Asstr Skullfuck

Asstr Skullfuck


Asstr Skullfuck

Part I: Trash Day

The ignorant statuesque blonde secretary sat in the
corner of the basement on her bare ass. Her arms tied
painfully tight with twine behind her. Knees and ankles
similarily bound. Her sheer black nylons had runs in them
where the twine bit into her legs. The delicate pink
panties she had been wearing were wrapped around her
right ankle, and her black patent leather pumps were
falling off her feet. The blindfold was beginning to fall
down and gave her a view of the dark room. But the tight
red ball-gag in her mouth kept her silent except for an
occasional muffled complaint.

Tristy and Christy got up from the bed on the other side
of the room to watch their struggling victim. Both girls
were totally naked and wet from perspiration. Christy,
the hard-bodied redhead laid back down on the bed. "Awe
Tristy, her blindfold is coming off. It's so cute how she
keeps struggling like that. We should do her soon, don't
you think?"

Tristy was Christy's identical twin except that she had
had breast enlargement surgery and her hair was dyed jet
black. Tristy walked over to their victim and crouched
down to look at the terrified girl.

"You are such a cutie. Christy! This girl is going to be
a lot of fun." The girl struggled in vain as Tristy put
the blindfold back in place. Tristy ran her fingers
through the waist-long blonde sweat-soaked hair and then
walked back to the bed and laid down beside her sister.

"Oh boy Christy," Tristy whispered to her sister, "This
is going to be fun tonight. Any thoughts about this one?"

"I like her all tied up like that Tris, you really tied
those legs up good. She's even starting to bleed a little
around her ankles. You are really good at these games. I
could just eat you up you make me horny."

Tristy smiled at her sister and then rolled over to kiss
her gently on the lips. She curled her tongue and flicked
it across her sister's big soft lips, then she dove her
tongue into Christy's eager mouth. Christy gently bit
down on her sister's tongue as it played with her own

The two naked sisters embraced and made passionate love
for several hours while their pathetic victim sat in the
opposite corner on the cold cement floor. Waiting for
someone to help her.


Christy rolled over and flicked the light on. The
florescent lights came on after a few seconds. She poked
her head up over her sister's breasts to look for the
waiting blonde in the corner. The victim was still there
but she had fallen over onto her side and fallen asleep.
"She must have cried herself to sleep. Pathetic

"Tristy, wake up." Christy shook her sister till she woke

Tristy was half asleep. "Wa? Can't I sleep some more? I'm
tired, you wore me out."

"Well, you can sleep if you want, but I feel like
starting up with our catch of the day over in the corner.
You up for treating that girl to some sweet painful

Tristy's eyes opened a little further and she nodded.
"Yeah, we should get her started, shouldn't we? A little
pain before breakfast?" Tristy glanced over in the
blonde's direction. "I'll go get a hammer. You gonna wake
her up?"

"Yeah, I'll get the bitch up" was Christy's enthusiastic
response. Both girls got up out of bed. They both put on
a pair of baggy sweat pants. Christy walked over to the
victim while Tristy walked into a different room in the

"Okay my child, its morning. Time to wake up and face
reality." Christy said as she stood by the bound girl's
head. Christy used her bare foot to nudge the girl's
head. She put her foot on the girl's forehead and moved
her head till it banged against the cement wall behind
her. The blindfolded figure on the floor began to stir
and shortly Christy could hear the familiar sounds of a
terrified woman. Christy bent down and pulled the
blindfold off her head.

"I'd take your gag off too, but it's too early in the
morning to hear your screams. After breakfast, okay?"
Christy seemed to be waiting for the girl to nod in
agreement. "Okay?" Christy said as she looked into the
horrified woman's deep-blue eyes. Christy picked the
woman up off her side and propped her bound form against
the corner again, exposing her vagina between her svelte
toned legs.

"Lets see, we're going to go for breakfast soon, but we
should get you started with something before then. So
I'll grab these," as she picked up a handful of rusty
six-inch spikes from the countertop in the other corner
of the room. The spikes were sharp at one end but had
very wide heads on the other end. "Bring a knife,

Just then Tristy came from the other room with a hammer
and a large hunting knife. "I think these will do",
Christy said to Tristy with pride holding up the rusty

"Wonderful Chris! Where are we gonna put them?"

