Asstr Rape

Asstr Rape


Asstr Rape
This is a complete work of fiction it contains graphic sexual
descriptions and language. If you are a minor or if this is
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Pursuant to the Berne Convention, this work is copyright with
all rights reserved by its author unless explicitly indicated.
I was walking along one early evening. I’d just
had another fight with my wife, and I was tired of hearing
the noise of all our kids (5 of them, but I also have
11 from other women). Lately I’d been thinking
about someone getting me some excitement. Maybe I’m
not too smart or too successful or too handsome, but
there sure is one thing I can do: breed. Black men are
always potent, and I’m more than the rest. Once
I get my seed planted the babies always come.
It was dark. My feet had taken me to a high school in town.
I was walking along a path behind the bleachers and stopped
to smoke. Suddenly, in the distance I noticed a white high
school cheerleader walking out of the gym. She was wearing
her uniform, a short cheerleading skirt and sweater. I expected
her to walk to the parking lot, but instead she turned my
way and began walking across the football field. It looked
she was going to take the path that started behind the football
I watched her, dragging on my cigar. I don’t like white
people, and white bitches in particular. In my view a bitch
is good for one thing, and that’s cooking and taking
care of a man’s babies. And here was this yuppie white
girl. She probably came from this white bread family, would
go to college and later marry some white guy. They’d
live in a nice suburb, drive big fancy cars, and sure wouldn’t
want anything to do with me. I really enjoy putting girls
like that in their place. And there is one really good way
to do that.
Suddenly I noticed that this location was pretty lonely and
dark. No one was around. There was traffic from a nearby highway,
but that was the only sound. It was just me and this young
short-skirted teenage schoolgirl. My big black cock began
to throb. I smiled to myself. Showtime.
I ran down the path to the back of the bleachers, where she
would be in a few seconds. I hid behind a tree. I took out
knife out (I always carry a nice long one). In a few moments
she turned a corner and began to walk towards the bleachers.
I sneaked a look from behind my tree.
She was of average height and had long dark hair. She was
very pretty, with a young white girl’s special innocent
look. I guessed she was 15 or 16. She was wearing a heavy
sweater, but her short white cheerleader skirt showed nice
shapely legs. She may be have been a very young girl, but
judging from those legs she was ready to be a woman. My cock
got super hard as I watched this schoolgirl walk innocently
towards me, her thighs moving gracefully within that short
cotton skirt.
She got closer. I was still behind my tree and she hadn’t
seen me. I checked to make sure no one was around. My black
cock was just throbbing by now.
She was now just a few steps away. I waited, like an African
predator. She passed the tree but didn’t see me. She
was carrying a small knapsack, no doubt filled with books
and homework. She walked unconcernedly past me, her shapely
legs moving softly together, her virgin hips swaying back
and forth within her short skirt, tapping along on her little
feet. Her dark hair was long and thick, and tied back with
a flowing pink ribbon. Growling, I leaped out her.
I sprang at her like an animal, cupping one hand over her
mouth and throwing her to the ground. She gave a high-pitched
scream. Instantly I was on top and holding my pocket-knife
to her throat. For the first time I could see her face. She
was real pretty all right, with big blue eyes, a small pouty
mouth and high cheekbones with a few scattered freckles. Those
big blue eyes were full with fright as she stared into my
big black face, and she screamed again.
I slapped her and moved the knife so she could see it.
"Don’t make another sound, you little ‘ho!",
I snarled at her.
"Oh please, don’t hurt me, mister", she whimpered.
She struggled underneath me. I could feel her young hard body
writhe. I wondered if a man had used this body yet. It’s
writhing motion drove my cock mad. I slapped her again - that
sure felt good. Then I pinned her arms back.
"You understand, don’t make a sound! You got it,
white bitch? You do exactly what I want or I’ll hurt
She was crying but stopped struggling. She nodded her head.
She stared at me helplessly. I could smell her perfume and
the soft girlish curves of her student’s body underneath
I was breathing hard and my cock was pounding in my pants.
But, I’d done this a couple times before to white girls,
so I knew the drill. Just keep in simple and get inside.
I reached my hand under her skirt and hooked my fingers under
her panties. She squealed again and her legs twisted. We struggled
together. I always like this part. I pulled her panties down
and tried to get them off her, but she used the opportunity
to try to leap up and run. I grabbed her again and threw her
to the ground. As I did so I made another tug and her panties
went flying off into the surrounding darkness.
"No!", she cried and she fought all the harder.
I was surprised how strong this little cunt was. It took all
my strength to keep on top while I tried to get my cock out.
But her resistance just made me crazier. My cock had never
been so long and hard in my life.
Finally, I popped it out. Her eyes got real big as she saw
it fully erect in the moonlight, a nigger cock in full glory.
She knew what it was going to do to her, I could see it in
her eyes. I could also see her hatred of me. Maybe she didn’t
like black people. Well, once I was finished with her, she
was going to be real familiar with what black men could do.
And, if I got my way, she was going to make her own contribution
to the growth of the black race.
I yanked her skirt up. Again she fought it, but finally I
got it wrapped far above her waist. This meant I couldn’t
easily get her sweater off - I really wanted to see those
little white young tits bounce. I always like watching that.
Well, can’t have everything. I’d do that to the
next girl.
I pushed her flat to the ground with my weight, and then
settled on top of her. I felt a big rush when my hot black
cock first touched those soft cool legs. Better than crack,
better than whiskey. I had to fight to keep from spurting
right then. Of course, she clamped her thighs tight as soon
as she felt my hungry prick, eager to penetrate. The little
bitch, she wasn’t make anything easy.
"Whats the matter, bitch? Don’t want nigger seed
inside you? Too good for it?", I growled at her. I ran
my hands down between her thighs and tried to pull them apart.

