbox glad that I had an outside window. After a couple hours I realized I was the only person left. Screw it. I'm going home too. Maybe I'll hang out the rest of the afternoon by the pool.
I made it home around three. First thing I did was head into my room, change out of my business suit and into my swim trunks. A cool dip sounded just dandy. As I headed to the back I heard voices. Jordan must be home from school already. Jordan was my stepdaughter. I had married her mother about two years before. Last year, I found out why she was single when I met her. She didn't much care for responsibility. She came home one day and told Jordan that it was too much for her to handle. She packed up and left. Turns out she had done the same thing to Jordan's dad but at least that time she had taken Jordan with her. I wound up with a daughter even though I had never adopted her. I thought I'd never be able to raise a teen by myself. But after the trauma of her mom's flight Jordan had clung to me as a stable point in chaotic universe. We had become very close. She had gone through a period of depression and grief but had emerged from the painful period a mature young woman. In the past six months she had seemed to bloom into womanhood. She still called me Mike and we didn't pretend I was her dad. But she followed my rules and didn't back talk very much. I only occasionally warranted the eye roll. I was lucky.
I rounded the corner leading to the patio. Through the glass sliders I could see Jordan and her friend Gabriella sitting by the pool. They were partially undressed. I stopped in my tracks. What the hell? I was sure they couldn't see into the darkened house because of the brilliant sunshine in the back yard. Maybe they were going to go skinny-dipping. Mesmerized by the scene, I stood as if paralyzed.
Jordan's blouse was thrown aside and she was pulling Gabriella's shirt off. I watched the girls as they continued laughing and pulling off each other's clothes. I was sure now that they were going to be skinny-dipping very soon. The thought of watching them nude made the blood surge to my cock. I had to admit that I had been a little smitten with Gabriella. She was a saucy little tart. That thought made my cock lurch in my swim trunks which were now tented out. I should have been ashamed of what I was doing but that emotion was the last thing I was going to be feeling.
Jordan stood up as Gabriella unzipped and pulled off Jordan's little skirt. She was wearing blue panties. Jordan turned around as Gabriella slowly pulled her panties down and off. Jordan pulled Gabriella to her feet and returned the courtesy pulling Gabriella's panties off and tossing them onto the grass. Both girls stood in the brilliant sunshine in their school socks and bras and nothing else. Jordan turned away as Gabriella unhooked Jordan's bra and then back around as she slipped it from her shoulders.
Then something happened which stunned me. Gabriella took Jordan's bra by both ends, tossed it over her friendοΏ½s head and used it to pull Jordan's face to hers.

Their lips locked in a passionate kiss. I watched their cheeks and throats move as their tongues wrestled. I thought I was hard before, but it was nothing as the blood pressure in my cock soared to new heights. My cock was so hard it almost hurt. I had to reach down and free it from the trunks. I stood in the darkened house, watching these two minxes while my hand was slowly stroking my cock.
Gabriella let the bra go as they embraced still locked at the lips. Jordan broke the kiss so she could pull Gabriella's bra off. Jordan leaned down and took Gabriella's nipple in her mouth. Gabriella threw her head back. I felt as if I could hear her moan through the glass doors. I was going absolutely insane with lust.
Gabriella broke the clench and ran away laughing. Jordan, in nothing but her school socks, gave chase. They were laughing, as they would let themselves be caught for a wild kiss and then break away into a chase again. Back and forth they chased and ran from each other. Jordan looked like she tripped and sort of sat down by the pool. Gabriella came up behind her. As she got close Jordan, now obviously faking, leaned back and put her head between Gabriella's legs.

Gabriella squealed as Jordan began licking Gabriella's pussy. Gabriella reached down and ran her hands over Jordan's tits as Jordan lapped between her legs. Gabriella pointed at the grass and both girls scrambled over to the soft lawn. They sat beside each other and started kissing. Jordan was playing with Gabriella's pussy as they kissed. The girls were getting worked up and soon Gabriella pushed Jordan onto her back on the grass. Jordan was on her back as Gabriella put her knees on both sides of her head and fell forward into the classic sixty-nine.
My hand really pulled on my surging cock. The tip was coated with pre-cum fluid and as I slowly stroked my slippery cock. Outside, the girls were working on each other's pussy. Jordan's head was hidden between Gabriella's legs but I could see the effect on Gabriella by watching her face which was now full of lust. Gabriella was running her tongue back and forth over Jordan's pussy. Then she pushed a finger slowly in as she ran circles around the clitoris with her tongue. As the finger bottomed out in the channel, Gabriella stabbed her tongue against the clitoris and Jordan's hips jerked up. Gabriella started pumping her finger in and out as she wrapped her lips around Jordan's clitoris, sucking and licking at it. I watched Gabriella push a second finger into Jordan as she lapped at her pussy. Jordan's hips were bouncing around as Gabriella licked and sucked on her pussy while thrusting two fingers deeply into her. Jordan's body arched up, pushing her hips off the ground as shudders wracked her body. She collapsed onto the lawn as Gabriella looked back unsated. Watching Jordan in the throes of orgasm shut down all of my higher brain functions. All I could feel was incredible desire raging in my body; desire which could not be denied.
