Asstr Pool

Asstr Pool


Asstr Pool
Copyright 2016 by Jamie, all rights reserved

This story is just the figment of the imagination and contains depictions of
sexual encounters between adults and children. If this type thing bothers you
then you should stop reading now. However if you recognize the beauty of such
loving and consensual relationships, then read on and I hope you enjoy.
What if
you had two daughters and a swimming pool, and then, there also was a small
next-door neighbor with hot pants.
wife, Mary, and I with our two daughters, Jennifer, ten, and Julia, six, have
been living in our new house for about four years now. We had purchased it
because it came with a swimming pool. I guess the people from whom we purchased
the house no longer wanted to keep up the pool, so they sold the property to us
at a fair price.
house sat back up on a small hill in a rather rural area of the county, and the
back yard where the pool was, was walled in such a way that no one could see
into the backyard even if they wanted to.
course I had a pool service come around every week to maintain it for us.
Ever since we moved in, all of us have really enjoyed the pool, and we
both taught our two daughters along with Jenny’s friend, Holly, how to swim.
Holly, who was also ten, lived right across the street from us with just
her mother.
Because she had no dad and no pool, we had given her permission to come
on over and use the pool whenever she wanted if one of us was at home to keep
an eye on her, and, of course, she took good advantage of it throughout the
I guess that I, being a man, really enjoyed watching the two oldest girls
swim and play around in the pool because they both looked just like two little
sexy water nymphs. So whenever they were out there swimming, if at all
possible, I was either with them, or sitting out on the patio, or sitting in
one of the chairs in our family room watching.
I also had my suspicions that they probably knew just why I liked to
watch them so much because they would sometimes put on
little shows just for my benefit.
It all started one afternoon when was I sitting in the family room that
overlooked the swimming pool with its double sliding glass doors.
Holly, being a redhead, had a real pretty face that was full of freckles,
and she was always applying suntan lotion on the exposed parts of her body
because she burned so easily, and that was one of those times when she came
over to me and asked if I would do her legs for her.
I guess that I didn’t think too much about it at the moment because to me
they were still just little string-bean prepubescent girls.
After she handed me the bottle of lotion, I started down by her ankles,
and gradually worked my way on up both of her legs while she kept on chatting
with me about nothing in particular.
In the meanwhile, Jenny had gone on out to the pool. Jenny tanned very
easily and by this time had a nice dark tan all over her body. But you could
easily see where all the dark tan left off and the white skin started when she
didn’t have any clothes on though. Why her chest appeared to look like she still
had the top part of her swimsuit on when she didn’t have any. Yes, I’ve seen
both girls nude every so often. But I still don’t know why their mother
insisted on them wearing the top part of their suits though.
As I worked my hands up above Holly’s knees and onto her thighs, she just
automatically parted her legs a little more in order to allow me to continue on
applying the lotion.
After working my hands on up her thighs, I soon realized in a panic that
I had just brushed the edge of one of my hands right against the material of
her suit where her crotch was, and that’s when I started to feel her body start
shaking a little bit.
I also realized at that point, her incessant chatter had also suddenly
ceased as she just stood there shaking as if she were real cold on this very
warm day while she stared very intently at just what I was doing.
Because of the eroticness of the situation, I suddenly decided to go
ahead and see just how far she would let me go before she stopped me, as I
continued on rubbing my hand back and forth on her inner thigh while pressing
the edge of my hand up against her crotch a little more each time.
Of course, I knew just what was happening as I felt good ole dicky take
over my senses. Also, I realized that because of the situation and the way that
she was feeling, I knew I was making her hotter than a firecracker, and because
of that, I just couldn’t seem to stop myself as I very gleefully watched her slowly
head on up towards an orgasm until I was suddenly jolted back into my senses
when I heard Jenny nonchalantly call from outside, “Come on Holly, hurry up.”
Afterwards, as I sat there in my chair watching the two girls swim, I
realized just what I had been doing to her, and that she had actually allowed
me to do so. So I soon found myself in the bathroom relieving myself of a
raging hard-on.