"I know exactly what we can do with them. Give me the

Meanwhile the pathetic blonde on the floor was wide-eyed
in fear. Glancing from one woman to the other in complete
horror. She started to scream through her gag as Chris
walked toward her with the hammer and rusty spikes. She
eve tried to kick at her as she got close, but Chris
laughed and pushed her bound legs to the side and knelt
down beside her. Then, grabbing her by the knees, she
straightened out the blonde's legs and placed them on the

Chris looked at the sexy blonde's feet. She was wearing
black patent leather high heels, so placing her feet flat
on the floor was very painful to the bound woman. She
struggled in her bindings to no avail. Chris caressed the
woman's feet through her nylons. "I'm gonna 'shoe' this
girl. Sort of like they used to do centuries ago with

Tristy had a puzzled look on her face. "Horses?"

Christy looked at Tristy and explained that horses were
animals that were tamed by human and used for
transportation and agricultural work several centuries
ago. They had been extinct for nearly two hundred years.
"They used to nail iron shoes to the hooves of the horse.
I'm gonna nail this girl's shoes to her feet. That way
they won't come off, and she'll be in lots of pain!"

"Wonderful idea sis!"

Christy turned back to the terrified blonde and smiled at
her. She took one of the rusty spikes and placed the
sharp end on the top of her right foot, a few inches up
from her toes. Holding her feet steady wasn't easy but
she managed. Then she brought the hammer down onto the
head of the spike and sent it an inch into the screaming
girl's foot. Christy let go of the girl and she kicked
violently. When she had calmed down a little, Christy
grabbed her foot again and continued to hammer the spike
through her foot.

She encountered a little resistance when the spike hit
the girl's shoe. One more shot with the hammer and the
spike cleared the sole of the shoe. The head of the spike
was now flush with the top of her foot and the tip was
poking through the bottom of her shoe. Christy then took
the claw on the other end of the hammer and bent the
emerging tip of the spike, covered with rust and blood,
bending it to a 90-degree angle so the spike was
permanently in place.

"There. That shoe won't come off. Unless we take the
whole foot off! But later babe" she said as she gave the
blonde girl a kiddish slap on her sweating face. "Next!"
Christy called out as she did the same to the other foot.
The left foot was done in much the same fashion except
that the first time she tried, the rusty spike broke
apart after it had been driven through the foot. Christy
just pulled it out and inserted another spike into the
hole in her foot and shoe and bent it into place.

Christy got up from the floor and patted the victim on
the head. "There Tris. Lets go shower and have some
breakfast. I'm starved!"

The two girls kissed and embraced then walked upstairs.


Meanwhile, the blonde victim sat in her corner focused
one hundred percent on the burning pain in her feet. She
kicked her legs violently in sporadic fits of pain and
fear. She heard the water in the pipes as the girls
showered, then she heard the girls in the kitchen making
noise and talking. Then she smelled the aroma of fresh
fried eggs, ham and toast.

And then....

The blonde victim's eyes opened wide when she heard
footsteps coming down the stairs. Then she saw the girls
walk down the stairs. Both were wearing red high-heel
pumps, short black miniskirts with no nylons, and black
leather bras. They both wore dark sunglasses so that the
victim in the corner would not be able to see their eyes.

"Delicious breakfast Christy! I'm stuffed. Now we need to
work off all those calories!" Tristy said with a giggle.
"Look, she's still here, still awake! Are you in pain,
little girl? Awe, look Christy, the poor thing is in
pain. Should we put her out of her misery?"

Christy stepped forward and pointed a finger at the
blonde on the floor. "This worthless piece of meat
doesn't deserve to live. But I want her to feel death
before it takes her and sends her soul to hell."

Tristy walked over to the counter and grabbed the large
hunting knife. "I think this long hair will come in handy
later, but it's just going to get in the way now." She
grabbed the blonde woman by the hair and using the
hunting knife cut all her hair off. The long strands of
hair in her hands were about three feet long, but the
hacked up hair left on her head was about 3 inches long.

Christy laughed at the blonde. "Worst hair I've ever
seen. tsk, tsk." She shook her head and as Tristy put the
long strands of hair down on the counter, she stepped
forward in front of the blonde. She reached down and
grabbed the girl by her shoulders and picked her up to
stand on her feet.