Upon hearing my voice Jordan's eyes popped open her face still half-hidden by Gabriella's face. "Mike! What are you doing here?"
"I was watching you two screw like crazy," I said. Jordan pushed Gabriella away and scrambled toward her clothes. "Jordan, stop," I said. "It's a little late for that." She fell on her butt looking back at the two of us. It was only then that it sank in that I was just as naked the two of them.
"I thought I was supposed to be. You guys are." I said.
Gabriella looked over at Jordan and said, "Look how big he is. Have you seen one before?"
Jordan swallowed and responded, "Just in pictures."
I looked at Gabriella and said quietly, "I noticed that you didn't get to have fun. Would you like me to help?"
Gabriella looked a little surprised, a little apprehensive and a little excited all at the same time. "How?"
"Just like Jordan was doing," I said.
"Really? Just that?" she asked. The resurgent excitement and horniness quickly overcame the terror of being discovered. She hadn't cum and it left her full of desire.
"If that's what you want," I told her.
"Okay," she said as the unsated lust returned.
I fell to my knees between her legs and planted a kiss on her thigh right below her pussy and then another on her other thigh. She giggled at that. Wrapping my arms around her thighs I bent forward and ran my tongue along her labia.
"Ohh..." a long drawn out moan escaped Gabriella's throat. I lapped my tongue down the other labia and found the bottom of her slit. Slowly, my tongue worked its way up her pussy making circles and curlicues on her pussy. As it reached her clitoris she fell back on the grass. I ran my tongue in circles, never touching it directly but always massaging it with the surrounding reddened flesh. Her hips jerked a few times as she tried to force her clitoris onto my tongue. She was already close from the earlier stimulation.

I knew I could give her a quick cum. I pushed a finger into her pussy until I found the mass of her G spot and started a curling motion with my finger. As I did that I sucked her entire clitoris into my mouth, sucking and then releasing it, fucking her with my mouth while I lapped at the tip of her clitoris with my tongue. Gabriella went crazy under me. She started bucking her hips against my face and my hand was soon wet with her juices. Her hands were ripping up the grass as her head fell from side to side. Jordan had come over and was on her hands and knees watching closely as I sucked on Gabriella's pussy. Gabriella's body stiffened, her head went back and her body arched up. Her body jerked several times as I sucked and lapped her clitoris. My hand was flooded with her juices as she came. Then her whole body turned to jelly as she went limp on the grass.
Jordan, sitting on the grass, said, "Wow. That was so cool."
I lifted my face away from Gabriella's pussy and smiled at Jordan. "Yeah, that was cool." I sat up on the grass. As I did Jordan's eyes locked onto my erect cock. She didn't say a thing, just stared. Gabriella was recovering and turned on her side toward us.
Jordan tore her eyes from my cock and looking at Gabriella asked, "Are you gonna do it?"
Jordan's eyes returned to my cock and said, "You know. Do it."
Gabriella looked at my erect cock. I started to pray that she was going to say yes. Oh please, say yes. Instead she looked back at Jordan and said, "I don't want to get pregnant."
I was about to say something when Jordan said, "You can't. Mike's had a vasectomy." Looking at me she continued, "Right, Mike?"
"Uh, yes." I looked at Gabriella. "Yes, I had a vasectomy. You don't have to worry about getting pregnant."
Jordan burbled on, "Jesus Gabriella. We talk about this all the time. Which of us is gonna do it first. I wanted to, but you can. You don't have to wait. Don't be a drip and chicken out."
Gabriella lifted herself and crossed her legs under her. "You can too."
"Why don't you go first?" Gabriella asked.
Jordan looked at me and then back at Gabriella before bursting out with, "He's my Dad!"
Gabriella crossed her arms over her chest. I sat quietly not wanting to upset the delicate balance, hoping and praying that Gabriella would not push this too far. My cock was still rigid and I wanted her so much.
Gabriella told Jordan. "Okay. I'll do it if you do it first."
Jordan looked aghast. "You are a total perv." She jumped grabbed her clothes and stomped off into the house.
Gabriella jumped up, also grabbed her clothes and stomped into the house. I saw her quickly putting her clothes on and a minute later I heard the front door slam. I sat in the grass, my cock wilting.
I didn't see Jordan until dinnertime. By then, the initial rush had disappeared and I was starting to think about all the possible consequences of that afternoon. What if Jordan or Gabriella told someone? What if they wound up hating each other because of their fight and blamed me as the cause? What if Jordan couldn't face me after what happened? Oh Lord, how do I let my cock get me into these fucking messes? When the dick gets hard, the mind gets soft. Why didnοΏ½t the Good Lord design men with enough blood to run both heads at the same time?
I was standing in the kitchen whipping up some spaghetti for dinner when I heard Jordan come into the kitchen. "What's for dinner?"
"Spaghetti," I answered and waited.
She plunked down on the kitchen stool, fiddled with her hands, looking up occasionally. I knew she wanted to say something but didn't know how to start.
"You want to talk about it?" I asked.
