Asstr Snuff Wars

Asstr Snuff Wars


Asstr Snuff Wars
©Copyright 2003 Honda-Matic, All Rights Reserved.

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The brave crew of the Dolcett II had to try to make the best of their

grim situation and survive the hostile environment they found themselves

in. The planet they had crash-landed on was quite barren, similar to their

own home world. The difference was that they did not have all the advanced

technologies that they had back home on Onixia. In fact they barely had

any technologies at their command. Most of it was destroyed by the crash.

They were left with the very basics only to fend for themselves. Fortunately,

they were able to send a message back home to request for help and it was

on its way, but until then, they had to make the best out of their current

situation and survive.

Fraser was still occupied with rescuing their children. She had found

out that they were taken to a settlement down the valley and with a group

of warriors she went down there to investigate.

Fortunately, she found Caroline and the children unharmed. The natives

had taken them in and given them shelter and food. They could need the

help of those natives, although primitive but they knew the terrain and

how to survive in it. It was definitely to their benefit to make friends

with them. Fraser had always been a warrior, initially for the Censorian

and finally the Onixian after her conversion. She was pretty good at fighting

and leading raiding parties at surprise attacks, but it was her first crack

at diplomacy.

They really needed Admiral Tabero for this task, but Fraser had to do

until he arrived. She immediately despatched a messenger to bring him.

Then she tried to talk with the chieftain with the help of their newly

appointed translator Josephine. The young woman had quickly grasped the

basics of the native language and with further interactions with them,

mainly by playing with the other native children she had learned how to

speak their language sufficiently to hold small conversations. She was

now vital to the communication between the two people, the native Kanipu

and the Onixians.

It was with great relief that they found out that the Kanipus were survived

as tribal hunters. They lived in big hordes in the valleys and they also

were cannibals. This fact was very important because it was the first common

thing between the two people. During their first night with the Kanipu,

they had a celebration for the arrival of their new friends, the Onixians.

Fraser was shown around the village and the chieftain proudly showed her

their big cooking pot. Then they visited a chubby native girl called Chichi.

Two other native girls were bathing her in coconut milk. The chieftain

then told Fraser that Chichi was going to be their dinner and hoped that

Fraser would stay to watch her preparation. Fraser was happy to do that.

She enjoyed watching the process of turning a woman into food. In addition

she was also interested in discovering the way the natives did it.

They watched as Chichi was slowly and carefully dried with something

that looked like rose petals. It was a very slow and loving process. Then

she bent over and spread her legs visibly exposing her hairless pussy.

The smaller of the native girl that was helping with the preparation then

sensually rubbed Chichi’s glistering pussy until it opened like a blossoming

flower before she slowly inserted a finger and then a second one until

she had all four fingers inside. Then she continued to slowly massage her

clit until she was able to push her entire fist into Chichi’s vagina. Chichi

was obviously enjoying the whole process since she was moaning with pleasure

all the time. Then the other native girl brought something that looked

like stuffing. It was kneaded into little balls and then slowly pushed

into Chichi’s vagina until her belly was swollen like as if she was five

month pregnant. Then the native girl massaged Chichi’s anus as well and

carefully inserted her finger into her ass hole. Gradually the sphincter

gave way and the girl was able to insert her whole fist. When she pulled

it out again, it was quite clean. There were no traces of shit on her fist.

Chichi must have been given an enema before Fraser had arrived. Then the

rest of the stuffing was pushed into Chichi’s anal cavity.

Suddenly Chichi was presented with a tablet full of what looked like

small sausages and a jug of what smelled like beer. She gracefully accepted

what was offered to it and began to swallow the small sausage like objects.

Then she washed it down with the liquid she was given.

Fraser watched all that with amazement and great interest and also got

very aroused by it. Then Chichi climbed onto something that looked like

a big tray. Once she was sitting comfortably on it, four strong men entered

and they lifted up the tray above their head and carried it over to the

big pot. The pot was quite big and could have easily fit two or three humans.

It looked like it was made of solid clay and stood magnificently in the

village centre. Underneath it was a pile of firewood and dried twigs evenly

spread out around it. When they arrived there the chieftain ceremoniously

lighted the fire underneath the pot. There was a stepping ladder leaning

against the big pot. The four men then slowly put the tray down and Chichi

stood up and stepped off it proudly displaying her two magnificent and

erect breasts. Then the chieftain nodded at her and she climbed up the

ladder to the top of the top where she stopped and had a look around at

the gathered crowd. She smiled and winked at some of the people who probably

were her family members and friends. Then the chieftain clapped and the

sound of drums could be heard starting at a slow and constant rhythm. Then

Chichi smiled at Fraser and jumped into the pot with a splash upon which

all the natives cheered.

They had to wait a few hours before Chichi was fully simmered and ready

to eat. Her meat was evenly distributed to everyone present, It was very

soft and almost fell off the bone by itself. It was indeed very delicious.

Fraser especially enjoyed the flavour of the small sausage-like object

that she later learned were specially prepared meatballs.