As time passed, I believed that the incident was all but forgotten as
Holly continued to come over to play and swim with Jenny.
But one afternoon when Mary had taken the two girls out clothes shopping,
I heard the doorbell ring,
When I opened the door, there stood Holly. “I came over to go swimming
with Jenny.”
But then I had to tell her, “I’m sorry, Mary and the girls went out
shopping, and I don’t expect them back much before dinner time.
At the moment, as she just stood there with her swimsuit in hand, she
seemed really quite surprised and disappointed that Jenny wasn’t home. So, as a
courtesy, I said, “I guess that you can go ahead and go swimming anyway if you
I then saw her face brighten up as she smiled and replied, “Okay,” as she
then came on in and then went on into the bathroom to change into her swimsuit while
I sat back down in my leather covered recliner in the family room where I had
been busily reading a magazine.
When she came back out, she handed me a bottle of suntan lotion, and
asked, “Will you help me apply this to my legs?”
So I nonchalantly took the bottle from her, and as she parted her legs
for me, I again worked my way on up her legs applying lotion. As I continued, I
suddenly realized that she just might have come over this time to actually have
me finish what I had been doing to her last time.
Soon, I was at her upper thighs again, and, as I started applying lotion
next to the crotch of her swim suit, I again felt her start to shake as I
realized that the edge of my hand was again starting to rub against the fabric
of the crotch of her swimsuit again.
As I continued to rub the edge of my hand against her crotch, I saw her
just stand there very silently watching what I was doing to her as I felt her
whole body start shaking more and more.
Being that there was now no one home to interrupt us this time, the whole
thing again seemed so erotic to me that I decided to see just how far she would
let me go before she finally stopped me.
As I continued to lightly rub the edge of my hand against her crotch, I
noticed that her whole body continued to shake harder and harder as I heard her
breathing get more and more raged until I heard her start making some little squeals.
It was at this point when I then pressed the edge of my hand on up against her
crotch a little more while I felt her now even trying to lower herself down
against my hand as she started humping herself back and forth against my hand.
A moment later, I heard her give out a long squeal as I felt her whole
body just seem to freeze up for several seconds before her knees finally give
way, and then collapsed right on down against my hand. So I could do nothing other
but just hold her up by her crotch until I could then move her on over onto my
lap as I sat back down in my chair.
As she recovered, I felt her wrap her arms around my neck and hug me for
a bit before I heard her whisper in my ear, “Do that again.”
As I sat there with her on my lap and no one home to bother us, her words
made me feel as if I had been suddenly transported over into another very
erotic world by being so turned on by this real sexy lithe little girl hugging
me, and I felt now just like I had to obey her.
So I again placed my hand down against her crotch and then very gently
rubbed my fingers back and forth against the fabric of her swimsuit as I felt
her arms squeeze my neck.
I could tell by the way she had melted against me that she seemed to be
really enjoying what I was doing to her, and, as I continued rubbing this
little girl’s swim suit covered pussy, I just couldn’t believe that I was
really doing this to this little ten-year-old girl. But from the way she was
acting I believed that she would have been very disappointed if I had suddenly
taken my hand away.
As I felt her squirming all around in my lap I could feel her whole body
again just literally shake with sexual excitement while giving me the most
awesome erotic sexual satisfaction that I was really making this little girl
actually feel the wonders of sexual gratification from another person.
Gradually, I could feel her arms tighten around my neck as I realized
that she was about to go into another orgasm. Then, as soon as I felt it start
to hit her, I started rubbing a little harder and faster until I heard that real
long squeal of hers, as I again felt her whole body just seem to freeze up
After many seconds of her body being so ridged, I finally felt her slowly
go limp again as she again buried her head against my neck while I now just
cuddled her close against me for what seemed a long time before I finally heard
her start crying , ” Oh Mike, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry for
what I did. Oh, I feel so embarrassed and mortified. I really didn’t mean to
have you do that to me, but-but-but it all felt so good that I just couldn’t
help it…. Ohhhhhhhhhhh , I just couldn’t help it!”