For some seconds we fought, as I worked on prying her young
shapely thighs apart. Finally I forced an opening and inserted
my organ. It felt great being between those thighs, even if
they were still resisting me. I pushed hard but she squirmed
a few inches and so I missed my target. We did this several
times as I gradually inched her thighs apart. Finally, I was
at her gate.
She thrashed and squealed, but at least knew better than
to scream. I was great seeing her innocent body twist in the
dirt, her long black hair spread out in a fan behind her.
And then I discovered what I had hoped: she was a virgin.
Now, if this were a black girl, about 50 guys would have already
driven through, and she already would have a couple kids.
But these white girls were too good for that, and white guys
are way too slow in getting them started. This is why someday
everyone is going to be black. Anyway, I was going to be the
first in. And once she’d tasted black cock, I knew she’d
be converted for life.
She was really tight, but I kept pushing harder ….
"God no, no, no!", she panted. Our bodies twisted
and turned as she tried to get out from underneath me, while
I held on and pushed again and again, harder and harder, in
a breeding frenzy. Her eyes stared into my mine, her little
mouth worked, as she saw the animal lust in my face. She was
disgusted with me, I knew, but that was just tough shit. I
was going to be the one, no matter what she might have hoped.
With one vicious thrust, I opened her. She gave this funny
girlish squeal, that special sound of a young white virgin
being forcibly deflowered. I’d heard it a number of
times, but never got tired of hearing it again. Her eyes flew
open wide and she desperately tried to heave me off. I was
having none of it. I just pushed her back into the dirt and
thrust harder. I forced my way deeper inside her twisting
hips, pushing past her conquered gate.
"Oh Jesus, help me!" she squealed as I drove my
shaft home. Inch by inch I forced it into her virgin body,
gradually impaling her on my huge black manhood. She struggled
and thrashed, as I slowly forced it in. In a couple seconds
my cock had completely disappeared between her cool white
thighs. Shit, she was tight, but still I was able to get the
whole thing in.
Even now she continued to fight, but of course it no longer
mattered. I was in and her resistance just made things better.
Her legs were still kicking. Her little feet fluttered around
me. She twisted and turned desperate to escape her fate, an
innocent pretty white girl twisting on the business end of
my cock. What a fighter! Most white girls give up at this
point, but this one just kept struggling. But now it was too
late for her, no matter how much she fought. My good old nigger
baby-maker was safely tucked between her young white hips,
doing what it was designed to do, screwing her into the damp
fertile earth.
I began the old in-and-out. Her pretty blue eyes looked desperate,
as she realized that now it was happening: she was getting
raped by a black man. With each thrust she twisted and moaned
and squealed. It was something, seeing that young innocent
beauty squirm in the dirt, getting forcibly fucked for the
first time, as my cock pumped in and out of her.
I tried to take my time, but there was no way I could keep
my load inside. So I increased the pace and began to bone
her. After a moment, I felt the surge grow in my balls and
then travel down my long black cockshaft. I could tell that
she felt it too, she gasped and kicked and struggled even
harder. She knew what was going to happen next and was trying
to fight off that ultimate conquest. The slap off my balls
and her panting filled our little world, and then…
I exploded inside her. Like an animal in heat, I forcibly
planted my seed in her.
"No, no, no", she softly whispered. Her eyes got
really big and a creamy look filled them. I knew she felt
my sperm gushing into her, like an army invading a defeated
city. She realized that it was all over. She was defeated,
deflowered, defiled and there was no longer any reason to
fight.. I fired my seed again and again, planting it deep
inside her fucked body. I thought it would never stop, as
I triumphantly mated with that pretty schoolgirl. She moaned
and sank back into the damp earth, and her whole body shuddered
as she was forcibly converted from an innocent white girl
to a fucked white woman, owned by a black man. Finally she
just went limp and submitted to her fate. Her sweet body lay
there in the dirt, legs spread, allowing me to do what I pleased.
You better believe I took advantage of the situation. I hoisted
her skirt up even further and I continued to thrust between
her soft cool thighs as fast as I could, just enjoying the
sensation, and occasionally squirting a bit of sperm between
I dismounted. She just lay there, whimpering in the dirt,
her little skirt hoisted almost to her neck. I looked around
but didn’t see anybody. I was still safe, so I decided
to do a couple more things to her. Give this little girl a
good breaking-in.
I grabbed her by the hair and forced her on her knees. I
always liked having schoolgirls blow me, and now I figured
my new ‘ho would be happy to oblige. After all, she
was already filled with my sperm where it counted, so a little
more in her brains wouldn’t matter. She seemed to know
what was coming, but she made no effort to escape or resist.

