Asstr Slave

Asstr Slave


Asstr Slave
These stories are free for you to enjoy. Howevernsenting adults. Although the category 'Boy Slaves Stories' has stories pertaining to nonconsensual sex acts, we DO NOT condone such acts. This category is provided as unusual adult entertainment only.

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Finished story β€”
Work in Progress β€”
Story was never finished β€”
Status unclear
Later on, you will experience a major shift as the story morphs into a more macabre theme. Be warned however, short of snuff, this story will deal with almost every single type of perversion known to man, from dehumanization, humiliation, sadism, to rape, torture, fetishes and everything that comes in between.
Another shift in the plot line will be when Thomas Connors, the main character, retires unexpectedly from his previous career as he finds and teams up with the 'right people' for a new, less requiring yet money-making job.
This is not all however, I won't be spilling anymore spoilers but be ready for a lot of unexpected twist and turns, be ready for a really, really long story…

See table of contents for these stories with the "rules".

The summer vacation routine is enlivened for prepubescent friends Richie and Mike when the latter finds two old government-issue slave collars that are obviously authentic but apparently inactivated. Amazingly, there's a key that can unlock and lock the collars, too, and they start playing erotic games with each other in the woods, pretending to be escaped slave boys.

A teenager and his two young brothers are caught up in a nearly deadly game of 'playing' at Master and Slaves.

See table of contents for these stories with the "rules".

Five boys, all playmates in the past, have grown apart as their teenage years start. Mike and Richie find old slave collars and decide to play 'You Can't Make Me' taking one of their old games to new places. Bored their older friends decide to join in and get the 12 year olds in trouble. But one of the older boys outsmarts himself, placing all five in jeopardy by reporting the youngest as run way slaves. The deputy at the County Slave Center has other ideas. So they are caught up in a slave system they have only knew existed.

See table of contents for these stories with the "rules".

Richie and Mike get into trouble after finding two slave-collars. Their brothers are playing a joke on them, but that backfires.

See table of contents for these stories with the "rules".

Richie and Mike get into trouble after finding two slave-collars.

See table of contents for these stories with the "rules".

See table of contents for these stories with the "rules".

Two free boys just playing at being slaves are captured after being betrayed by their older cousin. The Authorities do not appreciate the 'joke' of this and the traitor pays a heavy price for his despicable deed.

See table of contents for these stories with the "rules".

Richie and Mike get into trouble after finding two slave-collars.

See table of contents for these stories with the "rules".

Richie and Mike get into trouble after finding two slave-collars.

See table of contents for these stories with the "rules".

During their summer holidays, twin brothers Ritchie and Mike find two old slave collars and think that it would be fun to play at being master and slave. What they don't realize is that once a slave collar is put around a person's neck; it automatically activates and sends a signal the authorities. When they are captured as escaped slaves, Tim, their older brother tells the slave police that the family doesn't own any slaves. This results in the boys being arrested and taken to the slave police station. The police officers do not believe Richie and Mike that it was all a game. When their slave collars are scanned to check their slave status, only blank statistics appear further confusing the slave police. Clearing up the mystery becomes vital to regaining their freedom.

tt Mb – cons & slavery anal oral – interr (bondage not emphasized)
9,000 words (18 pages)
Link to story
This is the story mainly of two boys in love, making their way in the future world of Bundus III, a generally kinder and more rational place, and one in which dreams can come true. And one small slaveboy. (Even if slavery is legal and companies like BoyToys, Inc. and BoyAbductions, Lmt. thrive).

See table of contents for these stories with the "rules".

Richie and Mike (12 yo) find two old collars of slaves of one the boy's father; they start playing (erotic) master and slave in the woods.

See table of contents for these stories with the "rules".

Richie and Mike get into trouble after finding two slave-collars.