As she sat there sobbing her heart out by being so embarrassed about the
sudden sexual reactions of her own body, I felt that I had to try and console
her as I told her, “Those feelings that you experienced are really very quite
normal for a girl like you. Don’t worry about it, and just go ahead and try to
relax and enjoy all of the wonderful feelings that you just received…”
By the time that I was through explaining all about our natural reactions
to the sex impulse that is built in all of us to make us continue to populate
the world, I then mentioned, “Sex really can be a whole lot of fun to be
secretively and intimately involved with another person that we really like or
love; someone that we can trust to share our most deep inner secrets and
thoughts with, and because of that, it seems to calm down all the sexual
tensions that keep on building up inside our bodies.”
Soon, I saw her tears gradually dry up as she finally sat up in my lap
smiling and blushing as she asked, “D – Do you really think so?”
After I had reassured her, I heard her ask, “W – W – Would you like to be
my secret person?”
I smiled as I realized all of the erotic sexual pleasure that I had just
received from hugging her on my lap while rubbing her swimsuit-covered pussy
for her. Something that I had often fantasized of doing to her, but it had
never really entered in my mind that I would ever actually be doing it to her
though. But then as I realized that I had now actually lived out my own secret
fantasy of actually having the experience of feeling her up, and that’s when I realized
that the actual doing of it felt much wilder to me than any of my fantasies
ever were.
But then, I thought about the possible trouble I would be in if I were to
be found out by being her secret person. So I replied, “Only if you really want
me to be.”
But then I heard her ask, “Yes. Oh will you please?”
I really thought that it was something I really shouldn’t be doing, but
then, as I felt her still sitting there on my lap, I quickly relived what I had
just done to her, knowing that she had just hit me at my very weakest moment as
I shockingly heard myself reply, “Okay if you want me to be.”
Then, as I saw her now beet red face break out in a smile, I felt my
heart flutter as I heard her ask, “C-Can we do more?”
As I saw her beet red face smiling at me, I realized now that after she
had experienced those first two orgasms from me along with my explanation of
sex and intimacy, I believed that she now felt so much more comfortable and trusting
with me. And, while still being very sexually turned on, she now really wanted
to experience even more.
So I asked, “What would you do if I removed your swim suit?” I heard her
give out a very self-conscious giggle as she squealed, “I don’t know.”
I then reached for the halter of her swimsuit, but she just sat there and
giggled as she put her arms up over her head letting me remove it from her.
I never knew why little girls like her really had to wear those halters
for in the first place because they still had absolutely nothing on their
boyish chests for the halter to cover up.
So there she sat, with that still very boyish looking figure of hers with
still no sign of breasts of any kind, giggling as I felt even more fantastic
sexual excitement go through me as I now reached down and hooked my thumbs into
the bottoms of her bikini swim suit. Then, as I started shoving the bottoms on
down to her knees, I heard her giggle and squeal while I felt her squirming
around while almost unmercifully hugging my neck until I finally had slipped it
on off of her.
There she now sat completely naked on my lap while squealing very
embarrassingly as she instinctively even tried to cover up her now very bare
crotch area.
So I slid my hand on down over her hand that was covering her pussy, and
that’s when I then heard her squeal while I felt her slowly remove her hand while
letting mine now gradually cover her very naked pussy. But she continued to squirm
around and squeal while she just sat there and stared at my hand and how it was
now completely covering her pussy for a moment before she then spread her legs
way out. I then saw her watch very attentively as I gave her whole pussy a few
good rubs before I then just played around with her pussy with the tips of my
fingers all over while I heard her squeal with absolute delight before I then
put a couple of fingers right against her extended clit and kneaded it just the
same as my wife liked all the while keeping her legs spread wide open and soon
became very quiet again.
Again, I could tell that she was starting to feel more and more sexual
pleasure as she then very quietly watched while my fingers kneaded her clit
area until I felt her start to freeze up again, and that’s when I heard her
give out a real long squeal while I felt her whole body just seemed to freeze
right on up for several seconds while I watched her go through the throes of
another orgasm.
As I felt her finally relax again, I then took my fingers away and just
rubbed her inner thighs with my hand as she laid there in my lap recovering
from her latest orgasm.