The following day, as a sign of good fait and also to show their gratitude,

Fraser offers one of her warriors to the Kanipu. She had selected

a tall brunette with well-toned muscles and firm breasts. They went to

the centre of the village and erected two Y-shaped poles around a fireplace.

Then the brunette stripped naked for everyone to see her young and delicious

body. Once she was naked she bend over on all fours and spread her legs

apart to expose her pussy. Fraser took the spit that they had prepared

and lubed with some kind of oil that the natives had provided and began

to rub the brunette’s pussy. The natives all looked on curiously. They

have never seen a spitting before since they always boiled their food in

a pot.

Fraser carefully inserted the tip of the spit into the brunette’s vagina.

Her pussy lips immediately parted letting the spit glide into her. Fraser

slowly pushes the spit deeper into her and she moaned with pleasure. The

watching natives obviously got very turned on by the spectacle. Many men

called out for their wives to come over and give them a blowjob while their

eyes were glued to the action performed by Fraser and the brunette. Once

the women arrived to pleasure their husbands, they soon realised what was

happening and they too got very aroused by the spectacle. Many refused

to continue to pleasure their husbands. Instead, they too wanted to watch

the spitting while frigging themselves. Meanwhile, Fraser had pushed the

spit deeper into the brunette’s pussy and was fucking her with it pulling

it in and out slightly. It looked like she was being fucked by a huge rod

and she seemed to be enjoying it tremendously from her ecstatic facial

expressions. Then the foreplay was over and Fraser got to business. She

positioned herself straight behind the blonde and gripped the other end

of the spit with both her hands and tried to align it in a horizontal position.

The brunette took a deep breath in preparation of her full impalement and

crouched down a bit to get a better balance and be a little more comfortable

for the impalement. Then Fraser shoved the spit deep into the brunette

and continued pushing the spit until it went all the way though her and

emerged from her mouth. The tip of the emerging spit was almost bloodless.

It had not punctured anything vital and the brunette would be able to live

a bit longer and be roasted alive. It was going to be a pleasure watching

her wiggle and fry.

The natives all watched in amazement and fascination as the brunette’s

hands and legs were tied securely to the pole. Then two of Fraser’s warriors

helped her carrying the spit and the brunette over the fire where she was

placed over the low burning fire. The two ends of the spit were securely

snug into the Y-shaped poles on each side of the burning fire. Then Fraser

attached a barrel to the dull end of the pole. The barrel allowed them

to manually rotate the brunette over the fire slowly so that her body would

be evenly roasted from all sides. The natives were very appreciative of

this new method of cooking food and seemed to have enjoyed watching it

a lot as well. Many of the women were now hot and horny and sucking furiously

on their men’s cocks or on all fours being fucked from behind. A lot of

the children were gathered around the fire also and watched with great

interests as the brunette sizzled over the fire and some more adventures

ones were poking and prodding the brunette with twigs as they watched her

shudder and shake with orgasms.

Many of the natives were also very curious about how the meat would

taste like being prepared in this new way. Josephine was quite busy trying

to explain to them how spit roasting was one of the most popular Onixian

methods of cooking their meat. The native were mouth watering after listening

to Josephine describing the delicious and succulent taste of roasted meat.

They could hardly wait for the brunette to finish roasting so that they

could sink their teeth into her tender meat. They were all curious how

roasted meat would taste but were also wondering whether Onixian women

tasted better than theirs.

And soon they found out. After another few hours of waiting and lots

of fucking, the meal finally was ready. Fraser did the honours of cutting

off a succulent piece of tit meat and offered it to the chieftain. He hungrily

grabbed the piece of tenderly roasted tit meat and hungrily bit into it.

He tremendously enjoyed the taste of his first roasted meat and loved every

bite of it. Soon he was asking for seconds. When Fraser offered him a taste

of cunt steak, he was convinced that he had made the right decision of

inviting these strangers to live with them in spite of the dangers associated

with it. The delicious and heavenly taste of this tender meat had to be

well worth any dangers in his opinion.

After the initial sharing and swapping of receipts, both people the

Kanipu and Onixians enjoyed the new learned way of food preparation and

also loved the taste of it. It was one of their first cultural exchange

activities and they all were sure that they were compatibly in ideology

to be able to live together in harmony.

Then Admiral Tabero finally arrived and had a long meeting with the

chieftain. Finally after many hours of deliberation, they had made up a

decision. The Onixians felt very welcome and the Kanipu invited them to

live with them and get the rest of their people to join them. Both Tabero

and Fraser thought that it would be beneficial to both parties and agreed.

Soon, the rest of the Onixians moved into the village and were all warmly


When the Onixian had settled in to the village life, the Kanipus began

to ask them to teach them the art of spit roasting women. They had acquired

a taste of the deliciously roasted meat but also loved the preparation.

Josephine sought permission from Fraser to demonstrate it to the chieftain,

but Fraser had to politely decline because they needed Josephine for the

translation job. She pouted disappointedly but understood why she was not

allowed to demonstrate the spitting procedure on herself.

“Sorry dear, you have to understand. You are currently our only link

with the Kanipus. Only you know both our languages. Maybe later when more

people can speak both languages you will be butchered. But also remember

the purpose of why you children came with us.” Fraser had told her.