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AUTHOR = Switch Blayde E-MAIL =
Β© 2000 Switch Blayde. All Rights Reserved.Β Copying, Duplicating, Downloading, Reposting, or use in any way other than for the reader's personal enjoyment is STRICTLY prohibited without the written consent of the author.
Β Non-Consent (blackmail), Mdom, Hetero, Cheating, Public Sex

Steve Harrington sat sullen at his desk pondering which of his employees he was to let go. All managers dread this day. If he had a problem employee it would be easy, but his entire staff were hard working and competent. He blankly stared at the names on the paper laying atop his desk. He was told to reduce his staff by one. But which one?

"Kimberly Luckett," Harrington whispered to himself. She was the newest hire with the least experience. It had to be her. The manager slowly picked up his phone, dialed her extension, and asked her to come to his office. When her jovial, enthusiastic voice said she'd be right there, the lump in Steve's throat prevented him from acknowledging. He simply replaced the handset onto the phone.

"Hello, Mr. Harrington," Kimberly said as she briskly entered the office and sat down.

Harrington watched his young employee settle into the visitor's chair. Steve quickly remembered why he hired her. Yes, she was bright and enthusiastic, but it was her looks that got her the job. At 25, she portrayed pure innocence. Her ice blue eyes, surrounded by long blonde wavy hair, hypnotized Steve. When she spoke, her eyes would twinkle as her sensuous lips curled up in a smile. He looked at her youthful body, gently covered in a thin short summer dress. Her legs were daintily crossed exposing a good part of her left thigh. Steve always appreciated that she never wore pants and rarely wore pantyhose.

"I have to tell you something that's very hard for me," Harrington began. "The company is having some financial problems and I've been told to eliminate one of my positions. After a great deal of consideration, I selected you."

Steve watched the young woman's expression change from happiness to shock. Her shoulders sagged and her legs separated to brace her slumping body from sliding out of the chair. Harrington didn't mean too, but he found himself looking up Kimberly's short dress between her spread legs. The nylon crotch of her panties covering her pussy was clearly visible. Steve always tried to see up Kimberly's dress, but never viewed anything above her thigh. Now he had an unobstructed view of her pretty little panties. As his cock stiffened, he was distracted by sounds of whimpering. He looked up and witnessed her lower lip quivering and tears freely running down her cheeks as she blankly stared. She looked so vulnerable.

Harrington got up, walked to the door, and closed it, affording the young woman the privacy she needed. He started talking to her, but she didn't hear him. He lowered himself to one knee so that he wasn't towering over her. His intention was to calm her by talking to her, but from this position he was kneeling between her legs. Her bare white thighs were inches from his face. He crouched a little more and looked under her dress at her panty covered pussy. Wisps of blonde pubic hairs were peeking out the sides. From this distance the indentation in her panties caused by them being sucked into her cuntslit was visible.

"No, no," Kimberly wailed, "I can't lose my job."

She was so distraught that she had no idea that her boss was staring under her dress. She put her face in her hands and continued to cry. Steve was oblivious to his risk. He moved his face to the hem of her skirt and continued to stare between her legs. At this distance he was able to smell her sensuality. He was more turned on than ever before in his life. He pulled his face back and was compelled to touch her. He gently placed his palm on her thigh.

The contact caused Kimberly to look down at her boss but, in her current state, she didn't recognize the inappropriateness of the contact.

"It's not the end of the world. You'll find another job," Steve sympathetically responded as he patted her thigh.

"Oh, no. You don't understand," Kimberly frantically explained, "my husband isn't working and we just bought a new house. Without my paychecks we will not be able to make the mortgage payments. We used all our savings on the down payment. We will lose everything we've worked for."

Harrington was not thinking clearly. He was sexually aroused and the close contact with this desirable woman was controlling him. He said something he wouldn't have under normal circumstances.

"Kim, I don't want to let you go. I'll let you keep your job if you do things for me."

"Uh, what?" Kimberly said confused. "I promise I'll work extra hard."

"That's not what I mean," Harrington replied. "If I do you a favor I will want you to do me favors."

"What do you mean? What kind of favors?"

Harrington gently ran his hands up and down Kimberly's thighs. "I find you very attractive and I have needs... you know, needs."