Since their victim had been crouched down in the corner
for nearly twenty four hours, her knees could not take
the pain and they buckled, sending her falling to the
floor, face first on the cement. Both Christy and Tristy
laughed at the pathetic girl. "I wonder if it was her
knees or the nails in her feet that did that. That's just
too funny."

Christy continued laughing as she knelt down to the
blonde's face. She saw that the girl's nose was obviously
broken. Blood poured freely from the impact of cement on
cartilage. Christy put a knee into the small of the
girl's back and dug it in hard. The girl twitched in pain
as she stretched her back and pulled her head up off the
floor. With her knee in the girl's back, Christy undid
the harness on the ball gag and let it drop out of her
sore mouth and onto the floor. The stunned woman on the
floor moved her mouth to get circulation back into her
lips and face.

"Got anything to say for yourself, whore?" Tristy yelled
in the victim's ear.

"You bastards! You can't do this to me! I didn't do
anything to you!" Was all that came from the girl's lips.
She obviously was screaming hard, but in part due to the
pain she was feeling and the knee in her back, she
couldn't muster any more than a hoarse coughing sound.

Christy laughed and pulled the girl to her feet by the
hands tied behind her back. The pain of her arms being
stretched in a direction they weren't meant to stretch
caused her to scream again.

Christy held her by the arms while Tristy stepped in
front of their victim. "You got it all wrong Miss. We can
do it to you, and you're right, you didn't do anything to
deserve it. You just happened to be in the wrong place at
the wrong time! Don't they ever tell you about the buddy
system? Never ever get caught after dark in a parkade by

"Especially if your gonna be dressed like you were last
night," added Christy.

"That's right. You gotta be a pretty stupid girl." Tristy
walked over to the counter and picked up a pair of
pliers. "Now Miss. We're sick of listening to you. Open
up wide!" With that, Christy held open the girl's mouth
while Tristy stuck the pliers into the open mouth of the
blonde woman, fishing for her tongue.

When finally she had the tongue in the grips of the
pliers, she yanked out hard, pulling the tongue out
several inches, beyond it's normal capacity. Tristy
deftly brought the blade of the hunting knife between the
girl's face and her own face, swiftly cutting the wet red
muscle off nearly at its root. Blood spewed out of the
blonde's mouth, spraying Tristy's chest with red.

Then Christy forced the blonde to her knees. With blood
pouring down the girl's face and chest, she was pushed
backwards so that her knees were forward but she lied on
her back, facing the ceiling. Tristy grabbed a paid of
the rusty spikes and quickly nailed them into the tops of
the girl's thighs. The spikes penetrated the femurs of
the girl's legs and she writhed in pain.

Then she placed a spike under the victim's left breast
and pushed hard until it penetrated the girl's flesh and
passed through the fatty mammary tissue. Soon it erupted
from the top of the girl's breast and Christy took the
pliers and bent the spike to ninety degrees so it
wouldn't come out of the fatty tit.

Tristy walked over to the counter and grabbed the long
strands of hair that had been removed from their victim.
She wrapped the hair around the hapless victim's neck and
tied it off so tight that the girl was surely not able to
breathe. They threw her prone torso up and forwards to
land on her face again. The girl twitched and spasmed.
She tried to free her arms to untie the hair around her
neck, which was slowly strangling her to death. Her legs
kicked and her jelly butt jiggled.

As she thrashed on her belly, Tristy kicked her hard in
the ass. Christy walked around and kicked her hard in the
side of the head, seemingly knocking her unconscious.
"Careful Christy, no need to get violent!" Both girls

They rolled the girl over onto her back. Christy bent
over and licked the girl's face from her chin to her
broken nose, over her eyes, and her ears. "Oh my god this
girl is making me so hot!"

"Is she dead yet?" Christy put her head to the girl's
chest to listen for a heartbeat. "I think she's still
with us, but barely. She's suffocating very nicely!"
Christy looked into the blonde girl's dying eyes. She
held the right eyelid open and licked the eyeball,
coating it with her saliva. "Yum, yum."