My long black cock was hard again. I shoved it into her face.
"You know what to do, little girl", I laughed.
She hesitated, so I just grabbed my cock and pushed it against
her lips. For a moment she clamped her lips shut, but then
she saw my warning look. Her mouth opened.
"Yeh, mother-fucka", I gloated. It was just as
good as always. I shoved my organ past her soft tongue, rows
of milky teeth and then down her throat. She gagged a bit
but made no effort to get away.
"Suck!", I ordered. "And you’d better
swallow at the end!".
A felt her mouth close around my organ and then the gentle
pull of suction, the rasping movement of her tongue. I grabbed
her head and began to move her face in the correct manner.
It was an big turn on, my big old ugly prick thrusting into
that pretty white face. My hairy black balls slapped against
cheeks with each thrust. I told her to keep her eyes open,
so she could see all my huge nigger parts in action. I loved
watching her big eyes staring at my black hairy balls as they
slapped her cheeks. I ran my hands through her long silky
hair, and imagined my cock inside her head, just a few inches
from my fingers, fucking her brains out. Slowly I untied her
pink ribbon, and then ripped it off. Her long hair came loose
and then fell around my cock. All I could see was my black
cock punching through the hair into her face. I wish I could
have taken a photograph of that. This is how all white girls
will someday end up. There was no sound beyond the warm sucking
and chewing noises my new girl made as she blew me.
In a moment I felt another surge of semen well up inside
me. I grabbed her head tight and pressed it down on my cock.
She knew what was about to happen, but bowed her head submissively
anyway. Then I fired my load right into her young white brains.
She gasped and gagged but did as she was ordered. She sucked
and swallowed as fast as she could. But she couldn’t
quite keep up with the flow, and a thin trickle of nigger
sperm flowed down her chin. It looked great, my cock filling
her cheeks, my seed dripping out of her sweet little mouth.
I pulled out and the girl sank back to the ground, coughing
and gagging. It was great seeing those leggy thighs and short
skirt, that pretty face, and knowing my black sperm was busy
swimming inside her, exploring her insides.
A white man would have been finished long ago, but being
black, I still had juice left. And my juice would stay inside
her until an egg was found. That was always the best part.
"Time to put my baby in your belly", I laughed
She just looked at me with big blue eyes. There was still
sperm dripping down her chin, and her white thighs were still
spread. She had that raped schoolgirl look; the best
Crossdresser Getting Laid
Pretty Girls Masturbation
African Shemales

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