"What? Hate you. Why would I hate you?" I asked flabbergasted.
"Cause of what Gabriella and I were doing. You know, doing each other," she said.
Surprised, I said, "No. I don't hate you. I was hoping you wouldn't hate me."
It was her turn to be surprised. "No. I don't hate you. Gabriella and me have been talking about... You know, doing it with a guy. She even said one time that you were kinda cute. I just don't know why she got all perv on me."
"Maybe she was nervous. You know, it's one thing to talk about it. It's something else to do it. I think maybe she was nervous and so she was trying to get the attention off of her by saying what she said."
Jordan looked thoughtful and then perked up, "I bet you're right. I gotta go call her."
She started for her room as I called to her back, "Dinner's in twenty minutes. Don't be late."
Jordan showed up as I was putting dinner on the table. I was still worried about her reactions to the afternoon. She came to the table smiling. "It's cool. She was all worried that I'd be mad at her."
"Uh Jordan..." She looked over as I continued, "Uh, about this afternoon. It's really important that you and Gabriella keep this quiet."
Jordan looked up at me and started to giggle. "God, Mike. We know that. I mean, wouldn't that be great, telling our friends, yeah, me and Gabriella were doing each other and my Step Dad came out and caught us and then wanted to do Gabriella too. Like, we'd be ostracized by all of the other girls. I mean, I know some of the girls are doing each other. Sara and Jennifer are definitely doing each other. I mean, how else are we gonna learn? The guys in school are such dorks. No way are we gonna tell anybody."
"Good. Because I could get in trouble."
"Yeah, we know that. I sure don't need you getting in trouble. I wouldn't have anyone. I told Gabriella when we were just talking about it - you're all I got in the world."
I had a very profound insight into Jordan's world when she said that. It was true. Every other person in her life had abandoned her. After her mom left her dad, he never even tried to get back into her life. When her mom left me I tried to get in touch with him. I was told by relatives that he didn't want anything to do with 'that bitch's' daughter. I never told Jordan that. Just that her dad had a new life. What else could I say? And her mom had walked out. This made me feel like a heel for the afternoon shindigs. Damn it. I'm the one thing she has.
My thoughts were interrupted by Jordan, "Mike?" I looked up. "Do you think Gabriella is cute?"
"Yes. I think she's really cute. I mean, I did kinda show that, didn't I?"
Jordan started laughing and covered her mouth as she stifled the giggles. "God yes. I couldn't believe it when you came out. I nearly died. I thought we were so busted. And then I saw you had a hard on and I was like, wow. And then you started doing Gabriella. I never saw anything so sexy as watching her get off. You are really good at that." Jordan looked intently at me.
Not quite sure how to respond to the praise I said, "Well, I have had practice."
"Gabriella said you really got her off." Jordan paused and then asked, "Mike, would you like to do Gabriella?"
"I have been thinking about what happened. I feel like I took advantage of you guys. It was wrong," I said.
"Took advantage," Jordan said incredulously. "No way. We been wanting to have a guy do that. After we talked a while and we were like not all mad anymore, she was all like, I got it first. I got a guy to do me first. I was a little jealous that Gabriella was getting hers first. No way you took advantage. Gabriella said it was better having a guy do her than a girl. She said it was real sexy knowing it was a guy. It was really sexy watching too."
"So you and Gabriella..." I paused trying to broach the topic.
Jordan jumped in, "We just do each other for practice. I mean, it is fun and we both kinda get off. But it is just till we can get a guy to do us. So, are you gonna do Gabriella?"
"I don't know. I need to think about it. I mean, I still feel like it's wrong." Jordan started to say something but I shushed her. "Let me work it out. I need to talk with Gabriella anyway. I know you said she's cool but I want to make sure."
"She's cool. Like I said, she was all like, holding it over my head. And my own Step Dad too. I gotta find a guy or I'll never hear the end of it."
"Jordan, we need to talk about that. STD's, pregnancy. It's dangerous out there."
"I know. I know. Abstinence, condoms. I totally know about all of that. But still..." she said as she looked off into space.
The conversation languished then. I was in too much turmoil in my own mind to push the topic. Would I do Gabriella? The way the girls were talking neither had done a boy yet. That meant she was a virgin. Jesus. What man can resist a beautiful young girl asking you to make her fully a woman? I wasn't sure I could resist. In fact, I was pretty sure I couldn't resist. Oh Lord. My cock was going to get me in trouble again. I knew it.
Jordan pushed back from the table, waking me from my reverie. "Sorry, Jordan. I guess I've been thinking."
She looked intently my way, an unfathomable expression on her face. "Me too." She grabbed her plate and took it into the kitchen. I had the distinct feeling that the look on her face said something important. I just didn't know what it was.
I finished my last few bites of dinner as she breezed through the room. "I'm going to take a shower. Are you going to bed?"
"Yeah, I think I'll hit the sack and read a while," I responded. She disappeared down the hall.
I cleaned up the kitchen and started the dishwasher all in a bit of a daze. I realized how distracted I was when I noticed the napkins were in the dishwasher with the dish
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