When the sisters were quite sure that their victim was
dead, Tristy got up and brought a tray from the counter
with several items placed on top of it. She grabbed the
hunting knife and cut the twine that held the dead
woman's knees and ankles together. She pushed the
stocking covered legs apart to expose the hairy blonde
pussy between them. She knelt close to the dead woman's
snatch and sniffed the bitter sweet aroma of sweat and
piss. Then she brought her tongue to the outer lips of
the spent woman's vagina and tasted the woman's sex.

Meanwhile, Christy picked up a device with a long plastic
tube that had been sitting on the tray. She kissed the
dead woman's lips and then placed an open end of the tube
against the woman's left eye. The tube created a seal on
her face around her eye. Christy pressed down to maintain
the air-tight seal while she activated an air pump on the
other end of the tube.

The mechanical air pump created a vacuum within the tube
and within seconds the girl's eye began to swell. Slowly
the eyeball could be seen bulging unnaturally out of its
socket until eventually it popped out of its socket with
a sickening sucking noise.

Christy immediately turned the air pump off and broke the
seal around the woman's extracted eyeball. The eyeball
laid on her cheekbone and was still attached to the
socket by a short twisted cord of optic nerves. Christy
picked the eyeball up between her forefinger and thumb
and twisted it around to see all sides of the soft little
orb. She knelt down and kissed the woman on the cheek,
and then kissed the iris of her eyeball.

Finally she sucked the eyeball into her mouth and licked
the blood from it. She suckled on the round optic orb for
several minutes until she popped it out of her mouth.
Then she snaked her tongue into the dead woman's vacant
eye socket. She greedily licked the empty socket clean,
swallowing any blood and other loose tissue from the
inside of the socket.

Then Christy took her long middle finger and with the
slender red-painted nail she dug into the thin wall of
tissue seperating the two eyeballs and eventually managed
to push the other eyeball from its socket. She had
created a large hole between the two eye sockets right
behind the bridge of the dead blonde's nose. She licked
the other eyeball and eye socket clean with her tongue
and savored the flavor of blood. Both eyeballs now laid
on the girl's cheeks, hanging grotesquely.

Christy grabbed a long flexible dildo from the tray and
motioned to Tristy to come take a look. Tristy smiled at
Christy's handiwork, examining the dead girl's face.
Christy took the eighteen inch long black rubber dong and
placed one end of it in the empty left-socket of their
dead victim. She moistened the tip of the dildo with her
tongue before inserting it into the vacant hole. Tristy
smiled at Christy and ran her fingers through her hair.
"You turn me on so much when you mutilate their faces
like this, Christy. I could just fuck you silly right

Christy returned her sister's smile. "In just a minute we
can fuck each other. I'm really horny right now." As
Christy finished speaking, she managed to get the tip of
the dildo into the through the hole adjoining the two eye
sockets, effectively skewering the dead girl's face
through her eye sockets. Christy pulled on the end of the
dildo until about seven inches of black rubber dildo
protruded from each eye socket. "Now we can share this
double dildo and fuck each other through this dead cunt's
head." She smiled at her sister as she rubbed the end of
the dildo against her outer pussy lips.

Tristy did the same with her end and soon both girls had
all seven inches of rubber inside their cunts, and began
to fuck each other, grinding their pubic regions into the
cheek bones of the dead blonde on the cement floor. As
they writhed in ecstasy on the floor, the dead woman's
head was forced side-to-side and around depending on
which sister was pushing harder. The dead woman's large
breasts jiggled as the two sisters jostled her head with
their cunts.

Christy reached down between her creamy thighs and rubbed
her clit while she fucked herself on the dildo. She
ground her pubic bone into the cheek and eyebrow of the
dead blonde. Then she put the dangling eyeball between
her fingers and began to rub the iris of the extracted
eyeball along her clit. As she mashed the eyeball into
her clitoris she began to explode in a violent orgasm.
Tristy watched with lustful eyes as her sister came on
the dead woman's crushed eyeball. With the dildo deep
inside her own pussy, she felt the vibrations of her
sister's orgasm as it ran through the eye sockets of the
dead victim.

Christy wasted no time after her orgasm finished and
slipped her cunt off the large black dildo. She grabbed a
hacksaw from the table while her sister continued to frig
herself on the other end of the amazing rubber dong in
the dead woman's head. Christy began sawing through the
left ankle of the dead body. She quickly sawed
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