Josephine obeyed and selected one of the meat slaves, a dark haired

and tanned girl labelled as meat #64327. She had double D sized breasts

but a relatively slender body. The selected girl, also known as Gaby was

first told to strip and then take a bath. The natives had prepared a bath

made of coconut juices for her. Then when she was ready, a crowd of eager

Kanipus including their trusty chieftain all joined to watch and learn

how to do this new kind of food preparation. They all had brought their

own meat, either their horny wives or overly eager daughters. The Kanipus

believed in polygamy and each had about a dozen wives and several dozen

daughters all very eager to be butchered and eaten one day.

Josephine began by handing out long hollow iron poles to each of the

participant Kanipu males. They all admired the poles they were given. The

material was new to them and they admired the perfection and craftsmanship

of the long smooth stainless steel poles. The women were also very intrigued

and excited about those tools and sensually touched them as if touching

a very long and hard cock. They had seen and watched the process of spit

roasting the Onixian woman the other day and had also loved the taste of

her roasted meat. They all knew that it was their turn to try out the poles

and being impaled with them to be roasted over the fire. The knowledge

of it excited these women and they were openly masturbating, rubbing the

poles their husbands or fathers were holding while also rubbing their own

glistering clits while moaning seductively and invitingly.

Josephine continued the demonstration while explaining the functionality

of the hollow poles. The natives loved the fact that the women were able

to survive their impalement and be roasted alive. They also wondered who

Josephine’s parents were and offered to adopt her when they found out she

was an orphan but it was decided that the matter be taken up later. The

lessons on meat preparation was much more important at that time. Josephine

explained that lubing the poles with butter served two purposes. First

it allowed easier penetration and the pole would slide in much easier.

Second, butter tastes good and would allow the meat to taste better. The

Kanipus agreed to both of the facts and eagerly followed Josephine’s example

of how to lube the pole. They loved the way Josephine lubed the poles.

She began by spreading butter all along the pole and using her hands to

rub it in, but then she spread some butter on her cunt lips that slowly

melted the butter from the heat of her hot and bothered pussy. Then she

pressed the pole between her legs and glided up and down on it sliding

it between her labia. The natives allowed their women to do that part of

the process and they enjoyed it a lot as well having the smooth long pole

rub their pussies. Dildoes and vibrators were unknown luxury items to them

and were yet to be introduced by the Onixians.

Then when the poles were sufficiently lubed with both butter and pussy

juices, it was time for the spitting. Gaby happily knelt down and spread

her legs allowing unhindered access to her hot and bothered pussy. She

was very excited to be spitted and since she was the centre of attention

as well being also used to demonstrate the art of life impalement she was

extra horny. The Kanipu women and girls formed a circle around Gaby and

copied her every move. They too were very excited knowing that they were

the first Kanipus to be impaled alive for roasting. They all believed it

to be a great honour to have been chosen for such an auspicious event and

were very grateful for that and also enjoyed themselves tremendously. There

were definitely no complaints except maybe from the girls and women that

did not get a chance to try out the spit in this first round of practice

but they too seemed content knowing that one day they might have a chance

of being prepared that way and enjoy the pleasure of full body penetration.

Josephine then carefully positioned her pole at the entrance to Gaby’s

already wide-open pussy and easily pushed the tip in. Then she looked around

to ensure everyone had a chance to follow her demonstrations. All the women

and girls were moaning with pleasures as their husbands and fathers were

slowly inserting their respective poles into their pussies. It was their

first time to feel something metallic and hard inside their hot love canals

and they loved this new sensation. Josephine then slowly fucked Gaby with

the pole slowly pushing it in and out of Gaby’s hungry pussy who also began

to moan and shudder as an orgasm built up inside her. The natives followed

suit and did exactly what Josephine did and enjoyed themselves as well.

They had never penetrated their women like that before and liked it. They

women also loved it and began to moan louder until they all screamed in

unison as each of them experienced and intense and unforgettable orgasm.

From the looks of those women’s faces it could be seen that there was no

way they could stop the spitting now without a revolt by the women. But

nobody was even thinking about stopping. They were all eager to continue

and experience more fun and excitement. Josephine steadied Gaby as she

calmed down a bit after her orgasm and aligned her spit to push it though.

Then she grabbed the pole tightly between her small hands and pushed it

with all her might and it slowly went in deeper into Gaby’s womb, past

her lungs and eventually out of her mouth. It had been a perfect alignment

and Gaby had survived the impalement without much problems. She was shaking

and trembling form the intense feeling of the full impalement and blinked

happily as her body was ruptured with another even more intense orgasm.

The chieftain held his pole and slowly pushed it into his wife hoping

that he was doing it right while he could feel his wife tremble not from

fear but pure lust. Anne, the master cook who had been watching in the

background saw the chieftain’s hesitation and came to his aid and helped

him align the pole so that he was able to push it through all the way without

killing his wife. He was very happy when the spit emerged from his wife’s

mouth and she was still shaking from an intense orgasm. He hap
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