Kimberly finally realized her boss was touching her and looking under her dress. She pulled the hem of her dress down and closed her legs. "Mr. Harrington, I'm married. I'm faithful to my husband. Oh, no. What are you suggesting? I can't."

"Okay, then," Harrington said as he stood up, "I was just trying to help. I don't want you to lose your house and all."

Kimberly stared at her boss leaning on his desk. All of this was happening so fast. She had to think. What should she do? She needed the job. Since her husband became unemployed they began having marital problems. This could be the last straw.

"Mr. Harrington," Kimberly cautiously asked, "what would I have to do?"

"Whatever I ask you to do," he responded. "I've desired you since we first met. I won't hurt you. I just want you to satisfy my desires."

"I guess I don't have a choice. It's a deal," she agreed.

"Okay Kim, you will keep your job. I need something right now though. I want you to take your panties off and let me look up your dress."

Kimberly stood up and reached under her dress, taking hold of her panties. She watched as her boss glared at her. She hooked her fingers under the waistband and pulled them down over her long slender legs. When they were past her knees she sat down and pulled them the rest of the way off.

Harrington intently watched her remove her panties. The fact that she tried to expose as little of herself as possible added to his excitement. It was somewhat more erotic than if she merely lifted her dress showing everything. He got down on his knees in front of his employee and put his hands on her knees. He rubbed his hands up and down her thighs, getting closer to the edge of her dress each time. Finally, he reached her hemline and slid his hands underneath. He moved his hands to the insides of her thighs and pushed them apart. When her legs were touching the sides of the chair, Harrington sat down on the floor and stared under her dress. His gaze followed the sleek thighs to the juncture where her blonde pubic hairs guarded her most private area.

Kimberly watched her boss looking up her dress at her nakedness and blushed. She wanted desperately to close her legs, but understood what she agreed to.

Harrington remembered all the times Kim sat in that chair as he tried but failed to see up her dress. Now he could blatantly look without fear of being caught. Her cunt was beautiful. Her natural blonde hairs were not too thick, providing him a view of her slit. Her legs were far enough apart that her pussylips were separated, exposing the wet pink inner flesh.

"Lift your dress to your waist," her boss commanded, "I want to see your cunt in the light."

Kimberly did as she was told. However, as she lifted her dress, she automatically brought her legs together.

"No, no," Harrington said, "spread your legs."

Kimberly looked down at her nakedness. Earlier, she knew he was looking under her dress, but she herself couldn't see anything. With her dress bunched up at her waist her entire lower body was revealed. There was no doubt what he saw. Slowly, Kimberly spread her legs.

Harrington watched her knees part. He stared between her legs until her inner thighs parted. Then her pubic hairs became visible. As her legs separated further, her pussylips separated.

"Pull your cuntlips apart. I want to see inside," he pleaded.

Kimberly placed the first two fingers of each hand on either side of her slit and pulled the lips open.

When Harrington saw the wet pink flesh exposed, his cock throbbed. He knew he was close to cumming. He got up and began tearing at his belt buckle.

"Move your ass to the edge of the chair," he implored. "Keep spreading your pussy."

By the time Harrington had his pants and underwear around his ankles, his young employee had shifted her position. Harrington enclosed his hard cock in his fist and began pumping. "Oh god, what a beautiful cunt. I love your cunt. Look at those lips. Look at the hair. Oh, god," he ranted as he fisted his cock.

Kimberly stared open mouthed at her boss. She had very little experience with sex and never saw a man jerk off. Also, Mr. Harrington's penis was bigger than any she'd ever seen. She began to be fascinated with it. She watched as the mushroom head of his cock would disappear in his fist only to re-emerge on the downstroke.

Harington moved between her legs putting his free hand on the arm of the chair to balance himself and leaned forward. He pointed his large dick at Kimberly's open pussy.

"Ooooh, uuuhhhh, I'm cumming," he yelled.