Soon, she was laughing and giggling again as she squirmed around on my
lap while I saw her face flush red once more as she asked, “Can I see yours?
I’ve never seen a man’s before.” 
So I just sat there and watched as she then tried to pull off my t-shirt,
so I helped her. Then, I watched while she tried to undo my shorts without too
much luck. So, I helped her as she managed to unzip the zipper, and I watched
and helped as she slid my shorts on down and off of me. I then heard her giggle
as she reached back up and finally slid my underpants on down and off of me.
When she stood back up, I watched her just stand there and stare at my
big hard dick that was now standing way up in the air, for a moment before she
came up closer and then grasped it with one of her hands, and that’s when I
heard her say, “ Ooooooo , I’ve never saw one of these
before.” While I heard her squeal with delight as I both watched and felt both
her small hands and fingers very excitedly examine and play with both my hard
dick and balls.
I had never had a little girl – not even my own daughters ever examine me
down there before. So after a few minutes of this, she now had me where I felt
like I was about ready to spurt cum out all over everything. So I asked, “How
would you like to make me climax?”
As I saw her looking at me very quizzically, I then had to explain, “It’s
where you make me feel real good just like I made you feel, and then I’ll
squirt out some of that real special baby making fluid.”
I heard her giggle, but then, ask, “What is that?”
So, I replied, “When a man gives a girl a baby he has to squirt some of
his special baby making fluid way up inside her.”
I heard her giggle again as she replied, “Okay.”
I then had her go get a water glass out of the kitchen.
Just watching her very lithe sexy naked body quickly bounce into the
kitchen and back out towards me was a sight that I really enjoyed. Then I
positioned her next to me and showed her just how to stroke my dick.
So I just sat there with my hand around her hips while feeling her naked
body pressed tightly against mine as I both felt and watched her very
gigglingly stroke my dick.
Because of this most erotic scene, it wasn’t long before I had one of the
best and wildest climaxes of my life as I watched her small hand still moving
back and forth on my hard dick while I shot load after load of my cum out into the
glass that I held in my other hand.
After I had recovered sufficiently, she asked, “Is this some of your baby
making fluid that peed out of your thing?”
I knew that this little girl really didn’t know very much about sex, and
I realized that I now had a whole lot more explaining to do. “First of all,
that’s not a thing. That’s my penis or dick as I call it. The whitish stuff
that spurted out is used to make grown women pregnant so that they can have a
baby, and unlike pee, it’s as pure as mother’s milk and you can even drink it
without it hurting you – of course, that is, if you really want to, and you can
even taste it if you’d like to.”
I had never before ever tasted it myself, but I knew that Mary had sucked
me on occasion when she was on the rag and I knew that she had always swallowed
So I asked, “Will you take a taste if I take a taste?”
She looked at me for a long moment, and then giggled as she replied,
So as I actually dipped a finger into my own cum and gave it a taste,
realizing that it really didn’t taste all that bad after all. So I said, “Now
you try it.”
I watched as she very squealingly dipped a finger into it and then
gingerly stuck out her tongue and gave it a little taste as she looked me right
in the eyes. Finally she said, “Yeah, I guess you’re right. It doesn’t taste
too bad after all.”
So I said, “Do you want to taste it again?”
I watched as she giggled and then dipped her finger in and took a whole
bunch of it, and then put her finger in her mouth while she giggled and said,
“It makes me feel real funny to be tasting a man’s
stuff that comes out of his thing that he goes to the bathroom with.”
So I corrected her, “It’s called semen, or as I call it, cum.”
I heard her giggle again, “Okay, I’ll call it cum too. But why did your
penis shrink up so much after I made you climax?”
I had to explain, “Because it gives me a chance to make more cum inside
of my balls before it can get real hard again. You see, I can’t have climaxes
as often as girls can have orgasms. So girls can have a whole lot more fun than
boys when we’re having sex with each other.”
I then I heard her ask, “What are we going to do now?”
“You mean that you haven’t had enough yet?” I then heard her giggle as
she replied, “U
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