Kimberly watched as a stream of white cream spurted onto her pubic hairs. The next landed inside her gaping pussy. Then load after load landed on her hands and pussy. When Harrington stopped cumming, Kimberly looked down and saw herself covered in his white sticky cum.

After Harrington recovered from his orgasm, he picked up Kimberly's discarded panties and wiped his still dripping cock with the inside of her panty crotch. Handing the panties to Kimberly he said, "Put these on and return to work. I have to tell someone else they're out of a job."

Kimberly released her pussylips and took the panties. She looked at the cum on her hands and then around for something to wipe them on. "Lick my cum off your hands," he instructed.

"I can't do that," Kimberly replied.

"Oh yes you can," her boss pointed out. "Remember our deal. You'll do anything I ask you to."

The troubled employee looked at the gooey substance covering her hands. She stuck her tongue out and dabbed just the tip into the cum. She returned her tongue to her mouth and tried performing a taste test on it. She had too little to taste so she swiped her extended tongue along her hand coating her tongue with fresh cum. She once again swished it around her mouth as if she was tasting wine. The taste was different than anything she ever had, but it was not unpleasant. She figured she might as well clean herself up.

Harrington watched his employee lick his cum off her hands like a cat cleaning her paws. Watching her eat his cum caused his cock to harden, but he did not have the time to do anything else at the moment. When she was done, Harrington told her to put her panties over her cum drenched pussy and not wash up in the lady's room.

"I want you to feel my cum on your pussy the rest of the day."

Kimberly did as she was told, licking her hands clean and then sliding her panties over her wet pussy. She lowered her dress and returned to her desk.

Mr. Harrington called Mary Drexler into his office and informed her that she no longer had a job. She also began crying but, unfortunately for her, she was fat and ugly.

The next few days were busy for Steve Harrington. When he and Kimberly occasionally ran into each other, she was very apprehensive, but he didn't have time for favors. A quick squeeze of her ass was the only reminder that he was free to do whatever he wanted.

Friday afternoon came along and Harrington was caught up with his work. It was a long, stressful week and he wanted to have some fun. He called Kimberly into his office.

"Close the door and sit down," he instructed her.

Kimberly did as she was instructed and sat in the chair. This time, however, she sat with her feet flat on the floor, her knees tightly together, and her skirt pulled down as far as it would go. Harrington stared at his employee. He observed how she tried to cover her body and took pleasure knowing he had the power to make her expose herself.

"Kim, the last time you were in here I was so engrossed with seeing your pussy that I neglected your lovely tits. Please open your blouse and remove your bra."

Kimberly knew it was useless to protest. She slowly unbuttoned her blouse and then unsnapped the front-locking bra. Then, to the amazement of most men, she removed her bra without taking her blouse off.

Harrington saw the white breasts for the first time. They were lovely. He noticed they weren't very large, about a 35c, but they had very wide areoles and long nipples. "Play with your tits and nipples," the boss commanded.

Kimberly felt ashamed and humiliated, but she did as she was told. She gently squeezed her breasts. She palmed her tits and rubbed them. She twirled her nipples between her fingers. Kimberly didn't want to, but she was getting aroused. Her nipples began to stiffen. This embarrassed her even more.

While his employee was busy playing with her breasts, Harrington opened his pants and pulled his hardening cock out. He slowly rubbed it while enjoying the show. He pushed his chair away from his desk and turned it to the side.

When the young woman positioned herself in front of him he pulled her towards him. He ran his fingers across her tits and nipples. He felt her shudder and noticed how hard her nipples were. He leaned over and flicked his tongue across her nipple.

He kneaded both tits and alternately sucked, licked, and fondled them. Kimberly's eyes were closed as she unintentionally enjoyed the caresses.

"Lie on the floor," Harrington demanded.

When the girl was on her back, her boss straddled her with a knee on either side of her ribcage. He positioned his long cock between her soft tits and jammed them together. He moved his hips back and forth, pumping his dick between her lovely tits. Kimberly had never been tit-fucked befo
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